2011.03.09 ~ Clint Dunn on Bring them Home

Clint is on. Said he is fine. Still here. They are saying hello asking him to speak up.

How are you feeling these days. I'm full of energy spinning my wheels but feel like I'm not moving.

Doing all he can to set up events. Trying to get the word out about our children that need the help of the politicians to change some laws. I'm not political but someone listening might be and can help.

Asked about Dallas he said he felt good about attending and he is concerned about all the trafficked children. He is giving some statistics about how many go missing but asked do you know how many are found?

Not good statistics about recovery after 72 hours.
LE not telling him crap about Hailey.
Clint: they thought she ran away...the police don't tell me crap; i have to go to the media...
Police are not telling him crap and upset that Hailey was named a run away in the beginning and they didn't do anything.
discussing human trafficking. I'm not sure why yet?
giving stats on runaways, abductions etc now
he has to go through the media and news to get any info!

LE isn't telling him anything :( so sad
Sound is breaking in and out.

CD - full of energy right now, setting up events and we need to set things up politically to change laws and revise paperwork.

Feels like he's spinning his wheels.

Off to Dallas because there are so many kids coming up taken.
100K to 300k kids are being trafficked in the US each year.

Hosts talking of 'human' not kid trafficking, and if you don't find them within 72 hours they are unlikely to be found.

CD -- he wants the law changed because for a week she was called a runaway (hosts talking about runaway stats).

( ME--Looks like finding Hailey is no longer on the agenda....we have moved onto law changing, events and websites.)
Clint said LE wasn't looking for her for the first week, but I am not sure he is correct about that. I think he is reacting emotionally, which is totally understandable.
CD: i'm so worried that she's been trafficked...
he has to go through the media and news to get any info!

LE isn't telling him anything :( so sad

It is sad, but with him seeming to be in BD's back pocket, I wonder if they just think they can't trust him. Not to be mean but this isn't about BD OR CD. It's all about Hailey!
Where are you...how are you feeling now---about the *advertiser censored*, etc.?
OMG --- we need to change this, clint is afraid that she is trafficked and out of the country.

The nation needs to do something --- this isn't population control.

CD: someone's got to rot in hell, not beat around t bush, i know the questions goin to b asked (re the memory stick)
he just told them they don't have to beat around the bush, they can just ask him the questions ... good for him!
Someone has to rot in He!!. Don't beat around the bush.
Why did they wait two months and let people live their lives and not do asnything about this?
CD: put 'em in jail, thats where they're gonna break em down.
CD: guess its got to be shawn
he said when hailey comes home she's not goin back to that house

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