Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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We were playing 'what are they doing right now' .. just so you all know Juan is tucked up on his 1000 thread count coffee coloured sheets wearing silk boxers, in a high rise apartment with a terrace that overlooks the city lights. He had a medium rare steak for dinner :)

Nurmi is playing War of Warcraft drinking beer as per ..


What is Jodi doing?

Oh wait....

She's laying on a stinky hard mattress in her jail cell staring at the ceiling because she can't sleep due of all the noise in the jail.
Would Jodi accept the LWOP and no appeals? I don't think she will. She will keep this going so her move to prison will be delayed for years.

I seriously doubt the CM would take this deal, too.
After watching the "Jodi Arias Rose Colored Glasses" video about Perryville, I feel this is a fate worse than death. I pray that the Alexander family will be able to recover from their heart-breaking ordeal and look to the possibility of a plea deal of life without parole or appeals. There is always the outside chance that a second trial could result in another hung jury, in which case the judge will make the decision. It has always been my feeling that the convicted murderess will never survive a life term, or even the 12 years or so that it takes to complete the DP. If she is in virtual isolation, she will go mad.

If there is another penalty phase mini-trial, I don't see how any potential jury pool could be impartial. Is there anyone on the planet who doesn't already have an indelible opinion of the killer - either positive or negative? All it takes is one juror to get another hung jury. The fact that there was an 8 to 4 split does not bode well for the Prosecution.

Juan has done an outstanding job of bringing home the Murder 1 conviction! This is a case where Life may turn out to be a heck of a lot worse than Death! Jodi Ann Arias may end up regretting her little stunt of begging for life over death....for the sake of her family.
Perryville is being sued because of the violence by gang members. These girls are ruthless. They dont care about rules. Jodi would be a target. She wont be conning or manipulating them. She will wish she was dead. Prison officials already said she will be in max the same life as death row inmates. Either way, her day will come.

What is Jodi doing?

Oh wait....

She's laying on a stinky hard mattress in her jail cell staring at the ceiling because she can't sleep due of all the noise in the jail.

.. cackling about how she tricked her family into going to the Grand Canyon on verdict day to make them all look bad one last time ..
JA's allocution may have sealed a "sympathy for the mentally ill" vote for those jurors weighing mitigating factors. I mean, how crazy that she stood up there with a straight face, very close to the jurors, describing her future plans for recycling, effective change, stimulating conversation thru book club in prison. Maybe they felt she was just too nuts to render DP...

I think it was her holding up that da*n survivor t-shirt that sealed the deal and had them thinking she was a certified nut case!
OT but I LIKE Jean Carasez always have and always will. saying this as she has also been attacked on this site for no reason....If you dont like her, maybe you can choose (with your free mind) to not listen to her but attacking her with for NO good reason is ridiculious ....and that is jmo

I have several really good reasons for disliking her intensely. Really.
OT but I LIKE Jean Carasez always have and always will. saying this as she has also been attacked on this site for no reason....If you dont like her, maybe you can choose (with your free mind) to not listen to her but attacking her with for NO good reason is ridiculious ....and that is jmo

Ok, nite all. Can't wait until hopefully some of the jurors will start talking (when they feel comfortable, of course). It will be sooooooo interesting to get their thought processes on this phase.

I am really perplexed about CMJA's reaction in court today. There were several reports that she was crying when the media first walked in, and her defense team and mitigation lady were comforting her. Does anyone know if they would have already known that the jury was hung...I don't see how that would be was she just nervous that they had reached a verdict? I'm not sure though, if it's a hung jury if the defense and prosecution are told ahead of time? And if so, why would she be crying?

Then when it was read out that it was not unanimous, she looked upset and like she was crying again. Could it really be because she expected unanimous on life? I'm thinking so since she obviously expected that the jury would "believe" her in the guilt phase and let her free. So I'm thinking she thought no way would they ever sentence her to death, then she got surprised to find out some were actually thinking of it.

Or was she just crying, like others have said, because she saw a few of the jurors crying? Because she was looking their way when she appeared to get teary-eyed. And also then she looked at the Alexander family, who were all crying.

Am really confused about all of this crying reaction from her.
The only thing I've said about JC is that she makes stuff up and that she wears some very strange dresses.

