2009.04.14 Nancy Grace

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LP said that when he was inside the Anthony home, Cindy told him Casey was beginning to talk. Casey then came down the hallway and began to tell the whole ZG story.
I thought LP originally said that Cindy and Casey were sitting with him in the kitchen and that is when she told him the story about ZG. :confused:
Yeah and I thought I heard him say that Cindy and George announced that Casey was getting ready to talk...doesn't that sound weird ? I can almost imagine it though, it would be like they were introducing a head of state, enters now the honorable Casey O Marie...she is entering the living room to..... TALK ...drum roll !
Expert saying the A's will be hostile witnesses for the state, which means they can be cross-examined by the prosecution; huge advantage for the state.
Go to the link Amerika posted to read CA's myspace of July 3. I am pretty sure she mentions paying medical bills, providing food, clothing, etc. POST #35 in this thread.

TY! No need. We'd both posted about it on another thread together yesterday. But I love that you didn't want me to miss a good post! :crazy:
The electric chair is still available in Florida!

Yes, the State (IIRC) has the option to choose between death by lethal injection or death by electric chair.

I have a friend who witnessed the execution (via electric chair) of Ted Bundy. He said as happy as he was to see the man gone, it was horrific. He said the fingernails actually came off. :eek: Sorry if that is too gross!
Ty again to all of you who post the updates nightly for those of us who can't watch it.
The states decision to seek the death penalty may have a lot to do with the jury selection process

A possible benefit to the prosecution is that there will now be a "Death Certified" jury.

In other words they will be able to ask potential jurors wether or not they would be morally capable of handing down a death sentence to Casey if she were to be found guilty.

The benefit to the state is that "Death Penalty Proponents" tend to be much more conservative than "Death Penalty Opponents" & in my opinion "Conservatives" are exactly the types of Jurors the prosecution will be looking for.

I heard the same opinion from a talking head on HLN earlier so this gives me a renewed hope for some justice in this case after all the the madness thusfar....
Yes, the State (IIRC) has the option to choose between death by lethal injection or death by electric chair.

I have a friend who witnessed the execution (via electric chair) of Ted Bundy. He said as happy as he was to see the man gone, it was horrific. He said the fingernails actually came off. :eek: Sorry if that is too gross!

Ewwwwwwww. But why should Casey have an easy death when Caylee more than likely did not.
Yes, the State (IIRC) has the option to choose between death by lethal injection or death by electric chair.

I have a friend who witnessed the execution (via electric chair) of Ted Bundy. He said as happy as he was to see the man gone, it was horrific. He said the fingernails actually came off. :eek: Sorry if that is too gross!

Holy carp. I have a dual nature when it comes to this issue....not killing...not putting a man to death on the strength of less than two witnesses (not mine, Moses got it from upstairs) and getting scum that hurt children off the face of this earth and in hell to the misery they deserve. What a dichotomy.
Jose...."There are forces out to get Casey"

Nancy...."This is about Justice,,,,Not about some dark forces swirling around to get your client"

Dark forces swirling around ONLY in the heads of the Anthonys.

Anyone looking to see the "dark side" all they have to do is watch that family.

Also, all quotes of the night from Pat Brown, Criminal Profiler, were brilliant, IMO, & this one, "JB does not want the DP to sway him or KC, he wants this trial more than anyone, it should be a conflict of interest"

The Sociopath, & The Social Climber...............What a Great Team!:furious:
Did I hear that right?? "Casey's lied to me in the past and she always tells me the truth" YIKES! I think my head is spinning!

Mine too.

Casey told her parents she had had a job since 2006. How long did Cindy usually have to wait before Casey got to the truth part?
Nancy's on again if anyone missed the first time! :)
Sorry people, but I loved it when LP smiled and said to NG "Don't say her name! Don't say her name!". Cracked me up.
I hope she don't have me lil LP on tonight--------will break me lil ole heart to see e-body on he azz---2 days in a row. But I will sit here and be a good gurl. LMAO

hahaha..... oh lordy, I must be tired tonight cuz I am trying to figure out what this says!!! (Like those license plates that you read and read and still can't figure it out)!!!!
:blowkiss::blowkiss:ha ha
hahaha..... oh lordy, I must be tired tonight cuz I am trying to figure out what this says!!! (Like those license plates that you read and read and still can't figure it out)!!!!
:blowkiss::blowkiss:ha ha

LOL I was just saying that I didn't want NG to have LP on the show tonight because he got ragged really bad last night and 2 nights in a row would break my heart---you know his big mouth-------- I love LP
Sorry people, but I loved it when LP smiled and said to NG "Don't say her name! Don't say her name!". Cracked me up.
That was funny! :D And CA's name wasn't mentioned once!
Is it just me that can't get over her fussing at her clothes, hair, etc. when watching that video? I know it's been mentioned before, but I've never seen it before. It's constant!

WTH is she doing? I swear that's more than a nervous habit.

A little snippet from book "I know you are lying" by Mark McClish.
...begin quote...
...."Another gesture that indicates stress and possible deception is when an individual begins to adjust his clothing or touches his hair.
This is known as grooming."
...."This type of person wants to make sure he is looking his best. Subconsciously he is thinking that if he looks good, then his deceptive answers will look good."
...end quote...
Great book, it arrived a few days ago and my hubby is fighting me for it!!!
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