SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

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I like Climax Precious and Few a whole lot better!

Oh my gosh. I wonder if Arias feels like it was worth it. Does she have even the tiniest bit of conscience and has she felt even a moment's guilt for what she did to poor Travis?

Was it worth it, Jodi Arias? You murdered a friend in the most brutal way. You sold your soul to the devil. Now you sit rotting in a cell somewhere and will probably do so for the rest of your life.


Contrary to news reports that followers of this trial have been attracted to it for its more salacious aspects, it was the sheer brutality of the murder and CMJA's facility for lying that caught my attention. Her 48 Hours interview is what made me curious.

As much as I want her to be haunted by nightmares worse than those of Steven Alexander, I doubt that it will ever happen. Her mind is so twisted that she does not see herself as others do; what we view as infamy, she relishes as the spotlight.

I can't imagine what it must be like for those who know her and have to deal with her lying, manipulation, need to control and juvenile behavior. Her press conferences and tweets do make me angry on many levels and I do look forward to the day when we just don't hear anything about her anymore and she is forgotten by all but a handful of people. For her, this would be a punishment, as she needs the attention of others to validate her sense of worth.

As for her supporters, the vast majority have to have some kind of defect to buy into her fabrications. The whack-job out of New York, David Lee Simpson, who was arrested yesterday for threatening Turner Broadcasting anchors is a fine example of the type of person defending CMJA.

Any leaks as to who the anchors might be? One was out of Atlanta and the other was out of New York? Nancy Grace and Jane Velez Mitchell?
Hey, what was wrong with WS this AM? :scared: :scared:
I was knocking at the door all morning and no one would let me in :please:
:please: :please:
It was horrible :scared: :scared:
Do you think Nurmi will seek a hearing in advance of August 26 for the purpose of arguing his throw out aggro motion? Do you think C.M. is pressuring him to get a ruling on that so she will know whether she is still facing the death penalty?

BBM How true :seeya:


Contrary to news reports that followers of this trial have been attracted to it for its more salacious aspects, it was the sheer brutality of the murder and CMJA's facility for lying that caught my attention. Her 48 Hours interview is what made me curious.

As much as I want her to be haunted by nightmares worse than those of Steven Alexander, I doubt that it will ever happen. Her mind is so twisted that she does not see herself as others do; what we view as infamy, she relishes as the spotlight.
I can't imagine what it must be like for those who know her and have to deal with her lying, manipulation, need to control and juvenile behavior. Her press conferences and tweets do make me angry on many levels and I do look forward to the day when we just don't hear anything about her anymore and she is forgotten by all but a handful of people. For her, this would be a punishment, as she needs the attention of others to validate her sense of worth.

As for her supporters, the vast majority have to have some kind of defect to buy into her fabrications. The whack-job out of New York, David Lee Simpson, who was arrested yesterday for threatening Turner Broadcasting anchors is a fine example of the type of person defending CMJA.

Any leaks as to who the anchors might be? One was out of Atlanta and the other was out of New York? Nancy Grace and Jane Velez Mitchell?
CMJA thinks that she is being so clever and so relevant:

"Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 16h

More thousands of styrofoam containers from Estrella's kitchen. At least the landfills won't go hungrey.

5:02 PM - 22 Jul 13 · Details"

Aside from horrible grammar and spelling, perhaps someone should let this twit know that Estrella County Jail has a very progressive recycling program, "The Food Factory recycling program recovers almost every item that can be recycled, such as cans, plastic, metals, peanut butter tubs, and detergent buckets." Those styrofoam trays, also known as #6 Plastic Clamshells- Expanded, are recyclable and facilities in Pheonix do process them for recycling.
For you Dexter fans. How do you think it will end?

I have no spoilers, but I think the doctor is mean and cunning.
She has been part of his life, so very early on.

I think she will kill him and put her best trophy in a glass jar, that part of his brain.

What do you think?

I don't know yet. Maybe, Deb will shoot Dr. Vogel, then Dexter, then herself- just a guess right now.
Here's a theory that I read on-line that sounds really plausible:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A parallel theory:...., that there was no Dexter, that Deb was just insane and Dexter is her alter ego....
For you Dexter fans. How do you think it will end?

I have no spoilers, but I think the doctor is mean and cunning.
She has been part of his life, so very early on.

I think she will kill him and put her best trophy in a glass jar, that part of his brain.

What do you think?

I think hannah comes back and kills dexter, she is insane but I can always hope he doesn't die but can't see that happening.

I just about had a heart attack at the end of the last episode.

Do any of you like game of thrones? That has become my new obsession

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
Do you think Nurmi will seek a hearing in advance of August 26 for the purpose of arguing his throw out aggro motion? Do you think C.M. is pressuring him to get a ruling on that so she will know whether she is still facing the death penalty?

