Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix #2

I was just thinking. If CA does win this battle, as she usually does, any money that she gets will not last long. I don't think she has the smarts to write a book, she will need a ghost writer who will get most of the proceeds.
What she does get she will blow thru it in no time and be right back where she started, minus the one thing that could have been a blessing, Little Caylee. Money will not change the leopard's spot. I can't wait to see all these attys. that have been fawning all over her eating her dust as she drives off to her next adventure.


Could be alright - but don't misunderstand me! Despite all the arguments against the Trustee winning this decision, I don't agree with them and I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.

I figure this isn't this Trustee's first rodeo - so I'm at the wait and see stage. I find it very hard to believe that motion with all it's high drama of poor pitiful little thing's bleak future without being able to work (not that she can show any history of working or making any effort to improve her situation so she could work) is going to fly. Filing for 900K bankruptcy relief is pretty steep stuff for a life freeloader. IMO
Could be alright - but don't misunderstand me! Despite all the arguments against the Trustee winning this decision, I don't agree with them and I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.

I figure this isn't this Trustee's first rodeo - so I'm at the wait and see stage. I find it very hard to believe that motion with all it's high drama of poor pitiful little thing's bleak future without being able to work (not that she can show any history of working or making any effort to improve her situation so she could work) is going to fly. Filing for 900K bankruptcy relief is pretty steep stuff for a life freeloader. IMO

I haven't thrown in the towel on the trustee. As you said this is not his first rodeo and a trustee is an attorney. Also the lawyer that put in the bid sounds like he knows a lot about BKs. I have been searching and I have not found anything that addresses this issue. Most of the things out there is just basic stuff. They divide assests into real (as in real estate) and personal. I do hope the Judge approves the motion. KC can still get on with her life, just without all the gazillion $'s she had in mind!! (I bet that makes her feel good, coming up with 900,000 she owes! She has always pretended to have more than she had, which was nothing) Guess what KC, none of us have gazillions and we get on with our life just fine.

How on earth do lawyers say she has issues understanding, coping and comprehending her daughter’s death, yet turn around and suggest that she can be a victims advocate and actually could Counsel others?

How stupid do they think we are?

Yeah, right...she is having trouble coping.

Casey never had one ounce of respect for her daughter's life and she has not given her death a second thought.
I haven't thrown in the towel on the trustee. As you said this is not his first rodeo and a trustee is an attorney. Also the lawyer that put in the bid sounds like he knows a lot about BKs. I have been searching and I have not found anything that addresses this issue. Most of the things out there is just basic stuff. They divide assests into real (as in real estate) and personal. I do hope the Judge approves the motion. KC can still get on with her life, just without all the gazillion $'s she had in mind!! (I bet that makes her feel good, coming up with 900,000 she owes! She has always pretended to have more than she had, which was nothing) Guess what KC, none of us have gazillions and we get on with our life just fine.


You are right about this specific issue not being addressed and that leaves things open to interpretation by the judge in deciding on the motion. However, we have all seen how things tend to be interpreted in Casey's favor on issues that count.

The few times Casey didn't win were minor issues--the denial of rehearing on the two remaining lying convictions is one example. Those are misdemeanor convictions and will not really affect her negatively even if they stay on her record; she only wanted them dismissed so she and her crew could gloat or could point to the dismissals as proof that she was an innocent victim of LE all along.
For full-length novels, memoirs, scripts and business books, a project fee is set that is based on the ghostwriter's credentials, areas of expertise, amount of research required, desired timeline for completion and whether the client plans to participate in the writing process. On average, an experienced ghostwriter can make $20,000 per project and well over $50,000 if the client is a celebrity. Beginning ghostwriters average around $5,000. Depending on the topic and length of the book, the average completion time is six months. While payment schedules are flexible, the most common is half due upon signing the contract and the balance due upon completion.

Read more: How Much Do Ghost Writers Get Paid? |


I was just thinking. If CA does win this battle, as she usually does, any money that she gets will not last long. I don't think she has the smarts to write a book, she will need a ghost writer who will get most of the proceeds.What she does get she will blow thru it in no time and be right back where she started, minus the one thing that could have been a blessing, Little Caylee. Money will not change the leopard's spot. I can't wait to see all these attys. that have been fawning all over her eating her dust as she drives off to her next adventure.

