2010.11.29 Motions Hearing

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Cindy did look upset at the end when she was walking out of the court room. Did she ever get a look or smile from her DD? The tight white top she had on didn't look right or great on her. Gone is Cindy's Muffin Top though. She's a sophisicated woman now, ready to wheel and deal.
Frye Hearing Triavia from In Session
Jeff Ashton, 24 years ago, argued to get DNA into a trial...and he did.
Can't wait to hear him argue for admitting Body Farm Air Sample Analysis at a Frye hearing
Wonder who casey was gazing at so adoringly during sidebar. Maybe after being in a womens jail facility for so long, she's beginning to develop a crush on Ann Finnel. A burly fella like that who is "fighting" to spare caseys useless life.
Oh, you mean AF isn't masons twin brother?

I also wonder when someone is going to smack that smile right off of caseys face. Doesn't she know she'll never leave a correctional facility except for in a wooden coffin?
You killed your innocent child out of spite and hatred. You don't deserve to smile or have any sort of happiness. Even if it is superficial.

the side bar was so interesting because KC and her "babysitter" looked so bemused...KC looked really pleased. Whatever was going on was perceived by KC to be "charming"! The look on her face was like when a Mom is watching their kid sing or something! (oh wait. I meant like when MOST Moms watch their kid sing). It all ended when Finnell came over and said something to her ...probably something along the lines of STOP SMILING!
Still catching up on this thread, so if this has already been addressed, please just ignore....

Are the defense experts not writing reports because it is a way for the defense to not have to turn over anything to the prosecution, or is it because the defense had no findings that would exhonorate (sp) KC?

Seems to me that may be a tactic, if there are no reports to refer to it will be that much harder to pin them down to anything. I guess that means they will have to challenge the expert on the fly so to speak. I think JA and LDB are up for it.
Wonder who casey was gazing at so adoringly during sidebar. Maybe after being in a womens jail facility for so long, she's beginning to develop a crush on Ann Finnel. A burly fella like that who is "fighting" to spare caseys useless life.
Oh, you mean AF isn't masons twin brother?

I also wonder when someone is going to smack that smile right off of caseys face. Doesn't she know she'll never leave a correctional facility except for in a wooden coffin?
You killed your innocent child out of spite and hatred. You don't deserve to smile or have any sort of happiness. Even if it is superficial.


I think she is looking at her image on the TV screen and preening in response.
Cindy did look upset at the end when she was walking out of the court room. Did she ever get a look or smile from her DD? The tight white top she had on didn't look right or great on her. Gone is Cindy's Muffin Top though. She's a sophisicated woman now, ready to wheel and deal.

I would never put "Cindy" and "sophisticated" in the same sentence. Deluded, snobby, better than anyone else, that matches.
Per Court TV, the lack of expert reports is something the state can ask them about at trial...why, Dr. Expert Witness did you not write a report on your findings ?
the side bar was so interesting because KC and her "babysitter" looked so bemused...KC looked really pleased. Whatever was going on was perceived by KC to be "charming"! The look on her face was like when a Mom is watching their kid sing or something! (oh wait. I meant like when MOST Moms watch their kid sing). It all ended when Finnell came over and said something to her ...probably something along the lines of STOP SMILING!

The face of a high schooler, giggle, giggle. Does this look like the face of someone facing the Death Penalty?
I believe that Casey/Michelle were laughing and giggling with the other intern (male) who arrived late. At the end he walked past and she was still smiling and laughing with him.

Judge Perry at the end said something about wanting to speak with the "corporal??", I wonder was this about Casey wearing the chains again? Casey didn't walk out the door right away, she lingered at the entrance until they had to push her through it, she kept looking back waiting for something.

Some things don't change, Casey still thinks she's in control...sigh.
I believe that Casey/Michelle were laughing and giggling with the other intern (male) who arrived late. At the end he walked past and she was still smiling and laughing with him.

