CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #11

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Lucy's mom

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May 28, 2008
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This is awful. I wonder what else we're going to find out.

PERRIS, Calif. (KABC) --
Thirteen victims, ranging in age from 2 to 29 years old, were kept shackled to their beds amid foul surroundings in a Perris home by their parents, sheriff's officials said.

Early Sunday morning, a 17-year-old girl escaped from the residence, located in the 100 Block of Muir Woods Road and called 911 from a cellular device she managed to take from the home, investigators said.

That teen told the 911 operator that she and her 12 siblings were being held captive in their home by their parents.

Media Thread

Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #4
Thread #5
Thread #6
Thread #7
Thread #10

I cringe every time I see them described that way.

No worries. This “thing” was bothering too many of us, so we discussed this last night and decided on “Survivor 1, 2, 3, etc” with Tricia’s blessing. There is a photo on this thread and on the media thread with each of these dear survivors photoshopped with this designation by AnaPisces. Here it is again.



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Here is the cropped photo where she looks pregnant to me. Since she has had multiple pregnancies she may look further along than she actually is. I think this coincides with the 2013 Vegas renewal. She is wearing a different dress than the other times and her hair looks the same as this picture in length and color. If this is from the end of 2013, then it would not be the youngest child.


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Both have 12 counts of torture

Both have 12 counts of false imprisonment

She has 11 counts of child endangerment and he has 6

She has 6 willful harm to a child and he has 5

Both have 7 harm/cruelty to a dependent adult

He has 1 lewd act.

Did I count these right? Please check my work.

DT charges:
LT charges:

ETA to add links from Kizzykat

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
(first post)
Just wanted to chime in on a few issues here. I am a parent and a grandparent and I come from a large family so the extended family is very large. I can’t even begin to imagine treating any one of them in such a horrific way.

I think there are definite signs that the abuse/neglect began way back. The fact that Fantastic #1 went to school in the same dirty clothes every day is a red flag. And several facts supplied by the sister remembering her visit around that time were also troublesome – very little family time, to begin with. The kids had to stay in their room. And the control of LT was there as well, as evidenced when the child couldn’t even eat what was on the table in front of them without first getting visible permission from LT. None of these alone is proof of anything, but the signs are there nonetheless.

As for the relatives, I can understand them wanting to take care of them. I would accept any of my family members with open arms and be there for them if they needed it. However, in this case, I don’t think that’s wise, for several reasons. To begin with, the siblings (I will call them “the siblings” or “The 13” rather than kids) need a greater degree of separation from DT/LT than immediate family can provide. They need time – a LOT of time – to heal, and some scars will never heal. That is part of what is disheartening about this – there is some damage that will be forever with them, I believe. It will take a lot of time for them to really see and believe and understand that THIS WAS NOT THEIR FAULT – not an easy road to recovery.

Apart from that, however, we know that families can sometimes push each other’s buttons. And I fear that under the surface (if not spoken outright) some extended family will resent them for breaking apart the family and besmirching the family name, and I am afraid it would come out in ways both subtle and not so subtle. Perhaps especially so against Fantastic (and Brave) #8 who brought it all to the light of day. They don’t need that.

Also I wonder if there will be ramifications or charges relating to the possibility that they registered as a home school but very little to no actual schooling was going on, at least with regard to required subjects.

Regarding the Dr. Seuss pictures, personally I don’t believe it was touched up, but I could be wrong. When you have that many people in a picture, hands, arms, elbows, etc. get thrust in every direction.

That’s enough for now, although there is so much more…
I totally agree with you. I even saw on here that there were some trying to justify or explain why there could be things such as chained children or chained and locked everything. The way it is stated implies doubt, to me.

Respectfully, the defense attorneys are not going to waltz into the courtroom, throw their hands up and declare their clients guilty, they are going to put on a defense, and in a high profile case, it's going to be a doozie.

The jury will ultimately decide based on facts, circumstantial evidence, the Prosecution's alleged motive, and a theory by the accused's defense team.

Are we not curious what the defense will use to try and "justify" the actions that are detailed in the DA's charges, and what will not be considered evidence at all?

Speaking for myself, presenting possible defense scenarios, in an effort to anticipate what the Turpin's attorneys may interject to possibly cause reasonable "doubt", is hardly justifying child abuse.

As a matter of fact, I share (eerily) much in common with these survivors and I can assure you there is no justification in my mind or heart for any form of child abuse. I have spent most of my life searching for a good excuse because my abuser died before I could find the courage to ask him why, and the other parent has offered little. I have found only one halfway justified excuse, the 1999 case of Betty Topper. Brain damage.

I have been on this forum for many years and have never so much as hinted at my story because I am a very private person and, IMO, it has no place on another victim's thread. I only now mention it because I would ask people to please consider this before harshly judging someone's words and/or intent...they might be victims too.
Someone was asking if there were interior photos of the Perris house. The attached photo would have been taken within the past two years. The patio seen in photos taken by the media while police were bringing out evidence, is behind them.

Observation...the young man all the way to the right looks painfully thin, while the older girls, all the way to the left look normal. Makes me wonder if the abuse was targeted to certain children.


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I may be the only one who thought from the very first glance at the Disney photos...that the family was never really there. And that the photos were done using some app where you could insert a photo onto a Disney-themed template and even photoshop disney characters with faces, etc. I don't think they really went there. As mentioned, there are no other non-posed photos of any of the family other then the staged photos. I googled this concept and founds apps that do exactly this, including inserting Disney characters with different faces. The father Turpin was a computer geek so he could do this.

