GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - #13

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Testimony Begins in Beverly Carter Murder Trial
13 Jan 2016

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Day one of testimony is in the books in the murder trial of a man accused of kidnapping and killing a central Arkansas realtor.

During her opening statement, Prosecutor Barbara Mariani told jurors Beverly Carter was a loving wife, mother and grandmother who was kidnapped by Arron Lewis and his wife. Lewis and his wife were posing as home buyers, Mariani said.

Lewis guilty of capital murder, kidnapping
Published January 15, 2016 at 4:04 p.m. Updated January 15, 2016 at 6:09 p.m.

Arron Lewis has been found guilty of capital murder and kidnapping in the death of Realtor Beverly Carter.

The jury of 12 — three men and nine women — returned with the unanimous verdict after about an hour of deliberations. Lewis was then sentenced to life in prison without parole on the capital murder charge. He was sentenced to life on the kidnapping charge. Both sentences are to be served consecutively.

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Glad to see justice was served. Thanks to all for the updates.
Thankful for the Family this part is over and ended with a Guilty. Sadly this is not the end, but will give them some more of Peace than prior.

There will be an automatic Appeal. Which AL has per Judge 30 days to file. As I have said multiple times I interested in all different aspects of case but more of the factual/discovery evidence type. So many things in this case from both sides just dont make any sense. Period. Not the investigation (as presented in trial) Not CL story and def not AL story. More Why's than can even count. No redo's on stuff like they said about when they found the grave and doing the painstaking time to get all the evidence.

I have said prior and it bugs me even more (**lol BUGS AL has an issue with bugs he said, wonder if someone puts bugs on him at prison lol)

OK back to bugging me. AL iPhone.... I said prior about the ability to use Cellebrite to extract stuff from the cellphones. Which they did exactly that with CL phone. Got the some of the deleted text messages. Some text messages were able to be recovered some not and one with a MMS attachment that CL testified to was a picture of BC in the trunk of AL car with tape on her face. Evidently the MMS was NOT able to be recovered because there was no picture of BC in trunk of car entered into evidence only the text message info. **totally is confusing

YET (bear with me)

They have AL iPhone. He is a suspect. They had in custody AL iPhone WHEN he played the ransom recording. They had in custody AL iPhone AFTER. He didn't give them his passcode which he THOUGHT they would have to have. THEY DO NOT. And was testified to in court when asked if true by the Pros to a witness. Witness acknowledged YES they - DO NOT NEED IT WITH THE TOOL THEY USE TO EXTRACT, TOOL BEING CELLEBRITE.

SO why did they NOT extract from AL phone?? If they did they would be able to have had that alleged MMS of BC in trunk that AL sent to CL (I say alleged because didn't see proof that what MMS was, but testimony of such). That would have been HUGE Evidence to have that pic of BC in trunk of AL car, even with the trunk evidence being thrown out due to illegal search warrant, it placed her there. Also they would have had the actual recording from his phone of the ransom recording and when it was made showing all the digital data. But what they had and played was a recording that was played in the interview that was deemed illegal because AL had asked for an attorney. This recording was a big piece in the trial and played at least iirc 4 times possibly 5 would have to go back and check my notes. I as have said prior have no legal education. I still unsure on how was able to use the recording played in an illegal/suppressed interview. What if on Appeal that recording evidence was to get thrown out? Or worse yet for some reason, a new trial with out it?

There were a lot of things that were what the heck ... kind of moments from both sides for me. As I said to me, AL sealed his on fate. But on legal end it is unnerving some of the things that didn't happen. Stuff that from following other cases and this one just don't make sense. I was really looking forward to the other witnesses that were going to be called and recalled hoping to get my questions answered.

LEO was working hard to find BC no doubt. Lots of LEO were working. Drive me crazy though at the inconsistent testimony of LEO and their stuff that they do day in and day out that was screwd up or not even done.

I heard Captain Simon Haynes telling a few of the coworkers/friends when just talking prior to going in on Friday morning. And it made me think of the "CSI effect" when that series first came on. Was articles how courses in various schools had exploded with new students wanting to do that. I heard Captain Simon Haynes say, "lots of people want to go straight to being an Investigator... skipping the going to Police Academy, working years on patrol, working the late night shift and putting in time.... "

That is my point, all the Investigators in this case, those doing Search Warrant Affidavits, and Search Warrants, (2 going on to be Special Agents for the Attorney General of Arkansas office) to make the mistakes in this case and get hard, important evidence thrown out. We have no idea what was at that house that they got!! We do know now that BC was AT THAT HOUSE!! IN THE BATHROOM!!! PROOF OF HER BEING THERE, JUST AS IN THE TRUNK OF THAT CAR!! Sorry but that makes me angry. No I am not sorry, that is not excusable. If it had been my loved one I would be very upset.

