120 TES Search Areas "Cleared". Yes or No ?

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Do you feel all search areas of Interest are really "Cleared" ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 12.3%
  • No

    Votes: 291 76.0%
  • I Don't Know

    Votes: 45 11.7%

  • Total voters
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That's NOT what I heard Tim say. Why even venture into this when it's not even what he said??

120 areas was what was planned to be searched but due to low turnout that didn't happen. There's enough unrest with all the goings on without this.

On NG last night, THIS is what Tim said.......

"I`m going to go to Tim Miller on this -- because of the torrential flooding rains in Florida to start with and they`d come back when they thought they could do some good.

Tim Miller, where did you guys go?

"TIM MILLER, HEAD OF EQUUSEARCH, RESUMING SEARCH FOR CAYLEE ANTHONY: In this search we did exactly what the sheriff`s department wanted us to do. [ We completed the areas that would be flooded.

GRACE: Extensive areas.

MILLER: Extensive areas. Many, many distractions. The search continues for Caylee every weekend to a smaller scale. We`re not going anywhere. When we`re going to go back there on a bigger scale, we`ll certainly be there with the best resources that we`ve got."

I voted NO based upon what I myself witnessed in this fiasco of a search. If you believe TES personnel flying around on their ATV's yelling "cleared" before volunteers are half way done searching, then good for you. I don't. Sloppy searching and poor planning. They appeared to be in a hurry and now we know why. Tim called it quits after announcing more than once that when he came back he would not leave until Caylee was found. He probably wouldn't have received half the donations he did without that statement. I'm very disappointed in the whole TES organization and also don't believe they have spent 100k on just this search.
I voted NO based upon what I myself witnessed in this fiasco of a search. If you believe TES personnel flying around on their ATV's yelling "cleared" before volunteers are half way done searching, then good for you. I don't. Sloppy searching and poor planning. They appeared to be in a hurry and now we know why. Tim called it quits after announcing more than once that when he came back he would not leave until Caylee was found. He probably wouldn't have received half the donations he did without that statement. I'm very disappointed in the whole TES organization and also don't believe they have spent 100k on just this search.

That's your choice.

How can you judge an entire organization by the mistakes of a few?

The books are open to you anytime you want to see them. Just ask. BTW, the 100K was spent on the TWO searches. Earlier this past summer and the latest one. Thanks for sharing.
IMO, there is a possibility that TM discontinued the search (at the direction of LE) due to the fact it could hurt the prosecution's case. Every area that is searched without finding Caylee is another notch in the Defense's belt.

At this point maybe it's more important to the Prosecution to keep some areas from being fully searched so Caylee gets the justice she deserves.
That's your choice.

How can you judge an entire organization by the mistakes of a few?

The books are open to you anytime you want to see them. Just ask. BTW, the 100K was spent on the TWO searches. Earlier this past summer and the latest one. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, I know. I requested the financials days ago and haven't seen them yet. I am well aware of the first search which was short as well.
Yes, I know. I requested the financials days ago and haven't seen them yet. I am well aware of the first search which was short as well.

It shouldn't take them too much longer to get back to you. I hope you get answers to your questions soon.
A lot of people are saying that TES pulled out after approximately 28 hours on this search because the expected number of volunteers didn't show up. I believe TM also said the lack of numbers impacted his search.

Here's my question: If you run an organization that depends so heavily on a volunteer force and have been doing this for some time, don't you have a Plan B? Working with numbers that can never be counted on, and knowing that people don't always appear when they say they will, even with the best intentions, you have to factor in all possibilities.

For instance. We're committed to searching until Tuesday. If 8,000 people show up we'll search this many areas, fully. If 1500 people arrive we'll search a lesser number of areas, but we'll search them fully. There's no option for leaving early.

I don't understand why there was no contingency plan. If it is true that they pulled out because they didn't have the numbers then I think TES has shown they're a disorganized mess and worse.

This has never happened to TES before? I don't believe it.

