2011.02.21: Hailey's Angel's Quit Searching(decision reversed 2011.2.22)

They Volunteered. They should not expect anything. There is no reward in searching for a childs body. It has to be done. They should not have made that statement about not being appreciated. Even if they felt that way.

The public appreciated them that should have been all the volunteers needed. Not to react like they did not think the mother was acting in a manner they dont feel is fitting for them. IMO. Billie had been thanking them for their effort until the video.

You are correct. It should not have been said. I bet she regrets saying it. But IMO she and the others, who have put 8 weeks into this search, as VOLUNTEERS, not professionals, they deserve some slack. They have put heart and soul into this and Billie is mostly mad because they suspect Shawn. So once again, Billie puts Shawn above Hailey. I can see why they are frustrated.
I guess I missed reading about all the times that BD has thanked all the searchers for all their efforts to find her daughter. The volunteers were not expecting too much, and a heartfelt “thank you” doesn't cost a cent but means a lot to the worn-out volunteers. I think every person who has volunteered to join the search for Hailey deserves a big hug and an honest expression of thanks. “Thank you” is a courteous way of acknowledging efforts which should never be taken for granted. I wonder how many times BD has volunteered for something. It must be so heartbreaking to go outdoors and search for someone else's child, and so very depressing and so sad when one is not successful and has nothing to account for but sore feet and aching bones. I really admire those who volunteer. They are caring and compassionate people who leave the comfort of their homes to go out in the cold to search for somebody else's child. Where is Hailey?

The ongoing search for missing teenager Hailey Dunn received a big boost over the weekend as several dozen volunteers came out,...I thought it was 100's! What gives? 50-60 traveled from out if town as far away as Maine!
One woman already lost her life after one of the last searches. ~ People are willing to risk their own lives to find Hailey and this is how BD chooss to act?
No wonder TES showed little intrest. Why spend any of their donated money trying to find a child when the people she lived with can't even pass a poly, keep changing their stories, and have been caught in numerous well, lies!

HD went to the Midddle school, there are teachers, offfice staff, lunch ladies, janitors, coaches, paretns of other students,spouses of employees ana a principal.
She took jujitsu, she had an instructor and pparetns os students that attendd there as well.
Ther are firefighters, emt's 911 operators, city employess,nurses, hospital personell, and all of their spouses as well.
What about friends and spouses of BD,CD, SA and NS as well as friends of DD that are peobably over 18.
Business people in the community,their spouses and then there's the people that reportedly saw HD on 12/27... the hair dresser, the neighborss, and the RedBox lady.
Wonder how many of them were there?
As well as every parent with a young child, that could possivly be at risk in the unlikely event the SA is not the culprit and it is indeed some random sicko!

LE isn't giving updates it seems the have no forensic physical eveidence of value from HD linking to a a crime scene,the car,the home, yet they are calling it criminal activity. Stealing a woman's purse is a criminal activity! We are not hearing the words felony, murder,rape, assault... ZERO proof that anything malicious happened to HD!!! Le is not conducting any further organized searches... WHY? The local media has even scaled back their reporting on the case!

Because of SA and his"odd" past and incriminating statements, BD has lost BOTH of the children she carried and brought into this world and is she cutting him off? NO she still loves him and is still associating with him. Little does she know IF hailey were to show up alive she would never be allowed to return to live with BD!

What is this Texas Rally anyway? HD is STILL MISSING! IMO this is not the time to become an advocate for missing children! Especially when BD has never actively looked for her child!!! IMO she needs to be spending her time at home beating down dorrs and asking some hasr questions. BEGINNING with SA! SEND A REP TO HAND OUT FLYERS IN DALLAS! Unless she expects to fing Hailey there, or there is already some twilght zone plan in place for the "family" to reunite to make HD happy again! I guess the trip is being funded by gullible supporters of BD and CD two parents that refused to listen to the repeated pleas of their own young daughter, and failed to protect her from the evil that she HD knew SA was capable of! ~ Hope she gets a warm welcome there.

Obviously the town of Carson City figures HD is indeed dead, or she ran away, and that if her own family wouldn't help then why take personal time away from their own families to look for a child that SA and BD almost certainly know her location yet refuse to tell. The locals know ENOUGH to not care to get involved or feel there is no threat to their own children or that town is suffering from a seriuos lack of compassion for a 13 yr old girl no one can locate!

~ IMO actions speak louder than words. And the lack of it tells me the rumor mill has run full circle, they know what they know, have no intention on repeating it to outsiders and are not about to perform searches that in effect are just dor show and the waste of a day.Sorry I still believe they are behind the runaway theory. The someone helped HD get out of that enviornment, and based on the prior actions of her caretakers, support HD in that decision. I think that many of them think HD is safe now! ~ even if that does mean she is deceased.

