2015.07.06 SMS confirms that CWW was a POI as early as July 6th

Maybe I watch too many movies but is it not totally out of the realm of possibility that after the crime, JR figures out that he's an accomplice to TS's murder and doesn't destroy the evidence because he feels bad or scared? Doesn't know what to do, get rid of it or save jumpsuit as insurance on CWW tying him (not JR) to TS. Instead he buries it. JR has anxiety issues, documented in prison. So, if he was anxious about what happened in FL, he is more likely than not to tell the gf. Maybe they both or just the gf, believing him to be innocent, went to her parents.

Maybe JR is an idiot or maybe some new facts will eventually explain why, if people in town were talking about TS being murdered with a hammer, wouldn't JR delete the Facebook hammer references? Why wouldn't CWW make him remove the posts?! The only way I can reconcile it - the hammer references were still up at the time of JR's arrest was because it was by design. JR's gf likely hadn't heard about MS's wife, unless she's a big NG fan or hanging out in CWW circles, until LE were in MO. Also, JMO I think JR had no idea that a hammer was used, and thus had no reason to remove the posts referring hammers, or change his nickname.

Ooh, good new thoughts creepingskills!

I'm curious as to the date and circumstances he told his gf what happened and pointed out the location of the coveralls. It's been reported, he threw it in the trash. Our garbage service comes weekly, so by trash, did that mean they have a permanent trash pile and he threw it out there? Why would the "trash" remain there for weeks until arrest? Did she know from the time he returned home from FL or did he hang onto evidence and throw it away at a later date? Was JR freaked out when he told his gf? Was he boastful or matter of fact?" I would like to imagine he did it because he was extremely distressed because if he was anything else, it makes me wonder why he thought she would be okay with it and not run to LE? How long did they have the van? Did he drive it back into town or did they buy it AFTER she knew where the money came from?

I'm with you, did CWW have any idea about what JR posted on his fb? I can't imagine that would go over well. If I were JR, I'd be scared and cooperating. I'd be scared even if not in the same prison, but it looks like he was moved to Illinois last week. I wonder if it's more for his protection than anything else.

I wonder if any of CWW's past girlfriends will come forward with information?
Ooh, good new thoughts creepingskills!

I'm curious as to the date and circumstances he told his gf what happened and pointed out the location of the coveralls. It's been reported, he threw it in the trash. Our garbage service comes weekly, so by trash, did that mean they have a permanent trash pile and he threw it out there? Why would the "trash" remain there for weeks until arrest? Did she know from the time he returned home from FL or did he hang onto evidence and throw it away at a later date? Was JR freaked out when he told his gf? Was he boastful or matter of fact?" I would like to imagine he did it because he was extremely distressed because if he was anything else, it makes me wonder why he thought she would be okay with it and not run to LE? How long did they have the van? Did he drive it back into town or did they buy it AFTER she knew where the money came from?

I'm with you, did CWW have any idea about what JR posted on his fb? I can't imagine that would go over well. If I were JR, I'd be scared and cooperating. I'd be scared even if not in the same prison, but it looks like he was moved to Illinois last week. I wonder if it's more for his protection than anything else.

I wonder if any of CWW's past girlfriends will come forward with information?

CWW had to have known about JR's FB, they were friends. Tagged in common pictures. IIRC there were reports of the jumpsuit being buried and in a vehicle. Not sure which, if any, sources are correct.

I think JR told the gf in distress, and whether he painted himself as an innocent party or he really didn't know what was going to happen in FL, she believed him and that's why she felt comfortable giving up the info. As if he wouldn't be arrested, that's my guess.
CWW had to have known about JR's FB, they were friends. Tagged in common pictures. IIRC there were reports of the jumpsuit being buried and in a vehicle. Not sure which, if any, sources are correct.

I think JR told the gf in distress, and whether he painted himself as an innocent party or he really didn't know what was going to happen in FL, she believed him and that's why she felt comfortable giving up the info. As if he wouldn't be arrested, that's my guess.