And frankly, when you have people making sacrifices of time and money and travel and everything else you have an obligation to them. Saying that you're still searching by leaving a crew of 100 behind is not fulfilling your committment in the least. People came to search until Tuesday. End of story.
I think if he commits to search for someone that he should stay more than a few days. Flying people and equipment in and out several times is going to cost considerably more than staying for a couple of weeks. Also the hotel's rate would probably be lower if you get a block of rooms for a couple of weeks instead of 4 days here, four next month, then 4 the next. Also, I would think the organization would be better if the 1st day was spent organizing who would be searching where instead of each time having to start over with that process. IMHO
A lot of people are saying that TES pulled out after approximately 28 hours on this search because the expected number of volunteers didn't show up. I believe TM also said the lack of numbers impacted his search.

Here's my question: If you run an organization that depends so heavily on a volunteer force and have been doing this for some time, don't you have a Plan B? Working with numbers that can never be counted on, and knowing that people don't always appear when they say they will, even with the best intentions, you have to factor in all possibilities.

For instance. We're committed to searching until Tuesday. If 8,000 people show up we'll search this many areas, fully. If 1500 people arrive we'll search a lesser number of areas, but we'll search them fully. There's no option for leaving early.

I don't understand why there was no contingency plan. If it is true that they pulled out because they didn't have the numbers then I think TES has shown they're a disorganized mess and worse.

This has never happened to TES before? I don't believe it.

Everyone seems to have their own take on things. Where the 28 hours came from, I do not know but I was certainly involved many more hours than that. Tim didn't leave until like Tues. if I'm not mistaken. I know a couple of other people on this board were there until Tues. Whatever, there are still people here although in a small group, they will continue to search.

You're right, it did turn into a big mess and I hope that with time this will settle to a light layer of dust that we can sweep away and work to make things better.
Everyone seems to have their own take on things. Where the 28 hours came from, I do not know but I was certainly involved many more hours than that. Tim didn't leave until like Tues. if I'm not mistaken. I know a couple of other people on this board were there until Tues. Whatever, there are still people here although in a small group, they will continue to search.

You're right, it did turn into a big mess and I hope that with time this will settle to a light layer of dust that we can sweep away and work to make things better.

Thank you. Just wanting to be clear... was it Sunday TM announced Caylee would never be found and they were planning to leave? If this is the case then for all intents and purposes the search was over -- in the mind of the public anyway.

I want to make things better too, like you. I also have been thinking that even though the numbers on the first day were disappointing perhaps they would have gotten larger if word had trickled out that the search was solid. I imagine volunteers would have told their neighbors and friends, hey, come and join us, we're doing good work, we feel good about this. What we're doing matters.

Anyway, thanks again for your response. I do admire your commitment and your working so hard on the search with TES.
Given his complaint about lack of volunteers, I don't see HOW he could have cleared all the areas. Here's the problem I have with TES vs LP.
TES operates with only volunteers accordeing to Tim himseslf. How does that make his organization more "professional" than anything certified divers are trying to do?
A lot of people are saying that TES pulled out after approximately 28 hours on this search because the expected number of volunteers didn't show up. I believe TM also said the lack of numbers impacted his search.

And frankly, when you have people making sacrifices of time and money and travel and everything else you have an obligation to them. Saying that you're still searching by leaving a crew of 100 behind is not fulfilling your committment in the least. People came to search until Tuesday. End of story.

I totally agree. We were all sitting around for hours each morning, and things were very unorganized. (How does Murt and his use of internet bandwidth impact printing maps? The maps could have been done days before. Why wait until that morning to print them? Makes no sense.) I can't imagine how much more time would have been wasted if they'd had to sign in and deal with 5000 volunteers. The logistics were not in place, and that would not have improved by more volunteers, imo.

Also, saying "okay, fine, people are welcome to come out monday and search while we are packing up" was not really searching until Tuesday, imo.

I think if he commits to search for someone that he should stay more than a few days. Flying people and equipment in and out several times is going to cost considerably more than staying for a couple of weeks. Also the hotel's rate would probably be lower if you get a block of rooms for a couple of weeks instead of 4 days here, four next month, then 4 the next. Also, I would think the organization would be better if the 1st day was spent organizing who would be searching where instead of each time having to start over with that process. IMHO

I agree, leaving after the bulk of money was spent did not make any sense to me.

