Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 19

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'Madeleine Police Made Critical Mistakes',,91210-1291750,00.html
Commenting after members of the initial response team spoke publicly about the "chaotic" scenes at the apartment in Praia da Luz Child protection expert Mr Williams-Thomas said:
"As soon as they arrived they were in charge and should have taken control."

One of the Portuguese officers also suggested the McCanns' behaviour had been "strange" when the team arrived.
But Mr Williams-Thomas replied: "You cannot expect, however educated Gerry and Kate are, for them to be considering the importance of evidence at that stage having just reported Madeleine missing.
RTP in Portugal is airing a documentary (or version) of the case. The t.v. channel produced it. What bothered me is that the producers claim they have removed all controversial, disputed and extraneous material and yet there is the old Paraiso restaurant CCTV of Gerry & Madeleine again. The PJ have already said that vid was taken on another day, not 3 May. It shows the family dining there, Gerry & Madeleine dancing on the beach, the ice cream for her, etc. Whether or not the McCanns were at the Paraiso is not essential to solving the problem of Madeleine's disappearance but there is testimony that the children were at the Kids' Club and then taken to 5A at 6:00 or about that hour. They had eaten at the club. It is a surprise to see this story about supper elsewhere inserted again. Gerry McCann was at a tennis lesson from 6-7, as I understand it. When all is said & done, will there be one solid fact standing?
RTP in Portugal is airing a documentary (or version) of the case. The t.v. channel produced it. What bothered me is that the producers claim they have removed all controversial, disputed and extraneous material and yet there is the old Paraiso restaurant CCTV of Gerry & Madeleine again. The PJ have already said that vid was taken on another day, not 3 May. It shows the family dining there, Gerry & Madeleine dancing on the beach, the ice cream for her, etc. Whether or not the McCanns were at the Paraiso is not essential to solving the problem of Madeleine's disappearance but there is testimony that the children were at the Kids' Club and then taken to 5A at 6:00 or about that hour. They had eaten at the club. It is a surprise to see this story about supper elsewhere inserted again. Gerry McCann was at a tennis lesson from 6-7, as I understand it. When all is said & done, will there be one solid fact standing?

When you're doing a television documentary, you really want to use moving pictures if you can. So, they would want to use any footage they have of Madeleine, which this may be all there is. I don't think the McCanns have released any videotape of their daughter.
RTP in Portugal is airing a documentary (or version) of the case. The t.v. channel produced it. What bothered me is that the producers claim they have removed all controversial, disputed and extraneous material and yet there is the old Paraiso restaurant CCTV of Gerry & Madeleine again. The PJ have already said that vid was taken on another day, not 3 May. It shows the family dining there, Gerry & Madeleine dancing on the beach, the ice cream for her, etc. Whether or not the McCanns were at the Paraiso is not essential to solving the problem of Madeleine's disappearance but there is testimony that the children were at the Kids' Club and then taken to 5A at 6:00 or about that hour. They had eaten at the club. It is a surprise to see this story about supper elsewhere inserted again. Gerry McCann was at a tennis lesson from 6-7, as I understand it. When all is said & done, will there be one solid fact standing?


It's not about using whatever footage is available, it's about the curious contradicitions allowed to go uncorrected. Were the McCanns at dinner together or was Gerry at his previously stated tennis lesson at that time?
Maddie sighting near Medjugorje shrine in the Balkans:


The guy got the license tag number of a car after seeing a couple with a child who was crying for "Daddy." He tried to tell police the child looked like Madeleine, but was told there was nothing they could do.

Will this be another misidentification and "whoops" moment? ::) Couldn't there possibly be another blond girl who spoke English at a famous Catholic shrine visited by thousands of tourists?
As much as I would love to believe this latest sighting, I just can't. There have been far too many of false alarms from ppl 'certain' it was Maddie to take any new ones seriously.

Is it me or have things gone quiet of late regarding news, new developements in the hunt for Madeleine.? Could it be that something is about to happen? Does anyone here feel the same.?

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Once, twice, three times Team McCann ignores offer to raise awareness of missing Madeleine

'Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned." A high profile, multi-media, global campaign that is based on lies and deceit. The campaign has made little or no attempt to find Madeleine. Donations from struggling parents, businesses and even emotionally blackmailed children, have been used for expenses never before associated with a search for a missing child.

Within a short time of Madeleine's disappearance Team McCann, set about the task of protecting the McCanns from the financial hardship most parents of missing children incur. We have all seen it time and again - relationships break down, mums or dads lose their jobs due to stress, and families are financially ruined due to legitimate expenses incurred in a desperate, heartbreaking attempt to find their lost child.

