FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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Continue here with discussion on Somer's case.

Post links to SR registry only, do not copy/paste info on SO to this thread, including photographs and inmate details.

Do not post personal information -- name, address, phone number -- of anyone LE has not named as suspect in the murder of Somer Thompson here.

References to minors other than the victim should be initials only (AC, AT, ST). When in doubt about whether you can use someone's name, use initials and provide link to source of information.

Links ONLY to Facebook/MySpace/Twitter pages with description of what you want us to look at. Don't copy and paste information here.
Facts I, Part 4

Because I was running into issues with surpassing the number of characters in this post, I'm going to divide into Facts I (Somer, Diena, Samuel, Sean, C. Perry) and Facts II (Gano House, Law Enforcement, Other People, Garbage, RSOs, Unrelated) and the Part number will change as we go.

Please do not quote whole post. Bring a correction or addition to my attention with copy/paste.

:star1: New entries (from previous version) will be marked with star.

• Somer Thompson was 7 when she disappeared on October 19.
• Somer was wearing a cranberry jump suit (sweat suit) with a matching top to the bottom and pink satin stripes down the sides of arms and legs, and a black shirt underneath and blue and gray socks and rainbow tennis shoes. (Diena Thompson Addresses the Media)
• Somer and her siblings got ride to school in the morning and walked in the afternoon with 50-70 kids See Diena Thompson Addresses The Media.
• Somer was born April 5, 2002.
• Somer did not wander off according to her mom in video Diena Thompson Addresses The Media.
• Somer routinely wandered around and nobody knew where she was, according to a babysitter.
• Somer had run off unattended. MR said running off unattended wasn't anything new for Somer. R., 17, said she baby-sat Somer and her two siblings for a little more than a month this year. ... She said the 7-year-old is headstrong and often jumped ahead of her brother and sister on the way back from school and made her way back by herself. These trips usually took anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, and she said Diena Thompson had a list of phone numbers for the parents of Somer's friends in case she was gone for too long.
• Somer wore a red ribbon in her ponytail on October 19.
• Somer was driven to school on October 19 by AB (neighbor), who said it was a normal morning and Somer was her usual self.
• Somer went to school (GPE) and left school at regular time (2:32 p.m.).
• Somer was released from school at 2:50 p.m. Source
• Somer initially started walking with her friend M. “Minutes before she was walking with this little girl. I mean, yea it's definitely sunk in...It gives me goose bumps...thinking it could have been fifty-fifty, I mean, just like that,” said GC.
• Somer caught up with AT and ST (twin) in the 1100 block of Gano. Source
• AT brought up spat with M., and Somer ran ahead to walk alone.
• An AMBER Alert was issued on Tuesday morning. It does not mention the book bag or lunchbox, but mentions her possibly wearing white hat and scarf. JPG of AMBER Alert
• Somer lived with her mom Diena, her twin brother ST, her older sister AT and her older brother AC. See Diena Thompson Addresses The Media.
• Somer's body was found at Chesser Island Landfill in Folkston, GA. She was tentatively identified by her clothing and a birthmark.
• Somer's lunchbox and book bag (see sketches as released by LE and shown on AMW) have not been found. Details first reported on AMW November 7. (Previous reports had not mentioned lunchbox; backpack/book bag was described several ways, now believed to be in error, including but not limited to “black book bag”; “pink black and white backpack with skulls, hearts, and crossbones”; “purple HM backpack”)
• Somer rode her scooter around the neighborhood. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569515,00.html
• Somer and her siblings AT and ST normally walked home together. Three weeks ago Monday the 7-year-old was walking home from school with her older sister A. and twin brother S. Her mother was at work. And as usual, the children were to walk home together. Friends' parents would keep an eye on them. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/somer-thom...ory?id=9029804