I also don't know how this family could afford to get to ... and pay entrance fees...for 13 people. Did they drive, assuming it's the CA Disney. Where did they stay? It's expensive. All in one room? Did they all go in one car? Was it a one day trip? With all of the folks on this thread questioning the limbs missing in these photos, it does make me wonder. Do a bit of googling and see what you find and think.

Good questions.

The Turpins are no strangers to using themed templates as can be seen here:


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I would like to apologize to SmartSassyBBW. SSBBW would not alert on the picture she was complaining about because although the picture did appear on the last Turpin thread, even though it was removed Tapatalk picked it up. Meaning every time a member using Tapatalk would log into that Turpin thread they were greeted with that awful picture.

Please do not post off-topic pictures in this thread or any thread. It can cause big problems for the already overworked moderation team.

Thank you.
My apologies if this has already been asked:

Was there ever a point where DT/LT ever expected their older kids to take care of or look after the younger ones?

I know that older children taking care of younger ones is common in large families, for example, the Duggars.

Genuinely curious to know anything about this.
I am curious whether the Turpin parents ever expected any of their children to be moving out of their home. What was the long term plan? Just keep having children until it was no longer a possibility? It almost feels like one of the animal hoarding cases you hear of where multiple animals are penned up without food and water and unable to get out of the feces and disease. So very sad.
Good questions.

The Turpins are no strangers to using themed templates as can be seen here:

This couple really likes to repeat. This is the same photo taken years apart. They renew their vow in the same venue with the same Elvis guy - with the daughters wearing the same dresses.

They repeatedly have children, perhaps? Repeat bankruptcy, repeatedly move.

I don't have a conclusion, just an observation on this habit of seeming to re-enact what they've done before.

No worries. This “thing” was bothering too many of us, so we discussed this last night and decided on “Survivor 1, 2, 3, etc” with Tricia’s blessing. There is a photo on this thread and on the media thread with each of these dear survivors photoshopped with this designation by AnaPisces. Here it is again.


Minor detail, but I believe the picture is wrong on #12's age. I believe, as it was originally reported, that she is only 11. The two that were freed from restraints as the authorities got there were 14 and 11, which I believe were #10 and #12. (The authorities freed #4, I believe.)

I don't have proof of this, but I am going by the initial reports.
I wonder how the siblings are doing tonight. Are they far enough along to know the joy of a comfortably full belly after dinner, knowing a healthy snack is available? Can they find some measure of comfort in their new surroundings? Are they able to contact each other (with or without supervision as necessary I just don't know their needs) any time they wish? I hope they are surrounded by the things & people in this world that can bring them peace during this transition, and always.

I am also thinking about the difficult journey ahead of them. I hope the journals they were, imo, forced to keep, will offer them strength. I can only imagine how hard it would be to relive their childhoods for the court system. They might want to write off the worst of it and focus on the good. This is their life, after all, with their parents. Even kids who kill their abusive parents have mixed feelings, from what I've read. Without the journals we, and they, would only have these made up fantasies to revisit. As tough as it is, the journals will likely force the kids to reconcile whatever protective instincts might kick in for any of the magnificent 13 to cause them to want to downplay their own or their siblings' circumstances. The shame and fear that are ingrained through abuse, imo, can make it hard for a survivor to remain steadfast in their recollection. Detailed memories recorded in the journals could help keep other memories more accessable, I hope.

I also wonder if LT or DT kept journals. I understand their admissibility is questionable, but still.
Pro photographer here. I can see no evidence of using editing software, such as Ps or whatever in any photograph. The reason why the people are blurred in the night time Disney photograph is because of the shutter action of the camera. Due to low light, the software makes the shutter stay open longer, so people moving look blurred. Those standing still will be clear.
The father's hair is oddly lit as he's tall and there's a light issue so he looks a little superimposed, but this is normal.
The Thing photo is probably lit by flash which once again makes it look like the children have been superimposed, but the image is consistent. All hair direction going the same way, consistent shadows, feet alignment is fine, so image taken on a cloudy day some time in the afternoon imo. Their awkward poses make the image look odd.
Still playing catch up. Are these young men/young women out of hospital yet? thank you
Minor detail, but I believe the picture is wrong on #12's age. I believe, as it was originally reported, that she is only 11. The two that were freed from restraints as the authorities got there were 14 and 11, which I believe were #10 and #12. (The authorities freed #4, I believe.)

I don't have proof of this, but I am going by the initial reports.

This is the image that I put together. Is this correct? If so, and if we have proof of 12's age. I will edit it and post it asap.
--Snipped by me--

Just wanted to chime in on a few issues here. I am a parent and a grandparent and I come from a large family so the extended family is very large. I can’t even begin to imagine treating any one of them in such a horrific way.

I think there are definite signs that the abuse/neglect began way back. The fact that Fantastic #1 went to school in the same dirty clothes every day is a red flag. And several facts supplied by the sister remembering her visit around that time were also troublesome – very little family time, to begin with.

I think this is a very good point about #1 and her early years in school. Even before they were homeschooled, even when at least one of them was in a public school, there was an obvious sign of distress-obvious in a way that the other kids noticed and remarked upon it. I don't understand why the teacher didn't contact authorities at this point. My mother has been a public school teacher for 30 years and even 20 years ago, when the eldest daughter would've been in elementary school, teachers were being trained to look for signs of abuse and neglect. It wasn't so long ago that the signs weren't on people's radars. If the child's physical appearance and hygiene were such so that the other children were ridiculing her, then it should've stood out to the teacher as well. We've talked about the regulations that might have been helpful, the oversights that failed them, etc. but this one example stands out the most to me. She was in a public school and seen by multiple people outside of her family almost every day, getting made fun of for her clothing and, for lack of better word, "smell", and nothing was done. At least nothing that we've been made aware of.
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