2011.06.01 TRIAL Day Seven (Afternoon Session)

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Is it normal for the attorneys to go back and check with their co-counsel as to whether they are finished asking questions?
CM is acting like an AHole. Very defensive in his questions. Like he is accusing this officer of something. jmo

CM is quite a bit more effective than JB. Way better. Forget his demeanor, he is effective at questioning folks with a message beyond the question.
Juror Tiki does not like CM's bullying tone
Linda seems slightly amused by that line of questioning in cross.
I missed the screen cap....BUT

DCS showed CM something on her I-Pad and KC showed him a note.
CM: u weren't gonna let anybody leave were u?

Hosey: (paraphrasing) can't say what i would have done

Lt Hosey is way ahead of old CM.
He's used to dealing with unscrupulous people who are trying to manipulate him..
I wonder what the AA juror thinks about all this?? The defense has been very rude to Mr. Hosey. A young AA male who has done well in his life. Works for LE and the defense is making him out to be corrupt?? I bet the AA juror doesn't like that very much.
Think DT is going to say that these deputies and investigators are going to do the "well stick with you cuz your one of us" with GA?

CM going on about people coming and walking around but not leaving scares me a bit.
I have been watching ICA's demeanor, facial expressions, etc from the beginning of this trial. Many times she appears to be pouting, like a child who is mad at being punished. The only emotions she has shown, IMO, is for herself. The more I watch this trial, the more convinced I am that ICA is truly a sociopath, of course, again, IMO.
The only thing I agree with in CM's approach is questioning about the car. CA mentioned the car in her 911 call, but no one seemed willing to immediately investigate the vehicle, even with the smell. Very odd, to me.

I do agree! CSI should of been all over that car asap!
SO even though the motion to keep all this testimony from LE out regarding that initial call and subsequent interviews, field trips, etc. was denied, CM can argue before the jury that she was "held captive" not mirandized, etc?? Wow, seems like two bites at the apple from opposite angles. One side, argue it before judge to prevent jury from ever hearing the unflattering facts. When that fails, hammer it home via your questions to the witnesses, take bite from that side.
LDB were you advised by casey anthony that she didnt not want her mother to have contact with her child that evening?

LT Hosey - yes
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