I'd not be surprised at all if she pushes him to try for a pre-8/26 hearing, she intends to barter down to a chance for release even if it doesn't come until she's Milke's age or beyond (I have a feeling she's very interested in that case just now).

I think Nurmi knows he'll never be shed of JA his entire life, like all of her previous boyfriends that she remained just friendly enough with to take advantage of their good nature when in need, she'll try to keep Nurmi for similar purposes. I think he knows this and is doing everything in his power to escape her grasp but also knows it will be to no avail, she has him for life.

I just had about a foot of hair whacked off, my brain is thanking me with many clear, cool thoughts. LOL
Judge Stephens declined to set a specific start date for the penalty re-trial "due to an unresolved issue". In the event chart for our last hearing, there was no hidden or secret issue, so whatever needs resolution must be public knowledge. We know there is a motion waiting for oral argument, we know Nurmi wants off the case, and we know C.M. and Nurmi are at odds. We also know that Will Not & Nor Me have some availability conflicts. And there is the languishing overture from C.M. to bargain for her life. Take your pick~or have several (but the judge said "an issue").
Jill Biden makes a fabulous chicken tortellini salad that you can eat hot or cold. Add steamed veggies, shredded or chopped up chicken, cooked tortellini and some balsamic vinegrette and olive oil. Very simple and very good. She made it for me 20 years ago and I have replicated it and served it since.

I adore Joe Biden. I am sure Jill must be a lovely person, too.

Hi Ricki thanks for info. I would love to read this book but its not listed on Amazon. The link you provided doesn't work. Do you know how you got this book?
Thanks so much!

Try looking on eBay. :seeya:

Contrary to news reports that followers of this trial have been attracted to it for its more salacious aspects, it was the sheer brutality of the murder and CMJA's facility for lying that caught my attention. Her 48 Hours interview is what made me curious.

As much as I want her to be haunted by nightmares worse than those of Steven Alexander, I doubt that it will ever happen. Her mind is so twisted that she does not see herself as others do; what we view as infamy, she relishes as the spotlight.

I can't imagine what it must be like for those who know her and have to deal with her lying, manipulation, need to control and juvenile behavior. Her press conferences and tweets do make me angry on many levels and I do look forward to the day when we just don't hear anything about her anymore and she is forgotten by all but a handful of people. For her, this would be a punishment, as she needs the attention of others to validate her sense of worth.

As for her supporters, the vast majority have to have some kind of defect to buy into her fabrications. The whack-job out of New York, David Lee Simpson, who was arrested yesterday for threatening Turner Broadcasting anchors is a fine example of the type of person defending CMJA.

Any leaks as to who the anchors might be? One was out of Atlanta and the other was out of New York? Nancy Grace and Jane Velez Mitchell?

Great post. I believe they do not want to reveal names. I read that he also threatened a woman who did not like his tweets.
Can anyone tell me how it is allowed that convicted murderer is allowed to affect a jury pool with tweets? I can understand attorneys if they're not under a gag order but a jailbird with pending trial or no pending trial? When do her rights end? This is RIDICULOUS :stormingmad::stormingmad:::banghead:
She has no access these tweets are through a third party. What if u tweeted and no one cared?
Lack of attention is always an option.
Hey, what was wrong with WS this AM? :scared: :scared:
I was knocking at the door all morning and no one would let me in :please:
:please: :please:
It was horrible :scared: :scared:

I had the same problem :seeya:
I don't know yet. Maybe, Deb will shoot Dr. Vogel, then Dexter, then herself- just a guess right now.
Here's a theory that I read on-line that sounds really plausible:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A parallel theory:...., that there was no Dexter, that Deb was just insane and Dexter is her alter ego....

I don't have a clue how they will end Dexter, hate to see it end, have seen every episode. I love love love Dexter! :beats: After the show ends I'm cancelling Showtime just to save money. Well, maybe I'll wait until Homeland ends, but I won't let myself get started on any other shows, I need to save money unfortunately, darnit. :(
Judge Stephens declined to set a specific start date for the penalty re-trial "due to an unresolved issue". In the event chart for our last hearing, there was no hidden or secret issue, so whatever needs resolution must be public knowledge. We know there is a motion waiting for oral argument, we know Nurmi wants off the case, and we know C.M. and Nurmi are at odds. We also know that Will Not & Nor Me have some availability conflicts. And there is the languishing overture from C.M. to bargain for her life. Take your pick~or have several (but the judge said "an issue").

I feel silly for asking, but I haven't been on the forum for a couple of weeks...

Who is C.M. ???? :blushing:
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