17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #14

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I think all that screaming was Trayvon trying to get away from Zimmerman. I think Zimmerman was trying to detain him for the police and was having trouble controlling him with one hand since the other hand had a gun in it. I think he had him in a headlock or a tight hold on his hoodie. I think Zimmerman was telling him the evil things he would do to him in that voice under his breath he used on the 911 tape. ALL IMO

Did you listen to the reporter talking to John? He was right there and he saw TM on top of GZ and GZ yelling at him for help.It is right there on tape.
Experts said it wasn't George Z. They ruled him out in the 911 call as doing the screaming for help. jmo
Cross-reference with this famous quote from Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz:

Dorothy doesn't mean her literal yard and every viewer understands that.

The "back porch" quote from TM's mother was an early one, so (a) the mother was misinformed; (b) the quote was incorrect; or (c) the mother meant "back porch" just as Dorothy meant "back yard": a general area signifying "home".
Respectfully, Nova, the woman who speaks in the video is not TM's mother. I'm pretty sure it is his father's gf. She does mean back porch in the literal sense, but her meaning is unclear because she's very upset. IMO, she means he was sitting on the porch prior to going to the store.

Experts said it wasn't George Z. They ruled him out in the 911 call as doing the screaming for help. jmo

IMO If a witness saw and heard GZ yell for help I believe him.He has no reason to lie.It is very possible they both were yelling .


The parents denied their son’s link to a Twitter account, in which he purportedly tweeted about smoking marijuana and made derogatory comments about women.

They may have been told it was not his account. We certainly don't know that. If anyone would know, they would. This is why twitter/facebook links are not permitted because they are so unreliable. It's possible someone has told them this was not his account because they checked it out. If an expert told me no this is not you son's account I'd believe them. jmo
Experts said it wasn't George Z. They ruled him out in the 911 call as doing the screaming for help. jmo

IMO When the FBI or the DOJ say who's voice it is then I will believe it.
Well, I see where this is going. It's intended to get otherwise complacent citizens to make it clear to the city of Sanford and it's elected officials that they expect better than what they've seen so far. It's meant as leverage to help bring about change. Sadly, some people just look the other way until their pocketbook is involved. Sad state. But I'll bet the mere mention of this threat gets business owners standing at attention and putting pressure on the powers that be to straighten the pathetic mess out.
I asked this earlier but received no reply so I brought this over for an answer.

Originally Posted by songline
Me too, I would have stayed i my car with doors locked.
But we do NOT know that GZ used any deadly force.
We do know that something did happen and a boy is dead.
That is all we really know.

Just as you can imagine that maybe GZ used deadly force.
I can also imagine that maybe TM got smart and testy and caused this.
But do I know for sure? ... No I don’t know anything and neither do you.

Do you believe that if someone gets smart and testy with you that you have the right to shoot them?
This seems more reasonable to me about what happened. I just can't believe that Trayvon would have gone to his own porch and then returned up the sidewalk to confront GZ, when the whole point of what he was doing was to get away from GZ.
It might have started at the porch. He could have been ordered off of it, after all he was a suspicious black guy up to no good, all messed up.
Yes, right I see your point.....how dare they, especially number 3. jmo

Knock on wood.

If something happened to one of my children I would not give an outdated photo to the media, for release of any kind to represent my child. Why? It would be a betrayal to them. A photo of them from two, three, five years back is insulting; they were completely different children/people then. That would be saying 'this is when I liked John the best' or 'this is when I thought John was the cutest'. And then his passing would become about what i thought and not him!!! It wouldnt be about who he was and grew to be at the time of his death. Birth through early twenties, every year they are soooo different. With a tragedy like this I think it would be even more important to make sure that everyone knew who my wonderful child was. That is why I think this family was deceptive in the release of the photo. But I think they might have been coached by their attorney to do this. Jmo
Well, I see where this is going. It's intended to get otherwise complacent citizens to make it clear to the city of Sanford and it's elected officials that they expect better than what they've seen so far. It's meant as leverage to help bring about change. Sadly, some people just look the other way until their pocketbook is involved. Sad state. But I'll bet the mere mention of this threat gets business owners standing at attention and putting pressure on the powers that be to straighten the pathetic mess out.

What are you talking about? Some kind of threat?
IMO If a witness saw and heard GZ yell for help I believe him.He has no reason to lie.It is very possible they both were yelling .

If all witness statements were consistent, I'd say yes, but they aren't so it comes down to the forensics will tell the story. Voice analysis, shot trajectory, location of the body, where his cell phone ended up. This "John" was so in a hurry to get into the house, lock his back door and ran to the second floor, I believe, while calling 911. By that time it was too late. I doubt he stopped more than a second to look as it appears, by his own admission, he made a beeline to his back door. If the voice analysis is correct that it wasn't GZ's voice it shoots John's statement right out the door. jmo
This seems more reasonable to me about what happened. I just can't believe that Trayvon would have gone to his own porch and then returned up the sidewalk to confront GZ, when the whole point of what he was doing was to get away from GZ.
ITA especially since his Dads GF house was not close enough it was a foot ball field away in distance so he could not have sat on their own porch.
It might have started at the porch. He could have been ordered off of it, after all he was a suspicious black guy up to no good, all messed up.

It did not start on the porch nor end there not according to witnesses. I am sure the kid who was home alone would have heard or saw if it did.JMO
when don't have TM's voice to compare it too.

What does that have to do with experts ruling out it being Zimmerman's voice? They do not need Trayvon's voice to be able to compare Zimmerman's voice with the yells for help on the 911 call. The experts stated that they could not say it was Trayvon's voice because they did not have a sample of Trayvon's voice. But because they did have samples of Zimmerman's voice they were able to rule out the voice as being his yelling for help. So unless you think some alien was there yelling for help it doesn't take a genius to conclude that it was Trayvon yelling for help.
But isn't "sizing someone up" the same as judging?

Like I said - you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

We all do it. GZ sized up or judged TM. And his first impression was wrong.

But GZ acted on that wrong first impression and he continued to make bad choices. I believe he should be held accountable and have the appropriate consequences for those bad choices.


Wait, am I missing something? How do we know GZ's impression of TM was wrong? How do you know GZ acted on first impression and continued to make bad choices or any bad choices? Now I do believe everyone should be accountable for their actions. But do we have all the facts at this point?
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