(All that being said, this topic here has stayed very civilized. Over on one of the other sites, the criticism of TES was really strong and intense yesterday.Much more unflattering details and opinions there. This is mild and respectful here..)
Everyone seems to have their own take on things. Where the 28 hours came from, I do not know but I was certainly involved many more hours than that. Tim didn't leave until like Tues. if I'm not mistaken. I know a couple of other people on this board were there until Tues. Whatever, there are still people here although in a small group, they will continue to search.

You're right, it did turn into a big mess and I hope that with time this will settle to a light layer of dust that we can sweep away and work to make things better.
Baznme - Thank you so much for all of the work you do to help find Caylee. Most importantly, thank you for continuing to remain so positive throughout! It's a great comfort to know that there is still a team there dedicated to searching!
Thank you. Just wanting to be clear... was it Sunday TM announced Caylee would never be found and they were planning to leave? If this is the case then for all intents and purposes the search was over -- in the mind of the public anyway.

I want to make things better too, like you. I also have been thinking that even though the numbers on the first day were disappointing perhaps they would have gotten larger if word had trickled out that the search was solid. I imagine volunteers would have told their neighbors and friends, hey, come and join us, we're doing good work, we feel good about this. What we're doing matters.

Anyway, thanks again for your response. I do admire your commitment and your working so hard on the search with TES.

I did not hear Tim's message on Sunday, we were out in the field in the afternoon. I'm sorry, I cannot verify what was said. Your suggestion is a valid one. I was thinking of starting a thread of just that.....suggestions to make TES better but I don't want to invite any more comments that maybe wouldn't be constructive. You know, suggestions like you made to smooth out areas that are of concern.

I truly believe in this organization as they are experienced over the years with finding loved ones either deceased or alive but for those that are deceased, I believe they are a different breed as they know what to look for. Things you and I wouldn't even notice unless we were told.

But the most important thing is they do it because it's the thing to do. I believe LP is doing it for that also. He's been on a learning curve since he met up KC but I give him credit for trying to put an end to this fiasco.
I remember way back at the beginning of this case a few WS members were saying how wonderful it would be if TES got involved with the search for Caylee. I think somebody here actually contacted TES about doing exactly that. TES's response was "We do not get involved in searches unless we are invited to do so by the Missing Child's family or LE". Eventually TES was invited and did participate in the search for Caylee.

Now, I'm reading that some people seem to think that because they donated $5.00 to TES, that gives them some kind of right to question TES's search methods or demand that they stay until Caylee is found. They are even questioning whether or not TES is sincere in their efforts to actually find missing children. They are also insinuating that Tim Miller started TES so he could use donations to buy himself expensive "Toy's" & finance his "world travel".

Well all I can say to his critics is try telling that to the mothers of Teketria Buggs, Laura Smithers & Julie Sanders who were found by TES. Or the families of the eight people TES found in Sri lanka.

TES has completed more than five hundred searches. Some have been successful & some have not.But I guarentee you that the families of those missing people are forever grateful for people like Tim Miller & the members his organization.

While there is no doubt that TES's donations have increased since they became involved in the search for Caylee, Tim Miller does not owe anybody anything! And, after all the media hype surrounding this case dies down he will be doing exactly what he was doing before Caylee went missing. Which is tirelessly searching for missing children, far away from the media spotlight and without all the fanfare and criticism that comes with it.
I remember way back at the beginning of this case a few WS members were saying how wonderful it would be if TES got involved with the search for Caylee. I think somebody here actually contacted TES about doing exactly that. TES's response was "We do not get involved in searches unless we are invited to do so by the Missing Child's family or LE". Eventually TES was invited and did participate in the search for Caylee.

Now, I'm reading that some people seem to think that because they donated $5.00 to TES, that gives them some kind of right to question TES's search methods or demand that they stay until Caylee is found. They are even questioning whether or not TES is sincere in their efforts to actually find missing children. They are also insinuating that Tim Miller started TES so he could use donations to buy himself expensive "Toy's" & finance his "world travel".

