CA CA - Pearl Pinson, 15, Vallejo, 25 May 2016

that's what I meant, a classmate who attended the same school.

as I said, my step kids' brother turned 18 on may 9. he was a junior. around this time next year, as he is a senior, he will turn 19.

when I was a freshman, I had friends in every grade.

BBM. Doubtful, unless he was held back for 3 years or in a multiage program. Even if she skipped a year and he was held back a year, they still wouldn't be in the same grade level. Same school- that's possible. I think he had an obsession. Too bad she was walking alone.

Confirmed that she was a freshman- doubt he was still a freshman at 19.
The man accused of abducting a Jesse Bethel High School freshman Wednesday has been killed after a shootout with Santa Barbara Sheriff's deputies.
I just think the stranger abduction v. someone they know plays a bigger part in it not being the same thing. its akin to every child being killed by a parent being the same as the casey Anthony case.

The commonalities are that two young 15-year-olds abducted while walking alone to school bus stop by young adult Hispanic males. Both suspects have cars, both in Bay Area. Both girls disappeared without their cell phones.
I just think the stranger abduction v. someone they know plays a bigger part in it not being the same thing. its akin to every child being killed by a parent being the same as the casey Anthony case.

Yeah, but we don't know Garcia hadn't stalked Sierra/met her online anymore than we know what the "relationship" was in this case. 15-year-old girls don't often show good judgement.
this is true....

Yeah, but we don't know Garcia hadn't stalked Sierra/met her online anymore than we know what the "relationship" was in this case. 15-year-old girls don't often show good judgement.
I fear you might be right. This link ( says her sister has told LE that he was often seen roaming around their neighborhood.

Another article I've read (but can't remember where and I don't have a link for it) said that her younger brother couldn't contain his anger toward Castro. He said, "he was really lucky that the police got to him before I did."

(It may have been a Washington Post article.)

Yes it was in the Washington Post
Saying prayers for Pearl this morning and hoping today is the day she comes home safely.
Ferrara could not say if there was evidence Pinson had, in fact, been inside the gold sedan. He said the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office was in charge of that crime scene.

Thursday’s events underlined the urgency of finding Pinson, while also complicating the task.

“The search has expanded exponentially this afternoon, especially with the car being in southern California,” said Christine Castillo, the Solano County public information officer. “Originally the search efforts were focused in the Vallejo area. That is believed [to be] where she was and they were on foot. With the new information that the car was seen in Marin County, we have sent additional resources to that area.”

BBM. I wonder if that means they really don't know if she was ever in the car, or that they are not allowed to comment??:thinking:
on one of the news sites, they showed the other end of the bridge, where they say she was supposed to meet the bus, and there is a circular descent and I believe a car could be close to the bottom.

This is the over-the-freeway (780) pedestrian crossing that he dragged Pearl off of:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

You can > and > to survey the area. I would imagine that he had his car somewhere in that area fairly close. It's hard to picture him dragging her very far in that heavily inhabited neighborhood in broad daylight.
on one of the news sites, they showed the other end of the bridge, where they say she was supposed to meet the bus, and there is a circular descent and I believe a car could be close to the bottom.

I'm pretty sure that this is the side of the overpass where the bus stop is -- on Taylor Ave.

"...kidnapped at gunpoint about 7 a.m.Wednesday as she walked to a school bus stop on Taylor Avenue in Vallejo."

(I could be wrong, of course)
no, I think youre right. she probably lives on the home acres side.

Home Acres Ave. is on the same side as Taylor Ave. They intersect. I'd say that she most likely lives on the other side of Hwy 780 (or at least that's where she was walking from that day).
Right at the end of the news video they said they found a suicide note in his home. They also mentioned they were acquaintances.

OH NO! [emoji33][emoji22]

That's not good news. So, LE probably anticipated his gunfire to a certain extent. I wonder if he ultimately changed his mind or chickened out? Maybe that's why he was found so far away from home or why he tried so hard to escape? Then again... I wonder if he actually fired the shot that killed him after LE started shooting at the truck.
(Sorry... just thinking out loud here. LOL)
He probably did suicide by cop.

OH NO! [emoji33][emoji22]

That's not good news. So, LE probably anticipated his gunfire to a certain extent. I wonder if he ultimately changed his mind or chickened out? Maybe that's why he was found so far away from home or why he tried so hard to escape? Then again... I wonder if he actually fired the shot that killed him after LE started shooting at the truck.
(Sorry... just thinking out loud here. LOL)

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