2010.08.16 Baez/Cheney Press conference

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I just have one question... WHO TRIED TO SAVE CAYLEE'S LIFE????
I also found it quite funny that Mason had to read a written statement. They really should apply that to Baez too.

I wonder if it's possible that Mason put that restriction on himself - and this is meant with all due respect and not snarky on any level whatsoever - consider the possibility that he may be on some kind of blood pressure medication or his hearing aids weren't on or, oh that sounds like I'm being picky and insulting but i don't mean it to be. What I mean is, maybe he was using a written statement because he knew quite well himself that he may forget what he meant or needed to say, a way of controlling his own words. Oh, is that coming out right? I don't mean any disrespect. But I've long suspected he just doesn't feel well most days, and may be fully aware of it.
I'm trying to figure out why these "self-aggrandizing media hounds" felt it necessary to call a press conferencer at all?????

I am seriously over of both of them.
I wonder if it's possible that Mason put that restriction on himself - and this is meant with all due respect and not snarky on any level whatsoever - consider the possibility that he may be on some kind of blood pressure medication or his hearing aids weren't on or, oh that sounds like I'm being picky and insulting but i don't mean it to be. What I mean is, maybe he was using a written statement because he knew quite well himself that he may forget what he meant or needed to say, a way of controlling his own words. Oh, is that coming out right? I don't mean any disrespect. But I've long suspected he just doesn't feel well most days, and may be fully aware of it.

This is a "good" thought, and I mean that seriously. I like to be reminded there could be other reasons for his "controlled behavior". But my first impressions are that he is still experiencing pain from constantly shooting himself in the foot. And Baez is concerned he may get the next shot.:croc:
ooooooooooo SNAP !

Better yet, JB stated in his motion that "there was no indication that BC was restricted from making copies, taking notes". Well, JB if you say you thought BC would have at least picked up the phone to call you, why did you not show him the same courtsey by picking up the phone and call and ask him. Instead you public humiliate him in a court document. I certainly hope BC calls him out on this. If JB will do this to an attorney who is suppose to be on the same side what are his plans for a private citizen who donated their time to find this baby? jmo
I'm trying to figure out why these "self-aggrandizing media hounds" felt it necessary to call a press conferencer at all?????

I am seriously over of both of them.

I think they had it just so Baez could say how much Brad hurt his feelings by going on the Today Show instead of just "reaching out" to him personally.

Let's say it all together now.......The irony is rich!
I was amazed that this presser turned out as well as it DID! (yep, a bit snarky on my part!:blushing:) Baez just HAD to go at Kathi B:angel: but she was all class when she ignored the ignoramus and clarified (read that as dumbed down her question:snooty:, NB: Cheney got it! on the first try!), the good ole JB answered the question as if it were on the boards! True to form tho, somebody needed to be trashed and JB made darn sure good ole lackey Conway served the purpose as JB respectfully "quoted" the ever accurate:waitasec:, honest:waitasec:, above board:waitasec:, truthful:loser: CYNTHIA MARIE ANTHONY:loser: regarding the waiver!
JB being true to form and blaming someone else. This is what I see. jmo
I couldn't watch or listen to the entire presser. I agree with another member who posted that this presser sounded like it was in a foreign language. Nothing JB said rang true with me.

At least CM used the words, "as previously ordered" when talking about their access to the records and he said the motions were moot. At least that was true. That was as far as I could get before the headache started.
What's with Baez and the number of boxes? I doubt that Conway got to see the 2 boxes filled with administrative info. He really does twist everything. So what's with the press conference? Does he always have to play tit for tat?

ETA:...and if everything was previously ordered...why the press conference?
What's with Baez and the number of boxes? I doubt that Conway got to see the 2 boxes filled with administrative info. He really does twist everything. So what's with the press conference? Does he always have to play tit for tat?

ETA:...and if everything was previously ordered...why the press conference?

I can't wait to see the order! JB's interpretations are often quite different than the written words.
And they said the motion is moot, but doesn't the motion still exists as public record. Wouldn't BC have issues with the content of the motion and what it has accused BC of. Where will BC go from here? You can't unring the bell. BC should be upset with JB trying to still make BC look as if he overreacted and that JB did not say what JB said. We all are misunderstanding his "legal speak"....lost in the translation I guess because I thought I understood exactly what he wrote. jmo
And they said the motion is moot, but doesn't the motion still exists as public record. Wouldn't BC have issues with the content of the motion and what it has accused BC of. Where will BC go from here? You can't unring the bell. BC should be upset with JB trying to still make BC look as if he overreacted and that JB did not say what JB said. We all are misunderstanding his "legal speak"....lost in the translation I guess because I thought I understood exactly what he wrote. jmo

That's an excellent point! Will or has BC tried to contact HHJP regarding this?
And they said the motion is moot, but doesn't the motion still exists as public record. Wouldn't BC have issues with the content of the motion and what it has accused BC of. Where will BC go from here? You can't unring the bell. BC should be upset with JB trying to still make BC look as if he overreacted and that JB did not say what JB said. We all are misunderstanding his "legal speak"....lost in the translation I guess because I thought I understood exactly what he wrote. jmo

I know THEY (hmph!) said the motion is moot, but wouldn't today's "meeting" have basically been an in camera hearing with Judge Perry issuing a NEW order based on these motions....so they wouldn't be "moot"?

