GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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Limerick man killed in domestic dispute in North Carolina
Mon, Aug 3, 2015, 23:17 Updated: Tue, Aug 4, 2015, 19:05
County Sheriff’s office received emergency call following alleged assault at house
Police in the US are continuing their investigation into the death of a Limerick man who was killed in a suspected domestic disturbance at his home in North Carolina.

Jason Corbett (39), who is originally from the Janesboro area of Limerick city, was found at Panther Creek Court in Wallburg with fatal head injuries early on Sunday morning. The father of two children, moved to America four years ago after his first wife Mags Corbett died following an asthma attack in 2006. Its understood Mr Corbett was living in North Carolina with his new partner who is American and who previously worked as a child minder.

Jason Corbett's father-in-law told 911: 'I struck him with a baseball bat'
August 18, 2015
Thomas Martens, a former FBI agent, told 911 he had been “in an argument” with his son-in-law and that he had “struck him with a baseball bat”, the Irish Daily Mail reports. According to an police incident report seen by the paper, the incident was recorded as “an assault” by 911.
His wife Molly was believed to have been the main suspect but police in the US have confirmed that her father Thomas Martens (65), a retired FBI agent, is also a person of interest.

911 call:


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Discussion thread #1: NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015
Another point to ponder...the money. Jason is said to have moved $60,000 to Ireland shortly before his murder. But he still had other large sums that weren't accounts that Molly accessed and emptied right after his death. So was there a specific reason for moving the $60,000?

Was it a down payment on a house? Was it a loan or gift to a family member that MM didn't know about?

Odd that just before JC moves to the States, he also moved a large sum of money to the Martens. Now with rumors that he was leaving Molly and returning to Ireland, we see a large sum moved again.

Pattern? Coincidence? Any thoughts?
I was searching for where I had seen that LE had taken Tom and Mollys clothes and eventually my wife found it - many thanks to her (she is as obsessed as I am with this case!). It is from the Irish Examiner (link below) dated Aug 15th. The bit about the clothes is just above the photo taken with the White House in the background.

I also think the ANGLE the blows were struck - particularly to the head and the ones which inflicted the apparent defensive wounds to the hands - is important. Jason was considerably taller than both of the accused. If the blows which caused the wounds I mention can be shown by medical and forensic experts to have been delivered from ABOVE Jason, then I fail to see how he could have been a threat. This would cast serious doubt over any self defence claims IMO.

I have no medical expertise but I wonder if any fellow websleuths who appear to have some (kitty?) could offer an opinion as to the angle the blows were struck from the autopsy report and sketches?
Brilliant find!! Thats fantastic!
Great info there regarding video recording of interview too. They were interviewed only ONCE, this suggests the police got all they needed in this first and only interview.It suggests, with a stretch of the imagination, the police feared they would have changed their stories in subsequent interviews, though the Martens complained the police had only conducted a single interview and that was part of their complaint against the local LE.

Re angle, I cannot tell, but am hoping a forensics analyst would be able to tell both the force and the angle used to inflict the damage they did.
If you look at the autopsy report gain and look for lividity, there was some on his side, which suggests he was lying for a time on his side, I would gues he was definitely recumbent for the course of the attack for the other reasons you mentioned as well as Brown Rice comments.
Lividity is worth studying in shows how long approx a body has lain in a particular position pre and post mortem.
That Examiner piece is reassuring because it suggests police interviewed the suspects prior to them taking legal advice, and remember they originally pursued Murder 1 following that interview.
Angle of blows, height of weapon when blows were struck, velocity and power can all be ascertained, providing that sheriffs dept has the requisite budgetary for specialists in forensics to analyse the case.
Thanks a million for finding that, its a real gem!
Well done you!
I agree. Thats part of my point earlier about the angle of the blows. Blows struck from to Jasons head and hands from ABOVE seriously undermine a self defence claim. That is why I was asking if any websleuth could give a relatively qualified opinion from the autopsy report and sketches as to the angle of the blows?

