17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #6

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Because members of the HOA have claimed they never received any of these reports.

Members of the HOA also probably realize they could possibly be sued...There is a person who claims to have been escorted out of a meeting because he voiced his frustration with GZ.

Do you have a source for this?

maybe i was just getting that from reading here, i could have sworn though that it came from the police, maybe Mr. Hornsby knows for sure

What was that Mr. Hornsby was saying? About some of us coming up with anything to paint GZ as the bad guy?

Sure looks like that goes both ways.


I am still trying to figure out the facts he has to make that assumption/opinion of his.
Every case needs a Devil's Advocate but this is a little much.

How so? It's consistent with what has come out in this case according to eyewitness and police reports. I don't think I'm the one being a devil's advocate, I simply haven't bought into all the anti GZ, conspiracy laden anti SPD rhetoric.
Mr. Hornsby, if your still here. Did results come back from the drug testing they did on trayvon saying there were no drugs in his system, I could have sworn i had heard that? TIA
I doubt a 240 lb GZ chased down and started a fight with 140 lb athlete TM. But I wasn't there, I'm relying on eyewitness and police reports and I don't think the police covered for GZ. The fact that TM was seen on top of GZ pummeling him suggests he had the upper hand.imo

That still doesn't ascertain WHO attacked first.

GZ knew the layout of the complex much better than TM. Who's to say he couldn't have headed TM off, no outrunning necessary?

If TM did in fact get the upper hand over GZ, that doesn't prove one way or the other who initiated the conflict.

I doubt a 240 lb GZ chased down and started a fight with 140 lb athlete TM. But I wasn't there, I'm relying on eyewitness and police reports and I don't think the police covered for GZ. The fact that TM was seen on top of GZ pummeling him suggests he had the upper hand.imo

Well the girlfriend said Trayvon was walking fast and we can hear Zimmerman running on the 911 call. He could have caught up with him if he was walking fast.
Taken directly from Seminole State College's website:


CJL 2100 - Criminal Law

This course identifies and defines principles and doctrines of law with emphasis on Florida Criminal and Civil Statutes that provide sanctions for inappropriate behavior within our society.

I'll say again, GZ having more knowledge than the average person about this law is not outside the realm of possibility. I have no info as to whether or not he took this class or a similar one, though...:twocents: :moo:
I find Zimmerman's account wholly unbelievable. As for Martin's final words of 'You got me, man' that sounds straight out of a old western and highly suspicious. I'm still seeing lots of CYA activity. I will wait for information from the new prosecutor before I believe this was even remotely justified. No matter how you slice it, Zimmerman was the aggressor. IMO
There might be one other thing...

How would you feel about Mr. Zimmerman sporting a badge in your community?

Seriously? There is an eyewitness report of him on top of GZ and the police agree with GZ's account that he was jumped. How is that not evidence?
Well that's ignoring some pretty relevant facts. If Trayvon hadn't have attacked GZ, GZ wouldn't have had to defend himself.

Did you listen to the phone call of Trayvon with his girlfriend? The kid was scared for his life understandably. He had this big brut following him for no apparent reason. Poor Trayvon probably thought he was being attacked by some robber and Trayvon was the one defending himself. How is it possible for this story to get so twisted? There was no reason whatsoever to shoot an innocent 17 year old kid regardless of what color he was!!!!!!!!!!:banghead:
I believe Mr Zimmerman's story about as much as I believe Casey Anthony!!

Oh good grief. GZ has yet to invent fictional characters (the nanny didn't do it) and, to the best of my knowledge, he stayed and waited for LE and his story hasn't changed much (if at all).

I entered this case with little sympathy for GZ. For one thing, the idea of an armed neighborhood watch captain scares the bejeezus out of me. And the shooting death of an unarmed teenager is gut-wrenching. It makes my heart hurt. But the resulting witch hunt sickens me as well. The lies and distortion of the few facts and evidence we have and then this whole "hoodie" fixation that the media started (IMO, insensitive and disrespectful)—such an evil circus this case has become. I just hope there's some way to rein it back in.
Last week I read articles which seemed to suggest that GZ claims he was jumped from behind by TM after exiting his truck to better read a street sign in order to give LE his current location. This does not make sense as it would seem to require TM to then drag GZ to the area where the main scuffle and subsequent shooting took place. Alternately if that version of events is truly GZ's then the scuffle was happening all that distance between where the truck was parked at the corner to the area of the shooting. Neither of these options make sense to me.

Does anyone know what GZ's official account is as to how the scuffle and shooting ended up happening where it did if GZ was indeed attacked at the corner/street location rather than GZ continuing to follow and chase down TM (as I believe happened)?

This claims that GZ states TM tried to take his gun from him.


LOL LOL LOL So he had his hand over his mouth, flailing him with fist, beating his head into the sidewalk and grabbing at his gun while he got out of his truck to write down a street name and ended up in between the condos in the back on a sidewalk. This just gets funnier and funnier.

These police sources crack me up!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Why would GZ need to look at a street sign in a neighborhood he had patrolled for a period of time. It only has 3 streets. Just how dumb are we supposed to believe he is? IMO
Last week I read articles which seemed to suggest that GZ claims he was jumped from behind by TM after exiting his truck to better read a street sign in order to give LE his current location. This does not make sense as it would seem to require TM to then drag GZ to the area where the main scuffle and subsequent shooting took place. Alternately if that version of events is truly GZ's then the scuffle was happening all that distance between where the truck was parked at the corner to the area of the shooting. Neither of these options make sense to me.

Does anyone know what GZ's official account is as to how the scuffle and shooting ended up happening where it did if GZ was indeed attacked at the corner/street location rather than GZ continuing to follow and chase down TM (as I believe happened)?


Yes. I recall that and mentioned it earlier in this thread. IMO, it is the one point that GZ's story doesn't add up and could open the door for prosecution. IANAL, just MOO.
Why would GZ need to look at a street sign in a neighborhood he had patrolled for a period of time. It only has 3 streets. Just how dumb are we supposed to believe he is? IMO

LOL from looking at the map he would have been on the street he lived on.
Well that's ignoring some pretty relevant facts. If Trayvon hadn't have attacked GZ, GZ wouldn't have had to defend himself.

I huge 240 lb bully packing a gun against a small 140 lb 17 year old kid and you think that's fair??? Did you listen to the 911 calls and the call between TM and his girlfriend? TM was just trying to defend himself. The witness said she heard a KID screaming for help until she heard the gun go off and then all was quiet. How sickening and pathetic for anyone to blame the victim here!
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