17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #16

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I doubt I would be arrested for spraying a water hose towards a group of bullies on a bike.

If it were my child you sprayed and I filed a criminal complaint and the police did not charge you, not only would I be suing you I would be suing the police department. YOU would have no legal right to discipline MY child.

Now that is the last post on this subject I am going to respond to, as I said we will have to agree to TOTALLY disagree on this subject.
I'm thinking GZ may have yanked the ear piece out of TM's ear. JMHO

I've thought this too.

If the ear piece fell out of Trayvon's ear but was still connected to the phone would the GF be able to hear anything, wouldn't it mute the phone the same way head phones plugged into something like an ipod mutes that?
YES, it is not YOUR job to discipline those children. If you were spraying my child I would have you arrested!

You may want her arrested, but I doubt any LE officer would arrest someone for spraying a kid with a water hose.
Let's look at it another way. If I told this forum that a little boy next door was routinely being BULLIED by a group of middle school kids on bikes because he was chubby, and he sat home alone all of the time, You would feel angry and sad, most likely. And if I told you that they rode their bikes past my yard to come and bully the poor kid, and that I SPRAYED THEM whenever possible to protect him---would people here say I was a psychotic that needed to be arrested for assault? Be honest.

I would feel angry and sad and I would do whatever I could to help and encourage the bullied child.

I would never be so arrogant to think it was my place to punish any child that was not mine.

I would absolutely consider it an assault and you can pretty it up all you want under the guise of 'protecting' the bullied child. It's inappropriate and I would seriously question your sense of ethics and morals and suggest you get counseling.

That's my honest opinion
Does anyone have the link to that article that was discussed this morning, the one that showed that those burglaries were not all committed by black kids, as Taffe tried to say?
The burglary reports and the log of GZ's 911 calls are on the City of Sanford web site on the same page as all the Trayvon Martin Investigation information: http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.html

I find that information to be more accurate than many of the media reports.
Sure kids like it.
But as discipline? Or payback?
That is different then playing in water.

Water is often used for all types of punishments. When you can't hit them, use water....."I was spraying my lawn and they rode through". If you look at his history it seems GZ was into punishment. jmo
If it were my child you sprayed and I filed a criminal complaint and the police did not charge you, not only would I be suing you I would be suing the police department. YOU would have no legal right to discipline MY child.

Now that is the last post on this subject I am going to respond to, as I said we will have to agree to TOTALLY disagree on this subject.

But then you have to remember that parents of bullied child can file a criminal complaint against your child for bullying.
You asked so i will be honest YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMHO JMHO Bullying does not stop bullying it is wrong especially for and adult to do to a child....IMHO

I don't see water from a garden hose as 'bullying' as others seem to. It certainly does not compare to making fun of a chubby kid. imo

These are middle school kids in a group riding their bikes. I think they are strong enough to be sprayed with water without it injuring them. I think people are making it a much bigger deal than it is. imo
YES, it is not YOUR job to discipline those children. If you were spraying my child I would have you arrested!

I'm almost certain it's not a crime to spray children in your yard with a garden hose.
I don't see water from a garden hose as 'bullying' as others seem to. It certainly does not compare to making fun of a chubby kid. imo

These are middle school kids in a group riding their bikes. I think they are strong enough to be sprayed with water without it injuring them. I think people are making it a much bigger deal than it is. imo
It may not be bullying per se, but spraying water from a hose at people can be legally an assault and there could be charges...
But then you have to remember that parents of bullied child can file a criminal complaint against your child for bullying.

And that would be up to the PARENTS of the bullied child, not some unrelated busy body neighbor. That would also be the correct, LEGAL way to handle the situation.
I think it's becoming clearer and clearer that GZ has obvious issues with boundaries,appropriate behavior,he has an inflated ego,he sees himself as neighborhood hero and all that makes him a dangerous person.Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.If GZ remains a free citizen it will happen again,I have no doubt about that.
Water is often used for all types of punishments. When you can't hit them, use water....."I was spraying my lawn and they rode through". If you look at his history it seems GZ was into punishment. jmo

Spraying people with garden hoses is much more often used in fun. People washing their cars will playfully turn the hose on one another, filling up the backyard pool they'll pick up the hose and squirt each other, kids randomly walk around with those mega water cannons and squirt unsuspecting kids.