The Search Warrant for the car was a exact copy of the house Search Warrant typos and all!! Not printing out the browser history for hard copy or other various info of how it was at the time of her going missing... wth??? They had copy of how her Crye Leike page was that day. But this is an automatic Appeal. Who knows what the reasons they will Appeal will be. Having flipping Prev Inv (now Special Agent!) Testifying with a FREAKING HIGHLIGHTED COPY OF LEAD INVESTIGATORS SUPPLEMENT REPORT IN HIS FOLDER!! IN COURT!! That was crazy!! Then to say does all time??? Maybe it is ok but it looks inappropriate to me and could to a jury too. Lead Inv saying he didnt even know name until that very moment under cross exam of another person who a search warrant was served upon not only his home but his parents? Or that didnt know what others were doing in case as so many were doing other things. Then another testifies that they had meetings every morning and evening. I dont know just so much just what the heck kind of stuff. :thinking:

Yes they got a conviction and I no doubt in my mind when started seeing evidence was the right people that involved. I guess I just expected for it to be more solid by the investigation and Pros than it was. JMHO AL sealed his own fate for this conviction. JMHO completely by evidence presented by the Pros. Yes they played the ransom tape which was very compelling, but it would have been better jmho if they had also extracted it from phone. Reason being it was played in the interview that was later suppressed because illegal due to AL asking for a Lawyer prior. (*I believe the sentence was just and appropriate, I just want and expect it to be proven by those that Charged him of it) JMHO
Hopefully if for some reason they were to win Appeal then they have other stuff (they being Pros). Have to read up on how that works (as if he were to get a new trial what could be used .. like do they have to use same stuff or can they uses stuff had but not presented prior) Hopefully they also had fingerprints or other dna type or other fiber stuff that could be presented. None was presented in this trial connecting both defendants to BC.

But from what I understand he has to have legal issues that are reasons to Appeal. Guess will have to check docket every so often in the next 30 days.
The thing about the bugs... he had to have some reason for putting the tape over her face. So he made that up about the bugs to explain it. No he didn't put the tape over her face to kill her he did it to protect her from grasshoppers.
Probably been asked before, but when will CL be eligible for parole?

EDIT: answered my own question. Inmate search page says 2035.
Probably been asked before, but when will CL be eligible for parole?

EDIT: answered my own question. Inmate search page says 2035.

When CL Plead Guilty, that day the Pros, John Johnson said with a Y Felony, have to serve 70% of time before can file a paperwork for Parole Hearing. so that would be 21 yrs (so that 2035 would be near that time before she could file to be able to have a Hearing) And no good time behavior time counts toward that (take off time) She cant Appeal her Guilty pleas. Where as AL will have an Automatic Appeal. *Does not mean he will win it but that he has the ability to file it. JMHO
Even though the trial is over, I haven't really been able to shut off my mind and have been letting it all digest, and now I have a few more rambling thoughts and hope everyone will put up with me posting them. ;) Again, this could be a bit disjointed (as my mind is somewhat disjointed these days!) but try to bear with me. Sometimes it helps my train of thought to write things out.

First, arkansasmimi...THANK YOU for your time and invaluable research on this case. You have done so much digging on this and I know I'm not the only one here that appreciates the effort. Brava! It was very nice to be able to meet you, although I wish it had been under happier circumstances.

Mimi stated upthread that while she was interested in the case as a whole, the factual/discovery evidence angle was what seemed to draw her into this case the most (she missed her calling in life....should have been a CSI person! LOL It's never too late, mimi! You should go for it as you'd be great!), but I will admit that what sucked me in the most was the human interest side of the story. I started reading about it because it was local to me, but something about this story just drew me in and I wanted to know more than what the typical 6:00 newscast was telling me.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG! I'm also interested in the legal side. Laws are important and they are here to protect not only the Arron Lewis' of the world, but also the Jstkiddns. You, me, everyone else! Watching the recent Netflix doc "Making a Murderer" shows just how bad sketchy police work can be and they all need to be checked and held accountable. As in everything else in life, checks and balances are a good thing.

