17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #18

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He wasn't making rounds. He was on the way to Target on a "personal errand" when he noticed someone he thought was suspicious. At that point, he called LE, on their non emergency number, and while waiting for LE to show up he kept an eye on the guy.

I think it might be time to have a thread that lists the "facts" and "myths" because the same incorrect myths keep popping up like whackamoles. He wasn't on "patrol".

how do we know for certain gz was ever on the way to target? unless i've missed something, such information must have come from gz, either through a surrogate or via what he told a cop after snuffing the life out of an innocent teenager.

jenna, you mentioned you thought gz was savvy when it comes to police matters. i would actually agree with you there. i think he was savvy enough to know how to kiss up to the local pd, and savvy enough to claim he just happened to spot tm while on an errand to target.

if indeed it's proven he was on the way to the store, so be it. i would consider it a relief, actually. until i see it myself, though, i wouldn't be shocked to learn that gz had never been to a target in his life. it seems to me he was in the habit of waiting for his ''target'' to come to him. just my opinion, moo, all that jazz.....
Saw previews fo Piers Morgan...Steven Segal is gonna be on and said if dispatch told GZ we dont need you to follow and if it was in his jurisdiction he would arrest GZ.

Steven Segal, the actor?
If the Huffington Post has deliberately stated or implied falsely that Uhrig claimed GZ to be suffering from SBS, either before or after the head injury he sustained that night, that is IMO highly irresponsible and wrong, since Uhrig clearly said no such thing.

Here is the Huffington Post article for anyone who cares to read it line for line:


BTW, I linked the actual CBS video of Uhrig's comments upthread, because I understood you to say you heard/saw it on TV. Sorry if I got that wrong.

Again, here is the video, with Uhrig's remarks beginning at 3:43:

Thanks for this.

This is nothing less than media sensationalism of the worst kind. The attorney said no such thing about using SBS as a defense.

Again, his attorney did not characterize the severity or nature of the injuries to GZ's head, but instead pointed out that he had every reason and right to protect himself from imminent danger of serious or fatal injury. I provided the link to Uhrig's remarks on CBS This Morning. It's just upthread, in case anyone needs to review what he actually said.

Wasn't the brother's controversial comment and version of the story later repudiated by GZ's legal advisor (Sonner), because he had not spoken with George for years, and had no actual knowledge of what took place that night?


That would be correct; however, Zimmerman's father later claimed that what Sonner said about the brother's relationship was not correct.

Again, his attorney did not characterize the severity or nature of the injuries to GZ's head, but instead pointed out that he had every reason and right to protect himself from imminent danger of serious or fatal injury. I provided the link to Uhrig's remarks on CBS This Morning. It's just upthread, in case anyone needs to review what he actually said.

Wasn't the brother's controversial comment and version of the story later repudiated by GZ's legal advisor (Sonner), because he had not spoken with George for years, and had no actual knowledge of what took place that night?


Actually, it was stated by George's lawyer that Zimmerman had a severe gash to his head that would have required stitches but by the time he had went to get checked out medically, it had begun to heal so they couldn't give him stitches?

I do not have a link, but I promise that it was discussed a lot here and I will also add MY :moo::moo::moo: to it just in case.
It could have still been in the trunk or the narcotics officer had it, IMO.
If it was in the trunk I would have thought the officer would have taken it with him seeing how far they had to walk to get where they were going in that video. That would have been the only evidence he had.
Steven Segal, the actor?

Steven Seagal, in addition to being an actor, also serves as a reserve deputy sheriff in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. In fact, he had his own reality program which rode along with him while he was performing his job and yes, he does have the power to arrest someone.

The "initial" police report obviously was not finalized in the first hours after the shooting, no matter what the times on it say. There is simply too much information in it - particularly Trayvon's full identification and place of residence in Miami.

Since it was "printed" on 03/06/2012 according to the note at the bottom of the report, my first impression is that is the final date that information could have been altered on the report. BUT the PDF was not created until 10:19:40 AM on 03/13/2012. The information on the PDF could have been altered in that week between when the report was "printed" and when the PDF posted on the web site was created. I won't even get paranoid enough to think that the City of Sanford was clever enough to alter the digital signatures. :what:

Maybe this is why that information was removed from the City of Sanford website - maybe the special prosecutor realized that the information on the reports was not consistent with the information her team was gathering. For low information people who may not have been paying attention, once her report or indictment or whatever she ends up doing comes out, they will not have the versions available earlier to compare to the "final" version of events. :waitasec:

Although the main stream media should have collected all the available information, as we've seen they get stuff wrong, they distort the information they do have, or they just plain lie to the public presumably with the idea that they know better and think it is in our "best interests". :banghead:

Just speculating here, so IMO, JMO, etc.

I would think the report is ongoing as information comes in. The name would be important and they would not keep it as John Doe because that is a temporary name until the person is identified. Adding his name does not alter the report and some reports are just their preliminary reports to record what happened while it is fresh in their minds. I don't think it in any way alters the content of the actual report. It's just, okay now we have a name of the victim it needs to appear on those preliminary reports. That information on top appears to be as if it is a header that will run throughout their reports as they continue to add to them. jmo
The office of the State Attorney, 4th Judicial Circuit, State Attorney Angela Corey has requested that the City of Sanford remove all reports, videos and audio pertaining to the Martin/Zimmerman case from the website. Their office has provided legal justification for the action and they believe further access to the information will have an adverse effect on their efforts to come to a resolution to this investigation.