I think he had to be asleep. TM is smaller, much older, and appears frail.

As far as carrying his weapon, I don't think his new job is anything more than a desk job...something you take after retiring from the FBI...when age makes any physical requirements of an agent's job difficult. There are many such jobs...analysts more than anything...and no firearms involved.
Another point to ponder...the money. Jason is said to have moved $60,000 to Ireland shortly before his murder. But he still had other large sums that weren't accounts that Molly accessed and emptied right after his death. So was there a specific reason for moving the $60,000?

Was it a down payment on a house? Was it a loan or gift to a family member that MM didn't know about?

Odd that just before JC moves to the States, he also moved a large sum of money to the Martens. Now with rumors that he was leaving Molly and returning to Ireland, we see a large sum moved again.

Pattern? Coincidence? Any thoughts?

In this article they say he "discussed" moving the money . Im not sure if it was actually moved. It would show in my opinion that he was preparing or at least taking steps to move.
Here's another theory that I don't think can be discounted - after JC has gone to bed, Molly is still up with her parents. At this point she makes the DV claim to her parents for the first time. On hearing this TM is obviously enraged, and he decides to go upstairs to confront JC, with MM in tow. It all then kicks off in the bedroom. You'd imagine the atmosphere in the house would have been awkward and intense all day between JC and the Martens. I agree that this is probably why the kids were removed to stay at a friends house. So a frustrating, intense day for all concerned would have taken a sinister twist had MM played the DV card for the first time. If we take the angle that TM did take part in the attack (the severity of some of JC's injuries tend to point to being delivered by a man), it might explain the over kill/loss of control. A dad who has just been told by his daughter that she is being abused....

It might also offer an explanation as to why the kids were collected at 11pm from the friends house and brought back. MM tells her parents that JC has been abusing her, her parents react by saying 'let's get the kids, let's confront Jason about the abuse and let's get out of here'. Obviously timelines are key here. We're all working off the 911 call and that JC was murdered in the early hours of the morning but we do not know that for sure. He could have been killed at any point between the kids being brought back to the home and that 3 am 911 call.

Another question to pose here is why the need for a baseball bat? Surely a law enforcement agent would be armed at all times, especially one involved in counter terrorism? Does anyone know if this is the case?

If so and if TM was asleep in the guest bedroom downstairs like he says he was, he'd surely have had his weapon at close hand? Would he travel all the way to NC for the weekend and leave his weapon at home? Would he leave his weapon in the car?

I remember seeing a paper , probably just one of those generalised searches whereby none of them was authorised with a gun permit. That was strange because feds are always licensed to carry even following retirement.

Regarding time of death, I believe it must have occurred in the hour before the EMT call because post mortem changes would be very evident after a longer period.

I agree , as somebody else suggested that she took the kids home in a tantrum, but I believe if they were all planning on leaving it would have been safer and wiser to wait until Jason was at work, she had a car, she had funds, she could have left at any time.
The broken nose still suggests a blow inflicted by a man with his fist though.. but without expert analysis it is not possible to tell what stage in the attack this occurred, or even whether it had occurred earlier in the night before the fatal attack.

A bat is a common murder weapon, TM would have known of its effectiveness because of his training.
I still find it odd Jason was naked. To me, it doesn't make sense he would be threatening or attacking her without clothes on.

Another thing - my husband is a lot larger than me. Physically, the 2 of us are similar to Jason and Molly. My husband does something that drives me INSANE. Often infuriates me. One day I was so mad at him. I was at a loss for words and then said (not screaming) "I could just kill you when you do that." He laughed and said, "Ya, but the only way you could do that would be if I was sleeping, and you wouldn't still be mad at me by then." I laughed and said, ya true.

The only way Molly could have a chance at attacking Jason (and being successful) would be if Jason was sleeping. There's no way she could have a chance otherwise due to his size (and her small stature).