All of that being said, I'm 100% sure the investigators in this case got the right people and I am so thankful that they are being punished and very glad that Arron Lewis will no longer be living amongst us. He is a dangerous, dangerous man because in my opinion, he really does not have a conscience. He has never been and will never be anything but a predator feeding off anyone he thinks will further his it for sex, money or security. He's always scheming and always thinking of how the current situation can be used to his advantage (ie: the prison lawsuits & being willing to sell his wife out for $5,000 to her ex-husband).

He (unconvincingly) stated in the trial that he still loved Crystal, but I honestly do not think the man is capable of that emotion. I have no idea if it's something genetic, his childhood or a combination of the two - nature vs nurture - but either way, the world is a much safer with him behind bars.

I'm just so very sorry that poor Beverly and her family had to pay such a high price in order for that to happen, but maybe her sacrifice saved another. I'm going to try to speak in as much "code" as I can right now in an attempt to be sensitive to the situation. I cannot convey how much it bothered me to hear the name of Lewis' stepchild come out of his mouth in court. I WANT TO MAKE CLEAR THAT IT WAS NOT ANY BIG DEAL AND NOBODY BUT ME PROBABLY EVEN THOUGHT TWICE ABOUT IT....the name was just used in the normal course of trying to describe himself to the jury as a "house husband" and explain his daily duties....I fixed *** a lunch....I took *** to activites - I took *** to big deal....but it was like it became really real to me that this child was living with this man and the mother had carelessly left the child in his care on what was seemingly a daily basis. As a parent, it was just one of those "skeve you out" moments.

Then I realized that if not for this event, said child could possibly still be around this man or another one just as bad, if not worse. Obviously mom was willing to have child and child's friends around very questionable people.

And were there other Crystals out there willing to have their children around Lewis? Sadly, I know the answer is yes, so in some weird way maybe Beverly was sacrificed, but maybe others have been saved. I know that's really reaching and maybe sound a bit weird, but it's just how I feel.

It's hard for me to debate the job the investigators did because they got the right guy. The case had to be proven to the jury 'beyond a reasonable doubt' but the case has been proven to Jstkiddn "beyond ANY doubt". Zero. None. Nada. They got their man. Any mistakes that were made were not done with malice or intent to frame someone. Always remember they were trying to find this woman alive. They were racing against the clock.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and there will *always* be mistakes made, especially in a situation where the stakes are so high. I have to always remember as the investigators were doing whatever they did in the early portions of this investigation, they were under the impression that they still had an opportunity to find Beverly alive. Why were they under that impression? Arron Lewis is why. These were not "evil cops" trying to pin something on an innocent man. These were people desperately trying to bring a very loved woman home to her family.

Yet, I hope they have learned from this and they have studied their mistakes in order to prepare them for the eventual repeat of a similar type of crime. Were there areas where they could have done better? OF COURSE!! There will always be those areas and while I'm not involved in law enforcement or the legal world, I have been around this world long enough to know that nothing is going to be flawless. Ever.

I'm no legal scholar, but I think it's going to be a reach on appeal and I could tell from that interview with Bill James I watched last night that he probably feels the same way. I'm pretty sure the words he used were "we'll see". That was not the same blustery Bill James I saw performing in the courtroom. That was the real Bill James and I can tell the real Bill James is not super sure of any appeal right now. He wasn't going to put himself out there and act sure about anything because he's very, very far from being sure about any of it because he has a fairly weak case.

Of course, I'm sure he's going to go for it with all his might because it would be a huge feather in his to use his same words....we'll see. Another thing I've learned in life is to never say never. I'm hoping for the best and hoping that soon this case will finally be able to be put in the history books never to be revisited.

In the above interview that reporter(s) did with AL's attorney Bill James is IMO a must watch. When reporter asks Bill James in regards to if he feels he got a fair trial or not, James replies "I feel like we had a fair trial."

When reporter asks about AL's statements made prior to James representing AL, James replies "I can certainly say that his statements didn't help us any."

When reporter asks if there is going to be an appeal, James replies "absolutely. When you have a life sentence, it is mandatory, we'd appeal anyway and we'll go over and we'll see what issues there are and we'll appeal it and we'll see where we're at."

When reporter asks about AL testifying, James replies "I don't think we would've won if he wouldn't have testified."