Well all I can say to his critics is try telling that to the mothers of Teketria Buggs, Laura Smithers & Julie Sanders who were found by TES. Or the families of the eight people TES found in Sri lanka.

TES has completed more than five hundred searches. Some have been successful & some have not.But I guarentee you that the families of those missing people are forever grateful for people like Tim Miller & the members his organization.

While there is no doubt that TES's donations have increased since they became involved in the search for Caylee, Tim Miller does not owe anybody anything! And, after all the media hype surrounding this case dies down he will be doing exactly what he was doing before Caylee went missing. Which is tirelessly searching for missing children, far away from the media spotlight and without all the fanfare and criticism that comes with it.

Thank you Boston, every word is true.
I fully understand the gamut of emotions running thru this board, I believe whatever we're experiencing TiM is experiencing 100 times more and none of us should judge him or his decisions. :cry:

Respecting CA and all victims seems to come high on TiM's list, I believe he is having a really hard time dealing with CA, and her emotions. Rather than risk adding to her pain he made the choice to leave early with the possibility of returning. Once the trial is over, it will no longer be a priority of the A's to not find Caylee wherever she is. TiM was able to leave the door open for returning without saying anything to the A's that would cause their strained relationship to further fall apart. :bang:

He also said there are now 100 people fully trained to carry on the search without him. I believe he felt it was in everyones best interest to pull out when he did, I'm sure there are some reasons he would never put into words. Money is always a valid excuse, I'm sure he never gave a thought to how that would sound to all of us who have been donating, maybe if he had just commented on the other families who need him at this time he wouldn't be judged so harshly now. :confused:

I feel very strongly that CA is behind TiM's problem with LP. Something must have been said during their meeting with MN to cause TiM to be reacting so harshly. TiM knew all about LP long before this weekend, yet suddenly TiM can't stand to be in the same state with LP? It doesn't make sense. Until you take into account CA's penchant for twisting things, her dislike of LP after KC's bond was revoked and her ability to persuade people to see things her way. I believe if TiM would sit down with LP in private, they could iron out their differences and then we'd have both of them on Team Caylee again. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I for one am going to continue to support both men, embrace their differences and pray they bring sweet Caylee home.:innocent:
Someone on another thread mentioned the Curry Rd area dump. Anyone know if this area was searched?
I fully understand the gamut of emotions running thru this board, I believe whatever we're experiencing TiM is experiencing 100 times more and none of us should judge him or his decisions. :cry:

Respecting CA and all victims seems to come high on TiM's list, I believe he is having a really hard time dealing with CA, and her emotions. Rather than risk adding to her pain he made the choice to leave early with the possibility of returning. Once the trial is over, it will no longer be a priority of the A's to not find Caylee wherever she is. TiM was able to leave the door open for returning without saying anything to the A's that would cause their strained relationship to further fall apart. :bang:

He also said there are now 100 people fully trained to carry on the search without him. I believe he felt it was in everyones best interest to pull out when he did, I'm sure there are some reasons he would never put into words. Money is always a valid excuse, I'm sure he never gave a thought to how that would sound to all of us who have been donating, maybe if he had just commented on the other families who need him at this time he wouldn't be judged so harshly now. :confused:

I feel very strongly that CA is behind TiM's problem with LP. Something must have been said during their meeting with MN to cause TiM to be reacting so harshly. TiM knew all about LP long before this weekend, yet suddenly TiM can't stand to be in the same state with LP? It doesn't make sense. Until you take into account CA's penchant for twisting things, her dislike of LP after KC's bond was revoked and her ability to persuade people to see things her way. I believe if TiM would sit down with LP in private, they could iron out their differences and then we'd have both of them on Team Caylee again. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I for one am going to continue to support both men, embrace their differences and pray they bring sweet Caylee home.:innocent:

Are those "fully trained" people ones who attended the ten minute training session accompanied by the one hour long NLH speech? How does that make them qualified?
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