17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #14

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My opinion does not matter at all first off, but I do feel like posting. I finally listened to the 911 tape of the shooting. Right from when I heard it, it sounded like a teenage boy yelling. They sounded like the yells I've heard from teenage boys where I work when one of them is angry or scared. I listened several times....I can't hear this being an adult man....and where I work I've heard a lot A LOT of adult men yelling. Of course I'm not the FBI or anyone else, just my opinion. I think that the independent tests got it right, but of course FBI will be the final opinion. I will say that even then, if they agree, there will be those who still wouldn't believe it. Regardless, it was very heart-wrenching to hear that and to hear Z's 911 calls. The hair went up on the back of my neck on Z's calls for the reason that here was someone documenting the last moments of someone's life; that someone not knowing that things were going to go south and that they would die. Very un-real feeling.
I agree when i listened to the calls i cried like a baby and the gunshot took my breath away...My poor granddaughter said MIMI its ok smart for a 2 year old..IMHO
In the first picture, from where Trayvon's body is lying, it sure blows Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon was pounding his head into the concrete all to h e l l and back, Trayvon's body landed way too far away from the concrete for that to even be possible.
Not necessarily. Responding officers did move the body around because they were administering CPR. It doesn't look like his feet are more than 4-5 feet away from the concrete, which would be consistent with him falling backwards from off of Zimmerman. JMO
I thought his lawyer already stated that they weren't going to use the SYG law as a defense? Just plain self-defense?

I saw 2 different interviews with GZ's lawyer, the first one he did he said they would not being using SYG defense. But in a more recent interview he did a 180 and said they would be using SYG defense, I guess he thought better of it ? :waitasec: ( sorry no link, saw interviews on news)
Respectfully, Nova, the woman who speaks in the video is not TM's mother. I'm pretty sure it is his father's gf. She does mean back porch in the literal sense, but her meaning is unclear because she's very upset. IMO, she means he was sitting on the porch prior to going to the store.


I look at that quote as a distraught person saying: He was just here on the porch and now he's dead!
I saw 2 different interviews with GZ's lawyer, the first one he did he said they would not being using SYG defense. But in a more recent interview he did a 180 and said they would be using SYG defense, I guess he thought better of it ? :waitasec: ( sorry no link, saw interviews on news)

It's been reported both ways (he is quoted as saying Zimmerman won't use SYG law and then there articles that claim he says Zimmerman is covered by SYG law). I am not sure where Zimmerman got this lawyer and what his qualifications are.
I thought his lawyer already stated that they weren't going to use the SYG law as a defense? Just plain self-defense?

He did say that but if they can use it I am sure they will.Why go to trial and chance it JMO.
Does anyone know where the iced tea was found?

Is there an updated map showing the complex and where the body was found? Where GZ's car was?
His lawyer apparently misspoke. He's since said he thinks it was a clear-cut case. I think he got SYG and Castle Doctrine confused.

Then I think GZ might want to look for another lawyer.

<just trying for a bit of dark humor>
This is Crump's job. In the huffington post it says " Crump's strategy for making the case international news began with a series of heart-wrenching news conferences in which Martin's parents spoke about their loss. Florida media outlets began to notice. Then, he enlisted U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown to help convince authorities to release 911 tapes, recordings that brought the case to the attention of national media. He's further ratcheted pressure on authorities by organizing a series of rallies and working with national civil rights figures such as Al Sharpton. The push began not long after Martins death on Feb 26th."
He needed to make trayvon look young and innocent. A 6'3" trayvon wasn't going to look as 'awe' as the first photo. It is a reality. There have been a few articles written about it by psychologists. I'll try to find them and link to them.
I know it sounds terrible, and it isn't on the up and up, but if they already felt betrayed by the government, were they going to take a chance on the rest of society betraying their son again by racially profiling him by his current photo?

There is nothing wrong with the picture of him on the horse. It's a nice picture but that does not mean it was available to them at the time someone asked for a picture. I would think anyone who was an expert at PR would know someone would criticize them for giving out a younger picture. I just don't think they really thought about it. What would be the point? We all know what a 17 year old looks like and at 6'3" there is no way they could hide how tall he was. It just makes no sense. jmo
Not necessarily. Responding officers did move the body around because they were administering CPR. It doesn't look like his feet are more than 4-5 feet away from the concrete, which would be consistent with him falling backwards from off of Zimmerman. JMO

His head is facing the concrete, not his feet.
Was anything said about his thoughts or what he did when Trayvon never came home that night?

Sorry, I missed the first couple of minutes, I didn't hear if the reporter asked him that or not , but he really didn't ask him many questions. JMO
His head is facing the concrete, not his feet.

Looks like a shoe sticking out from under the tarp to me. JMO

ETA: That would also be consistent with what Tracy Martin said in his interview. The feet were towards the sidewalk.
Does anyone know where the iced tea was found?

Is there an updated map showing the complex and where the body was found? Where GZ's car was?

Ice tea and Skittles were still in his pocket of his hoodie. jmo
Does anyone know where the iced tea was found?

Is there an updated map showing the complex and where the body was found? Where GZ's car was?

No, we have not heard where the Iced Tea or the Skittles were found.
Yea, well, bite mark evidence is admissible in court as well. And there have been people wrongly convicted because of it. So just because it's admissible doesn't mean its accurate. I want to see what proof this guy has that his technique is accurate. If he has a tape of 100 people screaming, and then tape of these same 100 people talking, can he match those up?

Good question...I will do some digging and see what I can find. There has to be some reason voice recognition software analysis is considered admissable evidence. I am really curious why this technique is admissable and not polygraphs are not. Hmmm....
You and the other posters who are making similar points may be right. I don't know. But Mary C and her roommate told Anderson C the same story.

So I will ask the same question that was asked about John's account:

What incentive would they have to lie?

IMO Fear, This has become very heated racially If it was me I would be afraid again jmo.
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