In order for them to become "moot", wouldn't they have to withdraw their motions? :waitasec:
I know THEY (hmph!) said the motion is moot, but wouldn't today's "meeting" have basically been an in camera hearing with Judge Perry issuing a NEW order based on these motions....so they wouldn't be "moot"?

In order for them to become "moot", wouldn't they have to withdraw their motions? :waitasec:

So if they withdrew their motion wouldn't they have to do that in the form of a document? I did not see one.... Oh, maybe that was because they were too busy giving a press conference.
Ok so now I am confused, It was my understanding that JB had access to the TES records at all times and did not take the time to review those records, even going as far as cancelling an appointment and walking out at another time. Was all this because he wanted to bring in his notebook and pen??
And I really don’t understand what is going on with BC????? Did CA and GA rat out MN and BC to JB??? And if that is the case why would BC still offer to go to all the court hearings and be Mr. supportive guy?? Am I missing something??? Why does JB feel that BC should have called him before his Today show spot?? Did JB call BC and let him know
That he was filing a motion that included BC's actions??
I wonder if TM will get on TV and tell us what he knows about the garbage that has happened today...
I feel, and it is only my very humble opinion that JB is a weasel and BC is just another notch on his gun.
I know THEY (hmph!) said the motion is moot, but wouldn't today's "meeting" have basically been an in camera hearing with Judge Perry issuing a NEW order based on these motions....so they wouldn't be "moot"?

In order for them to become "moot", wouldn't they have to withdraw their motions? :waitasec:

Exactly!!! HHJP does his research and homework so he has studied the motions and basically held a motion hearing in camera today.

It sounds like the Defense strategy worked in as much as they gained some more ground, or at least they are going to claim it, in the spirit of things.

I wonder though if this will be an end to it and if they will get down to work or, like access to the tips -- they made their point and will never go near the records.

Even given access to make notes and additionally review the TES admin boxes there is still a LOT to process and, if BC had already been through them and didn't find anything of merit then what is JB going to gain?

He still cannot take the records to 'crunch' them and if if he tags a few targets .... it is very hit and miss.

I still think that the point and the Defense strategy was to taint the future Jury pool about things being hidden, fighting for access, unequal access, etc to seek out conspiracy theorists rather than anything to be gained from the records.

JB gained a LOT of press ..... lets see like the expert examination of the evidence if anything comes of this .....
Exactly!!! HHJP does his research and homework so he has studied the motions and basically held a motion hearing in camera today.

It sounds like the Defense strategy worked in as much as they gained some more ground, or at least they are going to claim it, in the spirit of things.

I wonder though if this will be an end to it and if they will get down to work or, like access to the tips -- they made their point and will never go near the records.

Even given access to make notes and additionally review the TES admin boxes there is still a LOT to process and, if BC had already been through them and didn't find anything of merit then what is JB going to gain?

He still cannot take the records to 'crunch' them and if if he tags a few targets .... it is very hit and miss.

I still think that the point and the Defense strategy was to taint the future Jury pool about things being hidden, fighting for access, unequal access, etc to seek out conspiracy theorists rather than anything to be gained from the records.

JB gained a LOT of press ..... lets see like the expert examination of the evidence if anything comes of this .....

If I am not mistaken, Baez stated during press conference that a new meeting was scheduled (for doc review) this morning and will "most likely be held here in this room", but guess your question is WILL HE SHOW, HUH??!!!
I see, JB sees this as a conflict of interest even as the A's waived that conflict.

They can view those TES documents, they choose not to...I can't imagine making such a big fuss when this has been ongoing for some time already. You mean to say, they just had this revelation about the conflict. See they have nothing to defend ICA with so it's attack, attack, attack anyone and anything that they view as in their way...I still think this goes back to ICA and feeling betrayed. Placating her, as ususal...Trying to save a human life! What about Caylee's life???

Baez is going to get access to those documents and he won't stop until he does...but doesn't he have access and just needed to go the MNs office?? He makes no sense...IMO someone is letting Baez' stategy out of the bag..what a waste, a huge waste..he wants a notepad when he views the documents...hilarious and sad all at the same time..Cheney said they will have a hearing on the whole process..Cheny said it has nothing to do with Conway???? HUH????

I think something is coming down hard and this is Baez way of getting the focus off of him...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

These are two of the biggest whinners I have ever seen or heard. They were told months ago that they could go look at the paperwork...they didn't go. Here they come again..whine whine..told again that they could go look at the paperwork but there are rules...whine whine. I hope this judge hits both of these worthless attorneys between the eyes and gets his point across. This judge is supposed to be a no nonsense judge but he sure puts up with a lot from the defense. Get them in line judge. They must have other things to do besides whine over every little thing.

I still don't get why BC quit. I think he was tired of the whole thing and has probably been working for nothing. Liking your clients doesn't pay the bills and I'll bet Conway has bills to pay unless he decided to let his home go into foreclosure like the Anthonys. He must have an office somewhere that needs him now and then. Never did understand why the Anthonys needed an attorney in the first place. What they gonna do now?
What's with Baez and the number of boxes? I doubt that Conway got to see the 2 boxes filled with administrative info. He really does twist everything. So what's with the press conference? Does he always have to play tit for tat?

ETA:...and if everything was previously ordered...why the press conference?

Face time.


Take your pick.
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