2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

She also lied to her friends about her job and about studying and was just a habitual liar. She wanted to portray a certain picture of herself I guess. How was she going to be able to do that with a child is really somethig I wonder.

Let`s assume she was afraid of her family. What would they think when Caylee exposed there was no job or nanny- what they were really doing? What would her boyfriend think?

Can someone explain.
She continued on as though she had a job in order to:

1)Have an excuse to leave Caylee with whomever she could persuade to babysit her.

2)Keep her parents off her back.

As JA said, there was always some sort of gain or advantage for Casey when it came to her lies. They weren't imaginary friends and situations, they were convenient excuses and alibis.

ITA Casey lied because there was a payoff for her. She lied about work because it got her a free babysitting service from her parents.

Casey didn't lie just because. She didn't lie because she is mentally ill.
Casey lies because there is something to gain.

That part of her will not change. She will continue to be manipulative and selfish because that is what works for her.
I always tape my black bags b4 binning them, I hate the FL bugs and the smell, and here's my opinion on the tape having been around the bags.

I pull very little tape to seal my bags, and once wrapped it becomes a small "O" shape around the bag.

IF I dumped this bag into the elements and waited for animals or water to destroy, here is what would happen.

Animals just rip open the bag, the tape would be found attached to the neck of the bag, maybe even floated further away from the trash.

Water would likely just loosen the sticky and leave that "O" shaped tape piece. If I let my mind water into unlikely but hey who knows, The tape may have become loosened by the water, straightened itself out and floated close to the skull, then reattached itself to the skull.

However I would have TWO major problems with my 'hey who knows' portion.

Firstly, who would (and why) would anyone use THREE pieces of tape to seal a bag?
The water washes away the adhesive, to the point where the tape falls off the bag, and lays itself flat, so each of the start/end portions of the ripped tape (3) manage to lay themselves out of the 'O' and into a ------ shape, BUT then it got sticky enough to bind the mandible and adhere to the hair matt? It's either sticky or it's not. Duct tape doesn't magically become adhesive again.

There's more than one way to tape up a plastic trash bag, and the "O" around the opening is just one way.

There was also a fourth and longer strip of Henkel tape found away from the skull and bags. Who knows where and how that one fits into the situation?

Tape may have also been used to seal punctures in the bag(s).

She clearly established a pattern of behavior: whenever something signifigent happened in her life she continued on as if it didn't. I do not pretend to know WHY but it seemed that no matter how much turmoil her life was in, she carried on. And reasonable minds can differ...I see reasonable doubt everywhere in this case.

So how did the child get in the swamp? How did she get in the garbage bags?

Are you saying it was just an accident and so she threw her in the trunk and then the swamp and went about her business? Doesn't she deserve some time for that horrid response to an accident?
Maybe they needed to do a simple duct tape test. Place duct tape around the mouth/nose of a baby doll and dump it into a vat of murky, dirty water filled with grass, leaves, twigs, etc. Then place a trash bag duct taped into the same water. Also a piece of duct tape not attached to anything just to see how it reacts in those conditions.

Sorry, I don't mean to sound snarky. I just don't think it would have mattered what evidence you showed this jury, it wouldn't have mattered. I believe juror #3 said her mind was made up before deliberations. I'm very curious to know at what point before deliberations she made up her mind.

JMO ... no offense meant to anyone and not directed at anyone's post
She also lied to her friends about her job and about studying and was just a habitual liar. She wanted to portray a certain picture of herself I guess. How was she going to be able to do that with a child is really somethig I wonder.

Let`s assume she was afraid of her family. What would they think when Caylee exposed there was no job or nanny- what they were really doing? What would her boyfriend think?

Can someone explain.

The family and some friends had caught onto some her lies before Caylee started talking. If they had found out she had no job or babysittter I think Casey feared that they were going to find about other things she did. If they found out she she had no job, immediately they would wonder how Casey managed to have clothes, a cell phone and other things and they would suspected she was stealing from people. Casey was caught lying about working at sporting good store when Caylee was an infant. Two friends caught her lying and I believe one of them called the store and she got the confirmation that Casey never worked there.