Gerald McCann and Kate Healy came from nowhere - and they were determined to do everything in their power to avoid going back to their roots. They were prepared to betray their little girl, betray the sympathy of the public and betray the concept of truth, in order to protect their lifestyle.

With the help of highly-connected friends and a regime of secrecy, fear and protection, the operation went in to full swing with the slickness of a well organised propaganda campaign. They targeted people's emotions, they tried to sell the, "there but for the grace of God go I" message to the naive and the unquestioning.

For a while it worked - but everything the McCanns do - they do badly - and that includes parenting. Thankfully for those of us who are seeking answers, they enlisted the aid of Justine McGuinness, a PR guru who is so inept she doesn't know how to spell PR, let alone organise an efficient, water-tight campaign.

Team McCann have not turned over one stone - they stayed away from stony ground to graze upon greener, lusher pastures. The McCanns go from interview to interview, photo-op to photo-op, launching tasteless posters, tacky wristbands and releasing balloons.

After more than three months the campaign has not produced any information regarding the fete of the child they neglected - the only credible information has come from the Portuguese police and Portuguese media. Information the McCanns, the Establishment and the British media, take unseemly delight in discrediting - unless it suits their own agenda.

Genuine and credible offers of help and assistance have gone unacknowledged, been turned down and scorned. Team McCann ask us to believe they are prepared to do everything in their power to find a little girl betrayed by good-time parents. They give interviews thanking people for their support when in reality the support and kindness of strangers, has been constantly rejected and even ridiculed.

Gerry McCann has been quoted as saying, "We are always trying to think of ideas that will reach people who may not have heard of Madeleines disappearance."

It is a lie. As are so many things associated with the McCanns.

I received three emails from an impeccable source whose integrity the Tapas Nine, could not collectively come close to. The source has professional credentials and contacts that any parents of a missing child, would give their soul to have on their side. Those credentials were made clear to Team McCann in emails.

My source made three attempts to initiate a highly effective awareness campaign in Bosnia, which as you will see by the correspondence, is a major route and destination for human trafficking.

----- Original Message -----
From: Name Deleted
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1:10 PM
Subject: suggestion for appeal in Bosnia

ATN: Mrs. Justine McGuinness
Campaign Manager

I live in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is, unfortunately, now a major route and destination for human trafficking (as can be seen on the IOM website

The news of Madeleine's disappearance was covered only briefly by the media here at the time it occurred. I know that the chain e-mails have done the rounds, but only in English and, in any case, only a limited number of the local population have access to internet. Only a dozen or so local internet sites have any reference to her case, mostly translations of articles from international media sources back in May; none are recent and inform that she is still being searched for.

To make an appeal that would reach the majority of the population would have to be done through advertisements in newspapers, which are widely read. I would be glad to prepare an appropriate text in the local languages and submit them to 4 or 5 dailies myself, if this is deemed useful. The cost of the advertisements themselves would be around 200-400 euro, according to their size and the number of newspapers chosen. Please let me know if you are interested in pursuing this option. Spots on the evening television news are another highly effective option, but they would be much more expensive.

I have deleted the paragraph where my source provided details of their professional credentials.
Yours sincerely,
Name Deleted
Professional details deleted

----- Original Message -----
From: Name Deleted
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: Fw: suggestion for appeal in Bosnia

Dear Ms. McGuinness,

I am resending this mesage as you may not have received it from the general mail address. I found your address on internet today.

----- Original Message -----
From: Name Deleted
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 12:30 PM
Subject: "ideas that will reach people who may not have heard of Madeleines disappearance" & suggestion for appeal in Bosnia

Dear Dr. McCann,

I find it a bit hard to reconcile your blog statement “We are always trying to think of ideas that will reach people who may not have heard of Madeleines disappearance.” with the fact that a suggestion to raise awareness in a European country known to be a route and destination for human trafficking (including children), and where press coverage has been almost nil, received absolutely no response, let alone interest. The relevant mails are below.

I have followed the news of the sad disappearance of your daughter with concern and believe that the public (British, Portuguese and others) gave generously to help you in the endeavour to leave no stone unturned, even in cases where the chances of success might be slim.

The suggestion and offer had been made in good faith and I am sorry they were not considered worthwhile; if it were my child, I would be looking everywhere.

Name Deleted

All three emails went unanswered.


That question is answered in my opening paragraph. Leaving no stone unturned is based on a lie. It is an income protection scheme for the McCanns and their family - board members of the fund who are also beneficiaries. I have yet to see any evidence of their alleged, "conflict of interest policy".

It is also about protection.

But who are the ones being protected?

And just as importantly - how far back does that protection go?

Isn't it sad that out of all the posts I have made on this issue, this is the one that scares me the most. Lies come cheaply - but risk is the price of truth.