Another thing that disappeared from the City's website at the same time this statement was made is the City's reply to the ABC news report that the first person to interview Zimmerman was a narcotics officer.
The office of the State Attorney, 4th Judicial Circuit, State Attorney Angela Corey has requested that the City of Sanford remove all reports, videos and audio pertaining to the Martin/Zimmerman case from the website. Their office has provided legal justification for the action and they believe further access to the information will have an adverse effect on their efforts to come to a resolution to this investigation.


Another thing that disappeared from the City's website at the same time this statement was made is the City's reply to the ABC news report that the first person to interview Zimmerman was a narcotics officer.

When did this happen?
Once the police report came out and I started plotting out what it told us, I realized that there could be a reason that the story of Mary Cutcher and her roommate, Selma Mora Lamilla, was being ignored. They told a much different version of GZ's tale of a skinny kid making him afraid for his life:

“So you saw Mr. Zimmerman on top of Trayvon Martin?” Cooper questioned.

“Trayvon, exactly,” Lamilla said.

“When you say on top of, how so?” the CNN anchor pressed.

“Straddling him,” Cutcher replied.

“His legs were straddling him?” Cooper followed up.

“One on each side, on his knees, with his hands on his back. I immediately thought, okay, obviously if it’s the shooter, he would have ran,” Cutcher detailed. “I thought he’s holding the wound, helping the guy taking a pulse, making sure he’s okay. When she called to him three times, everything okay, what’s going on? Each time he looked back, didn’t say anything and then the third time he finally said, ‘just call the police.’”


There are 3 attachments below. Working from left to right,

-first you will see 3 addresses shown on the image of the back sidewalk section.

-Then you will see a portion of Officer Timothy Smith's SPD narrative telling where the body was located between 2 residences.

-Last, look who owns the unit with the most likely bird's eye view for what happened.


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If it was in the trunk I would have thought the officer would have taken it with him seeing how far they had to walk to get where they were going in that video. That would have been the only evidence he had.

I think it is a procedural safety issue. I do not think they would carry a loaded weapon in with the prisoner. I'm guessing but I think they would need to secure their prisoner first, then return to the trunk and bring the gun to the evidence room to have it marked. I remember riding with my husband one night in the Ride Along Program (once was enough) and them giving him something to put in his trunk (he was a homocide detective at the time) and we had to go down to the evidence room so he could get it logged in. Takes awhile, not just toss it and take off. lol Hubby was driving way too fast for me to get to the scene..........that was the end of the ride along for me. I don't know how they do it. I really don't....not for me. jmo
You are assuming Martin wouldn't have noticed Zimmerman sitting in his vehicle watching him. If, as Zimmerman claims, Martin attacked him, this could have still happened even if Zimmerman had remained in his vehicle.

This argument always cracks me up. You are correct the dispatcher does not have the authority to ORDER him to stay in the car. However, they are trained by LE on how to handle volatile situations exactly like this. I don't care what brush you try to paint this with, at the very least Zimmerman acted irresponsibly by refusing to follow the dispatcher's trained response.

If Zimmerman had stayed in his car, Trayvon would not be dead NOR would Zimmerman be facing the backlash he is now.

That is a simple FACT.
Steven Seagal, in addition to being an actor, also serves as a reserve deputy sheriff in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. In fact, he had his own reality program which rode along with him while he was performing his job and yes, he does have the power to arrest someone.


Great, a B movie actor is now being interviewed for the case. :banghead:
Once the police report came out and I started plotting out what it told us, I realized that there could be a reason that the story of Mary Cutcher and her roommate, Selma Mora Lamilla, was being ignored. They told a much different version of GZ's tale of a skinny kid making him afraid for his life:

There are 3 attachments below. Working from left to right,

-first you will see 3 addresses shown on the image of the back sidewalk section.

-Then you will see a portion of Officer Timothy Smith's SPD narrative telling where the body was located between 2 residences.

-Last, look who owns the unit with the most likely birds eye view for what happened.

Papa, you're the greatest.

The office of the State Attorney, 4th Judicial Circuit, State Attorney Angela Corey has requested that the City of Sanford remove all reports, videos and audio pertaining to the Martin/Zimmerman case from the website. Their office has provided legal justification for the action and they believe further access to the information will have an adverse effect on their efforts to come to a resolution to this investigation.


I have calmed down a little bit. Did this "new witness" who talked to CNN tonight give her name? I just want to make sure it isn't MC?

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around an investigator telling any witness to a murder "who was doing what and when" when that witness is giving their statement to LE in a death investigation? Not only that it would happen once... with one witness... but a second time... with another witness? I just can't wrap my mind around it? I can't? Why would they even think they could get away with it?

You know, if there was that much corruption going on in that department, maybe Trayvon's purpose was to shine a bright light on it? I hope that with the investigation, the residents of Sanford, all of them, will, in the end, be left with a Police Department they can look up to and respect... and not a Police Department that they fear or feel pressured by.

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