2009.04.14 Nancy Grace

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Stay on the topic of the NG show regarding the Anthony case.

This isn't a chit-chat thread and further chit-chat will be deleted!
It is those 'forces' out to get you, sweeping up the minute you leave. :blowkiss:

I saw a bunch of posts disappear and thought I was on the wrong thread, lost my bearings. Don't know why they got zapped. The cleaning crew are strict tonight. :confused:
Please don't take this wrong, and I'm not trying to play moderator here, but just guessing ~ this is Caylee's forum and a lot of discussion on Nancy's show tonight was about Sandra's case. That might be it. :)
Nancy brought up a good point, that I missed earlier, that she's never seen a case where the parents (of the defendant) want to believe the state's case.

My thoughts ~ how many times have they gone out of their way to sabotage the state's case when the victim was their own granddaughter? I wish she'd expanded on her comment. MOO
Did I hear that right?? "Casey's lied to me in the past and she always tells me the truth" YIKES! I think my head is spinning!

:waitasec: This somehow makes sense to Cindy???

This family really is lacking in the intelligence department ..
How unfortunate .. :no:
Nancy is ripping after JB's comment about the 'dark forces out to get Casey' saying this is about a 2 y/o little girl who was murdered, etc. asking "don't they get it???"

Marc Klaas: the reality is that Casey has lied to everybody about everything since day 1, ready to blame anyone, now even mom & dad are acting hostile against this poor woman, ZG, who gets dragged into it. Not much of a prayer of anything less than LWOP but hopefully in his opinion, the DP.

:)clap: :clap: for Marc!)

For Marc Klaas .. :clap:
I'm in complete agreement with him ..
Well, that's all of Nancy for tonight.

Good night, friends! :seeya:
The states decision to seek the death penalty may have a lot to do with the jury selection process

A possible benefit to the prosecution is that there will now be a "Death Certified" jury.

In other words they will be able to ask potential jurors wether or not they would be morally capable of handing down a death sentence to Casey if she were to be found guilty.

The benefit to the state is that "Death Penalty Proponents" tend to be much more conservative than "Death Penalty Opponents" & in my opinion "Conservatives" are exactly the types of Jurors the prosecution will be looking for.

:woohoo: :woohoo:

Music to my ears! :blowkiss:
Yes, the State (IIRC) has the option to choose between death by lethal injection or death by electric chair.

I have a friend who witnessed the execution (via electric chair) of Ted Bundy. He said as happy as he was to see the man gone, it was horrific. He said the fingernails actually came off. :eek: Sorry if that is too gross!
Bree,about your post ~ I can only say I hope Bundy felt it.:crossfingers:
Yeah and I thought I heard him say that Cindy and George announced that Casey was getting ready to talk...doesn't that sound weird ? I can almost imagine it though, it would be like they were introducing a head of state, enters now the honorable Casey O Marie...she is entering the living room to..... TALK ...drum roll !

ROTFL!! That's the biggest laugh I've had in a while.

When I heard LP say that, you know what I thought of? The old E F Hutton commercial----When KC talks, everybody listens!

Or like she's a volcano--watch out---KC's getting ready to blow!
Yes, the State (IIRC) has the option to choose between death by lethal injection or death by electric chair.

I have a friend who witnessed the execution (via electric chair) of Ted Bundy. He said as happy as he was to see the man gone, it was horrific. He said the fingernails actually came off. :eek: Sorry if that is too gross!

The condemned person gets to choose in Florida. (see link below) Can't imagine KC picking electrocution, but can't imagine anyone picking electrocution so it's interesting that Bundy did.

The states decision to seek the death penalty may have a lot to do with the jury selection process

A possible benefit to the prosecution is that there will now be a "Death Certified" jury.

In other words they will be able to ask potential jurors wether or not they would be morally capable of handing down a death sentence to Casey if she were to be found guilty.

The benefit to the state is that "Death Penalty Proponents" tend to be much more conservative than "Death Penalty Opponents" & in my opinion "Conservatives" are exactly the types of Jurors the prosecution will be looking for.

But in Florida, this now goes from a six-member panel to a 12-member panel. They'll have six additional jurors to convince for an unanimous verdict.
ROTFL!! That's the biggest laugh I've had in a while.

When I heard LP say that, you know what I thought of? The old E F Hutton commercial----When KC talks, everybody listens!

Or like she's a volcano--watch out---KC's getting ready to blow!

Ok...I get it now..!

I have a hard time thinking Casey would ever tell her the truth though.

Casey strikes me as the type that if caught in a lie she would just cover that up with another lie.

ITA. I doubt if KC has ever told her parents the truth...she lies, and if CA doesn't believe her, she comes up with another lie that CA will accept.
Yeah and I thought I heard him say that Cindy and George announced that Casey was getting ready to talk...doesn't that sound weird ? I can almost imagine it though, it would be like they were introducing a head of state, enters now the honorable Casey O Marie...she is entering the living room to..... TALK ...drum roll !

OMG...this is exactly how I was picturing it too! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
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