2009.21.09 Nancy Grace

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Theresa is in complete denial. I am convinced that she's in denial.

Although I originally may have thought/bought that...I can't now, especially after tonight. IMO she tried; she fail miserably. Very telling interview, I hope Nancy has her on again; forget Ron!

BTW although this may not be popular, but I think NG did an excellent job tonight!
This new info from TC is not enough to go on. It's his word against MC's. If he is just now admitting that he was at the MH that night, why hold that info back until now? If RC didn't ask him to go there, why did he go? RC claims he called TC to ask if he had seen her, that's all, so why did he go over there and not call RC back? What did he say to his wife about where he was going or what he found when he got back? Too many blanks in this story to be believable at this point.......for my taste anyway.

I do believe LE knows more than what they are letting on. It's their job to care for that info until it leads them to a conclusion. It's highly possible that they have the cell phone and land line records to show that one, two or all characters are lying, have lied and will continue to lie but they want to find Haleigh before everyone clams up and we never find her. What a mess.
Good point ~ if he took it upon himself to go over to RC's house and didn't find anybody there, why not call RC back and tell him? And another thing, if MC went out late at night, she took the kids with her? I don't think so! I do think it's possible she was out, but left the kids behind. MOO
I posted this over in Hankjr's thread but I brought it over here. I thought this thread might get locked since NG was over..

Do we know what time the non emergency call from 116 Tyler took place? I am wondering if we are now getting close to finding out what that call was all about. I would love to see those phone records. What time is RC said to have called Hankjr? Do we know if it is before the 116 Tyler street call? Because if....and that is a very big if.....we dare to believe that Hankjr did go over there and knock on the door, perhaps one of the Croslins called the non emergency line then.

Don't forget we heard that RC called the home phone and not Hank jr's cell. Perhaps he was eavesdropping and heard RC thought Misty was gone from the trailer and he mosied on over to get the gun back that Ronald sent Misty after in the culvert days before.....Perhaps Haleigh saw him? Something happened he hurt her....I don't just trying to make sense out of this....
With all due respect, do you believe the poly to be inaccurate? You don't trust the results? I thought it was confirmed she failed like 99% or something...... isn't that verifiable proof of a lie? This case just really has me annoyed. Too many criminals and drug users around that poor little girl and her brother.

Knowing what I do about lie detector tests. I do trust them to an extent. Not 100 percent reliable, but trustworthy as a tool. I do know that it also comes down to the type of questions asked, the content and form in the way their asked, and the polygraph examiners interpretation of the answers. Especially when the questions and answers are not just a yes or no. Because then, you have to use interpretation.

Hardly any questions posed to Misty were a straight yes or no. The ones showing deception, or inconsistency, doesn't mean it's on Misty's behalf nor her fault. The proof in the pudding, meaning what actually did happen that night, those circumstances if Misty is innocent aren't her fault as it wasn't her doing causing inside or outside circumstances to be the way they are.

You can also look at it this way. If you take and believe what LE says, that the evidence points to inconsistencies in Misty's statements, well turn it around and say, if you wanted to use reason and logic as your foundation of thinking. Of course the evidence shows and points to things not being consistent with what Misty says. Because Misty says she put the kids down, then later went to sleep. Anything outside of that, our matched directly back to her isn't her inconsistency. It's the perps and LE needs to figure it out and quit saying it's Misty's lies.

The evidence points to an outsider, because what LE has doesn't fit Misty's story,which when I've always known a crime to occur, the victim gives a statement and recollection of events. Anything outside of that statement is normally placed as evidence against the perp, not the victim. We have Le blaming Misty because their supposed evidence doesn't fit her story, but yet they can't pin or place that upon her, so she must be lying? I think LE has had tunnel vision where Misty is concerned and hasn't looked outwards til recently when all the new interviews began.

