17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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No, I brought up those cases because those parents were the parents of murder victims... just like Trayvon's parents! George Zimmerman, like Scott Peterson and OJ Simpson has been charged with the murder of their children. It has nothing to do with George admitting anything. It has everything to do with the fact that he has been charged with the murder of Trayvon Martin. I see no reason for Mr. O'Mara to contact Trayvon's parents attorneys for anything other than setting up a court appointed deposition.

BBM: Yes, I understood that is what you meant. JMO
BBM. Bolded statement is not technically true. That is the difference, IMO. Cheers.

The other examples were not techically murderers either until after their convictions, so it really is the same re: defense lawyers contacting the family of the accused before trial.
They certainly do and there are several legal-billing computer programs that make it easy. As I said above, at the last large firm where I worked, they billed in 6-minute intervals or .1 of an hour. But even back in the 1980s, Skadden, Arps (a large, NYC firm) was rounding off to the nearest quarter-hour.

Nobody gets away with billing $400 for going 1 minute over the hour. Not even shrinks do that.

Hmmm, been so long since I have had to see a lawyer or a shrink, going to have to test this out. But, many moons ago, you know in the olden times several hundred years ago, I don't think I would have accepted paying anyone for an hour when they only worked for 10 minutes!
The other examples were not techically murderers either until after their convictions, so it really is the same re: defense lawyers contacting the family of the accused before trial.

He did not contact the family. He contacted the family's attorney. Big difference, imo.
O'Mara stated that it would cost around a million to defend GZ. Do you think that it will cost the SA one million dollars? In the Anthony case,

This does not include the costs for the Orange County Sheriff's office.


The defence team charged the state over $147,000.


And if the SYG is successfully applied some time in the future, the State of Fla is stuck with that one million dollar bill, the way I read that Statute. Ouch.
O'Mara stated that it would cost around a million to defend GZ. Do you think that it will cost the SA one million dollars?....

Probably, yes. But I suspect a lot of the State's expenditures are listed as ongoing (the police, for example) and aren't necessarily assigned to any one case.

And I'm not calling anyone a liar, but when the State loses a case, such as it did with Casey Anthony, I imagine everyone in the prosecutor's office wants to lowball the estimated costs.

All of the above is my speculation. I have no direct experience with State of Florida budgeting.
Wouldn't the State of Florida be stuck with the bill for Zimmerman's defense anyway unless the donations keep coming? Since he's indigent, apparently.
Note for the mods: the Hot Cases description on the forums page still says it contains Trayvon Martin /George Zimmerman discussion
Think you are seeing things Donjeta.:innocent:
And if the SYG is successfully applied some time in the future, the State of Fla is stuck with that one million dollar bill, the way I read that Statute. Ouch.

Ouch, indeed. But if GZ is granted immunity at a SYG hearing, the costs will be far less than O'Mara's $1 million estimate. I believe that was for the entire trial and a full year's work.
I was responding to a particular assertion of your post. That is all.
The post contained two assertions. Sorry, which assertion were you responding to?

Your impression is mistaken IMO. The OP's phrase "what was going on in her life" does not refer to anything wrong, horribly or otherwise. Just stuff that does not match Crump's scenario and timeline; nothing that would reflect poorly on the GF. JMO

And the information could not possibly have resulted from O'M's slip, as it was all online well before the bond hearing. JMO
Ouch, indeed. But if GZ is granted immunity at a SYG hearing, the costs will be far less than O'Mara's $1 million estimate. I believe that was for the entire trial and a full year's work.

But there is nothing that would prevent him from filing such motion for the SYG one year from now. As late as the case is practically ready for jury deliberation from what I understand.
If he does not do that SYG and even if GZ is acquitted under regular self defense, than GZ could still be liable in a civil suit.
May be this is a question for the lawyers thread.
The other examples were not techically murderers either until after their convictions, so it really is the same re: defense lawyers contacting the family of the accused before trial.
Nicole & Ron were murdered. No question. Laci and Connor were murdered. No question.

It remains to be seen whether Trayvon's death will be proven to have been a murder.

Nicole & Ron were murdered. No question. Laci and Connor were murdered. No question.

It remains to be seen whether Trayvon's death will be proven to have been a murder.


OK. I understand your point now. Thanks for the clarification.
Nicole & Ron were murdered. No question. Laci and Connor were murdered. No question.

It remains to be seen whether Trayvon's death will be proven to have been a murder.


Okay, I'll play...

Laci's parents weren't contacted by her KILLER of her KILLER'S attorney.

Nor were Ron or Nicole's parents contacted by their KILLER or KILLER'S attorney.

I believe that was the point the OP was attempting to make.
Why not start a thread for the phone records?

Here you go: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7856300#post7856300"]The Phone Records - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

You do have the records, right?

Okay, I'll play...

Laci's parents weren't contacted by her KILLER of her KILLER'S attorney.

Nor were Ron or Nicole's parents contacted by their KILLER or KILLER'S attorney.

I believe that was the point the OP was attempting to make.

Wasn't it attorney to attorney contact, or attempt to contact?

MO'M hasn't contacted Trayvon's parents directly has he?
For the record: TMobile confirms that whether you set your zipcode/location or not all their statements have that PST notation at the bottom. We have confirmed through TMobile that the time was 7:12 PM EST. A search through previous threads will show the research.

04-22-2012, 06:49 PM
Replies: 1,048
17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30
Views: 19,902
Posted By Just K
Every T-Mobile on-line statement...even after one...

Every T-Mobile on-line statement...even after one inputs their zipcode...has that PST notation. It means absolutely nothing because even when you know that the time of the call is EST, the notation...
Forum: Trayvon Martin General Discussion threads 04-22-2012, 06:16 PM
Replies: 1,048
17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30

17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30
Views: 19,902
Posted By Just K
T-mobile does not identify individual times on...

T-mobile does not identify individual times on the bill anymore. The way you get a detailed log of T-mobile individual calls is to go on-line to T-Mobile.com or MyTMobile.com. Once there you will ge
The phone log information is in the Timeline thread - maybe this should be copied over there? [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=170564"]Timeline - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
go for it
Oh no, not me! Someone, I think vlpate brought it up and I was thinking that instead of it getting lost on this thread, that it is a topic that has come up at least 35 times if not doulbe that, and that it seems like a viable topic for a thread. But, I am not going to start it. I gotta eat.
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