2008.11.06 Nancy Grace

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Probably for the same reason he didn't answer Cindy's question honestly. He has not been in control or steering that family like a responsible parent/spouse/man of the house for a very long time, if ever. In the middle of the biggest crisis of their life is not probably the moment he is going to stand up and lead.

Cindy is a control fiend (borderline personality disorder IMO) and she chose George for a reason and not challenging her delusions about the world, herself and her kids is a major part of his role in her life. He was adaptable to that role she would have filtered him out early on and found someone that would.

Ouch...that is sad, sounds true but really sad.
:clap::clap: LP has put his money & his heart where his mouth is. He came into this thinking Caylee was alive. He sooned learned everything was nothing but lies. He manned up to being wrong & he did it in public. He is going to be boots on the ground this weekend with Tim. I respect him & everyone else that is doing this. I remember Nancy being nasty to him in the beginning, when he bailed KC out. She SO didn't agree with that & let him know it. Perhaps now she treats LP with the respect he deserves because he has earned it. :blowkiss: Hey cowboy LP, you rock. :blowkiss:

Wow LeLe, Thanks for this post. You couldnt have said what I was thinking any better, I do remember how she treated him at the beginning of this mess and her tune has changed due to the respect he has earned. I didnt like him when he bailed out The "PopTart" but that all worked out. Tim Miller is my #1 Hero and LP is slowly becoming #2.
Good night people. Don't go getting yourselves into any trouble. We need all of us on here to keep it interesting.
She can get all the education she wants in prison ~ many do just that.

I wish her luck with that, most states don't allow death row inmates to get an education on the states dime. I suppose she'll do OK as long as strangers keep sending her money, but with supplies and funds stretched beyond thin, why would the prison system educate someone so they can get a diploma and a needle?
I am impressed with all the husbands that are aware of what is going on with NG's show. There is something about her, it is like husband repellant in my house. A millisecond of her voice and he flees the room (I keep an episode or two on Tivo just in case I need it ;))

Well, in fairness to other husbands, mine does travel Tues until Fri, so he only watches it with me on Mon & Fri. I am known in my area for being a big child advocate, have been all our married life. My husband know's I am gonna be all over the information on a case like this. He even called me from the airport a couple wks ago to ask did I want him to pick up the new People cause it had her on the front page. Neither Nancy or Greta would be HIS choice to watch but he will normally watch it with me. He's a good guy, what can I say. Okay, all you unmarried gals, before you marry that guy, make sure he will watch NG or Greta with ya:) I thought Nancy's show was great tonight.
Yes, exactly ~ or she still could've died from the drowning, and maybe Casey realized she might have to explain why she was at the house in the pool instead of at work so decided this couldn't be an 'accident' like maybe she'd first intended and started covering it up? Or that it might not be believed to be an accident? I do believe Caylee's body was in the yard in the beginning, which makes me also believe she died there at the house. MOO

Casey could have said she got off work early or came home sick and was laying down or anything more believable than what she did come up with.

As for the yard, I cannot forget the tarps in the Laci Peterson case. That also makes me suspicious of the gas cans.
IIRC George saw the stain that was described as basketball sized but not quite. This was at the towyard before the car was taken home and probably cleaned out leaving only the hair fragment.

The way they have always spoken about the stain I just got the impression it was a very small stain. Was I surprised when they said it was the size of a basketball!
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Posted: Oct 17, 2008 12:52:23

Yes she is quite a character but, she has always been very nice to us.

Yes that is part of the show before show we all go through a series of Questions and then she makes the show by going to the ones she wants and the people she wants to answer.

Rob Dick - Bounty Hunter
Licensed Private Investigator
Certified Bail Education Instructor
Nejame doing damage control. Says Cindy appreciates Tims effort.

Even though she was never going to speak to him again, for as long as she lives. Now it was a " misunderstanding " because he was supposed to look for a " live " caylee and not a dead one.
I missed the good points. I thought he started off being an azz and ended that way. I have no respect for an attorney in his position to come on national television and call LP "a clown". I think LP should have said "sure thing count". I did get the Tom Thumb comment but I think Drac fits better.