If half the people I mentioned earlier showed up to search there would indeed have been hundreds! BUT DOZENS?

POOR Hailey. I expected more from the community you grew up in and from those that mentored you. Sadly a whole lot of people must have dropped that ball.

To those of you that came into town to assist! The world needs MORE people like you! people willing to be the eyes and ears, wiliing to go to any lenght to loacte a child or collect her remains for a proper burial!
God Bless you all!

:cow: ~ALL MOO~

Carson City, you have your reasons and that's not for me to understand I accept them but I don't like it at all! :truce:
They Volunteered. They should not expect anything. There is no reward in searching for a childs body. It has to be done. They should not have made that statement about not being appreciated. Even if they felt that way.

The public appreciated them that should have been all the volunteers needed. Not to react like they did not think the mother was acting in a manner they dont feel is fitting for them. IMO. Billie had been thanking them for their effort until the video.

It just begs the question of what she saw or heard in the video that set her off and made her start ranting about SA. Did someone in the video mention his name while looking through a creekbed? Were they looking under a pile of brush near the road? Did it remind her of some horror movie she once watched with SA?

Or did BD notice something that she realized was incriminating so she wanted it turned off right away? As others have said, it makes me wonder if the searchers were getting close to some place BD recognized and was connected in her mind to SA? So perhaps her outrage is just more denial about SA's involvement in this whole thing, even though he is the last person allegedly to see Hailey alive?

Someday BD may wake up and realize that defending the only person of interest in this case doesn't work to her benefit.
It just begs the question of what she saw or heard in the video that set her off and made her start ranting about SA. Did someone in the video mention his name while looking through a creekbed? Were they looking under a pile of brush near the road? Did it remind her of some horror movie she once watched with SA?

Or did BD notice something that she realized was incriminating so she wanted it turned off right away? As others have said, it makes me wonder if the searchers were getting close to some place BD recognized and was connected in her mind to SA? So perhaps her outrage is just more denial about SA's involvement in this whole thing, even though he is the last person allegedly to see Hailey alive?

Someday BD may wake up and realize that defending the only person of interest in this case doesn't work to her benefit.

Exactly what I thought of. That something(s) in that video hit way too close to the truth of what happened to Hailey. I think that video needs to be turned over to the FBI profilers for examination, and the people at the event interviewed to determine exactly when Billie reacted, and what she reacted to. It could well lead LE to finding out what happened to Hailey, and where she is.
I have now jumped over the fence, from innocent, to most likely involved. I wonder about her friend that posted often here in the beginning, and if she has also changed her opinion. I hope we will hear from her again.

If I'm not mistaken she no longer has posting priveleges here. (I could be wrong though!) She does post other places on the internet, and no, she has not changed her position. (I hope it's ok to post this here, if not, please remove.)
Regardless of what happened at this dinner, I hope Hailey's Angels will change their mind and continue their search.
Regardless of what happened at this dinner, I hope Hailey's Angels will change their mind and continue their search.

I think they will- in some capacity. I hope they turn their search logs over AND their Appreciation Video, and explain just where Billie wanted it turned off.
Well, according to that report "Volunteers say a search crew member trained by one national agency asked "Hailey's Angels" to turn off the video halfway through.", which suggests that the content was offensive. From the sounds of it BD was made to feel like a target, which of course would create a very uncomfortable and inappropriate situation. Put yourself in her position, how would you react? I'm guessing that you wouldn't be applauding them for doing that.

The fact that these folk have decided to call it quits simply because she expressed that feeling speaks volumes IMO.

Targeted her how?

Maybe the video wasn't pleasant to see. Maybe the video could have been shorter in length. Maybe the video could have been a tribute to Hailey and only to Hailey. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Why was it necessary for Billie to bring up Shawn --- again? Was he included in that video? Were there pictures of him with "America's Most Wanted" written on them?

Or did Billie volunteer Shawn's name --- again?
I have driven to C-City from Abilene almost every weekend to search and will continue to do so. This past weekend was the first time I was near BD. In my opinion, she did not want to be there and I am not sure why she was.

I will continue to search for Hailey and I am not worried about BD. If she doesn't like it, she can stay home and watch one of Shawns slasher movies or read more material on how to kill family members.

The ongoing search for missing teenager Hailey Dunn received a big boost over the weekend as several dozen volunteers came out,...I thought it was 100's! What gives? 50-60 traveled from out if town as far away as Maine!
One woman already lost her life after one of the last searches. ~ This weekend two SAR K-9's were injured in a car wreck while traveling to Carson City. People are willing to risk their own lives to find Hailey and this is how BD chooss to act?
No wonder TES showed little intrest. Why spend any of their donated money trying to find a child when the people she lived with can't even pass a poly, keep changing their stories, and have been caught in numerous well, lies!