They have stuck solely on pinning Misty in lies, that their own evidence doesn't back them up. Their I said it. :angel:
Question: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh's disappearance?
Answer: No
Result: 99% deception

Question: Do you know what happened to Haleigh?
Answer: No
Result: 99% deception

Question: Do you know where Haleigh is now?
Answer: No
Result: 95% Deception

Question: Do you know who took Haleigh?
Answer: No
Result: 42% deception

(I'm heading downstairs now, so if anyone wants to ping me, find me there or PM me. :eek:)
Knowing what I do about lie detector tests. I do trust them to an extent. Not 100 percent reliable, but trustworthy as a tool. I do know that it also comes down to the type of questions asked, the content and form in the way their asked, and the polygraph examiners interpretation of the answers. Especially when the questions and answers are not just a yes or no. Because then, you have to use interpretation.

Hardly any questions posed to Misty were a straight yes or no. The ones showing deception, or inconsistency, doesn't mean it's on Misty's behalf nor her fault. The proof in the pudding, meaning what actually did happen that night, those circumstances if Misty is innocent aren't her fault as it wasn't her doing causing inside or outside circumstances to be the way they are.

You can also look at it this way. If you take and believe what LE says, that the evidence points to inconsistencies in Misty's statements, well turn it around and say, if you wanted too be reason and logic to be your foundation of thinking.

The evidence points to an outsider, because what LE has doesn't fit Misty's story, which when I've always known a crime to occur, the victim gives a statement and recollection of events. Anything outside of that statement is normally placed as evidence against the perp, not the victim. We have Le blaming Misty because their supposed evidence doesn't fit her story, but yet they can't pin or place that upon her, so she must be lying? I think LE has had tunnel vision where Misty is concerned and hasn't looked outwards til recently when all the new interviews began.

They have stuck solely on pinning Misty in lies, that their own evidence doesn't back them up. Their I said it. :angel:

You know Nancy Grace said something at the beginning of this case that regarding Misty that I just can't forget. Nancy said a couple of times that she could not believe a 17 year old girl could outsmart the FBI.... and I ponder that sometimes when I watch Misty in her interviews. She doesn't seem like some mastermind criminal keeping the FBI from solving a case. Unless she is smart like a fox.....
In this polygraph, was there not more talking and questioning going on, in between each question as in the voice analysis I saw? What does 45% deception exactly mean? Either your lying or you aren't.
You know Nancy Grace said something at the beginning of this case that regarding Misty that I just can't forget. Nancy said a couple of times that she could not believe a 17 year old girl could outsmart the FBI.... and I ponder that sometimes when I watch Misty in her interviews. She doesn't seem like some mastermind criminal keeping the FBI from solving a case. Unless she is smart like a fox.....

I don't believe Misty is smart like a fox, meaning sly. I also don't believe shes intellectually advanced. I believe Misty is young and simple. Not a temperment.
Good point ~ if he took it upon himself to go over to RC's house and didn't find anybody there, why not call RC back and tell him? And another thing, if MC went out late at night, she took the kids with her? I don't think so! I do think it's possible she was out, but left the kids behind. MOO

has her brother Hank taken a polygraph that we know of?
TN confirmed on NG that Misty partied the weekend away with friends, and returned to Ron's place Sunday evening and didn't get any sleep until Monday night; so TN's defence for Misty is she couldn't have possibly been out of the trailor because she was physically exhausted.
On Misty's recent forensic examination she states Ron, her and Jr slept and relaxed Monday while HaLeigh was in school and the atmosphere in the home is one of peace and tranquility. Based on what Misty said during the VA test, we are led to believe Ron had slept Monday and was physically rested and prepared to work the evening shift.
If Ron was awake and alert for his 10-12 hour graveyard shift on Monday, why does TN stubbornly deny Misty who got the same amount of sleep as Ron was exhausted and passed on the same evening?
Suggestion for next in-depth Nancy Grace Reports special covering the disappearance of Haleigh----

I wish her producers would string together, in chronological order, ALL the versions of this story. Use the interviews, statements to media from family members and LE and others.

Misty: I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.
I woke up and needed a drink.
I don't know what woke me up.

