2010.07.07 - Ann Rule weighs in

I read Small Sacrifices last year. Diane Downs...was a piece of work...still is...KC is right up there with her.

But for AR to compare them, SM and DD wow. She must be seeing something...and if AR sees something of the sort in SM I don't think she jumping to conclusions...I think she is in tune and aware.

AR, strikes me as a very careful person and for her to make the statements she has in regards to this case it is very telling.

As for her statement about fascinating...I think she just means drawn to, unable to stay away from...I mean look at us...we look for updates on what is happening in this case at all hours...

But for AR to compare them, SM and DD wow. She must be seeing something...and if AR sees something of the sort in SM I don't think she jumping to conclusions...I think she is in tune and aware.

I am not sure she was comparing the 2 women so much as comparing the media of the two cases - or the strangeness of the two - both happened in oregon.
Well, I love Ann Rule and have read every one of her books. When I read the question "Who would you most like to invite to dinner?", Ann Rule is always on my list. I would love to pick her brain, the poor woman would probably never get a bite to eat if I had her over to dinner, I'd keep her so busy talking.
I love all her books but "Everything She Ever Wanted" was so good when I finished it, I turned right back to page 1 and read it all over again.
I emailed her once because she put her email addy in the back of one of her books, for the heck of it, and her daughter (who said she handles all her moms correspondence) wrote me back, and NOT a "form letter". I was so impressed! That PC crashed and I remember thinking OH NO, the response from Ann Rules daughter was saved on that computer!!! Her daughter said that she prefers to write about cases where she knows far enough ahead of time that she can also attend the trial, when possible.
I was practically giddy w/ excitement when I got my coffee, turned computer on and saw Ann Rule was "weighing in". What a treat! IMO.

I lived in Eugene at the time. The minute the news broke about the "shaggy haired-stranger", my mother said, "The mom did it." I was horrified that she would think such a thing. I was young at the time and I bought Downs' story hook line and sinker. Turns out my mother was right. She reads lots of murder mysteries, I think that explains it, and not the fact she's not exactly Mother of the Year...

The minute I heard the news report about Kyron, I thought, "The step-mom did it." I hope that doesn't mean I'm becoming my mother... Of course I have been jumping up and down off the fence since then. :( I wish Rule could tell us where she thinks Kyron is!

Lucky you, wish my mother got into true crime, we would at least have one thing in common to talk about. My mom thinks there's something "wrong with me" that I am into true crime.
Reading Ann's books has me so scared of the Portland/ Seattle area that I would never even consider visiting there. Silly, I know. When my sister moved to Oregon many years ago (shes an Ann Rule fan, too) I was terrified for awhile! I have read Ann's descriptions of so many locations in the Oregon area that I feel like I have actually visited there before.

I too love an Ann Rule book. Can't put them down once I start reading. She does a wonderful job of writing about the crimes after they have occured, are solved and a conviction is rendered. But, I've never known her to be a crime solver.
I'm just as impressed with the theories and ideas WS members put forth on this site.

Well, I love Ann Rule and have read every one of her books. When I read the question "Who would you most like to invite to dinner?", Ann Rule is always on my list. I would love to pick her brain, the poor woman would probably never get a bite to eat if I had her over to dinner, I'd keep her so busy talking.
I love all her books but "Everything She Ever Wanted" was so good when I finished it, I turned right back to page 1 and read it all over again.
I emailed her once because she put her email addy in the back of one of her books, for the heck of it, and her daughter (who said she handles all her moms correspondence) wrote me back, and NOT a "form letter". I was so impressed! That PC crashed and I remember thinking OH NO, the response from Ann Rules daughter was saved on that computer!!! Her daughter said that she prefers to write about cases where she knows far enough ahead of time that she can also attend the trial, when possible.
I was practically giddy w/ excitement when I got my coffee, turned computer on and saw Ann Rule was "weighing in". What a treat! IMO.


what she said and more!

Ann Rule would be at the top of my invitation list as well. She is the best true crime writer in my opinion and I cannot wait to purchase her books the minute they hit the shelves of the bookstore. The End of the Dream and the updated version of The Stranger Beside Me are my favorites - I've read them several times.

I was ecstatic to read her opinion on this case and really do feel that she has so such a discerning eye when it comes to these cases. Glad this thread was started - it's quite interesting to read the varying opinions!
Lucky you, wish my mother got into true crime, we would at least have one thing in common to talk about. My mom thinks there's something "wrong with me" that I am into true crime.
Reading Ann's books has me so scared of the Portland/ Seattle area that I would never even consider visiting there. Silly, I know. When my sister moved to Oregon many years ago (shes an Ann Rule fan, too) I was terrified for awhile! I have read Ann's descriptions of so many locations in the Oregon area that I feel like I have actually visited there before.


I don't know if she's into true crime, we just lived in Oregon when the Downs thing happened. And I actually no longer talk to my mother. Unfortunately we "butt heads" to say the least.

I feel perfectly safe in Oregon, though after I read the book about Jerry Brudos, Lust Killer, I knew some of the locations and for a long time I thought about his victims when I passed by there. My mom also had him as a patient when she was in nursing school, before he started killing people. That totally gives me shivers. She was in his demographic. I need to go take a shower now.
Hi Kimster, Is that up by Marcola or further out? Old Mohawk Rd.

It was before Marcola on Old Mohawk Rd. I'm not sure of the exact spot, really. That road just gives me the creeps! I know some people who live out that way.

On Monday I drove by the hospital that she took herself to with the kids. It also gives me the creeps!

Here's a map that shows the road. If you go south on the regular Mohawk Rd, it takes you right to the hospital.

