long weekend break: discuss the latest here #103

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It's not that strict. Often there is lingering. Anita Richman lingered when she was there and caught the infamous throat grabbing JA did.

Refresh my memory. What is this referring to?. I had to resort to my phone, the margins still are blown on my nook. And seeing 200 post on page 200 posts blown!

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No no no! LOL sorry! She grabbed her own throat and was kind of massaging it and Anita Richman saw it as she lingered after court was over. She had come up all the way from Tucson for one day to see the trial, got in for both sessions, was asked to be on Dr. Drew and then got to ask Janine Driver (unexpectedly and after we fantasized at HH how cool it would be to run this by her) about what that gesture might mean.

Here's a video of where she apparently gives the finger. Around 40 seconds she appears to be rubbing her throat again. The look in her eyes, her facial expressions and mannerisms are so disturbing.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9PIm-CiRrI"]Did Jodi flip the bird. Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 35. - YouTube[/ame]
I went to the ER with a migraine and they gave me a LARGE dose of liquid Benedryl via IV, plus a migraine medicine Fioricet which is (as stated on the bottle) Caffeine.

Fioricet is a barbituate along with acetaminophen and caffeine. I think Fiorinal is the same, sans the acetaminophen.

FWIW, I no longer take any migraine meds, but I do still drink either a strong coffee or even a Coke, then lie down in a dark, cool room and breath slowly to slow down my heart rate. I can almost put myself to sleep in the middle of one of those things. This is, of course, if I don't have any HAVE TO stuff to do! :lol:

I do think it's possible that Jodi does get migraines took a "legit"med for migraine. Even if it was Excedrin migraine. I could sit in court with a migraine if I had to. Even a bad one. And I'd prob take a crappy Excedrin if that's all they'd let me have.

I still think it's weird that an officer of the court wasn't in control of administering the pill to her though. Fishy.
My first few scared me to death. Wavy sparkly things going on at the grocery store to the point I couldn't see well to navigate. But the doc said "not to worry." But they sure beat those knife-in-the-brain cookie-tossing porcelain hugging versions from days past.

There are simple meditation techniques to help with traditional migraines, if anyone wants to know more, DM me. Sorry to be OT.

BBM. Me too. the first one I was alone in bed at midnight. I was blinded by it and thought I was having a stroke! I started googling and had a bizarre moment where I saw a video online saying "if you are seeing this you are having an ocular migraine" with the sparkly lights, etc. I was looking at that right thru the lens of that very thing. Weird! Then once I was relieved it was a nothing thing really, I closed my eyes and watched the light show dissipate.

I have wondered if JA secretly taped TA in phone sex on May 10 and then threatened to use it to scare potential girlfriends away or expose him to church people later in May. This could have prompted the texts from TA to JA on May 26 when he calls her a sociopath and "worst thing that ever happened to me."
Here is my question: maybe TA researched whether taping without consent is legal in CA and once he found it is not (I think that is correct although I am not sure it is true if the person being taped is in AZ) he called her (early AM calls on June 2nd?) and threatened to report her to law enforcement ( or get his PPL attorney to sue her etc.). This then sent her over the edge.... She heads to AZ and calls him On 6/3 saying she will drop by with her Helio phone (the one she had replaced by insurance unbeknownst to him after the one with the recording was lost/stolen/HIDDEN) to prove to him she has erased the phone sex recording.... He is relieved and lets her in and horror follows.

Someone said Jodi's brother said on his Facebook page that Jodi only taped the sex tape to scare Travis' girlfriends away.
Jean C was just on InSession talking about the hearing where JM "ripped into" LaViolette. She said it was about the claims of child *advertiser censored* on Travis' computer and that she was mistaken when her first statement was that JA told her it was on said computer.... then she changed it to pictures. Seems a lot of people associated with this case, on the defense side, are making lots of convenient "mistakes".
The gospel according to JA:

- the gun went off accidentally, I didn't mean to shoot him, I didn't think it was loaded...
- I didn't think he was shot, there was no blood

She also says something about the look on his face, but I can't remember the timing.

Her convenient lack of memory starts just after the f'ing kill you lie/line.

FWIW, there have been posts here on this thread and another that the DT is not vigorously pursuing the DV claim, but rather trying to build an argument to allow a lesser charge of manslaughter (the gun accidentally went off, I didn't mean to kill him).

I need a lawyer's help with this one, but if I understand things correctly, the DT or the prosecution would have to request this of the judge and the judge would have to rule to allow the lesser charge for deliberation. The judge would make the decision based on the evidence; she already ruled against 2nd degree.

In another trial that JM prosecuted (Morman man accused of drowning his wife)the original charge was 1st degree murder (premed). When it came time to instruct the jury, JM, himself, asked for the lesser charge of manslaughter to be included. This man was convicted of the lesser charge and sentenced to 5 years. So either side can request the lesser charge.

IMO the DT has already included enough testimony to make manslaughter a reasonable choice for the judge ,by law, to be required to add to avoid appeal issues.