HD went to the Midddle school, there are teachers, offfice staff, lunch ladies, janitors, coaches, paretns of other students,spouses of employees ana a principal.
She took jujitsu, she had an instructor and pparetns os students that attendd there as well.
Ther are firefighters, emt's 911 operators, city employess,nurses, hospital personell, and all of their spouses as well.
What about friends and spouses of BD,CD, SA and NS as well as friends of DD that are peobably over 18.
Business people in the community,their spouses and then there's the people that reportedly saw HD on 12/27... the hair dresser, the neighborss, and the RedBox lady.
Wonder how many of them were there?
As well as every parent with a young child, that could possivly be at risk in the unlikely event the SA is not the culprit and it is indeed some random sicko!

LE isn't giving updates it seems the have no forensic physical eveidence of value from HD linking to a a crime scene,the car,the home, yet they are calling it criminal activity. Stealing a woman's purse is a criminal activity! We are not hearing the words felony, murder,rape, assault... ZERO proof that anything malicious happened to HD!!! Le is not conducting any further organized searches... WHY? The local media has even scaled back their reporting on the case!

Because of SA and his"odd" past and incriminating statements, BD has lost BOTH of the children she carried and brought into this world and is she cutting him off? NO she still loves him and is still associating with him. Little does she know IF hailey were to show up alive she would never be allowed to return to live with BD!

What is this Texas Rally anyway? HD is STILL MISSING! IMO this is not the time to become an advocate for missing children! Especially when BD has never actively looked for her child!!! IMO she needs to be spending her time at home beating down dorrs and asking some hasr questions. BEGINNING with SA! SEND A REP TO HAND OUT FLYERS IN DALLAS! Unless she expects to fing Hailey there, or there is already some twilght zone plan in place for the "family" to reunite to make HD happy again! I guess the trip is being funded by gullible supporters of BD and CD two parents that refused to listen to the repeated pleas of their own young daughter, and failed to protect her from the evil that she HD knew SA was capable of! ~ Hope she gets a warm welcome there.

Obviously the town of Carson City figures HD is indeed dead, or she ran away, and that if her own family wouldn't help then why take personal time away from their own families to look for a child that SA and BD almost certainly know her location yet refuse to tell. The locals know ENOUGH to not care to get involved or feel there is no threat to their own children or that town is suffering from a seriuos lack of compassion for a 13 yr old girl no one can locate!

~ IMO actions speak louder than words. And the lack of it tells me the rumor mill has run full circle, they know what they know, have no intention on repeating it to outsiders and are not about to perform searches that in effect are just dor show and the waste of a day.Sorry I still believe they are behind the runaway theory. The someone helped HD get out of that enviornment, and based on the prior actions of her caretakers, support HD in that decision. I think that many of them think HD is safe now! ~ even if that does mean she is deceased.

If half the people I mentioned earlier showed up to search there would indeed have been hundreds! BUT DOZENS?

POOR Hailey. I expected more from the community you grew up in and from those that mentored you. Sadly a whole lot of people must have dropped that ball.

To those of you that came into town to assist! The world needs MORE people like you! people willing to be the eyes and ears, wiliing to go to any lenght to loacte a child or collect her remains for a proper burial!
God Bless you all!

:cow: ~ALL MOO~

Carson City, you have your reasons and that's not for me to understand I accept them but I don't like it at all! :truce:

Could someone please clarify this post for me?
I have nothing nice to say about BD! So I moving on !!
I am one that has defended Billie several times and I have to say if those quotes are true then they were very insensitive to the searchers. :/ Also I agree with the poster who said that the searches shouldn't care what Billie thinks and that they should just continue searching.

Those quotes are true, she says them in the video. Watch it here:

Could we possibly move on to finding Hailey?
JMO and I don't suggest people should go out of their way to step on bereaved people's toes and trample over their feelings but IMO searches for missing people for that matter should not be wholly dependent on whether the family wants them to continue or not because very often the ones with something to hide don't, and the missing persons deserve to be found regardless.

Just a general observation, I haven't followed the case enough to have an opinion about what, if anything, BD has to hide.
and then had to throw in that the other 2 major search teams weren't acknowledged..If they weren't, they should have been..
But really Billie? What was it really that made you uncomfortable I wonder?