I don't know it that's attacking, but it's the truth as I see it.
Thanks for giving me an opening to ask this:

Today I met someone who really, totally believes in the Law of Attraction. He's very, very nice, educated and rational. The subject came up because i've been pretty down on myself lately and he's a personal fitness trainer I've employed. He was enthusiastic without being pushy or fanatical. He asked me to watch the movie, "The Secret" on You Tube before we meet again. I told him I'd heard about "The Laws of Attraction" during the Jodi Arias trial and of course he knew nothing of it. Said he doesn't watch the news, etc. because it doesn't help him attain his goals in life. In some ways, he reminded me of Travis, actually.

Have any of you investigated this school of thought, "The Laws of Attraction?" Do any of you believe? Any anecdotal results to share? Conflicts with other religious belief systems?

I'm fascinated with the concept of Thinking Myself Happy. That would equate success for me. Very interested with anyone's experience. TIA

well for the heck of it I will look into it.. I'll even watch "The Secret".

As far as "thinking" yourself something, or the positive thinking to effect change. Yes, done it, and Yes, it works.

Just like with Jodi, she could effect positive change, there was a method to this, unfortunately she is a borderline personality so the mental illness got in the way.

I don't mean as in a little depression, a little self doubt, we can all have that.. I mean she has several loose wires in her head...

I think she could have worked toward wonderful things in her life, happiness, even in Mesa AZ had she not be BPD. That will get in the way and trip you every time. Welcome to Perryville Ms Arias "aka" the Recycler
Flo-duh here too. The little lizards are my nightmare.

You know what freaks me out about those? My cats try to catch them and the lizard's tails just come right off and keep moving even though they are detached from the lizard!

The geckos freak me out too. We have a screened in porch, and somehow they get it. My cats go "gecko hunting" almost every night in the summer - climbing up the screens to get those little boogers! The cats have ruined our screens with this gecko hunting behavior!
The only thing I've said about JC is that she makes stuff up and that she wears some very strange dresses.

I don't know it that's attacking, but it's the truth as I see it.
Don't we all, don't we all.
I am disappointed that the jurors couldn't agree, but would be more disappointed had the 8 been swayed from the DP just to finish the job. The four holdouts - crap on you for saying you could when you couldn't.

So, cheers for the 8! I don't think we will see another jury. It just doesn't seem logical if its true that if JM took the DP off the table, the Judge would then decide. Why go through another trial and all that expense for another maybe? I'm not hoping for that, as I voted to hang her. Just thinking from a logical standpoint. If ckja has to agree to a plea, she won't ImO unless its LWP. She's a gambler, and a murderer.
tweet from Vinnie Politan (HLN - CNN):

VinniePolitan 8 for Death... 4 for Life... Advantage #JuanMartinez in round 2 this summer.... 39 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

I'm surprised by that actually. It's more than I thought it would be, for life. However, know that Juan Martinez has the opportunity to speak to the jurors and ask them why they felt that way and although they are not obligated to answer, jurors almost always do. So JM now has fuel for the next round.

Tonight my thoughts & prayers are with the Alexander family. I can't imagine their heartbreak & frustration-- hoping they'll find the strength for whatever the next step is.

Just a few addtl thoughts:
- Jodi's Family-- Do I understand correctly that they were on a sight-seeing trip today? If so, these people, like Jodi, have no grip on reality. There was always something about the bunch that doesn't connect-- their behavior, lack of emotion, etc. The poor grandmother slept thru most of the trial, the mom was void of any emotion and the sister looked bored thru Jodi's last words. And was there another brother that never attended? I don't mean to bash the family, but that's one strange brood!

- Jury- I'm thankful for their service and finding Jodi guilty to the max degree. Yes I'm disappointed that she's not going to death row, but there are other options that would/could be worse in my eyes. My only (some may call it petty) feedback is that I was surprised to see how they dress. I heard some were casual most days, but some were in flip flops, untucked t-shirts-- like they were grocery shopping. Seems so strange-- it's still a court of law and I would have expected jurors to at least dress biz casual.

Oh well-- I'm a total follower here vs active poster. I think I'm out of the Jodi Arias circus-- I honestly don't care for hearing about her any longer. I hope the Alexander family finds peace, but I don't care what happens to her-- either way she'll die in prison I believe.

