17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #25

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the problem is that people are idealists, and when they've got their good intentions, they cant always see the way to how something can be abused ... I totally understand what they try to do with SYG laws, over here a fella attacked and disarmed an intruder into his home who later died as a result of the altercation and the homeowner was charged with murder...they later dropped it but it caused such an uproar....a SYG law (not that you can have guns here) would prevent that sort of stupidity from happening....

....but then you always get the jerks that ruin it for everyone, who want to twist the law on a technicality such as in this case IMO (IMO trayvon was the one standing HIS ground)

eta link to case I just mentioned, this isnt the most recent article but tells some facts of the case http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/19/homeowner-bail-alleged-burglar-stabbed

ETA again to add, sorry it's insomnia week I should do it right the first time :D http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/oct/07/householder-cleared-fatal-stabbing-intruder?INTCMP=SRCH

I think that the law should certainly support homeowners who have to kill someone who is breaking into their home. They shouldn't have to retreat in their own home and anyone breaking in is definitely up to no good. I thought Sarah McKinley was justified in shooting the man who was breaking into her home holding a knife when the police did not arrive in time. Burglars should know that they are risking their lives when they commit these felonies. But it isn't right for a watch volunteer or a concerned neighbor to be taking a gun to confront a stranger and it isn't right for a man to go to a basketball court to yell at a teenager with a gun in his pocket. These kinds of situations are very likely to end badly.
Concealed Weapons Public Records Request

On July 1, 2006, a new law went into effect that makes personal identifying information pertaining to a Concealed Weapon or Firearm license confidential and exempt from Section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes and Section 24(a), Article 1 of the State Constitution.
A Miami-Dade firefighter’s rant about the Trayvon Martin case — posted on his personal Facebook page — is drawing scrutiny from his bosses.

Capt. Brian Beckmann’s post, published for the public Friday by the website theGrio.com, lambasts the prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case and suggests “urban youth” are the products of “failed, *****bag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents.”

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/...ighter-under-investigation.html#storylink=cpy
Good thing is if he gets fired he can go work for Team Zimmerman and hit the talk shows.:rocker:
Has someone said he was fired from his job?
Has someone said he was fired from his job?

IMO, it was inferred he quit his job...

That last interview MSNBC - they beat JO up about why, and how he could afford to leave his job to help GZ. They asked if he was being paid to help GZ.

They asked JO if he knew GZ from work as a colleague...

JO couldn't get a word in edgewise for much of the grilling, including those questions, which went unaddresed.
I think the autopsy will be key here.

Question though, how soon was it done? Was it done by a local (as in Sanford) ME? If TM's parents or the state wanted to have a second autopsy, how much would having already have one interfer with a second opinion? If that even makes any sense???

As stated in the preliminary court document, the post was performed by Dr. Bao (Shiping Bao, M.D, Associate Medical Examiner), who works out of District 7. http://volusia.org/medicalexaminer/
:moo::moo::moo: Dr. Bao was either the M.D. on call that weekend & "caught" the case OR was assigned the case in the a.m. :moo::moo::moo: (FYI: a full forensic post mortem examination requires the assistance of MORE than just the pathologist SO from my information regarding this subject, MOST (again, not speaking for ALL ME offices and again, not speaking about ALL ME cases!) OCMEs request/demand/suggest that one wait until the scheduled support staff are present.

Actual inner working of ANY medical examiner's office are specific to the jurisdiction (and chief ME, too!) and the link above DOES make the District 7/24 functioning wicked transparent. (IMHO, the information presented and format used is just awesome!):woohoo:

all JMO, JME
Good thing is if he gets fired he can go work for Team Zimmerman and hit the talk shows.:rocker:

I wish the Brian Beckmans and FTs and GZs of this world would go have their own gated community somewhere and leave the rest of us suspicious blights on society to fend for ourselves. Personally, I know I'd feel a whole lot safer.
I won't be watching Anderson Cooper's show today at 4 EST. One of his guest speakers is FT. I totally wish people would quit giving him all this air time. JMO
I also find it interesting that 8 months after syg law was inacted in fl they chose to make finding public records on persons with concealed weapons exempt.
Has someone said he was fired from his job?

Not that I have ever heard but I definitely heard JO say that he had left his job to make the media rounds on GZ's behalf. If he is an independent contractor then that statement plus the statement that he had neither quit nor been fired from his job both be true.

I am an independent contractor and my time is very flexible. I could take that amount of time off but then I would have to scramble to get the appropriate amount of work done for my client for the month so I could get paid.
It's shocking how similar that case is to this one! :( It's hard to believe that we even have to debate what happened when "Armed man with gun confronts man with Skateboard." :maddening: Who is going to win that argument?

They say he was in fear for his life because the other man was younger and bigger. But a gun can drop an elephant, so who is really the stronger in that encounter? Also, who initiated the confrontation? In both the Martin case and that case, the shooter started the whole thing.