BrownRice---glad you forgave your husband! ��
The fact that she brought the kids home might have saved her from the 1st degree murder charges. If premeditated, why bring them back to the house before the murder? Why add two more potential witnesses?
The fact that she brought the kids home might have saved her from the 1st degree murder charges. If premeditated, why bring them back to the house before the murder? Why add two more potential witnesses?

Ya, that has always stumped me. In a normal situation, it's not typical to bring kids home in the middle of the night. Just let them sleep where they are (of course, assuming they are safe).
Just spotted on a newspaper article John Corbett (brother) said over 3 and half years JC returned to Ireland WITH the children 18 times. That actually sounds bizarre ..... I'm guessing that there is no direct flights to Ireland.... I think it shows how unhappy JC was and how much he missed home. Again, how many times did Molly go with them? Apologies if link was already posted

Also will be very interesting to hear the details of what JCs family witnessed during their visits to America. They have been quoted as saying they can't go into details for legal reasons.
Just spotted on a newspaper article John Corbett (brother) said over 3 and half years JC returned to Ireland WITH the children 18 times. That actually sounds bizarre ..... I'm guessing that there is no direct flights to Ireland.... I think it shows how unhappy JC was and how much he missed home. Again, how many times did Molly go with them? Apologies if link was already posted

Also will be very interesting to hear the details of what JCs family witnessed during their visits to America. They have been quoted as saying they can't go into details for legal reasons.
Thats a really BRILLIANT interview!

While reading I was struck forcefully at the arrogance of the Martens' spokesperson who is currently being investigated by his own employers, FBI, for his role in attempting to gain access to Jason's office, just a few hours following Jason's murder and stating he is a federal agent in the hope of furthering his illegal attempted foray.

I was also struck by the awfulness of molly's facebook campaign, their contesting of the custody order, their absolute horrible RIGHTEOUSNESS, about their claim upon the children they had known for a mere 3.5 years and their insistence on calling them 'family'.

The fact that the Corbetts, not only lost their much loved brother in such horrible circumstances, but had to go into such massive debt in order to fulfill his wishes is one of the most poignant aspects of the reading. Following a sudden family bereavement, it is extraordinarily difficult to think coherently for quite a long time, shock intersperses with reality in between jolts to the heart, like getting shot repeatedly in the course of several hours.. its horrific
Just spotted on a newspaper article John Corbett (brother) said over 3 and half years JC returned to Ireland WITH the children 18 times. That actually sounds bizarre ..... I'm guessing that there is no direct flights to Ireland.... I think it shows how unhappy JC was and how much he missed home. Again, how many times did Molly go with them? Apologies if link was already posted

Also will be very interesting to hear the details of what JCs family witnessed during their visits to America. They have been quoted as saying they can't go into details for legal reasons.

These are few incidents which were witnessed by Jasons family members. Her behaviour is described as being erratic which she has gone on to prove correct by some of her postings on her social media and her behaviour including trying to get a banner flown over Limerick, removing belonging from the family home etc . Kate b has been so kind to put all links to this case on this thread
The CNN transcript of the Nancy Grace piece stated definitively that the money had actually been pre sent

I saw that but then it goes on to state
To Walter Holton, the lawyer for the wife. Walter, what do you make of the husband, now dead, withdrawing 60 grand from his bank account and moving it

back home to the U.K.?

HOLTON: Nancy, I`ve seen no evidence of that.

GRACE: You`ve seen no evidence of that. OK. So let me go to you, Matt Zarrell. What evidence do we have that he had withdrawn 60 grand and moved


ZARRELL: Well, police say in the search warrant that additional information received from business partners of Jason Corbett -- so they

specified business partners -- indicated that in preparation for that trip -- and I`m reading directly from the document -- "Jason Corbett allegedly

discussed transferring some of his financial assets to include large sums of money, $60,000, from his bank accounts here in the United States to his

home bank in Ireland."
I saw that but then it goes on to state
To Walter Holton, the lawyer for the wife. Walter, what do you make of the husband, now dead, withdrawing 60 grand from his bank account and moving it

back home to the U.K.?