When reporter is talking about evidence and jury etc, James replies "There was certainly enough there for them to find him guilty."

In the above interview that reporter(s) did with AL's attorney Bill James is IMO a must watch. When reporter asks Bill James in regards to if he feels he got a fair trial or not, James replies "I feel like we had a fair trial."

When reporter asks about AL's statements made prior to James representing AL, James replies "I can certainly say that his statements didn't help us any."

When reporter asks if there is going to be an appeal, James replies "absolutely. When you have a life sentence, it is mandatory, we'd appeal anyway and we'll go over and we'll see what issues there are and we'll appeal it and we'll see where we're at."

When reporter asks about AL testifying, James replies "I don't think we would've won if he wouldn't have testified."

When reporter is talking about evidence and jury etc, James replies "There was certainly enough there for them to find him guilty."

Yes! That was the interview! Thanks for bringing it forward. Definitely a must watch.
01-14-2016, 06:48 PM #357

***This is what I think we will hear from jk and mimi when they return. This was the outcome of that questioning. Not really a win for defense--- she wrote the letter, but that part could have been added by ole swifty

Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 45m45 minutes ago
Lowery says she doesn't recall portion of letter that states she pleaded guilty because she thought she wouldn't get fair trial. #ArkDG
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Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 47m47 minutes ago
Prosecution asks to review letter regarding Lowery's plea used by defense during questioning. Lowery admits that letter is from her. #ArkDG

:waitasec: How in the world would AL have messed with/added anything to a letter from CL??? This came from Discovery Evidence, from the letter sent thru prison/jail mail... copied, I not so sure wasn't even an orig because it appeared to have been folded. JMHO CL looked kinda shocked that they had the letter. But I truly dont understand how someone would think that AL could have changed anything. :thinking: He only would have had copies of stuff. Remember when he went to view evidence, he didnt even have a writing utensil. JMHO
01-14-2016, 06:48 PM #357

***This is what I think we will hear from jk and mimi when they return. This was the outcome of that questioning. Not really a win for defense--- she wrote the letter, but that part could have been added by ole swifty

Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 45m45 minutes ago
Lowery says she doesn't recall portion of letter that states she pleaded guilty because she thought she wouldn't get fair trial. #ArkDG
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Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 47m47 minutes ago
Prosecution asks to review letter regarding Lowery's plea used by defense during questioning. Lowery admits that letter is from her. #ArkDG

:waitasec: How in the world would AL have messed with/added anything to a letter from CL??? This came from Discovery Evidence, from the letter sent thru prison/jail mail... copied, I not so sure wasn't even an orig because it appeared to have been folded. JMHO CL looked kinda shocked that they had the letter. But I truly dont understand how someone would think that AL could have changed anything. :thinking: He only would have had copies of stuff. Remember when he went to view evidence, he didnt even have a writing utensil. JMHO

AL would have the original letter she sent him. Most jails and prisons can only open your mail, in front of you, scanning for contraband but inmates get their original letters. James may have just had a copy of the original. As to him not having pencils. He does as we know from all his letter writing. He would just not be allowed to bring a pencil out with him. Again that is considered contraband. A pen or pencil can be used as a weapon.
I'm glad the jury didn't buy anything this creep was selling and sent him away for life.

I hope his first 180 days in prison are full of shank attacks and hospital beds.

I'm sure he'll eventually end up in the prison cemetery........ the sooner the better.
01-14-2016, 06:48 PM #357

***This is what I think we will hear from jk and mimi when they return. This was the outcome of that questioning. Not really a win for defense--- she wrote the letter, but that part could have been added by ole swifty

Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 45m45 minutes ago
Lowery says she doesn't recall portion of letter that states she pleaded guilty because she thought she wouldn't get fair trial. #ArkDG
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Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 47m47 minutes ago
Prosecution asks to review letter regarding Lowery's plea used by defense during questioning. Lowery admits that letter is from her. #ArkDG

:waitasec: How in the world would AL have messed with/added anything to a letter from CL??? This came from Discovery Evidence, from the letter sent thru prison/jail mail... copied, I not so sure wasn't even an orig because it appeared to have been folded. JMHO CL looked kinda shocked that they had the letter. But I truly dont understand how someone would think that AL could have changed anything. :thinking: He only would have had copies of stuff. Remember when he went to view evidence, he didnt even have a writing utensil. JMHO

AL would have the original letter she sent him. Most jails and prisons can only open your mail, in front of you, scanning for contraband but inmates get their original letters. James may have just had a copy of the original. As to him not having pencils. He does as we know from all his letter writing. He would just not be allowed to bring a pencil out with him. Again that is considered contraband. A pen or pencil can be used as a weapon.