I agree with your assessment of the Arias family, except perhaps for the dad.

But I wanted to point out that death is still an option.

Published on May 23, 2013
A brief video and reality check of the journey Jodi Arias is facing as the jury decides her fate ~ Whether she gets a death sentence or life without parole she is doomed for the draconic prison called Perryville where she will likely die as she becomes one of the walking dead in the Arizona desert.!

Thanks for that!

I did a little research before making this video. I hope I got it right. Please correct me if I have any mistakes in the video. TIA

Jodi Arias Penalty Verdict - She didn't win, she lost. - YouTube

Excellent job, I really liked your video.

That's great for you to believe in him but your should consider for everyone like you, there are others out there who don't think his style is good as is their right...

Juan Martinez has a proven track record. I think he's won guilty verdicts in every last murder trial he has done. So I will go by his proven record of success - not people's opinions.

P.S. - My opinion is that the man is a rock star.

You need to call Dr. Drew and tell him that he should refrain from talking against the DP like he does, friend...

I am a liberal and against the death penalty in general, although hypocritically, as I have stated here before, my horror at the evil of what she did and her apparent continuing evil and total lack of remorse, as well as fears about jodi's ability to completely manipulate people, including, I;m sure, prison guards who are just happy to have a compliant prisoner who doesn;t spit and curse at them, makes a death sentence seem like the right thing to do in this case.

Dr. Drew's ridiculous statements are not going to affect this trial.

I don't see this as a huge loss for Juan. He got unanimous verdicts of guilty in the first two phases, and 8 to 4 in his favor in the third and final phase. I think that is quite a successful effort on his part. JMO

Not even close to a huge loss. Perhaps the ultimate split in numbers is a tiny loss, but he ensured jodi will never be free. (The judge will never sentence her to less than life).

He did a great job and now he has another shot after having talked to the old jurors and finding out what they thought and why, and with a new jury who has not had the "pleasure"of being expose to jodi for months and 19 days on the stand, and who has not been desensitized to the gruesome crime scene and autopsy photos of Travis.

Usually I believe that juries are reluctant to give women the death penalty. In this case, I believe she will be sentenced to death. I was 50/50 on that before this jury became a hung jury. Now, based on the various factors I listed above, I think it's a 95% chance she will get death.
After watching the "Jodi Arias Rose Colored Glasses" video about Perryville, I feel this is a fate worse than death. I pray that the Alexander family will be able to recover from their heart-breaking ordeal and look to the possibility of a plea deal of life without parole or appeals. There is always the outside chance that a second trial could result in another hung jury, in which case the judge will make the decision. It has always been my feeling that the convicted murderess will never survive a life term, or even the 12 years or so that it takes to complete the DP. If she is in virtual isolation, she will go mad.

If there is another penalty phase mini-trial, I don't see how any potential jury pool could be impartial. Is there anyone on the planet who doesn't already have an indelible opinion of the killer - either positive or negative? All it takes is one juror to get another hung jury. The fact that there was an 8 to 4 split does not bode well for the Prosecution.

Juan has done an outstanding job of bringing home the Murder 1 conviction! This is a case where Life may turn out to be a heck of a lot worse than Death! Jodi Ann Arias may end up regretting her little stunt of begging for life over death....for the sake of her family.

A Perryville video? Where can I watch this?!!
Remember, Beth Karas still has her job at HNL as long as this case lasts.....I wish the Alexander Family would have finalized this case today and BK found a new job today by the way...

:floorlaugh: Thats it !!! We knew we would get to the bottom of why the jury did what they did. 4 of them went against the admonishment and saw that Beth was being let go but gets to stay as long as trial lasted, so they purposely hung the jury to give Beth a few more months. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Perryville is being sued because of the violence by gang members. These girls are ruthless. They dont care about rules. Jodi would be a target. She wont be conning or manipulating them. She will wish she was dead. Prison officials already said she will be in max the same life as death row inmates. Either way, her day will come.

Jodi is street cred now, I have a feeling that's a small part of her being tucked away under joes watch
Oh I get it now...I just watched the verdict again...she was actually crying from relief or so it seems.
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