2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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OK, In Sessions still does not seem to know that court was called off for the day, at least according to what I heard on WESH...
Those watching Bill Scheaffer et.al., keep us posted....

Bill S and the other guy said they would go back to regular programing.....The View.
So I think they are done with commentary for the day.
So, tomorrow we will hopefully have the trial, then a "short day" on Wednesday, full day on Saturday (HHJP has said). Any guess when the jury will finally be able to deliberate? End of June/Early July?
What a mess! I really do not see ICA winning an appeal due to ineffective counsel. She chose JB and has had a team of qualified lawyers. I really think she is happy with the job JB is doing!
I disagree...I think Baez is ruining his own career or what might be left of it. He's doing underhanded, sleazy things to warrant a mistrial (his OS showed me that)..Yes, I believe a mistrial is what he's after since he KNOWS, ICA will never be acquitted...but to blame the state for playing games when clearly, they have been forthright and upfront but I can't say the same for Baez..he truly is out of his league and this trial is about HIM, not the death of an innocent child....he is having a trial about himself...first he claimed the state put the DP on the table to get him off as a defense attorny since he isn't DP qualified. Then he asked for a mistrial[/U] after the jailhouse tapes were played because the Anthony's spoke badly about him and what his true intentions were...to make a name for himself...it's all about Baez....JMHO

Justice for Caylee


I couldn't have said it any better, than this, and I have feared he will mess up again until there is no where to go, except a Mistrial
I am so very confused, what just happened?

the defense happened (and their unpreparedness and unwillingness to follow hhjp's orders)

wonder how much money was wasted today/how much it costs per day to run the trial?
IF JB is going to eventually call Lee or George or Cindy or even ICA, I think he should have been made by the Judge to go forward with those witnesses, since these delays have been caused by him. George, Cindy and ICA were available to him and in the court room. Does this recess mean that he is not planning to call any of them or is the Judge cutting him a break so that he can have his expert witnesses testify first? I think he should have been forced to move forward with non-expert witnesses, if he is using them. Grrrr.....frustrated!
HELP! I have just tuned in 3 times today and kept getting blank screens and state seals. What happened? Was there any witnesses put on? wth?
If I heard right earlier there's no court on Wednesday either because the judge has a personal issue.

The talking heads on TruTV are saying that the trial is ahead of expected schedule though provided things don't keep grinding to halts.

I think Wednesday is just a short day.
Anyone else completely disgusted that while facing the death penalty for murdering her baby, that kc felt compelled to knot her sweater?!?!
What in the world is going on??????

I watched the azz chewing Jose got this morning from the Judge. Unbelievable that Jose didn't even have the respect to look at him!!!

Why, oh why, is court over for today???
Holy freakin' cow! I knew Jose was lying whe he said the witness was on her way - I knew it! I'm utterly speechless. HHJP must be furious.

"The check's in the mail."
"The witness is in transit."
"My client is innocent." :floorlaugh:
Baez is learning a lot from ICA - this witness was another "imaginary"


Holy freakin' cow! I knew Jose was lying whe he said the witness was on her way - I knew it! I'm utterly speechless. HHJP must be furious.

He is just like his client....... a big LIAR!!!!
(Put this in the Trial thread but as I clicked 'post reply', message came up thread was closed so I'll just put my thoughts here.)

Defense must Not have had any other witnesses lined up.
Or Defense tried in a panic to get someone, ANYONE, of their witnesses on the phone to get them in there and it wasn't gonna happen.
Oh, I am willing to bet my husband's next paycheck that His Honor is pizzzzzed to the max!
I honestly don't know how His Honor holds it together.......me? I'd have thrown a pen across the room and probably aimed it at JB as I stormed out of the courtroom, showing my obvious anger!

Well CA and GA were in the courtroom - they could have called either of them!
What a liar JB is. So, he tells the court he has a 3rd witness who was 30 minutes away? Really? Was that a lie? Has JB been around ICA for too long? Seriously, what could he have said when there was no 3rd witness? Um, sorry judge we really don't have a 3rd witness for today? A LA the end of the hallway when you have to admit the truth? :waitasec:

This is just unreal.

I was thinking the same thing. He lied, there was no witness in route.:maddening:
I'm a' thinnin' sumptin's upppppppppppppppppppppppp. And I don't think I'm going to like it.
After sidebar Judge Perry let's out a big laugh. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 10:01 AM

Someone probably suggested that KC said something true, or that Baez was prepared.
Why would the court reporter go into the jury room, unless HHJP was going into the jury room to make an announcement and it needs to be on the record?
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