TB, that's what I was thinking as well.....that the letter in question was the original that was received by AL in prison (or a copy of said original). Knowing what we know about the guy, I certainly wouldn't be shocked or the least bit surprised to think that he would use his artistic abilities to try to doctor up a letter. Actually, it sounds like something that would be right down his alley. LOL

I don't have notes in front of me and she was hard to hear at times, so I could be mistaken, but IIRC, the point they were arguing over in the letter was whether or not CL had stated in the letter that her attorneys scared her into pleading. I *think* she had agreed that the portion of the letter that stated she was afraid she couldn't get a fair trial was her handwriting, but there was apparently a part in there talking about her attorneys scaring her into pleading and *that* was the part she was saying didn't look like her writing. She said the writing was "too pretty" and I'm pretty sure she mentioned that she thought something had been erased and reworded?

I was under the impression she was insinuating that AL had taken her original letter and doctored it up in his jail cell before handing it over to his attorney. Could be a totally wrong assumption on my part, but that's what I took from that entire exchange. I think it wound up being one of those splitting hairs things. He kept asking her if it was her letter and she said yes. He was then asking about different parts of the letter. She agreed one portion was her words (fair trial/media attn), but denied the other portion was her words (scared by attorneys). I *think* the last question he asked was, "....but this is your letter" (as in, overall as a whole) and she stated "yes" and that ended the exchange. I was unclear as to if she ever conceded that she wrote the "scared by attorneys" part.

At the end of the day, it was really a moot point. I don't think it was going to change the outcome of the trail. Even if she had said "Yep...wrote every word!". JMO
I really hope they don't let AL so jailhouse/prison interviews. If they do, I hope they only do it in close proximity to the end of this trial as opposed to yearly "anniversary" dates or whatever. Media perpetuates re-victimization, IMO. I know seeing ridiculously biased footage (in Arkansas) of my aunt's killers being played on a loop (without warning to our family, btw) was just awful. Of course, violence as well as sex sells. I AM glad the media has focused so much on the family in this case and given them a platform to provide others with a wonderful testimony to BC's beautiful life. In saying all of that, if they could knock off the "thumbs up" and "peace sign" footage that would be awesome.

So, to all of Beverly's loved ones and any innocent parties reading this that were/are affected by the callousness of this man and woman, may you find peace. My wish for all of you is that you continue to shine a light on any darkness in honor of Mrs. Carter's life.

Jstkiddn, a special thanks to you for conveying, so succinctly, the happenings in the courtroom. I looked forward to your in-depth "reporting". I agree with whomever (sorry forgot who) said you should consider a career in journalism with a focus on court/criminal reporting! Apologies if you already do and I missed your credentials! lol I, too, feel through BC's death and the jury's ability to get it right - she saved others from the same/worse fate. This guy had to be stopped because he would not have stopped on his own. His need for a "rush", that adrenaline high, was no less addictive than a heroin addict "chasing the dragon". Where for you or me, running, chocolate, glass of good wine, etc. would be enough to satiate such a euphoric search...This guy would never be satisfied and would keep upping the ante, IMO. So, again, THANK YOU for your reporting, insight, and thoughts on it all! :tyou::yourock:
Aw, thanks SaucyGal! I appreciate your kind words. :) No, no, no. I'm just a bookkeeper. No journalism here, although when I was a teenager I always thought that would be fun, but that was probably from watching too much Lou Grant. (I'm aging myself here. Ha!)
Going over stuff we went over here at WS forever ago, and over and over. Couple even thought that that the GRAY TRUCK guy wasnt ever anything because was only mention once by guy on the media interview. IIRC someone from search team was told only of a black car.

Interview very early on with the man in a truck in camo cap talking about seeing a old beat up gray truck at the house
@2:29 mark guy says he says "a tall skinny white man got out of the truck.."

^^That lead was followed up by someone, but Defense said search warrant for the gray truck and tan Ford Taurus didn't mention black midsize car being seen, and search warrant for the black Ford Focus didn't mention the gray truck and tan Ford Taurus.

