2010.09.21 Doc release: Interview - Joe Jordan

The first 12 minutes of this recording, is LE trying to stress the importance to JJ, that he should NOT destroy the surrepti.... (sp) recording. Especially because parts of it that may have to do with the fabrication of evidence or a form, and must be investigated.

"The discovery shows Orange County sheriff's investigators are concerned a Texas EquuSearch volunteer might have fabricated evidence trying to show that volunteers thoroughly searched the area where Caylee was found in September 2008. Another EquuSearch volunteer told investigators that search never happened.

These audio recordings released Tuesday could be very important in the case.

Texas EquuSearch volunteer Joe Jordan told investigators (hear interview) he felt that the defense's private investigator was trying to put words in his mouth, but he insisted that his team had never fully searched the woods where Caylee was found because it was knee deep water about five feet from the street.

Casey's defense team is claiming that EquuSearch volunteers thoroughly searched the woods off Suburban Drive months before Caylee's remains were found there in December 2008 and that they found nothing.

But the new recordings released Tuesday in the case show Jordan made it clear to investigators that he did not fully search the area in September 2008, because there was too much water. He told investigators he could only search about five feet from the road; Caylee's body was found about 20 feet from the road.
"That was the farthest we went, which was, I want to say, five to ten feet in," Jordan told investigators. "We stayed next to the road, like right in the front, and once we got in there it was too much. Because the water, the water was too much … it was like knee deep at that point. When you first stepped in it, it was knee deep."

Jordan told investigators he had concerns that volunteer Laura Buchanan had falsified documents to try to show they did a full search of that area and detectives said they were looking into whether the defense's private investigator, Mortimer Smith, and Buchanan were fabricating evidence in the murder case, which would be a criminal offense."
That was painful. Tape of phone conversation between Joe Jordan and LE on October 28, 2009 is 64.39 long.

JJ called LE because he's afraid he's in trouble for taping a conversation without the other people knowing it was being taped.
JJ points out that he only taped for his own use/note taking purposes.
LE says it is against the law but that he should not destroy the tape because it may contain important info regarding the Defense* in Caylee's case.
JJ does not want his personal info put out into the world.

*Most important is that there is a possibility that the defense could have fabricated some TES forms showing searches that took place where Caylee's body was found (but the searches did not take place). The Defense wants to say that Caylee's body was placed on Surburban Drive long after June of 2008.

JJ knows he did not search the exact spot where Caylee was found. He never went further in than 5 to 10' from the road. There was a cooler and a pink baby blanket, a black bag containing towels and male shoes. That's as far as he went. The water was knee deep and clear with a sand base.

He witnessed a guy in a silver truck back into the area and throw a large amount of lawn debris out from his truck. The guy lives in front of the retention pond not far from the A's but not on Hopespring Drive.

The main worry is that the Defense may be trying to get people to sign that they searched where Caylee was found and say she wasn't there when they searched in the September 2008 timeframe.

JJ's name appears on a form saying he searched Odyssey Middle School on Sept. 3 but he is sure he didn't. He knows there are active munitions behind that school so he'd know if he searched there.

JJ wonders why people didn't turn their forms in to TES at the end of the day after every search. They should not hold any form out overnight.

Laura B. claims to be good friends with CA. She wrote on the Internet that she wished people would be more sympathetic toward GA and CA. JJ looked at LB's picture but doesn't think he knows her. He doesn't recognize her. He thinks she's a law officer from KY for some reason. That's all he knows.

JJ doesn't think or know if Caylee's body was moved to Surburban. He is sorry he has inserted himself into the case. He is sorry for getting in the way of or complicating LE's investigation.

JJ doesn't know what kind of dogs Danny I. has. LE points out if they aren't trained cadeaver dogs they can sniff all day and it doesn't mean anything. A drug dog won't alert on a body.

Joy Wray's name came up - the lady who was Baker Acted.

JJ searched the Econ Soccer Complex (but not the area where the cross was found on the tree).

GA called JJ. JJ asked GA about the rumors about incest. LE said, 'You asked GA that? What did he say?' JJ said that GA said 'no, that's ridiculous.'
GA claims not to know anything about the Oviedo house.

DC tried to call JJ but JJ never spoke to him.

The most important thing LE is trying to figure out is if the Defense could be writing forms - fabricating forms in an effort to convince the Jury that Caylee was not on Surburban Drive from June until December 11, 2008.

ADDING ~ IMPORTANT ~ JJ was to call LE back the same day after contacting his Lawyer. LE needed him to meet with them to go over the copy of the map JJ used when searching so that JJ could comment and make clear to LE exactly where he searched as it's difficult to decipher just from a map/drawing. JJ said he'd call back later so they could make an appointment. It was clear that LE wanted to see him ASAP. LE was more interested in meeting JJ in person than talking on the phone. JJ is concerned about the ramifications of his taping Mortimer S. and Kelly S. (JJ's lawyer?). JA told him to go over all that with his Lawyer but not to erase the tape or he'd break the law twice.

