trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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Unless I missed it, Juan should've rebutted and specifically asked:

"So, what you are saying to the jurors and so I understand this is: there was no evidence suggesting Travis EVER sent ANY illicit pornographic photographs to Ms Arias then, is that correct?"

"That is correct"

"Because if he did, that certainly would've shown up in your forensic tests, right"

"That is correct"

"No further questions"

I thought that picture was sent by phone to phone? If so, it wouldn't have been on the computer at all. Did they ever check Travis' phone for that pic?
I think this trial is finally coming to an end soon.

I read that this particular camera came with a remote also along with a timer.

Why would she take nude pictures? Why to say that Travis took them of course. After the fact when LE found them.

I have never thought Travis took those pictures of Jodi. In fact he didn't look happy when she snapped his photos.


So you're saying she wanted LE to find photos of her taken the day of the murder? Why?????
After she's found guilty can Jodi plead for her life? Is she allowed to get on the stand and lie some more?

I would think yes she could, but she already told Detective Flores in her interrogation that she "would beg for the death penalty".. I just know she won't let us down. Oops, I forgot she is a liar.

NG now showing the videotape of Travis telling his friends about his near-death experience (originally on Dr. Drew's show) and the testimony...

This is a nice surprise; I had no idea this witness and the videotape was on the rebuttal list!

Unless I missed it, Juan should've rebutted and specifically asked:

"So, what you are saying to the jurors and so I understand this is: there was no evidence suggesting Travis EVER sent ANY illicit pornographic photographs to Ms Arias then, is that correct?"

"That is correct"

"Because if he did, that certainly would've shown up in your forensic tests, right"

"That is correct"

"No further questions"

This is a good point. The fact there were no pictures on the computer pretty much indicates that Travis did not send Jodi any *advertiser censored* pictures at least from the computer.

Now, technically there actually could be a way, but it is very unlikely because most people would usually first save pictures to the computer as the first step. But technically, someone could plug in a card reader to the computer and maybe send an email and attach a picture directly from the card reader, but that is very unlikely because most people first get the pictures from the reader onto the PC.
NG now showing the videotape of Travis telling his friends about his near-death experience (originally on Dr. Drew's show) and the testimony...

This is a nice surprise; I had no idea this witness and the videotape was on the rebuttal list!


The jury saw part of the video but, no sound. :( I was hoping they would hear the audio as well.
True Wiccans are not "spooky" or "creepy"....:banghead:
Stupid Nancy Grace...
Before someone becomes a Mormon, there is a lot of time spent on education. Jodi would be told about the law of chastity because the leaders knew she was living with a man and therefore assumed she needed extra clarification on this issue. She knew.

Missionaries came to my house every week or so for two months. They had pamphlets for EVERYTHING. Every rule. Heck yes, she knew.
I wish a Mormon would chime in here and tell us if its really unusual for a young man and woman in their early 20's, who are living together, been together for several years, not dating anyone else, to enjoy sexual intercourse ... and what degree of a sin that is.

First, unmarried men and women living together would not be tolerated by the church at all (unless it was for an emergency situation ie:caretaker, and was discussed with a bishop).

The church encourages marriage and teaches their members to obey the Laws of Chastity and remain pure until marriage.

These laws are taught to new members early on by the visiting missionaries.
It is also discussed in church meetings on Sundays, in the manner in which Deanna described today.
It isn't a weekly teaching, but it is a teaching that is recycled and taught in meetings, probably every 3 or 4 months or so.

Even though JA claims she only knew what Travis taught her is malarky. ANY sexual contact is frowned upon, and is VERY well known information.

In order to be baptized, it is also discussed AGAIN with a meeting with the Bishop, prior to being baptized, to be sure that those being baptized have been living within the laws given to members, to be considered true believers of the religion.

Now, of course Jodi lied, but then again, Travis was lying also, so to blame one for the sex and not the other would not be fair. They both were participating.

The degree of sin: After confessing to a Bishop, there are promises that are made by the "sinners".
If it is a first time, the Bishop may just remove practices regarding Sunday meeting rituals.
A probation period is set and encouraged by the Bishop for those transgressions to be stopped.

If it is a second or more offense, temple recommendations, teacher status, and Elder status can/will be removed, and can be reinstated ONLY after the "sinners" have promised to repent and dismiss themselves from their transgressions.

A probation period for this is set by the Bishop, and another meeting takes place after the probation period is met to determine if the promises have been kept.
So you're saying she wanted LE to find photos of her taken the day of the murder? Why?????

I 100% have always believed this was her intent. Why? Because she's a sociopath and gets off on it. She likes it .. physically LIKES it.
One thing that concerns me about Juan today....he didn't seem as focused as usual. He messed up regrading the time of the last INTERNET access. It was around the 4 pm hour, but he said 4 am. Then, he asked if it could have been detectives/officers that accessed it the day Travis' body was found. It was mentioned several times that it was accessed on June 4th, and his body wasn't found till 5 days later. Maybe it's just me, and maybe I got it wrong....but I don't think so. Just concerns me a little.
The time between the photos indicates no timer used. Testimony on day 6
I get why people would rather believe that Travis wasn't an active participant in the sex and photo taking exploits of June 4, but that ship has sailed. Though the evidence tells us a lot of things, we'll never know the real story of why Travis agreed to see Jodi that fateful day or exactly what happened. We'll never hear the truth from Jodi and Travis can't tell us.
someone upthread posted that JW & JA are trying to get juror 7 off the jury b/c he ask a question

Are you serious? Can they do that, try and get a juror kicked for asking a question? So now she is stalking the jury members?
The jury saw part of the video but, no sound. :( I was hoping they would hear the audio as well.