• Diena and Samuel Thompson are estranged and in the process of divorcing.
• Diena has a live-in boyfriend (CPC, who goes by P).
• Diena said she had lunch at her home on October 19 with SAP, a family friend.
• Diena asked SAP to wait until the kids got home from school. (from narrative MPR, but what was he to do after that?)
• Dena texts SAP around 4 p.m., asking how the kids were; SAP replied that Somer had not come home with the other kids.
• Diena leaves work early to search for Somer.
• Diena felt something was wrong this time, and this is why she responded quickly to news of Somer not making it home that day.
• Diena calls her boyfriend, CPC aka Perry, at about 4:20 p.m., tells him Somer didn’t come home, and asks him to leave work to help search for her.
• Diena stops at OPAA to pick up oldest son AC.
• Diena flags down D/S A. Coan at the corner of Floyd Circle West and Gano, and reports Somer missing.
• Diena says that ST (twin) lagged behind to talk to a friend. (watch video that page too)."I know that ST had lagged behind talking to a friend," Diena Thompson told "GMA." "And AT and Somer were together and that -- I'm not sure what happened. Somer got teased a lot. ... She ran ahead, and AT just figured she'd catch up with her. And when she got to the second crossing guard Somer wasn't there.
• Diena and blacked out video. This is the link to the blackout video: ([ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4550387&postcount=261"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 29[/ame]) http://www.news4jax.com/video/21402291/Blackout 2:11-2:33 right after DT says: I am searching ... and the … and the … I don't know that it's funny but … .I flagged down an officer as soon as I got off work, and my son was already down there looking and I saw a deputy ‘cause I didn't know what to do, I already had this feeling this isn't just your normal “she went to somebody's house and she's gonna be home – .you know, this was “something’s wrong,” and I flagged him down and we went into the parking lot of OPAA which just..."
• Diena was asked not to view body. http://www.news4jax.com/video/21409125/
• Diena says the kids got a ride in morning and walked in evening (in nice weather). ~ @ 2:21 in Diena Thompson addresses the media http://jacksonville.com/video?bcpid=...id=45725057001
• DT Interview from November 12 DT is asked if authorities have told her yet what Somer's COD is and she says: "NO, I don't know what her cause of death is - I don't know what her date of death is - I don't know if she was sexually assaulted, I know literally nothing pretty much accept that they found my daughter which i am truly grateful for because I couldn't have lived, I don't want to say that but I know it would have crushed me to not have ever found her …" http://www.firstcoastnews.com/video/default.aspx?bctid=51242261001 SPECIAL NOTE: We wanted to offer our viewers this interview without any edits. The video, therefore, is uncut as posted, and so you'll see unsettled camera moves near the end, as the photographer repositions his shot.


• Samuel lives in North Carolina and has not seen Somer in 2 years.
• Samuel came to FL on the Sunday after Somer's disappearance.
• Samuel says soot was found on Somer’s body in NG interview). (Later, he recants that statement through relative on WS because the source of this information, his sister LH, is thought to be unreliable.)

• Source unless otherwise noted is [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4448957&postcount=52"]MPR Narrative[/ame].
• SAP is a close family friend.
• SAP is said to have had lunch with Diena at her house on October 19 (stated by Diena).
• SAP is asked to wait at house until kids come home from school. (not sure what he was to do after they came home).
• SAP had not been asked to do this before. This was his first time.
• SAP asks where Somer is when AT and ST arrived around 3:10 p.m.
• SAP sent AT to look for Somer. When she returned about 15 minutes later without her, SAP told her to look again real good before he called Diena.
• SAP gets text from Diena around 4 p.m. asking how the kids were doing; he texts back that Somer did not come home with the other kids and AT is out looking for her. Diena says she will leave work and come look for Somer.
• SAP changed [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4322213&postcount=153"]details[/ame] on his indigo healing website.

