2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Morning Session)

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No, he will deal with him at the end of this trial...He will not interrupt ICA rights to a fair trial...I believe His Honor should remove him to save the integrity of this trial and put CMason or AF as lead counsel...

Can JP do this if he wanted to?
'You have an accent, where are you from?'

'Krypton. We've been sent to destroy you. ARRRGH!'
It's great that JB will face sanctions AFTER the trial......but in the mean time, he has this trial and this Judge held hostage and the effects that it will have on this could become a total "fluster cluck". This can't go on. It simply can't.

"We'll take that up...on your lunch hour." - HHJP to JB

and I'll bet HHJP came prepared and brought a brown bag lunch for JB fully expecting more of his shenanigans.

It is pretty much standard op that DP Cases here get an AUTOMATIC Appeal so that's one that I'm not Sweating!
JB: You have an accent. Where ya from?

Witness: I apologize for my accent.

What JB SHOULD'VE said Immediately:
"No need to apologize Sir. "
Could've said something along the lines of "your accent is part of what makes this country great! "
He felt the need to apologize because JB made him feel small with his rude comment.
Again, I'm new at posting here... but dear sweet lord above! Can Baez at least SOUND like a professional?

No.. No he can NOT!... He is Just NOT capable!
Because he ISNT ONE!

Asking the Witness, "where ya from?" is pretty Unprofessional!
Mentions that Netherlands justice is different than US. I'm sure the Natalie Holloway's family can vouch for that.
Wow, he just watched Baez get smacked down by the judge after Baez tried to blame him and his wife, and now Baez insulted him further by asking about his accent. And he still has to endure a direct examination. I feel so bad for Dr. Eiklenboom!

And this case is just KILLING ME!!!!! Why is getting justice for Caylee SO DARN HARD? GAH!!!!
Perry stated the other day that both sides have engaged in game playing.

Neither side should be engaging in any game playing IMHO this is a DP case. No room for game playing on any side. JMHO.
The only "game playing" I have seen the SA engage in is not doing the jobs for the DT when they would whine Pretrial about issues. The SA did not jump through hoops to do the DT jobs for them. THAT is the ONLY thing that I can see anyone construing as "game playing" by the SA. There were no delays due to reports not being submitted during their CIC. I get sick of them being lumped into this whole circus. They have been professional and had to do double the work they should due to the slimy unusual DT. JMHO
Wait a freaking minute...the witness isn't certified in DNA recovery?!
I respectfully disagree. I can put aside the fact that I think the prosecution is doing a much much better job and be objective. The fact is that this started a long time ago and the Order was put into place because of the game-playing by JB and his refusal to meet deadlines. I believe he was sanctioned for it as well. I cannot see how you could think that comes even close to a snide comment about texting.

I was more referring to Baez snarky elicitation that Ashton was "rude" to the witness. It was snarky and not needed. But both sides have been giving these irrelevant editorials.
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