2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

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Ack - darned clients phoning! Slid in here at the last minute - whew! See even the tweeters don't know if ICA is going to testify or not. If Mason is talking about a Richardson motion, ICA would have had to sign that....
don't you think she'd be better coiffed (I think that's how you spell it) if she were going up on the stand?

I do have to say the hair-down is better than the buns for softening her.
It appears the DT is finished. Really? Where is any of the evidence? What a let down, this wasn't even a fair fight. They should have taken a plea bargain if the defense was this weak.
Is anyone else here as old as me and remember the Pam Smart trial?? This defendant reminds me sooo much of her!
HLN - Diana Tennis - saying that the state's rebuttal is going to be brief, just 4 or 5 witnesses. If they're talking rebuttal, KC not likely taking the stand. If rebuttal is brief, closing statements tomorrow.
Kathie B tweeted 4- deputies around ICA
Bill S says CA saved herself by always saying if and I may have and also she talks about medicine affecting memory
Will she or won't she?......... That's the National Enquiry $4,000 dollar question!
CaseyAnthony looks calm.
by bobkealing via twitter at 12:33 PM

I saw Judge Perry mouth the word "tomorrow." That's all I've been able to make out.
by Jessica Steck/WESH.com at 12:32 PM

Baez, Mason talking to Perry w/o court reporter. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 12:31 PM
She is NOT testifying.
Oh darn. She's not gonna testify.
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