"The discovery shows Orange County sheriff's investigators are concerned a Texas EquuSearch volunteer might have fabricated evidence trying to show that volunteers thoroughly searched the area where Caylee was found in September 2008. Another EquuSearch volunteer told investigators that search never happened.

These audio recordings released Tuesday could be very important in the case.

Texas EquuSearch volunteer Joe Jordan told investigators (hear interview) he felt that the defense's private investigator was trying to put words in his mouth, but he insisted that his team had never fully searched the woods where Caylee was found because it was knee deep water about five feet from the street.

Casey's defense team is claiming that EquuSearch volunteers thoroughly searched the woods off Suburban Drive months before Caylee's remains were found there in December 2008 and that they found nothing.

But the new recordings released Tuesday in the case show Jordan made it clear to investigators that he did not fully search the area in September 2008, because there was too much water. He told investigators he could only search about five feet from the road; Caylee's body was found about 20 feet from the road.
"That was the farthest we went, which was, I want to say, five to ten feet in," Jordan told investigators. "We stayed next to the road, like right in the front, and once we got in there it was too much. Because the water, the water was too much … it was like knee deep at that point. When you first stepped in it, it was knee deep."

Jordan told investigators he had concerns that volunteer Laura Buchanan had falsified documents to try to show they did a full search of that area and detectives said they were looking into whether the defense's private investigator, Mortimer Smith, and Buchanan were fabricating evidence in the murder case, which would be a criminal offense."

If this woman did falsify records and the police can prove it I hope they prosecute her to the full extent of the law. This lady is going to be in a whole world of trouble.
thank you so much for giving the blow by blow on that recording woe.b.gone :) I am at work and can't give a listen.

Would any of us be surprised if there was some document fabrication going on? That's a pretty darn serious allegation. JB could not only lose his license to practice but face criminal charges for something like that.

I am interested in hearing from you WS'ers - is this likely or possible? I have next to no respect for JB based on how he has comported himself throughout this case so far, but document fabrication is a big deal. I don't know that even I think he is THAT dumb.
If this woman did falsify records and the police can prove it I hope they prosecute her to the full extent of the law. This lady is going to be in a whole world of trouble.

That world of trouble is big enough to include Mort Smith and Jose Baez, too. Cozy, but big enough.
If this woman did falsify records and the police can prove it I hope they prosecute her to the full extent of the law. This lady is going to be in a whole world of trouble.

thank you so much for giving the blow by blow on that recording woe.b.gone :) I am at work and can't give a listen.

Would any of us be surprised if there was some document fabrication going on? That's a pretty darn serious allegation. JB could not only lose his license to practice but face criminal charges for something like that.

I am interested in hearing from you WS'ers - is this likely or possible? I have next to no respect for JB based on how he has comported himself throughout this case so far, but document fabrication is a big deal. I don't know that even I think he is THAT dumb.

If it's true that forms have been falsified, LE would then have to figure out if it's a group of outsiders (LB & Co.) who are claiming that to the defense that they searched there and have these forms or if the defense is behind an actual setup. This could be an independent effort planned and put forth by the A's. :waitasec:

thank you so much for giving the blow by blow on that recording woe.b.gone :) I am at work and can't give a listen.

Would any of us be surprised if there was some document fabrication going on? That's a pretty darn serious allegation. JB could not only lose his license to practice but face criminal charges for something like that.

I am interested in hearing from you WS'ers - is this likely or possible? I have next to no respect for JB based on how he has comported himself throughout this case so far, but document fabrication is a big deal. I don't know that even I think he is THAT dumb.
He is THAT ambitious, tho. Making fake documents isn't that hard to do. I can see him doing that. The man has no ethics whatsoever - at least none that he exhibits. Don't forget the man was warned about touching his client in jail. So he did it again. He's creepy. jmo
Oh, have other people heard the phone call before? I haven't.

I don't know!? I wasn't being snide, I am seriously confused...and I didn't listen to the call but from the paraphrasing it sounded just like the interview transcript released earlier. Oh no now I sound like JB whine whine there's too much stuff I can't keep it all straight Judge.
Ok, so obviously the defense is trying to get ICA off...... whether legally or not..... it seems like for the last 2+ years there have been so many laws broken i.e. tampering w/evidence, lieing, etc. I would hope all that are hindering the prosecution &/or falsifying documents would be legally held accountable.... In my mind I think this is a slam dunk... guilty... but with all this other outside garbage are we going to be seeing another get off due to technicalities???? That is my biggest fear & if so Kaylee will not be getting the justice she so deserves..... anyone else feel this way????:waitasec:

Can LB be brought up on charges for impersonating a law enforcement officer (to JJ) or is that just a "he said, she said" issue at this point????
I don't know!? I wasn't being snide, I am seriously confused...and I didn't listen to the call but from the paraphrasing it sounded just like the interview transcript released earlier. Oh no now I sound like JB whine whine there's too much stuff I can't keep it all straight Judge.