And maybe the gf was in fear of her own life considering the knowledge she had especially with a monster like CWW being around!
I spent 15 minutes trying to find a video I saw a few weeks ago, and cannot find it. But it showed that at the Walmarts, the cams do more than facial recognition. They also analyze your gait, stride, various body movements, and is fed into their database (of course) and this system assesses what items you pick up (bar codes are scanned from cams) and are constantly building more accurate profiles on everyone.

All so they can sell you a better microwave at the best time, right? ha

Anyway, back to this thread: I don't remember who on here wrote it, but when I read the post I thought, "Damn clever".

The idea that if Wayne is involved (I still have not seen the evidence) and he wanted to frame JR if things go sideways, that he stayed behind in his car on the parking lot (perhaps not realizing just how sophisticated their cams are now pointing out into the parking lot) and sent JR in for whatever, knowing that JR could be the fall-guy.

More than likely, if this all happens to be true, WW did not go into the house with JR, so there is no evidence of Wayne there, and JR could be holding the fire alone.

Whoever wrote that is definitely thinking and getting back away from the forest so he/she could see the trees.

That is seriously creepy "Big Brother" type stuff. I'll be a little freaked out if they call my husband and tell him I spent a LOT of time in the Ice Cream isle! Wow. Did Snowden report on that too?

I remember the timeline in the beginning as being wrong too. I think TS family said the yelling at the home was not related.

Also, I feel there is another connection in FL we're missing. Someone CWW and wife stayed with, someone CWW visited when he was supposed to be IT-ing for MS but was never seen??

Also, what about toll roads? perhaps LE got a hit off the vehicle there?

Maybe The Wright's were staying in FL for a honeymoon? CWW sneaks off to do a little business...
I feel that LE was able to get footage of a vehicle at one or several stoplights, possibly a rental, and trace it to one of the perpetrators. For him to be a suspect so early.......hmmmm
I think the original quote from MSM was the gf started talking 'when LE moved in for an arrest'. IIRC, there was a search at JR's trailer before CWW's search on July 12? and before the arrests. IMO LE was 'moving in for arrest' when they executed a search warrant and either the GF spilled the beans then, or prior to JR's arrest she was worried that CWW was going to get rid of JR and spilled then.

CWW's house was raided July 12. He was also arrested and held for 12 hours but the "warrant" didn't come through. This is why I think something was found in WW's house to lead them to that particular Walmart, (receipt) ?? and THEN to Rodgers. I know I've read somewhere ? that Florida authorities called Missouri authorities (a-thor-a-ties) and hold him for leaving Missouri without permission from his probation officer. They had him on tape showing he was in Florida Walmart.

Wright, a childhood friend of Sievers' husband Mark, was arrested July 12 in Missouri, where he was booked into the Jefferson County Jail. According to an official there, he was being held as deputies awaited a warrant to be filed in his case.
Wright was initially arrested as detectives waited for a warrant in the case to be filed. He was booked into jail at 6 a.m. July 12, only to be released more than 12 hours later.
The Lee County Sheriff's Office would not comment on why that warrant wasn't filed.

JR's house wasn't searched until August 25.
Neighbors say on Tuesday, August 25, authorities from both Missouri and Florida raided Rodgers’ trailer.

Here is a map of the toll roads. Wonder if cww had a sunpass or whatever they're called? I would think they came through the Tampa area.

Also here is some info about traffic monitoring in Florida?

That is seriously creepy "Big Brother" type stuff. I'll be a little freaked out if they call my husband and tell him I spent a LOT of time in the Ice Cream isle! Wow. Did Snowden report on that too?

I remember the timeline in the beginning as being wrong too. I think TS family said the yelling at the home was not related.

Also, I feel there is another connection in FL we're missing. Someone CWW and wife stayed with, someone CWW visited when he was supposed to be IT-ing for MS but was never seen??

Also, what about toll roads? perhaps LE got a hit off the vehicle there?