Casey had been stealing from Cindy for years. She stole checks in the past and used Cindy's credit cards. Also George said she took money out of a piggy bank for Caylee. Also Casey once stole from Jesse Grund and his dad Richard confronted Cindy and she brushed off the incident like it was nothing.

I think with the relationship with Tony and Casey both fasttracked things. Tony had met Casey through some of event on Facebook and immeadiately she started hanging around his apartment and I think she was expecting a long term relationship from him. I think Tony really wasn't thinking longterm.

Tony's main reason for living in Orlando was to attend Full Sail University. He and one of the roommates played some kind of joke on Casey about him staying in New York after his vacation. One of the roommates did tell Casey that Tony was planning to eventually head back to New York to look for a job in the music industry. The roommate said in LE interview that Casey was upset about that.

I really do wonde how Casey was expecting to keep up the charade of her having a job and a nanny when Caylee was at the point where she was talking more and more.
Can you imagine being the child of one of these jurors?

Mom: "Okay, who ate the cookies after I told you not to?"

Child: "It wasn't me."

Mom: "Well then, I don't know what happened to them. Now go wash those crumbs off your face and let's get you ready for bed."

Classic! :floorlaugh:
Accident was not reasonable doubt. It was unreasonable to assume the child drowned and it was made to be a murder. KC has three years to claim an accident and didn't. It was murder and it was to be assumed it was murder by the behavior.

If any of the <modnsip> still insisted on drowning, it was too late. She was negligent. She didn't report it. There was no evidence of it and she is still guilty of manslaugher because of it.

There is no excuse for this box of 12. They were none intelligent enough to understand "Reasonable Doubt". Something needs to be done about this concept because I have seen this happen way to often. They don't understand the term and are too embarressed to admit their ignorance.
Can you imagine being the child of one of these jurors?

Mom: "Okay, who ate the cookies after I told you not to?"

Child: "It wasn't me."

Mom: "Well then, I don't know what happened to them. Now go wash those crumbs off your face and let's get you ready for bed."

"Hurry now. We leave for Disney in 10 hours."
There's more than one way to tape up a plastic trash bag, and the "O" around the opening is just one way.

There was also a fourth and longer strip of Henkel tape found away from the skull and bags. Who knows where and how that one fits into the situation?

Tape may have also been used to seal punctures in the bag(s).

What happens to duct tape when it is stuck to a garbage bag and left in a hot car trunk OR a steaming hot summer dumpsite? IT MELTS TOGETHER WITH THE THIN PLASTIC BAG. There is no way that tape would come loose from the bag and still have any adhesive.

That tape was on the baby's face. That tape held the mandible in place. I do not understand how they can ignore the mandible in their rejectionm of the duct tape evidence.
are alternates deliberating with the 12 jurors? the alternate kept saying 'we blah blah blah'--like he was part of the deliberations... they mentioned george getting combative on the stand... why would he do that? even i was (silently) telling george 'just answer the question'... i think the defense got what they wanted out of him by letting him be combative and evasive...there was no reason for that... if we have to put 'blame' on anyone losing the case, i would blame george--and i strongly believe he had nothing to do with the murder or coverup... he just couldn't stand baez that he couldn't NOT be combative with him... i can't stand to hear baez' voice or hear the verdict being read again and looking at casey's lying face--i FF through those parts...

i wonder if there are any jurors who regret their decision--one says she was 'sick to her stomach' yet she's juror #3--who is the biggest supporter of their decision... such a frustrating verdict...

i think casey will reoffend and will be keeping oj and joran company in a prison somewhere for an unrelated case...

one more thought... does anyone else see a similiarity between casey's and amanda knox's 'after the murder' demeanors? i don't know if amanda is guilty or innocent, but her seemingly disconnect (although not as blatant) reminds me a bit of how casey acted.

sorry for the rambling...maybe we should have a thread called 'my final thoughts'... i don't have priviledges to start a thread...
:seeya: CLV

Pretty obvious they had discussed the case and were all of the same mindset. I also noticed the change of pronouns the alternate used. He gave it away along with his stupidity.