Thanks for clarifying. Audio was probably objected to by the defense before the video was allowed into evidence. The purpose, however, was to show images of JA and Travis together, correct? There was one still image of her in the hotel bathrobe smiling broadly with Travis standing behind her.

I also believe that's exactly what happened. The Defense also knows it. I think the crime LOOKS like a "crime of passion" because after Jodi failed to get her way with Travis, she became enraged and slaughtered him brutally.

She was mad enough to kill in Yreka when she stole her Grandfather's gun, and began to plan the "road trip" to mask her visit to Mesa. Being the dumb-a$$ that she is (sorry, Einstein!), she got caught with reciepts and gas cans and license plates and her big mouth.

When she surprised Travis on the 4th, he just wouldn't go along with what she demanded. Take her to Cancun? Marry her? Have her move in with him? Who knows. And she killed him.

I think even Jodi knew coming to Mesa and trying to make him take her anywhere wasn't going to fly. She knew it was over for good on May 26, 2008. She knew there would be no Cancun or even a fast trip to a fast food place with Travis. Whatever she did to Travis where he reacted like he did on May 26th was the straw that broke the camel's back and she knew it.

That is the day when she began to devise her diabolical plan to murder him. When he dared tell her to leave him alone.......that he did not want her apology and she was the worst thing that had ever happened to him. He also threatened to expose the real Jodi to all of her family and friends. Cancun was never going to happen for Jodi and she knew it.

I have never heard of a case where someone comes to force someone into taking them someplace and when they refuse they murdered them. That just seems far fetched imo.

If that were true then to save his life Travis would have simply told her she could go with him. Travis had everything to live for and would have done anything it took for him to stay alive.

She murdered for one of the oldest motives there is and that is 'if I cant have you no one can.' It wasn't about a trip to Cancun. It was all about her knowing that Travis was going to go on with his entire life without her in it. And she wanted the secret he held about her to remain a secret. She did not want to be exposed and many have become murderers to protect their secret.

Okay for me and anyone else asking about juror #7

I thought I seen a tweet or something from WAT concerning juror #7

So I have went back to twitter to find what it.

I think the confusion was someone was just saying that they think JA may have told JW #7 is the one who ask the question, here is part of the tweets.

@angelmusings: @WildAboutTrial talk on the interwebz is this recess has to do with juror #7, can you shed any light? #wildaboutrial #jodiarias

@WildAboutTrial: @angelmusings haven't heard anything about juror 7. That could be the cup toucher.. what did they do?

@angelmusings: @WildAboutTrial no clue, the FB group is talking about J#7, speculating. JA mouthing "7" to JW whilst writing notes back and forth
So you're saying she wanted LE to find photos of her taken the day of the murder? Why?????
I think she took them as a backup plan to blackmail him if Mimi saw them on the Cancun trip. Surprise, surprise! Or as souvenirs, or she meant to delete them. But she had no shame when Det. Flores told her he had seen "all of her". She said, "It does resemble me":eek::eek::eek:
Question for any lawyers...

What else can Juan argue in the Agg phase besides the crime being cruel & pre-med?
Aggravating factors in a DP case:

(1)The defendant has been convicted of another offense in the US for which under Arizona law a sentence of life imprisonment or death was imposable
(2)The defendant has been or was previously convicted of a serious offense, whether preparatory or completed.
(3)In the commission of the offense the defendant knowingly created a grave risk of death to another person or persons in addition to the victim of the offense.
(4)The defendant procured the commission of the offense by payment, or promise of payment, of anything of pecuniary value.
(5)The defendant committed the offense as consideration for the receipt, or in expectation of the receipt, of anything of pecuniary value.
(6)The defendant committed the offense in an especially heinous, cruel or depraved manner.
(7)The defendant committed the offense while: (a) In the custody of or on authorized or unauthorized release from the state department of corrections, a law enforcement agency or a county or city jail. (b) On probation for a felony offense
(8)The defendant has been convicted of one or more other homicides, as defined, which were committed during the commission of the offense
(9)The defendant was an adult at the time the offense was committed or was tried as an adult and the murdered person was under fifteen years of age or was seventy years of age or older
(10)The murdered individual was an on duty peace officer who was killed in the course of performing his official duties and the defendant knew, or should have known, that the victim was a peace officer
(11)The defendant committed the offense with the intent to promote, further or assist the objectives of a criminal street gang or criminal syndicate or to join a criminal street gang or criminal syndicate
(12)The defendant committed the offense to prevent a person’s cooperation with an official law enforcement investigation, to prevent a person’s testimony in a court proceeding, in retaliation for a person’s cooperation with an official law enforcement investigation or in retaliation for a person’s testimony in a court proceeding
(13)The offense was committed in a cold, calculated manner without pretense of moral or legal justification
(14)The defendant used a remote stun gun or an authorized remote stun gun in the commission of the offense
(15)The defendant engaged in terrorism
(16)The defendant committed burglary in the second degree<Only if they could prove that she took something out of TA's home>
(17)The defendant was an adult and the murdered person was an unborn child in the womb at any stage of its development

I agree in normal cases, but this case is far from normal. Other major trials I have seen, the judge made it their only case and only priority. IMO I think the same should be done here to get this thing over with.

I don't believe Judge Perry held court in other cases while trying ms. amferny. But I could be wrong -- I don't recall him taking many days off!


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