Again, the guy should have called police and waited for them to sort it out. JMO

That case is beyond sickening, David James' wife was interviewed and I cried right along with her, it is absolutely heartbreaking. This soldier, who lived through tours of duty, comes home and gets gunned down for protecting kids in the neighborhood. His young daughter witnessed it all, they showed her on tv when she was testifying.

As similar as these two cases, the one difference is that Dooley was arrested quickly, iirc, it was within 48 hours.

The other common misconception has to do with JO and GZ being co-workers. The company they work for goes over old mortgage applications for loans that are in default. They try to find discrepancies so the mortgage holders can file suit against the parties involved. While both have worked for that company, it is important to note that they have hundreds of employees, the majority of which are actually independent contractors.

I suspect that GZ was not holding a job (which seems to be the case more often than not) and his mother-in-law told him about the "job" opportunity that her friend Mrs. JO told her about. Neither one has stellar work history. JO is on Linked In, easy enough to find. Longest gig was 3 years at WESH.

And Frank Taaffe, ugh, don't get me started on that attention *advertiser censored* cretin, still don't get why no one brings up his violent past. MOO.

I'm not sure if we are allowed to bring it up for discussion but I am aware of it thanks to google.
I think the autopsy will be key here.

Question though, how soon was it done? Was it done by a local (as in Sanford) ME? If TM's parents or the state wanted to have a second autopsy, how much would having already have one interfer with a second opinion? If that even makes any sense???

Yes it does make sense. I've also wondered if Trayvon's parents wanted a second autopsy done. I would, especially after all that has happened. I hope someone who knows will answer about a first one interfering with the second one????
I won't be watching Anderson Cooper's show today at 4 EST. One of his guest speakers is FT. I totally wish people would quit giving him all this air time. JMO
But Taaffe is the only one stupid enough to keep flapping his trap. :)
I won't be watching Anderson Cooper's show today at 4 EST. One of his guest speakers is FT. I totally wish people would quit giving him all this air time. JMO

Dollars to doughnuts that FT has himself a media agent who is booking him on all these shows. :slap:
I wondered if poor trayvon was trying to crawl away from GZ in his dying moment.

do we know if he died/lost consciousness/whatever immediately? I havent seen anything saying so.

perhaps GZ turned him over, still thinking he was "[not letting] this one get away"?

perhaps in fact trayvon was on top when shot - this does not necessarily mean GZ was telling the full truth - I believe trayvon was fighting back after GZ put his hands on him to detain him...I think it all went to hell when GZ realised this one wasnt gonna just shut up and do as he was told...

although I find it VERY unlikely that GZ managed to unholster with trayvon on top.....I'll tell ya right now from personal experience (and from working many midnights in restaurants therefore seeing many many drunken fights) that when you are having the hell beat out of you, you DO NOT fiddle around at your waist or anywhere else....you cover your face & head best you can for the obvious reason (and if GZ was truly having his head bashed into concrete, that makes the idea of fiddling with a holster just ludicrous..)...while simultaneously (sp?) trying to get the so-and-so OFF of you....maybe someone trained differently would do differently although I've never personally seen it.

heart-rendingly with the evidence I currently have, I think the most likely thing is that trayvon was shot with GZ on top of him, and he was found facedown because he was still trying to crawl away...

Thank you! This is so logical:(
But Taaffe is the only one stupid enough to keep flapping his trap. :)

If MOM had a problem with Taafe, it's hard to believe Taafee will still be able to characterize his participation as "part of GZ's Team".


Maybe Taafe makes it easier for MOM to beg venue change, etc. :waitasec:

I think the autopsy will be key here.

Question though, how soon was it done? Was it done by a local (as in Sanford) ME? If TM's parents or the state wanted to have a second autopsy, how much would having already have one interfer with a second opinion? If that even makes any sense???

:moo::moo::moo: A second autopsy could be requested and the information (ie: laboratory testing, tissue & slides, radiologic evaluations, photographs, diagrams, measurements, etc.) from the previous post would/SHOULD be available to provide a comparison. (again, NOT commenting as if this were a UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE!). Specific interference SHOULD be minimal IF :please: the body & primary post were handled with care :please:, naturally specific biological materials (ie fluid blood, gastric contents, etc) would NOT be available in the same amount, condition or even sometimes present as they were in the first autopsy. :moo::moo::moo:

Here's a link to a synopsis from a PBS/Frontline series: www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/post-mortem/things-to-know/autopsy-101.html (written in people-friendly language!) :rocker::rocker:

:what: JMO, JME as usual :what:
If MOM had a problem with Taafe, it's hard to believe Taafee will still be able to characterize his participation as "part of GZ's Team".


Maybe Taafe makes it easier for MOM to beg venue change, etc. :waitasec:


You mean like the way JB kept doing press conferences and then cried about too much media exposure? :rolleyes:

I hope MOM is a better attorney than that. For everyone's sake.
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