• CPC is Diena's live-in boyfriend.
• CPC gets call about 4:20 p.m. from Diena who tells him Somer didn’t come home; Diena asks him to leave work to help search for her.
• CPC leaves work and drives to the Horton Drive home; arrives at about 5 p.m.
• CPC picks up ST (twin) at the house about 5 p.m. and goes to search for Somer.

• AC spoke with a patrolling officer.. http://www.news4jax.com/news/21363554/detail.html I walked around with a patrolling officer, and we told him what happened," A. said.
• MS. Somer’s maternal great grandmother lives in New Richamond, OH. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569515,00.html

• AB appeared on TV with Sheriff Beseler. Don't want video to play in this post: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/33427923#33427923"]msnbc.com.
• A woman who did not want to be identified told First Coast News that she asked investigators to check the vacant house on Gano Avenue and its dumpster. A woman, who did not want to be identified, tells First Coast News' Monica Landeros she asked investigators to search this vacant home and dumpster on Monday night. She says, "I'm upset. It's like, should I have looked, should I have gone in the dumpster?
[/font]• A female neighbor (reportedly Anna Braddy), when questioned about the trash pick-up day, made a comment that the trash had already been collected that day so to take that however you want to (paraphrased).[FONT=&quot] See [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4322499&postcount=253"]post[/ame].[/FONT]
• AB used to walk Somer to school every morning (as reported by First Coast (12/03/2009). She said the neighborhood has changed. http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/m...6&provider=top
• AB, the neighbor who drove the kids to school, implies something is going on and the family knows. [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4322099&postcount=120"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, age 7, missing from Orange Park, thread #3[/ame]
• AB drove her daughter KB, 9, and three of the Thompson children to school, the way she does every morning. AB said she dropped the children off at school around 7:45 a.m. and made sure they got behind the gate and that they were safe. … Later that day, AB learned that Somer disappeared while walking home from school. ... AB, whose daughter is picked up after school by a babysitter, said she was shocked to learn that the area has so many sexual offenders and predators. Source is not mainstream media: http://christinaleachphillips.wordpr...monday-oct-19/
• RO, neighbor, said Somer never met a stranger; was very friendly. Always looking for other kids to play with. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569515,00.html
• TJ’s 11 year old would often to the library with Somer and look at books about kitten and puppies. Somer was one of the few friends her daughter had. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569515,00.html
• TJ said her family recently moved into the area, and her daughter became friends with both AT and Somer. TJ said they made her daughter feel welcome in the neighborhood. Source is not mainstream media: http://christinaleachphillips.wordpr...monday-oct-19/
Facts II, Part 4

Because I was running into issues with surpassing the number of characters in this post, I'm going to divide into Facts I (Somer, Diena, Samuel, Sean, C. Perry) and Facts II (Gano House, Law Enforcement, Other People, Garbage, RSOs, Unrelated) and the Part number will change as we go.

Please do not quote whole post. Bring a correction or addition to my attention with copy/paste.

:star1: New entries (from previous version) will be marked by star.

• This house caught fire months ago and is being restored.
• Work crews have been at that house.
• VD&B is the contractor working on the house.
• Kyle, who works with the contractor, was there on October 19, and said that Somer came in the yard, told him that he/they were doing a good job on the house, and went back the way she came.
• Kyle is the last person known to see Somer alive.
• There are propane tanks surrounded by a fence about a block the house (toward school).
• J., a minor, was riding his bike home when he saw Somer running around near the tanks and that she he thought she was excited but had a frown on her face.
• OPAA is a park and sporting fields across the street from the house.
•LE searched the house extensively on Thursday and Friday.
• The Gano House was proclaimed a crime scene, as was the search area.
•James V. Video in which he states they did get the truck and trailer back and that they where cleared. Also on this video it is the DT family that told the reporter LE asked her not to view the body of Somer. http://www.news4jax.com/video/21409125/

• LE searched the Gano Avenue house extensively and the men's room at OPAA briefly and came out with a bag.
• An autopsy was performed, and LE knows the cause of death, but that have not released that information.
•Sheriff reports only one person cleared in the investigation into Somer’s death and that is him.
• Investigators made the request / recommendation that Somer's casket be closed.