Having said all that, if this jury cops for a lesser charge just to avoid the tough decision I will really lose faith in the system.(not that I have much left after MW, OJ, MJ, and CA trials :()
If she is "ambidextrous"...she would be able to use the gun in one hand and
the knife in the other...don't ya think?

Then what hand holds the camera? Ambidexrous or not you'd have to be pretty gifted to control two weapons at the same time. What would be the point anyway? If you have a gun in your hand you don't need a knife.
I think that is because aspirin is a blood thinner and migraine pain is caused by a sudden influx of blood to specific areas of the brain after a period of constriction. The rush of blood causes the vessels to expand and places pressure on the nerves, causing numbness, aura and pain.

Before vasoconstrictor meds were available, it makes sense that a blood thinning aspirin would be the best bet!

Yeah, that's what my dad thought. I don't want to say how many I took, because I would never want to encourage anybody to do the same -- it's a wonder I have any stomach lining left. But anybody's who's had migraines know you'd do anything to stop the pain, shoot heroin, drill a hole in your head, anything. So before there was anything else available, aspirin was pretty much it. And ONE aspiring would be pointless.

There was one day (was it Monday?) last week when I thought Jodi looked sick. My immediate thought was she was taking an antibiotic. But it doesn't sound like it, plus the way she took it, not having it handed to her by a guard or something, is quite suspicious.
I could be totally wrong and please correct me if I am, but I think that premeditation could have been formed standing outside the shower with the knife in her hand, just long enough to think of killing him and then acting on it. I don't believe the premeditation requires hours or days, or gas cans or stealing the gun. If she found a baseball bat in that house, got angry enough to kill TA, decided to do it, and then did it, that is premeditation. I totally understand that the gas cans, the plan for the roadtrip and the theft of Grampa's gun bolsters the claim that she LONG planned it, but that timeframe and those actions aren't required for premeditation. Correct me if I'm wrong on this?
...And if you figure, IMO, she has to have already changed into her "ninja" outfit by the time she is taking pictures of Travis in the shower, because I don't believe she would have said goodbye to him dressed in sweatpants and socks for her drive to Utah, then there has certainly been more than enough time for premeditation.
Yeah, that's what my dad thought. I don't want to say how many I took, because I would never want to encourage anybody to do the same -- it's a wonder I have any stomach lining left. But anybody's who's had migraines know you'd do anything to stop the pain, shoot heroin, drill a hole in your head, anything. So before there was anything else available, aspirin was pretty much it. And ONE aspiring would be pointless.

There was one day (was it Monday?) last week when I thought Jodi looked sick. My immediate thought was she was taking an antibiotic. But it doesn't sound like it, plus the way she took it, not having it handed to her by a guard or something, is quite suspicious.

As Nancy Grace said on her show Friday "that's like putting a bandaid on a broken neck". ;) (not referencing this btw)
do you guys remember the court representative (or jail person? I cannot recall his exact position) that got up and addressed the fact that Arias could not go places where she could not be monitored?? (and judge told him that they would clear out the court room if necessary?)

I bet this guy would be a good person to ask (or inform) about Arias and her note passing and pill popping.

J. Scott Dutcher, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Attorney, is who addressed the court regarding the defendant going back into an unsecured area (the judges chambers).


More photos from that hearing:
I think it's particularly disturbing that she keeps touching her own throat so much considering what she did to Travis'. :(

Maybe that's why she does it... the memory of slashing his throat. And we all know she does indeed remember doing it.
As a migraine sufferer, I must agree. Unless it's mixed with caffeine (like a BC or Stanback) and taken immediately when I feel it coming on, aspirin doesn't help at all. Neither does ibuprofen or Tylenol. I have to take half a prescription Imitrex.

It's hard for me to hide it when I have one, too. JA would show obvious symptoms. Rubbing her head, shielding her eyes from the light (which is HORRIBLE.) She's lying about her migraines just like she's lying about everything else.

If she's going to lie about it, she should at least FAKE IT better! :twocents:

The first sign of a migraine I make a cup of hot tea. I like Tazo Awake. I add some sugar and milk to it to keep my stomach from getting upset. It works pretty well if i catch it early. If not, then I have to go to the heavy drugs.

ja probably had a slight headache and called it a migraine. Like when she had the wind knocked out of her but could still breathe. :)
I also noticed that JW didn't touch the "not a get out of jail free" comment ....LOL
I went to the ER with a migraine and they gave me a LARGE dose of liquid Benedryl via IV, plus a migraine medicine Fioricet which is (as stated on the bottle) Caffeine.

In the ER they give me IV bags of caffeine and then morphine IV push. Most of my migraines now a days I get from being in the sun.

Court starts at 10am AZ time.
Art by Arias embedded with any number of threatening messages to witnesses. Or directions to find a hidden gun or anything. Nothing should be passed esp with THIS defendant who's already passed surreptitious messages, without intense screening.

ITA, and lol, I just used the word surreptitious, too!!!!:great:
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