Posted by Mike Hitchen at 8/18/2007 11:16:00 AM


Faith and begorrah! Maddie has been spotted at Medjugorje by an Irish pilgrim.

Was she wearing her angel wings?
Lawyer from 'Tapas 1': “The lobby surrounding the McCann is frightening”

The lawyer from one of the persons that wants to change his testimony criticizes the lobby around the parents of Madeleine – story published today in “El Mundo".

“My client must keep secret what he can do help the search for the truth and this is not due to the law secrecy in Portugal. That is is quite revealing of the strange circumstances around this case”, says the lawyer of one of the two McCann friends that were at Tapas Bar, on the night of May 3, and decided to have a close cooperation with Police, as “El Mundo” published, last Tuesday. “He is not afraid of the McCann but the economic and political lobby that exists, around that couple, frightens any person.”

English, Portuguese and French version available here, after 10h30pm

Duarte Levy and Paulo Reis
Short of a body, I've always thought the best possible route to the truth of May 3 would be having one of the Tapas 9 crack. Or any number of them turn against the others to save their own reputations.

Thank you for the Reis article. There is a link to El Mundo but the only version that is ready is in Fr. Rather shocking news, anyway: the police were not called until the group had time to confer and confront the problem they all faced for leaving their children untended, according to the client. (No secret that it is O'Brien.). An admission they were well aware that they had been grossly negligent as I see it.

Those emails so shocking. It is as stated, simply a lie that the McCanns were doing everything possible to find Madeleine or to broadcast news of her. We know this from previous reports of posters just now being prepared in other languages, but still...

Those emails so shocking. It is as stated, simply a lie that the McCanns were doing everything possible to find Madeleine or to broadcast news of her. We know this from previous reports of posters just now being prepared in other languages, but still...

And isn't it just so convenient that as this news becomes available, there is a sighting of Maddie in the very area. The McCanns must be watching Aussie Mike's blog, huh?

These guys really do have some kind of a media machine rolling.

And isn't it just so convenient that as this news becomes available, there is a sighting of Maddie in the very area. The McCanns must be watching Aussie Mike's blog, huh?

These guys really do have some kind of a media machine rolling.


Ya think? Like gambling in Casablanca, I'm shocked and appalled to see it happening.

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Once, twice, three times Team McCann ignores offer to raise awareness of missing Madeleine


Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 12:30 PM
Subject: "ideas that will reach people who may not have heard of Madeleines disappearance" & suggestion for appeal in Bosnia

Dear Dr. McCann,

I find it a bit hard to reconcile your blog statement “We are always trying to think of ideas that will reach people who may not have heard of Madeleines disappearance.” with the fact that a suggestion to raise awareness in a European country known to be a route and destination for human trafficking (including children), and where press coverage has been almost nil, received absolutely no response, let alone interest. The relevant mails are below.

I have followed the news of the sad disappearance of your daughter with concern and believe that the public (British, Portuguese and others) gave generously to help you in the endeavour to leave no stone unturned, even in cases where the chances of success might be slim.

The suggestion and offer had been made in good faith and I am sorry they were not considered worthwhile; if it were my child, I would be looking everywhere.

Name Deleted


Posted by Mike Hitchen at 8/18/2007 11:16:00 AM


This entry was written in Aussie Mike's blog in mid-August, not recently.

Barnaby, when I saw the location of the latest sighting, this blog entry was the very first thing I thought of. If by some divine miracle, this girl does turn out to be Madeleine, the McCanns are going to have a lot of explaining to do about why they turned down 3 good offers to help search in the Bosnia area three months ago.
Lawyer from 'Tapas 1': “The lobby surrounding the McCann is frightening”

The lawyer from one of the persons that wants to change his testimony criticizes the lobby around the parents of Madeleine – story published today in “El Mundo".

“My client must keep secret what he can do help the search for the truth and this is not due to the law secrecy in Portugal. That is is quite revealing of the strange circumstances around this case”, says the lawyer of one of the two McCann friends that were at Tapas Bar, on the night of May 3, and decided to have a close cooperation with Police, as “El Mundo” published, last Tuesday. “He is not afraid of the McCann but the economic and political lobby that exists, around that couple, frightens any person.”

English, Portuguese and French version available here, after 10h30pm

Duarte Levy and Paulo Reis

Yep, intimidation. And these stories we've read about ties to the British government and very high profile celebrities would frighten anyone just because so many famous people have gone out on a limb for the McCanns, and will look like fools if they were wrong.

It's almost as if the whole thing isn't to find Madeleine, but to make sure the McCanns are found innocent. That's the insidious thing - it becomes all about the defense of the parents, instead of the plight of the child. :(
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