Me neither (being snide) and I didn't take it that way. I really wanted to know if I missed it earlier. I know there's been talk about JJ but I hadn't heard this audio before. As much time as I spend here, I was :waitasec: how I missed it. :):)
Casey Anthony evidence: Pictures, audio interviews are released
By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel
September 21, 201


The defense team has raised the question of whether Caylee's remains were at the site where they were found in late 2008 when Casey was in custody and could not have placed the body there.

Jordan was among the people who searched that general location, but he emphasized that he thought his search was 40 or 50 feet away from where the remains were ultimately found.

Jordan also made a secretly recorded tape while he was interviewed by a Anthony defense investigator.

He later turned the illegal recording over to law enforcement.

The investigators urge Jordan not to destroy or delete the recording and also tell him that he broke the law in making the recording.

"Joe, you broke the law when you did it," one of the detectives tells him. "Don't break another one by destroying it...We just don't want you to get rid of it because it is evidentiary."

Jordan said he made the recording for his own notes.

"We should have all just stayed out of this and let you guys do your job,"

The investigators also expressed concern about another searcher who had contacted Jordan and the possibility that TES forms had been fabricated.

Jordan said a woman named Laura Buchanan had contacted him and told him they had searched together, but he said he could not remember her.

Jordan said Buchanan told him, "I'm working with Baez's office. They just want you to come in and talk to them about what you saw when you searched on Suburban Drive."

Jordan said he told her, "I don't know who you are. I said, 'Do me a favor and don't call me anymore.'"

Cont here: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/crime/os-casey-anthony-discovery-20100920,0,477318.story

•Interview With Joe Jordan, volunteer (Audio & Transcript) http://www.wesh.com/video/25103873/detail.html
So is JJ saying LBuchanan said she was a Kentucky LEO? Isn't she a blogger from New Jersey?
Am I reading this right? Prosecutors feel the new information regarding Joe Jordan's illegal interview with Casey Anthony's defense team investigator Buchanan helps put the story together of what happened to Caylee.

:waitasec: I wonder where the interview is regarding what was said by the person who was working with the defense team? If the prosecution feels this will help their case it must be pretty damming info IMO. Anyone found the interview yet? Or has that portion not been released? TIA


In one interview, Joe Jordan stated the water was knee-deep in September 2008, and they called off the search because the area was flooded.

Jordan told Orange County Sheriff’s investigators he obtained an attorney after secretly recording an interview he had with someone with Casey's defense team. :waitasec:?Anthony defense investigator Buchanan?

Prosecutors said the new information helps put the story together of what happened to Caylee.
I don't know!? I wasn't being snide, I am seriously confused...and I didn't listen to the call but from the paraphrasing it sounded just like the interview transcript released earlier. Oh no now I sound like JB whine whine there's too much stuff I can't keep it all straight Judge.

The written transcript of this interview is old but the audio/video is new. I'm at work so I'm not sure if JJ's interview is audio or video that was released today.
"snip" nums24 from media thread.

Are Texas EquuSearch volunteers’ comments a setback for defense?



Kealing highlighted the comments of volunteer Joe Jordan, who searched the area with a policeman and a policeman’s dog — and the dog wasn’t allowed to go through the water.

Jordan also said another search volunteer was working for defense attorney Jose Baez’s law firm.

WFTV-Ch. 9’s Kathi Belich highlighted that the Orange County Sheriff’s Office is “looking at allegations that someone claiming to work for the defense, after volunteering for Texas EquuSearch, might have fabricated a document about the search in the woods.”

Belich said that Jose Baez, who was in Tennessee conducting depositions with scientists at the Body Farm, denied the allegation.

Casey Evidence Raises Questions About Made-Up Info

Updated: 6:20 pm EDT September 21, 2010
"snip" http://www.wftv.com/news/25096482/detail.html

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Evidence released in the case against Casey Anthony raises new questions about whether a former TES volunteer made up evidence while working for Casey's defense team.
Now, the sheriff's office is investigating.

One EquuSearch volunteer believes another made up records indicating he searched and cleared an entire area four months before Caylee was found there, but he says he couldn't because it was knee-deep under water.

Anthony's defense team really wants to show her daughter Caylee's body was not there in the woods until after Casey was locked up without bond in October 2008 to prove someone else put Caylee's body there.

Joe Jordan says, a month before that, he brought a group to search for Caylee in the same area, but he could only get in about ten feet because, beyond that, it was under water.

"That was the farthest we went, which was, I want to say, five to ten feet in," Jordan told investigators
hear interview http://www.wftv.com/video/25100676/index.html.

But, WFTV learned he told investigators the defense might be fabricating evidence to the contrary, and the sheriff's office is looking into it.

"If there's individuals that are fabricating evidence in my case, that's criminal in nature and that needs to be investigated," sheriff's investigator Eric Edwards told Jordan.

Jordan says, a year after his search, in October 2009, he agreed to meet with a defense private investigator who tried to twist his words, using a document he believes is bogus. He says it came from a woman named Laura Buchanan, claiming to be an EquuSearch volunteer who joined the defense team.

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