J Butler testified she lives directly across the street from 14202 Old River Drive and 9/25/14 saw a black midsize car at the house along with what is know now as BC brown Cadillac. She saw it as she was opening the blinds in her husbands upstairs window as she was going to watch tv. Stated didnt see veh's drive up were already there.

On first day of Trial Jan 13, 2016 @ appox 445pm Co Chair Def Lawyer Lee Short cross examined Lead Detective Jeffery Allison.
Short stated the first vehicle mentioned was a midsize black car from witness J. Butler when he interviewed her late that night or very early morning of 9/26/2014

Allison agreed

Short asked why the next day (JMHO this would be 9/26, 2014) a search warrant was written up for a gray truck and a tan Ford Taurus

Allison testified he had no idea why they were getting the Search Warrants and didnt even know the name James Sipes until just now, he didnt do any search warrants.

Defense Attorney Short stated someone name D. Sipes had responded to one of Crystal Lowery's Craiglist ads.

On court docket for Defense but not called (and I going to assume this is because of maybe the heated discussion on the morning of last day of Trial Friday. Jan 15,2016 had something to do with it and after AL crazy testimony no more witnesses were going to help, AL sealed his own fate with his crazy testimony)JMHO

Entry: FOR JAMES SIPES / JANUARY 12-15 2016 @8:30AM / VACANT PROPERTY ** JMHO this means no one living at address on subponea? (vacant property)
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Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
01-14-2016, 06:48 PM #357

***This is what I think we will hear from jk and mimi when they return. This was the outcome of that questioning. Not really a win for defense--- she wrote the letter, but that part could have been added by ole swifty

Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 45m45 minutes ago
Lowery says she doesn't recall portion of letter that states she pleaded guilty because she thought she wouldn't get fair trial. #ArkDG
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Brandon Riddle ‏@BrandonCRiddle 47m47 minutes ago
Prosecution asks to review letter regarding Lowery's plea used by defense during questioning. Lowery admits that letter is from her. #ArkDG

How in the world would AL have messed with/added anything to a letter from CL??? This came from Discovery Evidence, from the letter sent thru prison/jail mail... copied, I not so sure wasn't even an orig because it appeared to have been folded. JMHO CL looked kinda shocked that they had the letter. But I truly dont understand how someone would think that AL could have changed anything. He only would have had copies of stuff. Remember when he went to view evidence, he didnt even have a writing utensil. JMHO

Originally Posted by Tallula.Belle View Post
AL would have the original letter she sent him. Most jails and prisons can only open your mail, in front of you, scanning for contraband but inmates get their original letters. James may have just had a copy of the original. As to him not having pencils. He does as we know from all his letter writing. He would just not be allowed to bring a pencil out with him. Again that is considered contraband. A pen or pencil can be used as a weapon.

TB, that's what I was thinking as well.....that the letter in question was the original that was received by AL in prison (or a copy of said original). Knowing what we know about the guy, I certainly wouldn't be shocked or the least bit surprised to think that he would use his artistic abilities to try to doctor up a letter. Actually, it sounds like something that would be right down his alley. LOL

I don't have notes in front of me and she was hard to hear at times, so I could be mistaken, but IIRC, the point they were arguing over in the letter was whether or not CL had stated in the letter that her attorneys scared her into pleading. I *think* she had agreed that the portion of the letter that stated she was afraid she couldn't get a fair trial was her handwriting, but there was apparently a part in there talking about her attorneys scaring her into pleading and *that* was the part she was saying didn't look like her writing. She said the writing was "too pretty" and I'm pretty sure she mentioned that she thought something had been erased and reworded?

I was under the impression she was insinuating that AL had taken her original letter and doctored it up in his jail cell before handing it over to his attorney. Could be a totally wrong assumption on my part, but that's what I took from that entire exchange. I think it wound up being one of those splitting hairs things. He kept asking her if it was her letter and she said yes. He was then asking about different parts of the letter. She agreed one portion was her words (fair trial/media attn), but denied the other portion was her words (scared by attorneys). I *think* the last question he asked was, "....but this is your letter" (as in, overall as a whole) and she stated "yes" and that ended the exchange. I was unclear as to if she ever conceded that she wrote the "scared by attorneys" part.

At the end of the day, it was really a moot point. I don't think it was going to change the outcome of the trail. Even if she had said "Yep...wrote every word!". JMO

Except for the fact that the letter that Bill James went and got and took to CL to look over.... Bill James walked over to the Pros desk and got the letter FROM the Pros.

