17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #15

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I would be outraged if it was me as well.There have been so much spin and lies from the Martin's attorney IMO.This is becoming a circus.This is insane,that lies can be said and careers lost because this is and has been turned into a race issue.IMO

Respectfully... NO.

It was a race issue the second Zimmerman decided the black kid with the skittles looked suspicious. It was a circus the minute the police decided they weren't gonna bother talking to the witnesses, taking down their statements without coaching them, or even identifying the dead kid, and that it would be totally okay to lie to the parents about what happened.

And in my opinion careers SHOULD BE lost over this debacle.

It's been over a month. There has, to date, been no justice for the dead boy. They didn't even try. Be outraged about that.

I personally don't believe he went to the scene. I do, however, think that closed door meeting happened between Wolfinger, Lee, and O'Connor did happen though.

Remember we have Serino - that's the homicide detective who did want to press charges. I'm sure he will say what he heard, saw and was told that night.


He would be testifying against his bosses. He better have his resume in order.
I knew it....GZ lied he needs to be arrested now!!!!!!!!!!! IMHO JMHO

"It doesn't look like his nose was broken or badly broken," Friedman said.

So even that doctor could not say it was NOT BROKEN. Only that he didn't think it was BADLY broken.

He didn't see any injuries in person. He cannot tell if the nose is broken or not.
NG just got Taffe to admit - he never personally saw GZ's injuries - all he's seen is the video. And that he hasn't seen GZ at all since the incident.

Go Nancy!!!!

Thanks. The abstract I posted didn't have the part about destruction of evidence.

The officer scolded the commissioner for violating the law, threw the two pieces of cocaine on the ground, and stomped on them, according to Wolfinger and Howell.

''It's not the proper way, obviously, to destroy drugs,'' Wolfinger said. It destroyed the only evidence of the purchase, he said.

And what about that he's not the only one making the decision?

Now state prosecutors must decide whether to make a point of their own and charge him with a felony.

Meanwhile, residents of a historic district say they approve of Howell's attempts to drive crime from their neighborhood, but object to his method.

State Attorney Norm Wolfinger, who is reviewing the case at the request of Police Chief Steve Harriett, said it isn't complicated.

''There's criminal law and there's poor judgment,'' Wolfinger said, adding prosecutors will have to determine which applies to Howell's actions.

Wolfinger said prosecutors also will review the actions of the Sanford police officer who met with Howell after the cocaine buy on Oct. 24.
Nancy I've been hit in the nose before

NG: I'm sure

I just jumped in. I have no idea why someone would think Mr. Martin would have gotten what LE told him wrong. It has to be burned in his brain forever. To my knowledge no one from LE ever came forward to correct what Mr. Martin described. jmo
from this link

"Any media reenactments of the shooting incident are purely speculation. To date the
Sanford Police Department has not released any rendition of the events of the
evening to anyone other than the Office of the State Attorney. The renditions we
have seen are not consistent with the evidence in this case."
NG just got Taffe to admit - he never personally saw GZ's injuries - all he's seen is the video. And that he hasn't seen GZ at all since the incident.

Go Nancy!!!!


Grrrrrr, My son is watching the pregame for UK & Kansas in here. I'm going to have to go to my bedroom to watch Nancy.
So - honest question here. If the FBI doesn't find anything significant in building a case against GZ, will they be considered racists and part of the good old boy system?
I may be mistaken, but isn't Wolfinger in an elected position? Why would he be re-elected for the past 25 years if his constituency thought he was so corrupt?

How long has Wolfinger been living in the area? Was he raised there? Is he a long time resident?

Anyone know?


Anyone found anything other than his career in the area?

Then there's the time Wolfinger refused to fire an assistant state attorney after he pleaded guilty to drunken driving, outraging MADD.

Driving Drunk Won't Cost Prosecutor Job

Members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving expressed shock that Counts was not fired after pleading guilty Jan. 26 in Orlando to his second DUI charge in eight years.

''I do not condone or excuse his actions for any reason,'' Wolfinger said. ''But he was not treated any differently than anyone else. He did not receive special consideration from the courts and was punished by this office.''


Anyone found anything other than his career in the area?


Real life experiences—from growing up in a Pennsylvania row house neighborhood to fighting in Vietnam—shaped the fair-minded, tough-on-prosecution State Attorney for the 18th Judicial Circuit, Norman R. Wolfinger. After obtaining a Business Administration degree from Florida Southern College in Florida’s citrus belt, serving in the United States Army in Vietnam, and graduating from the University of Florida College of Law in 1973, Mr.Wolfinger moved to the Space Coast and worked as an assistant state attorney for eight years and chief assistant public defender for three years. He ran for and was elected to his first public office in 1984.

Real life experiences continue to direct his approach to the job he does today and what he sees as his mission—pursuing truth and justice in prosecution, treating victims compassionately, and protecting the public.

Since 1985, State Attorney Wolfinger’s goal has been prosecutorial excellence and toughness. Among his best-known trial work was the 1989 conviction of mass murderer William Cruse, who was sentenced to death for two of the six murders committed during his Palm Bay shopping center shooting spree. The multi-faceted case has withstood judicial review on state and federal levels.
I also don't get why everyone thinks it is so nefarious that members of GZ's family may have been at the station that night. That is often SOP. My dad and brother are defense attorneys. They were often receiving calls from FAMILY MEMBERS of the accused and would meet them at the police stations where the suspects were being interviewed. And family members are almost always interviewed at the start too. Where was your son that night? When did you last speak to him? Did he know thw victim as far as you know?

I don't find it that unusual that family might be with them at the station.
So - honest question here. If the FBI doesn't find anything significant in building a case against GZ, will they be considered racists and part of the good old boy system?

FBI are just conducting their own investigation, they have a lot more man power and money than the Sanford police, so I'm thinking it will be a very thorough investigation.
There she's goes - Susan Moss

Its a neighborhood watch,
If you only use your eyes,
Then nobody dies.
I may be mistaken, but isn't Wolfinger in an elected position? Why would he be re-elected for the past 25 years if his constituency thought he was so corrupt?

People probably elect him because they perceive him to be tough on crime. In order to see why he keeps getting elected, one would have to know how many times he's actually had opposition, the demographics of the people he serves, the platform he runs on, and a whole host of other things.

Many corrupt people stay in power, that's doesn't make them any less corrupt.
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