BBM-JMO but I think this appreciation dinner was to appreciate
Hailey's Angels for getting up at the crack of dawn, in the cold, wind, leaving their warm homes and families to go out in the freezing West Texas weather trudging through these ugly fields and creekbeds to search for Hailey for a solid 8 weeks. The other major search teams have been there two weekends and although it was great they came at all, those two weekends. These women that have given the last 8 weeks of their lives, needed some appreciation for what they are doing and have done. I don't think it was too much to ask to be appreciated, some acknowledgement of what they have sacrificed in order to look for BD's daughter. Everyone needs encouragement and appreciation especially these Ladies who have searched endlessly and tirelessly. Their efforts have been heroic.
And I would prefer to hear more about the video before I decide it is 60 minutes of searchers 'scavenging' in the rocks. Billie said she did not like how Hailey's case was being presented. So it seems the video was about more than just searchers and debris. IMO

Why would you assume they were patting themselves on the back? It was an 'appreciation' dinner in honor of the volunteers. I volunteered at my kids schools for years. Appreciation dinners were a necessary evil. VIDEOS were routinely played through the dinner hour as a way of showing the cavalcade of volunteers who stepped up. I imagine this 'appreciation' video was much the same. Certainly, the fact they were searching for Hailey's remains is a pretty sensitive topic. Maybe the video WAS in poor taste--IDK--but Billie's comments are still way out of line IMO.

How do you put on an appreciation dinner, after eight solid weeks of searching by local volunteers, and not expect some pats on the back?

Billie has already made it very clear what her issues with the Hailey's Angels
search group is all about. She does not like to associate with people looking in ugly terrain for Hailey's remains. And she doesn't like that they think Shawn did something bad. Full stop.

BBM-Exactly. Any Volunteer from any organization from PTA to participants in fundraising drives, there is an appreciation dinner and that dinner usually entails some kind of video and some pats on the back. Well deserved pats on the back in this case. Everyone needs "pats" now and then, it's what keeps us going. Most people at the end of a couple of weeks get their "pat" by way of a paycheck, that says job well done, here is your reward but volunteers do not get a paycheck, all they get for their efforts are a pat on the back or in this case a slap in the face.
JMO and I don't suggest people should go out of their way to step on bereaved people's toes and trample over their feelings but IMO searches for missing people for that matter should not be wholly dependent on whether the family wants them to continue or not because very often the ones with something to hide don't, and the missing persons deserve to be found regardless.

Just a general observation, I haven't followed the case enough to have an opinion about what, if anything, BD has to hide.

Donjeta, that's exactly right. Hailey is the victim and she needs to be found. Her rights are the most important thing!

The bereaved parents are usually considered victims too, but in my opinion and not just in this case, I feel they should stay out of the searches. For instance, if a parent is involved in the disappearance of the child, they could destroy evidence or mislead searchers. They can really muddy the waters.

And obviously it can be an emotional powder keg if they don't like the way the searching is going.

So even though many fault BD for staying at home and not searching, and I personally don't understand it as a mother myself because I would be frantically looking everywhere, maybe it's for the best if she distances herself from the searches from now on.
I'm a little baffled by the video (as described in the article) too, and although I have great respect for this group's labours, I suspect it may have indeed been provocative, given SA's status as a suspect and how BD herself may be viewed by fellow townspeople at this point.

That said, I agree with posters above that, as per usual, BD's comments are surreally inappropriate to the occasion. Ugly rivers and fields? Where does she think her daughter is likely to be found? Hiding in a sparkling Dallas show loft? Tucked away on a yacht? Disappearance, possible abduction and murder -- it's ugly, ugly and dirty. I too hope this crew keeps up their efforts, but part of me feels they're well out of it.

This case is beginning to enrage me. It used to just bemuse me, but not anymore.


She had a similar reaction to LE searching the landfill. I suspect that she is REALLY having a hard time getting her mind around the idea that the searchers ARE NOT looking for a "live Hailey" and that HAILEY'S ANGELS were NEVER looking for a "live Hailey".

They represent ONE of the avenues being explored by LE. Whereas another group (Clint & Naomi, and perhaps some portion of the official investigation) IS looking for a "live Hailey", this group's purpose is to search for a body. I just think she is in HUGE denial about everything going on. I think she DOES expect Hailey to magically come home alive, and she just hadn't really put 2 and 2 together to realize that these searchers, aren't combing the woods looking for a quaint little cottage where Hailey has been chillin' for the last 2 months, or hoping to find her, lost and a little dehydrated, curled up waiting for rescuers to come at the bottom of a ravine. In spite of Marc Klaas's insistence that she maintain the position that Hailey is alive, even Klaaskids is part of a RECOVERY effort.

This film was probably a little too "in your face" considering her complete inability to accept that Hailey is dead or even hurt, or that Shawn could have done anything to her. Maybe Hailey's Angels did not realize where her head was and how this would affect her, or maybe they did and wanted to give her a dose of reality, as she has not been out with the search parties. Maybe they hope she will see how much effort this group has put into finding her daughter, and provide information she may have withheld previously out of guilt. It's really hard to say what their intent was, or why she reacted as she did, given the number of possibilities.

I'd like to hear from redcat whether she was there, and what really went down.

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