• Houses in the vicinity of the Gano house were searched on Tuesday, October 20. The search literally hit home for schools Superintendent Ben Wortham, who lives about 100 yards from the Gano Drive spot where Somer was last seen. About 2 a.m. Tuesday, his house and many others in the vicinity were “searched from top to bottom,” Wortham said.

• Bruce Owens suggests to the sheriff that all trash trucks should be followed and searched so they can isolate the trash coming out of this area, the trash trucks are then followed. (Later reported that Joe Jett gets credit for this.) Owens brought it to Beseler’s attention that clues could be found in the trash. Detective Bruce Owens said he alerted Beseler that clues could be found in trash from around Orange Park. "If a truck was seen, it would be best to follow it to its next location, so they could search or follow it to the closest landfill, so they could isolate it from the dump," Owens said. Owens said he got dozens of deputies and police officers on the road after Somer was reported missing. He said he wanted all garbage trucks checked as quickly as possible. "Time is of the essence. That collection was being done by outside companies," Owens said. Dozens of squad cars stayed on the trail of the garbage trucks as they traveled across the state line into Georgia. "They sifted through about 300,000 tons of waste," Owens said. About 200,000 tons of trash was searched at a landfill in Clay County, and 100,000 tons was searched at a dump in Folkston, Ga. http://www.wesh.com/news/21389441/detail.html
• Somer was found dead on October 21 in the Chesser Island Landfill in Folkston, Georgia.
• LE followed the trucks to the Chesser Island Landfill.
• Dumpsters on Tuesday; Residential on Wednesdays. [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4552356&postcount=360"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 29[/ame]
• FOLKSTON, GA - ambulance are now on site [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4321461&postcount=490"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park THREAD #2[/ame]•

• There are 161 RSOs that live within 5 miles of Somer’s home.
• CWG’s name and contact info appears on the initial police report (in error as a case of mistaken identity) detailing her disappearance, along with the names of family, neighbors, and others.
• The owner of VD&B has a brother who is an RSO. His name is GCV.
• Since Somer disappeared many RSO’s have been arrested for failing to update their addresses.

• What was thought to be an attempted abduction 10 days before Somer's disappearance turned out not to be an attempted abduction and was not related to Somer's disappearance according to LE. Even after LE said there was no connection, reports on blue Nissans poured in to the CCSO.
• A police report in the Clay County Daily indicated that 4 burglary suspects were arrested at the Thompson home. LE later said that the address was in error and gave this explanation: An officer who was at the Thompson home was called to an unrelated burglary call and made the arrest of 4 individuals but when he filed his report, he forgot to change the address. If you check the Clay County Daily for 10/21, you will find the correct information now.
• CWG's name on the MPR was a result of mistaken identity according to LE.

• Forum with news articles in entirety: [ame="http://crimeshots.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10032"]Somer Thompson, (7) missing - Crimeshots© True Crime Forums[/ame]
• Somer Thompson Archive: http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/special/somer/archive.aspx

• Link to video in which they say LE suspended the overnight searches for Tuesday night. (Said on Wednesday morning.) http://www.firstcoastnews.com/video/...ng/49318320001

• When TES was coming. [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4318276&postcount=229"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park THREAD #2[/ame]

(WS source [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4552117&postcount=334"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 29[/ame])
• Oct 21: http://abcnews.go.com/WN/childs-body...ory?id=8883485 [snipped...] She had been walking with her two siblings, including a twin brother, and friend when she got into an argument with another child. Somer walked ahead of the group and was never seen again.