One also has to go back and remember... AL as not allowed to write CL from Tucker (hense the whole first Civil Suit that was filed, back when he had his first attorney James Hensley **who came in courtroom while jury first went back to deliberate** and the letter to James Hensley was confiscated. AL vol closed that case and reopened it. Case was allowed to move forward by the Federal Judge and in March of 2015 the Warden at Tucker gave permission for AL to write to CL. It was during this time and only between March 2015 and July 22 2015 (when AL was moved to Varner and no longer able to correspond with CL) that these letters were written and went through the prison mail system. You can bet your lunch that each of those letters between the two were copied by prison staff. JMHO the letters were NOT doctored by anyone.
FROM MY NOTES: when CL was on stand and during Cross by Bill James

James: why did you plea guilty?

Lowery: because I am guilty

James: did you write a letter to the defendant AL saying you didnt think you would get a fair trial?

Lowery: NO


James: Is this your writing?

Lowery: (stammers as speaks) yes

James: (reading from letter) saying I dont think get fair trial because of media. Her lawyer scared her into pleading guilty

Lowery: writing hers but is reworded


Lowery: (she is kinda freaking out a bit)

Pros John Johnson wants to look at the letter, but he is the one who gave it to Bill James

James: Again, is this your letter

Lowery: Yes, she just doesnt remember writing it.

James: the lawyers went over all the discovery with you and what they want you to say

Lowery: What I needed to say for plea deal *eta corrected word from did to deal**

James: Do you know Angela Richardson? Isnt she in prison with you?

Lowery: Yes

James: Did you tell her you wanted out of your plea deal because you were NOT guilty?

Lowery: No, I plea guilty because I am guilty

James: Why would you need a fair trial if your Guilty?

Lowery: Pros didnt have much evidence with out my testimony *said all they had was Textme and an email

James: How did they know you telling the truth your not above lying to them you did prior correct

Lowery: yes.

Lowery: they didnt have info to build case against AL.

CL stated she gave them evidence: of planning, interpreting the text messages between her and AL, info that a phone call was made to BC and didnt know that CL had spoken to BC.

Lowery: gave info that Trevor was not involved, that that was never true

James: AL even said you were not involved, that was a lie too wasnt it

Lowery: yes

That just a smiggin. But CL wrote AL 2 letters it was stated in court. No way on Hell that AL doctored ANY Letter from CL to AL. Especially with her stating that it was her handwriting but reworded. She did state that "it was too pretty" but other than that she acknowledged it was her handwriting. And again, she appeard shocked or caught off guard that they had the letter for her to look at. ALL THIS JMHO
On Cross of Officer Tavares Purifoy, first officer who was dispatched to Missing Person at 14202 Old River Drive, Scott AR, Def Short asked how many local neighbors had either gray or brown vehicles.

Purifoy: 2

Short: no other info of any other vehicles

Purifoy : yes

**this officer was held over but again after AL testimony no other Def witnesses called, so it is unclear where the vehicle information came from about a gray truck or a tan Ford Taurus came from. Or if Officer Purifoy knew of the black midsize car. J Butler gave the black midsize car info to Det Allison she testified when she and her husband were woke up and spoke to police at 1230 am on Sept 26, 2014.
Under Direct from State Pros Johnson, witness JoAnn Butler:
Said the reason she remember the time her husband is a musician and has band practice on Thurs night and he leaves about 515pm and she went up to his bedroom to watch tv. She said her tv had went out why was watching his. She went and opened the blinds and saw those 2 veh in drive.

She had lived there 20 years. 2nd time house listed but only first time saw someone showing it. Cars were facing house Didnt see any people.

Johnson: did you happen to look out again?

Butler: yes before dark maybe 7pm. Black car was turned around backed in. Didnt see anyone get in or out of car. Saw a white male only walking not getting out of car, thought maybe he had forgotten something and was going back.

Butler testified only description she remembers was a white male (may have said diff on MPR but that what she stated on stand) She was unsure how much time had elapsed from when first saw veh's first and last time when black one was re positioned.

Under Cross by Def Short, J Butler testified she never saw either a gray truck or a tan Ford Taurus there. Only BC car and a dark gray/black car. Never saw BC. time frame she gave first seeing was 520pm and last time 8pm

Short asked her how far homes were apart she described the big lots, but that she could see some of the front of neighbors homes from her house. (her home is directly in front of driveway of the abduction home)

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