IMO, Nancy has been keeping track of all the carp (lies) and I hope she lays it all out there. Ya know, keeping her friends close blah blah blah. Maybe Mizz Nancy is playin da playa. jmo
You know Nancy Grace said something at the beginning of this case that regarding Misty that I just can't forget. Nancy said a couple of times that she could not believe a 17 year old girl could outsmart the FBI.... and I ponder that sometimes when I watch Misty in her interviews. She doesn't seem like some mastermind criminal keeping the FBI from solving a case. Unless she is smart like a fox.....

She hasn't outsmarted anyone. Any professional LE agent be it FBI or local cop could easily tell from the first interview that she was lying to them. The only thing she is doing is sticking to her absurd story in the face of any and all reasonable disproval. This is a child thing. You know the whole catch your child in the act and when confronted they immediately say "nuhuh! I didn't do it", in the face of any and all evidence. NAHNAHNAHGOAWAYICANTHEARYOU! That is what Misty is doing to LE.

LE does not have enough hard physical evidence yet to charge her with the crime. Rest assured they have not been "oyutsmarted" and have a pretty good idea of what happened, and apparently are starting to tighten the screws.
She hasn't outsmarted anyone. Any professional LE agent be it FBI or local cop could easily tell from the first interview that she was lying to them. The only thing she is doing is sticking to her absurd story in the face of any and all reasonable disproval. This is a child thing. You know the whole catch your child in the act and when confronted they immediately say "nuhuh! I didn't do it", in the face of any and all evidence. NAHNAHNAHGOAWAYICANTHEARYOU! That is what Misty is doing to LE.

LE does not have enough hard physical evidence yet to charge her with the crime. Rest assured they have not been "oyutsmarted" and have a pretty good idea of what happened, and apparently are starting to tighten the screws.

This was exactly my thought. She doesn't have to outsmart anyone. She only has to repeat the same story over and over and over. It's not about smarts it's about sticking it out and sticking to your story. JMHO.
Strange....how short this thread is considering all that we learned tonight.....hmmm.
Anyone notice how TN speaks with such authority on things she was told. She just told NG all about RC and MC having a conversation all night long and how Misty was exhausted from being up all night. Funny, how she knows all the intimate little details, isn't it? She seems to insert herself everywhere she can.

It is clear that TN has an agenda and that is to keep RC out of jail as long as possible. Mark Nejame saw it and so did Tim Miller, as did the prior attorneys, Snider and his law firm. Most professional people are distancing themselves from this family, i.e., Ron, Misty, AS and TN.....and that is wise....IMO
I am sorry if this has been discussed before, but could someone please tell me why Ronald and his mother are saying they believe everything Misty tells them? There is something they are holding back...like maybe Misty told them she would tell something on Ronald if they arrest her? There is also some reason Ronald married her. I know Ronald's mother is not stupid so there has to be something but I cant figure out why.

I think its because everyone's got dirt on each other in this case. They all have something they need hidden from LE or the public, and they want their skeletons ( various crimes) locked firmly in the closet.
Anyone notice how TN speaks with such authority on things she was told. She just told NG all about RC and MC having a conversation all night long and how Misty was exhausted from being up all night. Funny, how she knows all the intimate little details, isn't it? She seems to insert herself everywhere she can.

It is clear that TN has an agenda and that is to keep RC out of jail as long as possible. Mark Nejame saw it and so did Tim Miller, as did the prior attorneys, Snider and his law firm. Most professional people are distancing themselves from this family, i.e., Ron, Misty, AS and TN.....and that is wise....IMO

Something just don't sit right with TN. I find it hard to believe that a grandmother would side with the one person accused of having something to do with your grandchild's disappearance. It's just not right UNLESS....

I admit that I have had a few drinks but I thought to my self "If I was a grand parent and I was protecting the main person connected to my grandchild's disappearance, through the lies and "mis-truths", why would I do that? Why would I protect the key person that holds the answers as to what happened to my grandchild? Why would I lie on national t.v to get my point across "that I believe MC"? Why would I allow my son to marry the "key person" involved in my grandchild's disappearance?

After 2 or 3 burps (excuse me!) the answer seem so clear to me:
Misty is protecting one of their own!

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