They related to Baez and not Ashton or Linda. That should tell us all we need to know.
Why is it easy for us to apply common sense but the jury seemed unable to do so?? It's like they heard JB's opening statement and then blah, blah, blah, blah, special break, blah, blah, blah and then JB's closing argument.

Every time I come back to this I want to scream at the absurdity of it all!! Did they not hear anything Dr. G said????? Caylee is dead and as JA has said many times now "no one makes an accident look like murder"
Wouldn't you be combative if you were accused of raping your child? Did the jury forget that. They blamed George for everything that happened and they believe GA was the cause of Caylee's death. They bought it hook, line, and sinker. They put their eyes on GA and heard no one else. They had to have done this because they each are saying the same thing, "George was combative on the stand". IOW, the jury liked Baez and didn't like GA talking back to him.
Why is it easy for us to apply common sense but the jury seemed unable to do so?? It's like they heard JB's opening statement and then blah, blah, blah, blah, special break, blah, blah, blah and then JB's closing argument.

Every time I come back to this I want to scream at the absurdity of it all!! Did they not hear anything Dr. G said????? Caylee is dead and as JA has said many times now "no one makes an accident look like murder"

No, the alternates were not in the deliberation.

A juror explained it...LOL. They were not allowed to use emotion. They said that is the law (?!). It happened that they got emotion mixed up with common sense. They refused to let common sense guide them because it was the law.

This jury was not very bright. They were not willing to reason. They were stuck on stupid and after the opening statement about George, they made up their mind. This jury was all about emotion and did not know how to apply logic.

I did not mean to leave them alone as far as questioning and trying to understand how they arrived at the verdict. I mean searching them down individually and harassing them to give interviews. For those that do decide to step out on their own, then so be it - fair game. Those that choose not to, then they should not be chased down. That's all I mean by "leave them alone".

I'm all in favor of the general public and the media continuing with discussing and analyzing the jury as a whole and the verdict. In fact, I hope it continues on some more with very detailed commentary about how wrong some of the things that are coming out are as far as how they came to the decision they did. If for no other reason than to educate the future jurors and hopefully these jurors for any time in the future they may be called to server on a jury.


Thanks for clarifying. ITA!! With all you've said. :clap:
What happens to duct tape when it is stuck to a garbage bag and left in a hot car trunk OR a steaming hot summer dumpsite? IT MELTS TOGETHER WITH THE THIN PLASTIC BAG. There is no way that tape would come loose from the bag and still have any adhesive.

That tape was on the baby's face. That tape held the mandible in place. I do not understand how they can ignore the mandible in their rejectionm of the duct tape evidence.

So right you are!!
I think the jury, each and every one of them, should be held accountable for their decision. They should be made to explain it and not get one red cent for giving their reasoning (shutter at the term). This is ridiculous. I am also sick of everyone talking about them doing their job. They did not do their job. They did not deliberate, examine and apply common sense. They spent six weeks in a four star hotel, had great meals, were catered and taken places....maybe that was the mistake. They all bonded. They should have been kept apart. HHJP in his effort to please and accomodate them created this.

It reminds me very much of the OJ jury who did the exact same thing. Not a strip of common sense between them...

They also hid behind "The State didn't prove their case"...BS on that!
Accident was not reasonable doubt. It was unreasonable to assume the child drowned and it was made to be a murder. KC has three years to claim an accident and didn't. It was murder and it was to be assumed it was murder by the behavior.

If any of the idiots still insisted on drowning, it was too late. She was negligent. She didn't report it. There was no evidence of it and she is still guilty of manslaugher because of it.

There is no excuse for this box of 12. They were none intelligent enough to understand "Reasonable Doubt". Something needs to be done about this concept because I have seen this happen way to often. They don't understand the term and are too embarressed to admit their ignorance.

Reasonable doubt is an extremely high standard. Perhaps it is you who should study up on it. JMO.

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