• Oct 21: http://www.associatedcontent.com/art...ay.html?cat=62 [snipped...] Somer Thompson went missing around 3 p.m. Monday afternoon when she was walking home from school. She, her twin brother, her 10-year-old sister and several friends were headed home when Somer and a friend got into a small argument. When Somer's older sister told her to "quit fighting," Somer reportedly got angry and ran ahead of the group. But when everyone got home, Somer had not yet arrived. Diena Thompson was informed by text message at her work that her child was missing. She immediately left and, chancing upon a police vehicle, flagged it down. The search for Somer Thompson began almost immediately.

• Oct 21: http://www.abcnews.go.com/US/mother-...ory?id=8877337 [snipped...] Holding a picture of her daughter, Thompson told "Good Morning America" that her family, especially Somer's twin brother, are devastated. "We just don't know what to do without her," she said. Somer vanished Monday while on her way home from school with her twin and 10-year-old sister. She had argued with the two other children, Thompson said, and ran ahead of them, far enough that they lost sight of her.

• Oct 23: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/10...ody/index.html [snipped...] Somer became separated from her siblings and schoolmates on her way home from school in Orange Park, Florida, on Monday. She was seen in a fight at school before she disappeared, according to a police report released Thursday. Her 10-year-old sister told police that Somer had gotten into a fight with another girl at school earlier in the day. The sister said she brought up the fight while she and her brother walked Somer home from school, and that Somer ran off from them, apparently upset. The sister said she lost sight of Somer in a group of other kids leaving the school, according to the police report. When the other children got home and she wasn't there, they dropped their backpacks and went out looking for her.

• Oct 23: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,...est=latestnews [snipped...] Authorities say Somer squabbled with another child Monday and then walked ahead of the group of kids and was never seen again. Justino said Friday that the argument was verbal and began at school. "Somer became agitated by that," she said.

• http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2...ompsons_school [snipped....] Authorities think she may have hit another child with a backpack and run off alone after someone teased her. It was close to a place where deputies had a report of a recent abduction attempt, one they've since said they don't believe was related.

• Car show for Somer A car show to benefit the family of Orange Park 7-year-old Somer Thompson, who went missing Oct. 19 and whose body was found two days later in a Georgia landfill, will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today (12/11) at Hurricane Grill and Wings, 5907 Roosevelt Blvd. There is a $30 entry fee, with plaques and trophies, as well as raffles, with all proceeds to benefit the family. For more information, call 874-9529. http://jacksonville.com/community/my...efit_for_somer


Search for Somer Thompson in Orange Park 11 p.m. Report
• Sheriff calls her Shannon(name of reporter I think). 100 units; utilizing dogs; intensive ground search using SWAT team; asks public to call with anything out of ordinary in neighborhood; clothing backpack that wasn't there before.

• No AMBER Alert and CART alerts require certain criteria. This is being worked as missing child case. Those type of alerts may be forthcoming.

• She was with twin brother and other children; there was a sight argument and she ran ahead. last seen 2:45 p.m. NotifiedLE at around 5 p.m.

Somer Thompson Latest Search 10/20 6 p.m.
• Mike P. (stick man, IIRC) tried to think like a 7 year old.

Crossing Guard Never Saw Somer 10/21
• Miller and Gano and Grove Park and Gano -- not sure they saw Somer
• DeBarry and Gano -- she is positive she did not see Somer

Search for Somer Thompson 10/22 5:30 a.m. Report
• Body found in Georgia may be Somer Thompson.

The Search at Somer's School 10/20 12 p.m. Report
• LE stopping parents at Miller and Gano and taking information.
• First time GPE has ever had missing child; taking time to talk to kids and ease parents' concerns.

