a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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This concerns me. She is always doing something sneaky over there. I hope whoever is suppose to be watching her, doesn't get too comfortable.

Does she have ankle shackles on, the entire time she is sitting in court? I know she wears a stun belt but if they are not paying enough attention, she could easily freak out and do something, before they have a chance to stop her.

Just had to say Kris Monroe was my favorite Charlie's Angel. :)
203 people reading this thread right now. Welcome to any new people who are just finding Websleuths. I will also be on the owner of WS Tricia Griffith's "True Crime Radio" this and every Sunday evening until this trial is over discussing the week in court, taking questions, etc.


Let me know if you have any questions about helping support the family of Travis Alexander.
Katie, sorry for the extra post here, but I have to tell you your news interview was wonderful. I send money to the family through PayPal and, although it's not much, I sure hope it helps them.

I also want to thank everyone who attends the trial and posts here. Your input is invaluable.

PS: Loved the M&M story. At first, I thought you gave him a handful and was worried all afternoon that they would melt in his hands and not in his mouth. Hearing that you gave him the bag, I am now relieved of that possible scenario!

Every bit helps. It all adds up. Thank you for helping the family.
KCL, What was it like in the courtroom when ALV asked Juan if he was angry at her and people laughed? How did the family react? So disrespectful.
I like Tri-Color. I have no idea what happened but I just like her. I LOVE her hair, her style and the fact that she had the guts to walk right back into that court room. I love how she didn't want to make a statement becuase she wanted the news to stay on the importance of this trial was but wasn't going to allow the DT to push her away.

Tri-Color if you are reading this by any chance at all I hope we get to chat with you someday and I think you are awesome.
Ok my thoughts about the whole Snow White business in court yesterday are simple.

Juan Martinez had at most 40 min with this witness.

This time was not adequate to dive in to any meaty issues really but it was about establishing "rapport" if you want to call it that.

What I prefer to call it is establishing who is the ALPHA in the dynamic and to let ALV who is in control of asking questions and directing the flow of the testimony. She'd been like a celebrity guest on The View for days and now she's actually having to testify in a court of law.

So he came out swinging with Snow White (she helped by trivializing it even more from Grimm to Disney imo) and that's where it was left.

I can't wait for Monday.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Just talked to Alfonse and he's much better this morning. Hope it lasts today. Very rough go of it this past week. :(

It will get better.

KCL Thanks for everything you do. I concur on the whole SW questioning, I was dying laughing, I am sure it brought some levity to the jurors as well. I was curious as I didn't see it in your notes. Did the jurors have a reaction to the cackling in the gallery, Im sure you commented on it I just couldn't find it. It actually seemed to give steem to Jaun the opposite as to what ALV wanted. This is going to get very interesting, she should prob. wear her depends on Monday.. Tx again
She should feel sorry for those of us with poor impulse control who looked at them. Gah! My eyes! My eyes! How dare she indeed!

And those of us who were in the courtroom and had to see them on the jumbo-tron. :what:
I hope she gets enlightened by the photos. She needs to see what her poor lil victimized female has done.

After seeing AVL on the stand, especially yesterday, I think pictures of what JA did to him would bring her pleasure. Pleasure because in her eyes JA is the victim in her warped mind TA the abusing perpetrator. I really think she would enjoy knowing her alleged victim murdered the alleged abuser. IMO she really does not like men.
I hope she gets enlightened by the photos. She needs to see what her poor lil victimized female has done.

Pasa :seeya: Just wanted to say thank you kindly for all your court notes. You bring a lot to this discussion and I look for your posts as well as KCL's.

Just one ? did Mr Pasa sit in the courtroom and ,if he did, what did he think of AVL's comments (from a man's point of view)?
Pasa were you in court when this happened?