I just don't see the upset here.

If kids were being cruel in my yard, and I had a garden hose in my hand, I'd squirt 'em!

I do not agree, 3 weeks to tell someone, that you may have heard you BF getting hurt, and you have not heard from him since.
NO I can not buy that at all. :nono:

IMHO TMs dad was the one who discovered that the GF was the last conversion that TM had.
IMHO - After the Martins called her they told her to go and tell the police about it.
JMO - Maybe she even got guidance what to say and what not to say.

I do not believe, we can be sure it was after three weeks. Mr Martin looked at Tray's phone logs and based on that contacted Tray's GF. Could have been after a couple of days. It became public after three weeks, however.
An interesting article about voice recognition technology.

In this article, apparently it's common to get a suspect to say the same words as are in the sample, so that the suspect and sample can be compared word for word.

I'm really still surprised that no one in the media has brought up what appears to be a huge problem here - the "suspected shouter" isn't really saying many words, but rather making sounds.

I have a hard time thinking you could get a clear identification of either of the men just by comparing to usual speaking voice. It will be interesting, if it's ever done, to compare Trayvon's speaking voice to the screams and see if they can get a clear idea. I just don't see how.


They have brought it up and the voice analyst carefully explained that while at one time it was important to try to get similar words or tone of voice to compare.....it is no longer necessary due to the extreme advances in scientific and computer technology that were not available at earlier times. This kind of analysis has been done for nearly a century. Therefore, what was once needed to make a clear delineation can now be done quite accurately by computer and spectrographic comparisons that are much more precise. He also ran comparative checks to dozens of other voices with the screaming to rule out any false negatives etc.
Which would not disconnect his phone.

It would if the phone was yanked from TM's hand and landed on the ground. Could it be that GA thought TM was trying to call 911 and tried to knock the phone from TM's hand. That would probably set TM off, would explain the phone going dead, would explain the wrestling on the ground. Would explain a lot. I'm sure GA would not want LE to know he was still following after he told LE okay. jmo
Spraying people with garden hoses is much more often used in fun. People washing their cars will playfully turn the hose on one another, filling up the backyard pool they'll pick up the hose and squirt each other, kids randomly walk around with those mega water cannons and squirt unsuspecting kids.

I just don't see the upset here.

If kids were being cruel in my yard, and I had a garden hose in my hand, I'd squirt 'em!
GZ wasn't doing it for "fun"/to cool the kids down. He used the hose as an assault, and legal charges can be pursued.
I'm almost certain it's not a crime to spray children in your yard with a garden hose.

Read the entire line of posts, she was talking about spraying children not related to her riding "past" her yard on the public sidewalk or street as punishment and retaliation, not children IN her yard playing around. BIG difference and that is comparing grapes to watermelons.
I would feel angry and sad and I would do whatever I could to help and encourage the bullied child.

I would never be so arrogant to think it was my place to punish any child that was not mine.

I would absolutely consider it an assault and you can pretty it up all you want under the guise of 'protecting' the bullied child. It's inappropriate and I would seriously question your sense of ethics and morals and suggest you get counseling.

That's my honest opinion

Well then i guess I have low morals and ethics because I would absolutely spray any middle school bullies that I saw if they were going to pass me on their way to harrass a neighbor of mine. As I said, my husband did spray some kids who were about to throw eggs at my elderly neighbors home. I guess he has no morals or ethics either.

And it was NOT to punish them, it was to PREVENT them from throwing the rotten eggs at the windows. And we called the police and they apparently did not think we were attacking the kids at all. As far as I know it was not considered an assault on those kids.
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