HOLTON: Nancy, I`ve seen no evidence of that.

GRACE: You`ve seen no evidence of that. OK. So let me go to you, Matt Zarrell. What evidence do we have that he had withdrawn 60 grand and moved


ZARRELL: Well, police say in the search warrant that additional information received from business partners of Jason Corbett -- so they

specified business partners -- indicated that in preparation for that trip -- and I`m reading directly from the document -- "Jason Corbett allegedly

discussed transferring some of his financial assets to include large sums of money, $60,000, from his bank accounts here in the United States to his

home bank in Ireland."
I apologise, I had misread it. Thanks.
I am still reading through all the recent posts on different theories and I'm nodding agreement to everything - the only theory I would dispute is the idea that TM did not strike a blow. I agree absolutely that Molly initiated the attack and Tom's "intervention" in the "donnybrook" involved establishing an alternate scenario. However, as there were two weapons used, and presumably two types of injuries, LE might have decided there were two attackers. LE was very quick to dismiss the presented story - one attacker in self-defense, so I think there is some clear forensic evidence of two attackers.
Alternately, they quickly decided that Molly was the sole perpetrator and they charged both of them to put the heat on her father to tell the truth - hoping he will reason that if he can't save his daughter from jail, he might as well save himself. This is more of a defense lawyer's strategy than a LE strategy, so I think there is something linking both Molly and Tom to the weapons and injuries.

I agree Francesca. Page 91 of the search warrant states that early in investigation both perpetrators admitted to striking Jason with the bat and paving stone. I originally thought it was all Molly and tom was taking the rap. It appears rather they are both admitting to inflicting the blows. It may be difficult for med examiner to establish which blow was the fatal blow.

regarding angle of blows, given the blood spatter, pieces of matter and scalp found on floor (the poor poor man), do you think it possible fatal blow was delivered while he was incapacitated on the floor?

Re DVD story it makes no sense that Sharon m stayed in basement and left her elderly husband to deal with a substantially heavier alleged abuser. That too while her daughter was allegedly in danger. If tom was sufficiently alarmed to bring s baseball bat, she should have been right on his heels to assist...
The fact that she brought the kids home might have saved her from the 1st degree murder charges. If premeditated, why bring them back to the house before the murder? Why add two more potential witnesses?

Has MM commented on why she picked up the kids? If she loved the children why bring them home to witness the argument.
I agree Francesca. Page 91 of the search warrant states that early in investigation both perpetrators admitted to striking Jason with the bat and paving stone. I originally thought it was all Molly and tom was taking the rap. It appears rather they are both admitting to inflicting the blows. It may be difficult for med examiner to establish which blow was the fatal blow.

regarding angle of blows, given the blood spatter, pieces of matter and scalp found on floor (the poor poor man), do you think it possible fatal blow was delivered while he was incapacitated on the floor?

Re DVD story it makes no sense that Sharon m stayed in basement and left her elderly husband to deal with a substantially heavier alleged abuser. That too while her daughter was allegedly in danger. If tom was sufficiently alarmed to bring s baseball bat, she should have been right on his heels to assist...
great point re mother martens! I cannot understand why it is she gets so few public mentions, yet she supported molly's campaign the whole way through and she was ALLEGEDLY the only other adult witness to the murder.
Re blunt force trauma
Certain injuries to the head and brain will almost certainly cause death because of the part of the brain that is damaged beyond repair is necessary for the sustenance of life. I was trying to search specifically for these injuries.
Does anyone have a theory about why tom didn't mention the paving stone on the 911 call? Other than shock (which didn't seem to be an issue for him). Could he have entered , saw molly grappling with Jason who had just been struck by The stone, and then tom hit him with bat? What I mean is, in all the flurry perhaps tom initially didn't actually KNOW she had hit jason with the stone in those initial stages. Maybe this is a bit far fetched... Any theories?
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