Clay County Students Visit Somer's Home on Day Off 10/23
• Parents bringing kids there to see memorial. Not many kids outside; those that they see are being kept close to parents.
Teaching their kids an important lesson.
• TN brought kids (C and A) to get the message of stranger danger to hit home. Gives nervous laugh when she says "we are certainly enforcing stranger danger."

http://www.firstcoastnews.com/video/...ts/49318341001 or Video Source (Search Dogs Follow Scent, Used Bedsheet 10/21 5 p.m.) Dog handler talking and how she used bed sheets. Comment at end is that they are not sure that the scent was not Somer's from a previous day. http://www.firstcoastnews.com/video/...ts/49318341001

"The last time I remember seeing Somer she was riding her scooter" (BK, age 11, friend of Somer's)
I will just repost to bring it all over to this one

want to throw out a new theory
DT last interview said ST lagged behind and AT thought she would catch up with Somer at the 2nd crossing guard.
We think AT and Somer got into a small spat and Somer went running off so this had to be before the vacant house.
She was seen by CS daughter at the corner of Grove and Gano then lost in the group of kids and the 3rd cross guard didn't see her at all. The police report does say last secure at 3:10

Then thats pretty much the last we hear of her
Did she take a short cut and beat them all home?
If she made it home first and SP was napping on the couch or didn't here her come in she could have hid in her room or grabbed her scooter and left going up farther on horton. She could also have just dropped her back pack in the backyard thinking no one was home and grabbed her scooter and keep going up horton.
By the time she comes back to the house was everyone gone out looking for her?
While people are looking in the woods she could have rode back to the park looking for them and then stopped at the gano house and told them great job. DT comes around by now and finds somer and is pissed that everyone is out looking for her


"The last time I remember seeing Somer she was riding her scooter"

On Monday, Oct. 26, 2009, exactly a week after Somer's disappearance, police set up road blocks and re-interviewed people in the area.

They were hoping for a lead and they got one.

A child had seen Somer on the sidewalk in front of a vacant home where there was a house fire a few months ago
Originally Posted by cathdawg
There is a Church that also provides counseling to Men with sexual disfunction. Jee, It works out of a Church. Christian Counseling Center, I think.


Where is this church? I am sure that it would be a counseling place for people with sexual addictions as well as RSO's on the loose.

I'm going to a conference in January. One of the topics was about reintegrating the SO back into the child's family ( father SO). Can't go to that topic.

I was listening to Public Radio today in the car, so I miss big parts of programs. There was a guy named Wolfring (?) on. He has written a book about children of divorce. They were talking about how states are mandating counseling for divorcing parents as well as the children.

A 10 year old girl was on and she talked about how she had a place that she went to on her bike so that she could just sit and be calm, etc.

I bet ST had one, as many posters have said.
Originally Posted by cathdawg
There is a Church that also provides counseling to Men with sexual disfunction. Jee, It works out of a Church. Christian Counseling Center, I think.


Where is this church? I am sure that it would be a counseling place for people with sexual addictions as well as RSO's on the loose.

I'm going to a conference in January. One of the topics was about reintegrating the SO back into the child's family ( father SO). Can't go to that topic.

I was listening to Public Radio today in the car, so I miss big parts of programs. There was a guy named Wolfring (?) on. He has written a book about children of divorce. They were talking about how states are mandating counseling for divorcing parents as well as the children.

A 10 year old girl was on and she talked about how she had a place that she went to on her bike so that she could just sit and be calm, etc.

I bet ST had one, as many posters have said.

1500 Kingsley Professional Christian Counseling Center.
Could this have anything to do with Somer? I find it interesting because "Investigators" went through the trash.

GREEN COVE SPRINGS – Felony littering charges have been filed against a Jacksonville man accused of dumping more than 1,500 pounds of construction waste near Rosemary Hill Waste Management Facility.

http://www.claytoday.biz/content/1831_1.php There is a pic of the guy at the link.
Thanks ccane. I thought you meant that someone said they saw Somer a week after she went missing (which was impossible) but you meant that a week after she went missing, they got a tip from someone who had seen her (the day she went missing ?).
Clarke Park on Kingsley Avenue will be closed indefinitely beginning Monday, November 16 for paving and construction. Thank you for your patience while we make these important park improvements.

