2009.08.21 Motions hearing #2

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It seemed to me there was some brief exchange between them, just for a second or two, as magic_cat says. and it did seem to me that KC started crying when she saw her father on the stand. I don't know how much actual feeling there was behind either of these incidents, (assuming what I thought I saw was truly the case) but KC does look worn out, tired or maybe sick.. if so, I can imagine even KC would have appreciated seeing her parents sitting in the court room.
When on page 11 of this thread, I was about to post and my computer went haywire - said that a virous was attacking and attaching to my email. My system shut me down from there and I spent the next three hours sweeping my computer. I've never had this happen before.

I'm suspicious; something weird went on here with me anyway. FYI and please advise if anyone knows what may have happened. Thank you.

I also got an alert on my computer last night.
I don't think it was a fluke. I thought so at first, so I didn't say anything. Now that you have posted that you had something happen to your pc, I'm going to say something. Very shortly after my post (#330) at 7:09 P.M. 10:09 P.M. Eastern) I got an alert from my anti virus software. Something was trying to insert itself in my system, but I think it got stopped by the shields. I don't know what happened, but I have a hinky feeling.

The same thing happened to my computer last night.
Just finished watching, and wanted to comment first. It will be interesting reading to see what everyone else thought about the hearing. What struck me most while watching is this:

I want so much for KC to pay for what she did. I have always been angry and aggravated at her attorneys; partially because I am on the prosecution's side.

What scares me is that when A.Lyon was arguing her motion today, I felt like she was so reasonable and pleasant. She put the case law the prosecution cited in layman's terms and explained why she felt it didn't apply to this situation. She appeared gracious and eager to help.

Also, as much as I want to praise the prosecution, that grey-haired guy who keeps nodding and smirking is bad for the case. He needs to be more professional. His facial acrobats give the appearance of someone who is out to get KC and can't keep an open mind. I hope someone reigns him in before trial.

It's SO important that a jury feels comfortable that the attorney wants a fair trial.

I can only hope that Baez keeps insisting on center stage the majority of the time.

ITA- I thought the same thing the first time I saw him. In fact, he has made those overly exaggerated childish expressions every time I've seen him in court. Jose is able to get under his skin and visibly agitate him too. He needs to be able to rise above all the petty facial expressions and learn a lesson from the blonde prosecutor. I know this sounds harsh but I hope they remove him from the case ASAP if he doesn't stop now.
I'm left thoroughly confused by TP. All of his nicest sentiments went to GA, CA and KC and he was so very critical of LP. Very strange IMO.

sounded very much like a mole to me. But I'm sorta cynical like that. I don't understand TP taking a complete opposite stance against LP. I remember at the beginning, he and LP would have live blogs on their website, of which they charged a nominal fee for participation. WTH? Now he has a conscious?
sounded very much like a mole to me. But I'm sorta cynical like that. I don't understand TP taking a complete opposite stance against LP. I remember at the beginning, he and LP would have live blogs on their website, of which they charged a nominal fee for participation. WTH? Now he has a conscious?
I totally agree with you. I felt very confused with what was posted and still don't know what to make of it. It just didn't sound like a family member to me. And the true love part about Cindy and George...:confused:
What I saw was CA doing contortions trying to get her loving daughter to look at her and toss her a crumb, and KC TOTALLY ignoring her.
Sorry to get OT -- but has Caylee ever been buried?


I believe the Anthonys have Caylee's ashes. The Anthonys said that they did not want to bury Caylee's remains because they did not want a marked grave. They fear vandals and have kept the location of her remains secret.

I can't say that I blame them.
sounded very much like a mole to me. But I'm sorta cynical like that. I don't understand TP taking a complete opposite stance against LP. I remember at the beginning, he and LP would have live blogs on their website, of which they charged a nominal fee for participation. WTH? Now he has a conscious?

I didn't know about the blog. Do you know how much they were charging?
I just finished watching GA's testimony...Interesting - I think it offers a glimpse of what we will likely see at trial. At times, he doesn't even seem to understand English! The prosecution will really need to be specific when questioning him and CA...No "wiggle" room will have to be their mantra or they will be running around in circles! Also - You get tell that Linda was getting annoyed as she was being given the run-around. Something she might want to get over as it will undoubtedly affect her ability to be succint. Just my two cents.

I just finished watching GA's testimony...Interesting - I think it offers a glimpse of what we will likely see at trial. At times, he doesn't even seem to understand English! The prosecution will really need to be specific when questioning him and CA...No "wiggle" room will have to be their mantra or they will be running around in circles! Also - You get tell that Linda was getting annoyed as she was being given the run-around. Something she might want to get over as it will undoubtedly affect her ability to be succint. Just my two cents.


I think the jurors will get annoyed with the Anthonys also if they feel that they are evading the truth. The jurors may think that they will go to any lengths to save their daughter, and they would be correct IMHO.
I didn't know about the blog. Do you know how much they were charging?

I never joined up - but it was something like $5. IIRC, there was some sort of stink about it and TP purportedly refunded all of the money. Does anybody else remember this?
Just finished watching, and wanted to comment first. It will be interesting reading to see what everyone else thought about the hearing. What struck me most while watching is this:

I want so much for KC to pay for what she did. I have always been angry and aggravated at her attorneys; partially because I am on the prosecution's side.

What scares me is that when A.Lyon was arguing her motion today, I felt like she was so reasonable and pleasant. She put the case law the prosecution cited in layman's terms and explained why she felt it didn't apply to this situation. She appeared gracious and eager to help.
Were we watching the same woman? I found her to be snippy, sarcastic, condescending (even to the judge) boring and arrogant.
I won't get into her personal appearance but where is Stacy London and Clinton Kelly when you need them?:twocents:
sounded very much like a mole to me. But I'm sorta cynical like that. I don't understand TP taking a complete opposite stance against LP. I remember at the beginning, he and LP would have live blogs on their website, of which they charged a nominal fee for participation. WTH? Now he has a conscious?

I agree with you. This really bothered me also.
I don't think that GA understands half of what he is being asked. Like when the prosecution was trying to ascertain if he believed that Padilla was safeguarding his "asset" (KC) or not...He just didn't seem to get it??? Anyone else get that impression? I think that his failure to understand certain words is what got him so hot-under-the-collar about MM's reference to "remains" as well. Someone seems to have taken the time to explain that word to him for this hearing...


Thanks Patty.

Now I'm confused. According to TP, he was in the home for two hours after she was let out of jail. He described her as:

- a nice girl
- seemed to care
- was very emotional
- trying time for her....

Didn't LP say the exact opposite? Something like she took a shower, cooked, and acted as if nothing happened. She seemed happy and not concerned about Caylee at all. When LP asked about Caylee, she told him to get out of her house?
Were we watching the same woman? I found her to be snippy, sarcastic, condescending (even to the judge) boring and arrogant.
I won't get into her personal appearance but where is Stacy London and Clinton Kelly when you need them?:twocents:

Was it ALyons that said something to the judge about, did I say that slow enough for you? My link kept cutting out so I did not hear that part. Did anyone else hear her say that and in what context did she use this phrase?
Was it ALyons that said something to the judge about, did I say that slow enough for you? My link kept cutting out so I did not hear that part. Did anyone else hear her say that and in what context did she use this phrase?

Yes, she said that to the judge!:eek:
I don't remember what the context was because I was so flabbergasted.
I never joined up - but it was something like $5. IIRC, there was some sort of stink about it and TP purportedly refunded all of the money. Does anybody else remember this?

IIRC, the fee was 9.95 to join.
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