Judge Perry at the end said something about want to speak with the "corporal??", I wonder was this about Casey wearing the chains again? Casey didn't walk out the door right away, she lingered at the entrance until they had to push her through it, she kept looking back waiting for something.

Some things don't change, Casey still thinks she's in control...sigh.

That would explain it. I kind of figured Casey putting on the charming giggles had something to do with a man.
I'm thinking it's the second one. They don't know want the prosecution to know how right they are and how wrong the defense is.

Exactly - if there was anything remotely exculpatory they would have gotten reports and 'leaked' them before now or held a Press Conference to gloat.
JA knows that,and by their actions today they just confirmed it.
Penalty phase witness list is 50 persons long...according to Finnell

Where on earth has she found 50 people who will say nice things about KC? :waitasec:
PET scan issue!!!!

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine imaging technique which produces a three-dimensional image or picture of functional processes in the body.
Taken from:

Surely they are talking about another case.????
I think that JB screwed himself by saying no reports would be authored by experts.

Big time; because, as Joy Path opined the other day that is a rather obvious stall tactic. They do not have photographic memory for the hundreds of cases they may have worked over the years it took for this trial to get here. Of course they have memorialized their findings. Judge Perry sure fixed that problem.

He ordered all of their notes, photos, videos, etc turned over by Friday at 4pm , after Mr. Ashton explained that indeed these folks depos are coming up far sooner than the deadlines the judge first offered.

It is of no concern to me, whatsoever, that at this time, that the media get to see the penalty phase witnesses, and what they may testify to, just so long as the state gets it. Indeed Mrs. Finnell walked that list right over to Mr. Ashton at the end of the hearing. She agreed to take a call from him to go over what each witness will testify to. Now he is all set to do their depos, fully prepared. It would be interesting to see the list, but the only thing that really matters is that the state isn't blindsighted. I fully expect the folks to opine as they did for Scott Peterson
the person I knew, then
the one I knew and loved.....
and no one to say anything about the here and now, not Ryan, Amy, Will, Ricardo, the police cadets,
only the local minister, mom and Lee.
I do not expect any of them to take to the stand and say they had knowledge of Casey being molested; because, the obvious question the jurors will infer is why didn't YOU try to put a stop to it, it just wont be believed if they do.

By the time the trial gets here the state will know how much the experts are being paid and be in a position to question them on that. It isn't like they were denied the information, just a little more paperwork to get to it. No worries, that is what they have law clerks and paralegs to do, type up subpoenas to be signed.
What they did leave there with is something they have been waiting two years for, by the end of this week they will have anything and everything these various experts are going to opine about in trial. It is over after that.

Did you notice Mrs. Finnell get that look of something unfamiliar, and mouth the words "The meter reader?" Oh boy is she ever going to feel lost in quicksand.

The good news is she seems so far to be far more professional and understand the rules of handing things over to the other side, more than Skipper and Gillighan combined.

It was a great 40 minutes the judge spared today,on a quick break, during his trial. WOW!
Hair expert will not be listed as a witness....interesting!!!!!

I found this comment interesting also and I think JA said that so that everyone would know.

Has the testing been done on the hairs already, if so, I take this comment of no hair expert being called means their test did not turn up what they had hoped for or they could not get the hair expert to lie for them.

ALSO, does the sealed discovery until December 21 only pertain to the penalty phase experts or does it also pertain to the discovery that JB had to give the SA by Friday, cause I really want to see what their experts have produced so far.
Where on earth has she found 50 people who will say nice things about KC? :waitasec:

It may not be that 50 people will speak nicely of Casey, but will instead bemoan the fact that Casey was always an unstable child with emotional issues, blah, blah, blah - playing the sympathy card for Casey during Penalty phase.

That's all part of the Mitigation experts goal, to get the jury to see Casey in either the 'best' light, or the most sympathetic. Casey has no 'best' as far as I've seen, so that only leaves room for the cryin'.
Did JB state that some of the LE personnel he was schueduled to depose were involved in an ongoing investigation ?
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