2009.02.18 ~ Father Reportedly Had a Fight Day Before Haleigh Disappeared.

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Several statements have been made regarding Misty being able to sleep through almost anything. Add that to 3 days of hard partying and you get Misty. I don't know how anyone could consider her a "babysitter" knowing this about her in the first place.

I dont know. She seemed very lucid to me when she was on the phone to the 911 operator.

While looking for something else I found this article where it says that the relative who told LE about the fight "Did Not Know The Name Of The Man".
I find it odd and wonder who this relative is? We know that the Croslin's and Cummings pointed the finger at Joe, but who could this other relative be?

Sounds like they were talking about Joe.

"The relative said the man disappeared the next day and the gun was found in a ditch."

The relative probably didnt know Joe's name or that he went back to TN when he did.

While looking for something else I found this article where it says that the relative who told LE about the fight "Did Not Know The Name Of The Man".
I find it odd and wonder who this relative is? We know that the Croslin's and Cummings pointed the finger at Joe, but who could this other relative be?

Teresa is on camera saying she didn't know his name or anything about him.
It is my opinion that at the time Teresa said this on television that she actually didn't know for sure who the "relative" was, because Ron and Misty still hadn't gotten their story straight and weren't sharing their "cover story" with anyone outside of themselves.

Teresa probably didn't even know that Joe was in town at the time she was informed of Haleigh's disappearance. All this "Joe did it" stuff came down waaaaaaaaaay too late to even be credible information.

I do, however, think that Teresa's light-bulb may have gone on since her tv statement many moons ago, and she is just gonna zip her lips so as to not cast any aspersions on her son, yet not destroy whatever credibility she has left by falling into the "Joe did it" brew-ha-ha.
Teresa is on camera saying she didn't know his name or anything about him.

Yep, and Ron's sister called him a pedo-fire (her word, not mine). Even Chelsea knew nothing about the elusive, crazy, stabbin' people over bologna cousin Joe.

They all seemed to know he was "crazy", though.

Yep, [unusual person] Joe is on the Croslin side of the family. Since Ron had only been living with the then seventeen year old Misty Croslin for a couple of months before Haleigh went missing, it is hard to believe that Teresa even knew who this distant Tennessee cousin was until MONTHS after Haleigh's disappearance when the story started jellin".

(Oh, btw, I have been clipping and saving local newspaper stories since the late 1980's when I moved to my community where folk's really DO assault each other over food, LOL. If I find the section at WS to post the stories, I will.........they are a hoot!!)
Remember in the first interview many of us saw him in yard w/his Mom and they showed close up of his hand?It was tore up,looked like he had been in a fight.Then we wondered if it could be work related,guess we know now.That hand looks like he tore somebody up.Possible cousin came in trailer that night and Misty saw him,oh,the blanket washing is really scaring me.And I swear,she said bleach cleaning,has anyone listened to 911 call with good speakers and earphones?

It's already clarified that RC's "tore up" hand was from him pounding in a door of mh(AFTER HALEIGH WENT MISSING)and LE checked it out&corroborated the mh door with the "tore up" hand of RC.
That Ronald is such a caring person, huh?......pounding in a door (or drywall behind the dryer, whatever) in such grief as to split skin on his knuckles.....whaddah guy.

Oh, "let's get married, before my boo-boo can even heal". Yeah, that's the ticket, Ronald.
We are just recently learning about Tim's auto accident and I do not remember seeing him around during the early events of Haleigh missing. What if Tim is the one Ron got in the fight with? Maybe thats why Tim was on pain meds and they didn't rush over to the trailer when Haleigh came up missing.
I am suspicious about everything in this case. Ron punching the wall may have happen, but he may have punched it because he already had an injury to his hand and knew, LE would ask him about it.
I am suspicious about everything in this case. Ron punching the wall may have happen, but he may have punched it because he already had an injury to his hand and knew, LE would ask him about it.

Thats what I think!
I am suspicious about everything in this case. Ron punching the wall may have happen, but he may have punched it because he already had an injury to his hand and knew, LE would ask him about it.

I think he punched the wall or door because he was so da*n mad at Misty then that if he hadn't hit the wall he would have knocked her head off of her shoulders for letting Haleigh get stolen right out from under her nose.

It's already clarified that RC's "tore up" hand was from him pounding in a door of mh(AFTER HALEIGH WENT MISSING)and LE checked it out&corroborated the mh door with the "tore up" hand of RC.

Did you notice any dents in either door? I didn't..
I believe that fight occurred on Monday, Feb 9. and natch we have been mislead again.
It's already clarified that RC's "tore up" hand was from him pounding in a door of mh(AFTER HALEIGH WENT MISSING)and LE checked it out&corroborated the mh door with the "tore up" hand of RC.

Jessigirl, when was this clarified? I'm not doubting you, I just don't remember ever reading or hearing an LE statement to that effect. Nor that they had checked it out and corroborated it.

Just cuz Ron said it doesn't make it so; meaning, if all we have is his word then, in my opinion, we have no truth at all.

I think he punched the wall or door because he was so da*n mad at Misty then that if he hadn't hit the wall he would have knocked her head off of her shoulders for letting Haleigh get stolen right out from under her nose.


And yet, people fail to see that Ronald has anger issues. Thank you for demonstrating so clearly that he did. We need to remind ourselves that this man is a ticking time bomb, and he's exploded in very inappropriate ways in the past. The stories we hear him tell about how he'd just drop a jack on someone's hand if they stole from him, rather than getting a more severe charge of attempted murder, or talking about blowing the back of someone's head out by sticking a gun in her mouth....or or or. It absolutely terrifies me to imagine what his children saw when he was out of control like this.
It's already clarified that RC's "tore up" hand was from him pounding in a door of mh(AFTER HALEIGH WENT MISSING)and LE checked it out&corroborated the mh door with the "tore up" hand of RC.

Really, what door? I didn't see any holes in any doors.. And are you aware a local who used to post here claims Ron C claims he hit his car with his fist when he found out Haleigh was missingand that is why there was a dent in his car and his hand was messed up.. As I see it we have two differenct stories concerning his hand..My bet is neither are true as to WHY his hand was so messed up...
Also, I find it very interesting LE claims he was not able to answer any questions about his daughter because he was so distraught, but he somehow managed to pull himself together to explain to LE the reason his hand was so messed up... Piece of work that guy is...Always CHOA....JMO
It's already clarified that RC's "tore up" hand was from him pounding in a door of mh(AFTER HALEIGH WENT MISSING)and LE checked it out&corroborated the mh door with the "tore up" hand of RC.

Link Please?? I definitely need to hear or read that for myself...so LE corroborated the mh door with Ron's "tore up" hand??? Where did that info come from??? LE?? Please share a link. TIA!
Link Please?? I definitely need to hear or read that for myself...so LE corroborated the mh door with Ron's "tore up" hand??? Where did that info come from??? LE?? Please share a link. TIA!

Once again, it is how it's retold that matters: LE never confirmed or corroborated the story. LE said that was the story Ron told them. Also, there is on the Cobra tape a passage where Ronald talks about LE taking the doors and replacing them, almost immediately after the disappearance of Haleigh.

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