17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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If you can, would you expand on why you feel that might be the case?

Unfortunately, I can not because of her age and the rule about sleuthing her.




Love that little emote. It looks like it has pigtails.
I'm not sure I understand the problem with lawyers talking to the public and not allowing prosecutors the same? I mean the state has ALL available resources imo to go after someone right or wrong. Prosecutors imo shouldn't be allowed to talk in public about a case.

I read that she was 16 on February 26th, 2012. I have not found the link. But, if that is true, then she is either still 16 or just barely 17.

Thanks Just K. There has been alot of misreporting in this case so I dunno what to believe. Most likely, I misheard. LOL!:floorlaugh:
That is not the first time he's used that quote. He used the same quote when getting involved with trying to defend a black homeless man.

What exactly has he done to deflect his responsibilty. He doesn't believe he did anything wrong with calling 911 or seeing where TM was and that is his right. I've never seen or heard him deflect responsibility for shooting TM.

"I am the real George Zimmerman," declares the website, set up over the weekend.

"On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."

Read more: http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/nation...onations-in-trayvon-martin-case#ixzz1tXECWsKa

"I was involved in a life altering event" This event is something that happened to him, not something he did. He in no way acknowledges that he shot and killed a young man, this is something unfortunate that happened to him, and all the negative consequences he talks about have to do with "my home, my school, my employer, my family, my entire life", me, me, me, me, me.

“I wanted to say that I am sorry for the loss of your son.”
The Martins didn't lose their son, George Zimmerman killed him.

His attorney also deflected his responsibility for him:
"Understand that George fully well realizes that he was involved in some way in the death of another young man," O'Mara told ABC News.

If you are "involved in some way in the death of another young man", you're very much minimizing your responsibiity in killing him.


I do realize he couldn't say "I'm sorry for murdering this young man" but his website made him out to be a hero for it.
As to beating dead horses, it sometimes works to distort the truth and the facts. There will always be those that believe that if you say something enough times that there will be those that believe it...even if it is a distortion of the facts, an embellishment of the facts or an outright lie. On the flip side, there are those that choose to listen to the new renditions of the facts and will ignore the direct evidence, (forensic, ballistics, fingerprints, photographs, expert technical testimony, you name it) and the words of the witnesses who were present at the exact time of the event. They will just believe the altered renditions of the facts and the truth.

Rather than taking the time to actually listen to original statements, autopsy reports, lack of evidence, some will simply take for granted the revised versions that attorneys, witnesses and their "experts" present. There are some lazy folks out there and they will end up on this jury. IMO.
Unfortunately, I can not because of her age and the rule about sleuthing her.




Love that little emote. It looks like it has pigtails.


I'm sorry too. I thought perhaps you saw a legal tweak or something to suggest the prosecution's star witness would be readily disqualified. :pullhair:

now, those are some pigtails! ^
That is not the first time he's used that quote. He used the same quote when getting involved with trying to defend a black homeless man.

What exactly has he done to deflect his responsibilty. He doesn't believe he did anything wrong with calling 911 or seeing where TM was and that is his right. I've never seen or heard him deflect responsibility for shooting TM.


I think this is a very good question, I don't see him deflecting responsibility either, he doesn't think he did anything wrong imo.

I'm not sure I understand the problem with lawyers talking to the public and not allowing prosecutors the same? I mean the state has ALL available resources imo to go after someone right or wrong. Prosecutors imo shouldn't be allowed to talk in public about a case.


Is allowing the defense to speak in public supposed to even the playing field somehow? :waitasec:

To put it bluntly, I think it's a bad idea to let either side pee in the jury pool, so to speak.
what do any of the incidents you listed have to do with any interaction between MOM and Crump? None of those suggest MOM was "playing games" with Crump.

What could O'Mara possibly have to say that TM's parents want to hear ? I find it very unusual that the lawyer of a defendant keeps calling the victims family lawyer.

O'Mara blurts out GS's name at hearing
O'Mara fails to tell the court about GZ's windfall
O'Mara claims not to know about GZ's website
O'Mara claims not to know that TM's parents said an apology was to little to late at this time MOO

I wouldn't answer his calls either :censored:

It looks like an educational resource, topics for an essay or a classroom discussion.

Part of the reason my students have such a hard time reading is because they bring little prior knowledge and background to the written page. They can decode the words, but the words remain meaningless without a foundation of knowledge.

To help build my students’ prior knowledge, I assign them an "Article of the Week" every Monday morning. By the end of the school year I want them to have read 35 to 40 articles about what is going on in the world. It is not enough to simply teach my students to recognize theme in a given novel; if my students are to become literate, they must broaden their reading experiences into real-world text.

Below you will find the articles I assigned* this year to my students. Please note, all articles are subject to the copyright protections stipulated by the original source.

It looks a bit strange because it's not readily evident to me which parts are quoted from the sources he cites (vaguely, no link or proper attribution) and which parts are his own paraphrase.
This comment pertains to both the Defense and the Prosecution:
It amazes me everyday, how so many people have already determined what happened that night and who is to blame. Those that believe that TM "should have known not to run through a neighborhood like that, at night.." believe it was preventable. That, to me, is so sad because they have no intention of looking behind the surface details as they have been presented, to date.

They don't even bother to consider that GZ might have had help, that he may have inadvertently or deliberately caused his own injuries, and/or that he may have been a vigilante out to "stop," in his mind, just another "@$$hole."

We might be surprised to find out how many people, who believe Trayvon was murdered, do not even know that GZ had hollow point bullets in that semi-automatic handgun.
Is that supposed to even the playing field somehow? :waitasec:

To put it bluntly, I think it's a bad idea to let either side pee in the jury pool, so to speak.

I guess I just think the state has enough power, I personally think the jury is quite capable of listening to evidence without being tainted by somone's opinion on tv prior to a case starting.

Something is bad wrong in my view if the state can't convince a jury someone is guilty with all the money and resources they have to do so. All my opinion of course.

I think defense attorneys are very important to our system. I'm sure some push the rules and some don't follow them, just like prosecutors do.


Yes, and I'm sure it was merely coincidence that he moved out of his home and went "underground" immediately following the shooting.

I have never understood why GZ moved out of the townhouse and went into hiding, immediately following the shooting. Why move out? Why so fast? The story had not hit the media yet, that was weeks later. Why did he "run" so fast?

Does anyone know exactly when he went into hiding? I have read it stated on here that it was the very next day after the shooting. What did GZ fear the very next day? He was questioned then let go, he was claiming SYG, so what did he fear the very next day?
I have never understood why GZ moved out of the townhouse and went into hiding, immediately following the shooting. Why move out? Why so fast? The story had not hit the media yet, that was weeks later. Why did he "run" so fast?

Does anyone know exactly when he went into hiding? I have read it stated on here that it was the very next day after the shooting. What did GZ fear the very next day? He was questioned then let go, he was claiming SYG, so what did he fear the very next day?

His conscience?

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