Could be alright - but don't misunderstand me! Despite all the arguments against the Trustee winning this decision, I don't agree with them and I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.

I figure this isn't this Trustee's first rodeo - so I'm at the wait and see stage. I find it very hard to believe that motion with all it's high drama of poor pitiful little thing's bleak future without being able to work (not that she can show any history of working or making any effort to improve her situation so she could work) is going to fly. Filing for 900K bankruptcy relief is pretty steep stuff for a life freeloader. IMO

Wow, LG. I wonder if her work history before Caylee's murder will be looked into and have a negative impact on her BK?
One of the things that I don't understand is why fight this fight if she's not ever contemplated selling her bag of lies now or in the future. Truely, it just make's her look more like a liar who hasn't learned a thing even going through a DP trial.
Exactly! And there you are wandering around in my head again....:rocker:
Yeah, right...she is having trouble coping.

Casey never had one ounce of respect for her daughter's life and she has not given her death a second thought.

I think the victim in the "victim's advocate" is CASEY, not Caylee. You know, from all the abuse she's had to deal with her whole life. And you're right, she's having trouble coping so how in the world will she be able to councel someone in need.?


She can get a job in a back office somewhere, doing customer service or filing or something and just stop thinking she is something special. There ya go problem solved, she won't have to accept plane rides to go do that work, and it'll keep her out of the spotlight too. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Wow are we a very discouraged group or what? Maybe everyone is just too busy on other cases to make any comments at all today?

Stopped in to say hello and got black and blue by my hello ricocheting off of the walls of this empty room!!:what:
I've been checking in all day and it is discouraging. There isn't even that much going on with the other cases. Just an off day, I guess. Well, isn't CA's hearing tomorrow? Maybe that will stimulate some conversation or outrage or cheering!
I've been checking in all day and it is discouraging. There isn't even that much going on with the other cases. Just an off day, I guess. Well, isn't CA's hearing tomorrow? Maybe that will stimulate some conversation or outrage or cheering!

I too have been checking in. Even thought maybe the thread was closed, went to main menu! I think the hearing is tomorrow 2:00 PM ET. One way or the other, I'm sure there will be plenty of comments!

Hey Hi Kids!:seeya:

So my imaginary friends are less imaginary after all! Yes, you are correct - the hearing is tomorrow - and I've been watching to see if the Trustee would post a response for ThinkTank to pick up....

Maybe he's just rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to do battle and can't be bothered replying to such histronics!

At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!:great:
Hearing 4/9/13 @ 2:00pm
That's what I have on my note's.
I, too, keep checking in...just for a glimmer of hope for justice for Caylee. ..always hopeful...despite constant smack downs .. Of which I will never comprehend
creeping closer to 2:00 PM! Here's keeping everything crossed for a good hearing!!
ThinkTank....Interesting read.

Is FCA expected to show up for this hearing?
She showed up three or four hours early for the last one, trying to beat the media.

No chance of beating it this time either since the Today show earlier this morning showed a clip from the site reporting on the hearing for this afternoon. So much for avoiding the media by keeping the hearing in Tampa!
Is FCA expected to show up for this hearing?
She showed up three or four hours early for the last one, trying to beat the media.

No chance of beating it this time either since the Today show earlier this morning showed a clip from the site reporting on the hearing for this afternoon. So much for avoiding the media by keeping the hearing in Tampa!

I don't know, but if she is required to be there, then I believe her attys. have moved heaven and earth to get her thru the back way where no reporters are allowed. Is this hearing at the same location as the last one?

Is FCA expected to show up for this hearing?
She showed up three or four hours early for the last one, trying to beat the media.

No chance of beating it this time either since the Today show earlier this morning showed a clip from the site reporting on the hearing for this afternoon. So much for avoiding the media by keeping the hearing in Tampa!

Casey Anthony avoiding the media? No way did that happen! I saw someone arriving an hour or so early expecting to make "the grand entrance" as usual.....hat, she thinks she is a star.....:floorlaugh:

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