KCL, What was it like in the courtroom when ALV asked Juan if he was angry at her and people laughed? How did the family react? So disrespectful.
KCL Thanks for everything you do. I concur on the whole SW questioning, I was dying laughing, I am sure it brought some levity to the jurors as well. I was curious as I didn't see it in your notes. Did the jurors have a reaction to the cackling in the gallery, Im sure you commented on it I just couldn't find it. It actually seemed to give steem to Jaun the opposite as to what ALV wanted. This is going to get very interesting, she should prob. wear her depends on Monday.. Tx again

I was really so focused on trying to keep myself from lol during that entire last 15 min or so. it was a long day, a long stressful day, so much going on....I had a fit of hysteria building in me. I did get very serious though when the laughter broke out and did NOT laugh. Actually her disrespect of Juan Martinez pissed me off. This is NOT her courtroom or her group therapy room for that sake.

None of the jurors cracked a smile that I could see.
Ok my thoughts about the whole Snow White business in court yesterday are simple.

Juan Martinez had at most 40 min with this witness.

This time was not adequate to dive in to any meaty issues really but it was about establishing "rapport" if you want to call it that.

What I prefer to call it is establishing who is the ALPHA in the dynamic and to let ALV who is in control of asking questions and directing the flow of the testimony. She'd been like a celebrity guest on The View for days and now she's actually having to testify in a court of law.

So he came out swinging with Snow White (she helped by trivializing it even more from Grimm to Disney imo) and that's where it was left.

I can't wait for Monday.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Just talked to Alfonse and he's much better this morning. Hope it lasts today. Very rough go of it this past week. :(

It will get better.

I'm so glad Alfonse is better today. I was really concerned last night when you said he wasn't doing as well.
KCL, What was it like in the courtroom when ALV asked Juan if he was angry at her and people laughed? How did the family react? So disrespectful.

The people around me were laughing at ALV not at Juan. Now D and some of her ex-con friends may have been laughing at Juan, but that's par for the course.
PSA Having some real pain issues w/ my hands and arms and I have to use them today for my job this afternoon so I'm gonna stop typing for the rest of the day. Please save any questions here or pm's until I can rest up a bit..then I'll get back to posting..thanks! PASA is here to answer all your questions about court yesterday..she was there all afternoon! :)
Why would anyone get up there and try to figure out where JM is going, just answer his questions. She played the "I am confused card."
Every DT witness responds exactly the same way in an effort to make JM the bad guy. It is so petty and childish! And so transparent!
I was really so focused on trying to keep myself from lol during that entire last 15 min or so. it was a long day, a long stressful day, so much going on....I had a fit of hysteria building in me. I did get very serious though when the laughter broke out and did NOT laugh. Actually her disrespect of Juan Martinez pissed me off. This is NOT her courtroom or her group therapy room for that sake.

None of the jurors cracked a smile that I could see.

Wow, It just goes to show how pathetic the DT and their side is. Jodi's bestest buddy was hooting and hollerin so much she had to cover her entire head. Of course the front row acted as if they were at a football game. Again I say Jodi's advocate should not have her job, the criminal Donovan shouldn't be allowed in the door much less to tattle on anyone who she doesn't want there but acts totally inappropriate.

Katie, was Jodi's mother there yesterday? I could have sworn it was just the aunt who showed up but maybe mom showed up later in the day?

ETA: Woops, sorry was typing when Katie's post was made. So, anyone in the room yesterday can you confirm if mom was there?

Hope you get to feeling better Katie :seeya:
PSA Having some real pain issues w/ my hands and arms and I have to use them today for my job this afternoon so I'm gonna stop typing for the rest of the day. Please save any questions here or pm's until I can rest up a bit..then I'll get back to posting..thanks! PASA is here to answer all your questions about court yesterday..she was there all afternoon! :)

Katie, rest and get some electrolyte replacements, with all the stress you are under you need take extra precautions. Arnicare gel is amazing for joint and muscle pain, any CVS etal will have it.
Katie (when you rest up) and Pasa (when you get time) or any other court watcher who's been there enough to set my mind at ease.... I've been feeling kinda worried about House Wife because of times she seems to take notes per the post here. Should I be? Are any of you?

Are there any particular ones that you are concerned about?

PS I sooo want CEO to make the cut.
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