(Dork Alert) I didnt get the Tom Thumb thing. Is NeJame really short?
Since he became her paid puppet.

Ironic that when Padilla posted here, well Tony, they neither one seemed to have a decent thing to say on Nancy's behalf, in fact they said plenty of negative.

Suddenly, Nancy is Padilla's bread & butter and all negativity is conveniently forgotten. ;)

Just because LP agrees to go on NG...
...does not mean he has any more positive feelings about her than he did previously.

FWIW, he's doing this for his own personal reasons which we're not likely to ever be privy to, but I do think that at least some part has to do with finding Caylee herself. She is why we're all still here, posting day after day ourselves, after all. Why would it be so odd that LP, who got even closer to the case than we have, would have an interest in seeing justice served???

I think LP is good hearted, which is more than I can say for some of the folks involved in this charade.
Ok so what don't you understand because you yourself just spelled it out.

If Cindy had the dress and was willing to go on national television with it then why couldn't MN answer a question in regards to it????

I mean he does represent CA and CA did produce the dress so why no statement on his clients behalf??

Because the dress in question pertains to a criminal case that he is not involved in.

He is involved in the representation of George & Cindy - not the criminal case itself which includes any "questionable evidence".

It's quite simple.
Because the dress in question pertains to a criminal case that he is not involved in.

He is involved in the representation of George & Cindy - not the criminal case itself which includes any "questionable evidence".

It's quite simple.

Except for the fact his client went on national tv with possible evidence.
(Dork Alert) I didnt get the Tom Thumb thing. Is NeJame really short?
I think he is a little man. ;) and poor think also looks like a vampire but LP was too kind to point out both of these points. I would have went for the juglar if he came out swinging on me!!
Edit to add his baby talk was driving me crazy. I honestly used to feel bad when people made fun of Nejame for looking like Dracula or "the Count" but seeing him calling LP "PT Barnum" was all I needed to never feel bad again. I really thought that was tacky even for a defense attorney. I thought he was a little higher classed than most. He proved me wrong by saying what he did tonight. I think he fits right in with the anthonys
:waitasec: Well, if you're going to take the liberty of saying that one lawyer would make, as you said it, "mincemeat" of another lawyer, then if another poster here is gaugeing the level of, er, deference to give to your opinion, then naturally the poster would want to know how much time you've spent watching what goes on in a courtroom.

So...how much time have you spent in a courtroom watching proceedings? Cause if you haven't done so, then I'm really curious as to how you feel so secure that Nejame would make "mincemeat" out of NG...

What makes you think he wouldn't?
I wish Nancy would question LP like she does other guests. I can just imagine him trying to explain why all his various theories contradict each other and also contradict the released evidence. I don't know why she accepts everything he says without question, she's not that dumb.

NG did run a sequence one time of LP clips where he out and out contradicts each statement and called him out on it and he conceded. It was a classic!!!

I think LP is NG broken in like the others and eats humble pie when abused so he is in, on the team -- MN is not broken in yet.
Ok, let me get this straight. A size six child's Disney dress was found...what, beside the road in a wooded area. There was speculation it might have been Caylees...because Caylee is missing and once was pictured in a similar dress. Am I on track so far? Caylee is essentially a three year old child...who might actually have worn a sized six dress. Some people have children that age who do. I did. Some people state that Disney clothes can run small. Ok? Then Cindy goes on TV with an 18 month old dress and Nejame fights becuase 18 month olds wouldn't wear size six. But people weren't talking about an 18 month old wearing a size six. They were speculating that a 3 yr old might wear a size six. What does a size 18 month dress really have to do with anything here? I don't think people were arguing that Caylee was wearing the same clothes just before she was lost that she wore a year and a half ago.

I think we're on the same side of the fence based on what you just posted but I'm not 100% sure!

My post that you quoted with your answer above wasn't in reference to what size dress CA was flashing on national tv

BES was saying that MN had no grounds to make a statement on behalf of his client in regards to the dress because he had nothing to do with the defense of Casey which should've in no way precluded him from commenting on the dress as it had nothing to do with the defense but rather his client on national tv with the dress.
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