2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Can't wait to see Jeff do the cross.
What's to cross? All Lee did was cry that he was left out.

Unless there's more testimony from him to come? I lost the feed, so I might have missed it.
If LA is around MP family maybe he sees that his family life was screwed up and is done with all this. He watched his family become destroyed by KC in public and one day would like to try and have a normal life. Maybe he wants to be able to find a job or eat without stares. I know Im back sliding but I would not do all this for a sibling NO WAY.

Mallory and her mother are on the board of the scam foundation. The one in which they took 80% of the donations for themselves.

I was waiting for Mallory to compare ICA to Mother Teresa during her testimony.

I'm not sure how normal MP's family is.

TRUTV showing the pics of Caylee climbing the ladder to the pool (with Cindy right behind her)...really doesn't help Casey's defense though. IMO.
I wonder how often KC blamed Lee for things she did when they were growing up? I think Lee is the consummate scapegoat, and used as a tool. mo
I understood him quiet differently. I understood that he was left out of all of this, he never once said that the rest of the family wasn't included. It was he that was left out.

that was what I meant in my post as well.. I was posting Cindy's version of events (that LA was included, etc and at the baby shower) and that LA basically said that didn't happen.. he didn't know until a few days before Caylee was born..
CA work? Who in the world would ever hire her, or any of the Anthonys at this point? They are going to be pariahs. (Well, they are now...) What horrible, horrible people.

Run, Mallory, run! Lee will regret not bailing on this family while he could.

That is one thing that still sickens me. The Anythonys have made and will continue to make money off Caylee.

I wished there was some law...commit perjury, all claims to profits gone,
LOL - The State spent an extraordinary amount of time, human resources and money investigating why a little not quite 3 year old child ended up dumped and ducted taped in a swamp.

Those people that were on their hands and knees scrapping that swamp out looking for the tiny little bones of a child - MIGHT - disagree with you that they failed miserably in their investigation.

I think it's pretty disgusting to cast aspersions on all the many, many, many hardworking LE personal who sweated out blood over this case, but that is just my opinion.

I think it's very telling you don't hold to task the ONE AND ONLY person responsible for all this.


And we will see the results of all that hard work come up during thr State's rebuttal.
Anyone who doubts LE or the SA's should take the time to look at the LE interviews,depos,test results,etc....before making disparaging claims. When someone lacks knowledge of the facts of this case,it shows.........kind of like the DT's desperation.
My heart goes out to anyone that has been the victim of any sort of abuse.

That said, I hope the jurors say "so what?" even if they do believe the accusations. In the context of a murder trial what does it have anything to do whether Casey murdered her daughter or not? It may play a role in the sentencing phase but not now!

So what if Lee didn't really take part in helping Casey out during her pregnancy. So what if her mother neglected her. It was her OWN responsibility to care for the living, growing baby in her belly. Her responsibility to ensure her baby received proper care by going to a doctor etc.

I remember Diane Downs had supposedly been molested by her step father. It didn't prevent her from being convicted of murder. Btw, the movie about Diane Downs (Small Sacrifices) is available on youtube. I was struck by how similar Diane and Casey are in some respects. Seeing Diane groom herself when she is supposed to be mourning for her children and the constant inappropriate laughter reminds me so much of Casey.

I hope the jury is able to disregard irrelevant information regarding the family and can narrow in on the mother of the murdered child and find her guilty.
My bet is Baez is trying to make himself look like a nice person in front of the jury because LA was crying.

Jury was already out the door but ICA was watching. Looked like Lee walked by and never looked over at ICA.
I've seen some incredibly dysfunctional families but if a child fell in a pool, they would manage to call 911. The A's are pretty bad but I don't see anything that would make me slap my head and go "Aha! Now the non-calling of 911 and the body hiding and the hot body contest all make sense!"

Rigor mortis doesn't set in for around 3 hours. That child was not out of both George and Casey's sight for anywhere near 3 hours. In addition, you never know how long someone has really been under and people can look quite "dead" and still be revived. George knows this.
According to the TH's, it wasn't Baez that patted LA, it was the Anthony's attorney...had he moved to the front of the courtroom while his clients are on the stand?

TH was wrong. I heard them when they said it and was like huh? It was JB and the jury was out of the room so they never saw it.
No they were not given immunity . They did ask for it but it was not granted.

I believe all 3 were given immunity at the begining of their depositions. The state had to give them it because they were forcing them to give the depositions.
Quote for truth.

Ever family has a certain amount of dysfunction
. Dysfunction does not mean you become a murderer and dysfunction does not mean you will cover up an accident, duct tape your daughter and throw her in a swamp in trash bags. A crime has been committed and that crime was not to be a dysfunctional family. :twocents:

BBM....my family has always said that we put the FUN in dysfunction!!
According to the TH's, it wasn't Baez that patted LA, it was the Anthony's attorney...had he moved to the front of the courtroom while his clients are on the stand?
Oh those talking heads! I know what I saw on my 'viewer' as it happened, and I know the difference between Jose Baez and Mark Lippmann. Jose Baez did momentarily interact with Lee at or near the podium area as Lee was leaving the witness stand. I believe Jose 'patted' Lee. Lippmann was in the gallery area.
That makes me sad. Either he doesn't want to be with the A's or vice versa.

Maybe he should have had lunch with the man who gave him a pat on the back after he stepped down...you know JB...the same man that accused him of molesting his sister. No way I would let him touch me if he said chit like that about me. I do not like where this is going. It plainly sux.
Vinnie Politan tweets: Lee Anthony alone eating a sub at Jimmy Johns

How on earth could he possibly eat after that dramatic show of emotion?! And anticipating the cross to come by the state? You would think he'd be a jumbled bunch of nerves!

When my brother killed himself in 2007, I didn't eat a thing for 5 days! When I had to view his body to confirm his identity I couldn't eat that entire day into the next day. When I'm emotional I cannot eat, and do not even think about eating.
Can someone clarify... did JB end his direct at the end of the crying thing? My WFTV feed kept going out... Are we going to start with cross or do I have to hold my breathe a little while longer???
I hate to say this but all of you feeling bad for LA right now are going to be pretty pissed when he shows he is sticking by ICA. Just like his mom did to us...LA is following in her footsteps.
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