2011.06.01 TRIAL Day Seven (Afternoon Session)

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He didn't inspect the vehicle despite the smell because ICA said the baby was with the Nanny, I can't imagine the hysteria going on in that moment. They were investigating her claims Caylee was kidnapped by the nanny.
Paraphrasing but CM asked "She was put in the back that you refer to as the CAGE?"

Yes, she sat in the rear of the vehicle.

He is answering all questions like that....This guy is awesome - he takes the wind out of the DT's negative choice of words...hehe.
Re GA being so quiet and calm when the LE arrived. He is an ex LE in the presence of LE. His previous training and experience would kick in and he would most likely respond to them the same way he would have when they were colleague's. Also it may have kicked him into the same mindset as when he was an LE. Staying calm and quiet and observant.

Also to some extent I think that may be his most common demeanor, usually being the calm one.

I would absolutely agree with this. He was probably used to being calm in the face of CA an dICA and their traumas and fighting and ordeals as well.
As a man, he was probably trying to stay rational to get as much info first before reacting as well. If that makes sense

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CM: did u advise her of her Miranda Rights?

Hosey: I'm not aware of anyone doing that.
Here we gooooo...Miranda Rights..that is why Mason is up doing the Cross
CM asking about miranda warning rights.
Is CM re-trying the whole hearing about ICA being in custody? How frushtrating.
Who's the poster with quote from the judge in their sig? Something about him not stopping for anyone to get a file?! LMAO!
Here we go with the cage. Ummm... what does this have to do with Caylee being murdered?
I'm sorry, didn't already devote several days of hearing to this? cage cage cage cage cage
CM is trying to make it look that by doing their job, LE was somehow doing something underhanded and offensive. :banghead:
"Field trip" ???? CM called the ride to the apartments a 'field trip' ???
Part of JB's argument is that ICA was intimidated by all the officers in uniform and didn't know she had a right to cease answering their questions and leave. Therefore, since they lost teh motion they had using that argument to try and keep out all the LE interviews (falsehoods told therein) he is hoping to suggest to the jury how very many uniformed people were present that afternoon/evening in hopes to convey LE picking on poor little ICA, ganging up on her with their scary uniforms and cop cars.
HA HA... Thank you for reminding me of that. There is so much I have read in the last years. Yet..I am not as "forgetful" as Casey's attorney. ;-)
The DT keeps asking if certain LE have ever responded to the home before.....implying that there HAD been calls before.

I was wondering if all the previous 911 to the house would come in.
didn't think it would be the DT though...
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