Jerry Brudos, Lust Killer, I knew some of the locations and for a long time I thought about his victims when I passed by there. My mom also had him as a patient when she was in nursing school, before he started killing people. That totally gives me shivers. She was in his demographic.


When I read about people who've had intimate and regular contact with someone who later was revealed to be a serial killer, it unsettles me like little else. I have to think that knowledge would haunt you forever.
IMO, Ann Rule has many police detectives as friends.
I am sure her dinner table talk with allot of them is about bizarre cases.
I really think she has some inside info on this case.
LE trusts her allot and IMO, she is helping behind the scenes since she
has written about so many sociopaths, serial killers etc.
She worked, befriended and wrote about Ted Bundy.
Ann knows how the criminal mind works.
BTW, the minute this story broke, my 83 yr. old mom said
that TH did something to KYRON. I feel the same way.
KYRON got all the ooo's and ahh's on the project that TH really did.
I feel there was allot of jealousy also between TH and KYRON.
KYRON was the center of Kaine's attention.
Jealousy, rage, anger,freedom, attention,and ins money are the motives I see.
IMO, Ann Rule has many police detectives as friends.
I am sure her dinner table talk with allot of them is about bizarre cases.
I really think she has some inside info on this case.
LE trusts her allot and IMO, she is helping behind the scenes since she
has written about so many sociopaths, serial killers etc.
She worked, befriended and wrote about Ted Bundy.
Ann knows how the criminal mind works.
BTW, the minute this story broke, my 83 yr. old mom said
that TH did something to KYRON. I feel the same way.
KYRON got all the ooo's and ahh's on the project that TH really did.
I feel there was allot of jealousy also between TH and KYRON.
KYRON was the center of Kaine's attention.
Jealousy, rage, anger,freedom, attention,and ins money are the motives I see.
Hi Passionflower, I've had the same feeling about Ann and was going to post, asking if anyone knew if she had ever worked as a consultant with LE. Maybe not as a poster here said she might not be a great crime solver.

I do know from previous cases that when a crime happens. the local LE will often get crime solving experts contacting them with ideas and giving them their expertise.
OK so she is a great writer YES.
OK so when the landscaper came up with the "Murder for hire" story my ears perked up and my eyes widened too.
and Yes anyone who is capable to hire anyone to murder can also arrange an abduction.

What bothers me a lot is that the substitute teacher told a child who notice Kyron missing to "calm down, he just may be in the bathroom" and then she herself (substitute) left the class. AND NOBODY CALLED HOME AFTER THE ATTENDENCE. that is insane.
This has been bothering me from the start. I still want to know where did the teacher go, and has she been interviewed.
I still will not point at Kyron's step mom just because there is a lot that points to her.
Ann Rue did NOT lend a new perspective at all. And I am not jumping on any ban wagon.

Tht bothers me, too Songline. In this day and age to be so casual when you cant account for such a young boy in your charge:waitasec: They seemed to act like it wasn'timportant. That wouldve sent the panic button with me.
I too love an Ann Rule book. Can't put them down once I start reading. She does a wonderful job of writing about the crimes after they have occured, are solved and a conviction is rendered. But, I've never known her to be a crime solver.
I'm just as impressed with the theories and ideas WS members put forth on this site.


I liked Ann Rules "The Stranger beside Me" but my fave author is Thomas Thompson who wrote "Blood and Money: that book has everything IMO
lol I also liked Nutcracker which he started but unfortunately his friend Shana
Alexander had to finish because he died:(
Lucky you, wish my mother got into true crime, we would at least have one thing in common to talk about. My mom thinks there's something "wrong with me" that I am into true crime.
Reading Ann's books has me so scared of the Portland/ Seattle area that I would never even consider visiting there. Silly, I know. When my sister moved to Oregon many years ago (shes an Ann Rule fan, too) I was terrified for awhile! I have read Ann's descriptions of so many locations in the Oregon area that I feel like I have actually visited there before.


Dont forget, even tho he started in Oregon he ended up in FL! And....his last college victims, a friend of mine went to HS with Margaret B :(
I think weird things happen everywhere. We also have Casey A lol

I am glad Ted Bundy is gone. He was evil.:furious:
Just wanted to say how much I love that picture of little Kyron from the Anne Rule article. Look at that little face. He's just the sweetest thing. Don't you just want to scoop him up? How could anyone hurt him? :cry:

Tht bothers me, too Songline. In this day and age to be so casual when you cant account for such a young boy in your charge:waitasec: They seemed to act like it wasn'timportant. That wouldve sent the panic button with me.
I think the country should be up in arms not just us who know the case, our children should be safe to go to school and learn and the grown ups must see to that. This haphazard behaviour is an accident waiting to happen.
I have everyone of Ann Rule's books too! She's a great writer, my favorite was Ted Bundy "The Stranger Beside Me" she actually knew and worked with him, isn't that weird. I'm so glad she's saying this case is strange, because I'm still confused as to how TH pulled this off. We all know now that she has been lying, but what actually happened to Kyron at the school. I find it odd that the little boy said it was a substitute teacher too, when I think I read there were no subs there that day. Who was this woman?
Hi Passionflower, I've had the same feeling about Ann and was going to post, asking if anyone knew if she had ever worked as a consultant with LE. Maybe not as a poster here said she might not be a great crime solver.

I do know from previous cases that when a crime happens. the local LE will often get crime solving experts contacting them with ideas and giving them their expertise.

I'm not sure of the details, such as how long, but AR was a police officer (detective?) before becoming an author which is one of the reasons she has so many influential contacts in LE and I do believe she has also been a consultant for LE so I would consider her to be a crime solver... :cow:

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