2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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MagpieFromHinky Pamela
Something's going down. Media scurrying around. Peeps think there is something other than a simple witness issue. HMMMM??

Wouldn't surprise me in the least..... something strange is hanging in the air about all this today.
I am beginning to blame Judge Perry as much for these delays as much as the defense. He is allowing the defense to get away with murder and they are going to keep this up as long as they can. Believe me, this won't be the last violation. Baez doesn't give a darn. He knows nothing is going to happen to him. The judge didnt' mind putting that brain damaged woman in the clink but he doesn't do anything to Baez. I am really sick of this. I feel sorry for the State of Florida putting out all this money for this sort of trial.

This is NOT Judge Perry's fault! No one is to blame but Jose Baez.
What a liar! So, he tells the court he has a 3rd witness who was 30 minutes away? Really? Was that a lie? Has JB been around ICA for too long? Seriously, what could he have said when there was no 3rd witness? Um, sorry judge we really don't have a 3rd witness for today? A LA the end of the hallway when you have to admit the truth? :waitasec:

This is just unreal.

And he said that they were "picking them up". From where? Airport? Locally? Like they couldn't drive or get a taxi themselves?

My coffee is all over the computer screen. Thanks Mel.:floorlaugh:

Wow, waste of the only unwrinkled shirt she has chosen to wear...that is probably the only reason she is upset.
(I lost this post when the thread closed...so keep in mind the context lol)

I dont think JA hesitates to get down into the mud. He reminds me of the guys from Southie in Boston-think the movie the Departed. JMO.

So JB doesnt have his witness ready and JA wants to process Rodriguez' depo right? HHJP must be thrilled to shut the day down for housekeeping. ;)
I am beginning to blame Judge Perry as much for these delays as much as the defense. He is allowing the defense to get away with murder and they are going to keep this up as long as they can. Believe me, this won't be the last violation. Baez doesn't give a darn. He knows nothing is going to happen to him. The judge didnt' mind putting that brain damaged woman in the clink but he doesn't do anything to Baez. I am really sick of this. I feel sorry for the State of Florida putting out all this money for this sort of trial.

hhjp already said it will be dealt with after the trial is over. why blame him for the delays? he is trying to get this thing moving forward. to stop and deal with baez' incompetencies and possible contempt in the middle of the trial would be a delay..

the delay imhoo has to do with the fact that the defense did not follow orders and hhjp is doing everything within his power to ensure that ICA has a fair trial with all of the witnesses testifying.
Can someone clarify for me--is Eikelenboom (sp?) not going to testify at all, or is he just going to be delayed?

And since CA and GA were in court today, does the defense NOT putting one of them up mean that they don't intend to call them?

And last but not least--this one completely kerfuffeled even Bill Sheaffer! He was almost at a loss for words. It was too adorable.
I wonder if KC refused to take the stand today....she had so many people come and talk to her, maybe they were trying to persuade her.

They were probably tip toeing on those eggshells keeping her up to date, blaming everything on everyone who is not associated with the defense so she didn't flip out and/or make allegations against them (those who are associated with the defense). Afterall, she is the CEO...
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
Something's going down. Media scurrying around. Peeps think there is something other than a simple witness issue. HMMMM??

This is the most bizarre trial,ever IMO.

ETA: Not really ,I guess. There are the ones where the defendant tries to represent themselves......................
For what ever reason court is in recess until tomorrow made KC happy. She looked like she was trying not to smile as she was saying something to someone and as she was leaving. I really wish we could know what is up!!!!
So, tomorrow we will hopefully have the trial, then a "short day" on Wednesday, full day on Saturday (HHJP has said). Any guess when the jury will finally be able to deliberate? End of June/Early July?

What I don't get is Your Honour was very adamant about starting at 8:30. Then his last words for the day "Court will be in ecess until 9:00 AM".


I hope he just misspoke, but I doubt it. What is that they call it - a velvet gavel? Say a lot, but don't act on it?


IS is doing all kinds of speculation about the delay until tomorrow...
The Talking heads are going to be spinning today, with nothing new to report.
How many times can they rehash, no witnesses.
Just my thoughts, but I'm betting JB had no other witness to call today......he faked it for as long as he could, then had to spill the beans to JB.
Sorta like when Casey took LE down the "hall" and then had to turn around, oops no office after all....

I am beyond frustrated and JB is probably livid!!!

At the rate he questions them, we have been lucky to get through with one a day with Baez at the helm of this sinking ship.

Did anyone actually see Baez when the judge came back in and announced it was a day, see ya tomorrow???
Can't imagine being one of the spectators that finally got their seat to watch today.
Does anyone know if Bill S. or any other commentator is speculating on what just happened?

Bill S. Was at a loss for words because this is so unusual. Must be true because I've never seen Bill S. at a loss for words before. :innocent:
And he said that they were "picking them up". From where? Airport? Locally? Like they couldn't drive or get a taxi themselves?


I would bet you ten bucks Baez used the "thwarted by traffic" excuse AGAIN. We need some thwartcakes! LOL
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