I have to admit I don't click on every link that is posted.:ashamed: So feel free to slap me with a wet slimy trout :trout: if this story and video have been posted before.

"It's still unbelievable, but unfortunately life goes on so we've got to make it the best for the kids who are still here. I think the Christmas decorations will put some happiness into the situation," said Anna Braddy, one of Somer Thompson's neighbors.


Someone has left a permanent reminder at Somer's memorial. The new plaque reads, "Forever in our hearts."
Thanks for the link CHICK :) and i'd never slap YOU with a wet slim trout...kick in the arce with a frozen muckluck - perhaps.....lol that's how we roll up north. haha.

this is from that link:

It's been six weeks since Somer was abducted from her Orange Park neighborhood and murdered.

Braddy used to walk Somer to school every morning. She said the neighborhood has changed.

"It's changed for the better. I can say no kids are left out by themselves at all."

Even on a simple walk, neighbors keep an eye out for anything or anyone who does not belong in the area.

Clanzenetta Brown, another neighbor, said while Somer's memorial has gotten smaller, people continue to stop by. Brown also said the neighborhood is still on edge.

"I feel like it's the same level. It was a shock. I think people are still on their guard."

Brown is headed to the neighborhood watch meeting Thursday night. It is the first one and is another way the Grove Park neighborhood is watching out for one another now.

"I think people are much more interested in what's going.

SO reading AB's quotes made me think - isn't she the one that said something to the effect of "maybe people will pay attention now"....not exactly that but along those lines - in a different report of course....

cuz IF SO, she's kinda cold...imo.
Most of the blogs/forums out there re Somer have come to an end as have programs like NG/JVM, , why oh why is there no updates????
I am a bit confused with the MPR....stating that "last secure" at 3:10....doesn't this mean the last time that Somer was seen??? The kids got home at this time...how can this be???
Most of the blogs/forums out there re Somer have come to an end as have programs like NG/JVM, , why oh why is there no updates????

how do we find out if there's already been a gag order issued to the media?
would it be announced?
No clue Tara but it sure seems like it, I am sick to death if Tiger the Cheetah and his Skanks.
Could this have anything to do with Somer? I find it interesting because "Investigators" went through the trash.

GREEN COVE SPRINGS – Felony littering charges have been filed against a Jacksonville man accused of dumping more than 1,500 pounds of construction waste near Rosemary Hill Waste Management Facility.

http://www.claytoday.biz/content/1831_1.php There is a pic of the guy at the link.

Maybe. We live on a scenic drive that has 2 miles of no houses. People are ALWAYS dumping stuff on this beautiful drive. My family is always looking through the trash to figure out who did it.

Every time we see a trailer full of trash or tree limbs, whatever, we can't believe that someone will dump.

Sure enough, we come down the road later, and they have dumped.

You think we would learn to take down the license plate instead of digging through the trash, but we just never believe that someone will do it. But they do!
No clue Tara but it sure seems like it, I am sick to death if Tiger the Cheetah and his Skanks.

Imagine how my MIL feels she got TigersD1 for a REAL license plate...needless to say i got her one of those digital scrolling plate holders so she can doctor it up over the holidays...

who'd have thunk it? lol certainly NOT my MIL. haha. (good thing i talked her out of the tattoo!!)
sorry waaay O/T
Could this have anything to do with Somer? I find it interesting because "Investigators" went through the trash.

GREEN COVE SPRINGS – Felony littering charges have been filed against a Jacksonville man accused of dumping more than 1,500 pounds of construction waste near Rosemary Hill Waste Management Facility.

http://www.claytoday.biz/content/1831_1.php There is a pic of the guy at the link.

If I had anything to do with killing a 7 year old, I would be careful where I dumped my construction debris ...

JMO but I think the two are unrelated.
Is it just me or does AB seem to have had a problem with the kids that HAD playing outside by themselves? Or maybe a problem with the parents?
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