Maybe The Wright's were staying in FL for a honeymoon? CWW sneaks off to do a little business...
CWW's house was raided July 12. He was also arrested and held for 12 hours but the "warrant" didn't come through. This is why I think something was found in WW's house to lead them to that particular Walmart, (receipt) ?? and THEN to Rodgers. I know I've read somewhere ? that Florida authorities called Missouri authorities (a-thor-a-ties) and hold him for leaving Missouri without permission from his probation officer. They had him on tape showing he was in Florida Walmart.

Wright, a childhood friend of Sievers' husband Mark, was arrested July 12 in Missouri, where he was booked into the Jefferson County Jail. According to an official there, he was being held as deputies awaited a warrant to be filed in his case.
Wright was initially arrested as detectives waited for a warrant in the case to be filed. He was booked into jail at 6 a.m. July 12, only to be released more than 12 hours later.
The Lee County Sheriff's Office would not comment on why that warrant wasn't filed.

JR's house wasn't searched until August 25.
Neighbors say on Tuesday, August 25, authorities from both Missouri and Florida raided Rodgers’ trailer.

Addressing the bolded part above:

The very same day (Aug 31) that Wink News Adam W posted the article above with the quote stating August 25th, they also published another article.
(neighbor) says Wright was handcuffed, detained, and released about three days later. Then, on Tuesday or Wednesday of last week in Cadet, Missouri, about 30 minutes from Wright’s trailer, neighbors say investigators raided the trailer of Jimmy Rodgers, the second suspect in Sievers’ murder.

BBM - bolded by me

In the timeline, I put 8/25 (or 8/26) for the raid on Rodgers trailer.

Not sure it matters, but pointing out a conflict in case it does matter later. No timestamps on the articles so it's not clear which one was the latest version.
Addressing the bolded part above:

The very same day (Aug 31) that Wink News Adam W posted the article above with the quote stating August 25th, they also published another article.

BBM - bolded by me

In the timeline, I put 8/25 (or 8/26) for the raid on Rodgers trailer.

Not sure it matters, but pointing out a conflict in case it does matter later. No timestamps on the articles so it's not clear which one was the latest version.

I didn't even catch that. (Tues or Wed)
I was only replying to a poster who thought maybe JR's house was also raided in July and I was only trying to clear that up.
I also want to thank you KateB for all the date keeping/timelines and everything else you do. Sometimes I think you may get lost a little in the shuffle. But you are appreciated for all the time you give so freely of yourself. For no dough might I add. $ :no: $
CWW's house was raided July 12. He was also arrested and held for 12 hours but the "warrant" didn't come through. This is why I think something was found in WW's house to lead them to that particular Walmart, (receipt) ?? and THEN to Rodgers. I know I've read somewhere ? that Florida authorities called Missouri authorities (a-thor-a-ties) and hold him for leaving Missouri without permission from his probation officer. They had him on tape showing he was in Florida Walmart.

Wright, a childhood friend of Sievers' husband Mark, was arrested July 12 in Missouri, where he was booked into the Jefferson County Jail. According to an official there, he was being held as deputies awaited a warrant to be filed in his case.
Wright was initially arrested as detectives waited for a warrant in the case to be filed. He was booked into jail at 6 a.m. July 12, only to be released more than 12 hours later.
The Lee County Sheriff's Office would not comment on why that warrant wasn't filed.
If Wright's house was "raided" without LE having a signed search warrant in hand, will any evidence found and collected in the raid will be deemed inadmissible in court, or will LE claim they had probable cause to enter and search the premises even without a warrant?

I mean if Wright was released from custody later that day and a search warrant was not even signed that day, that, to me, sounds like a Judge or the D.A. didn't find probable cause for LE to search the premises relating to any criminal activity - let alone a possible murder.

Also... what charge was Wright arrested and held on while the raid was going on and a search warrant was being sought?

Maybe I should save those questions for Sheriff Scott's next Q&A.
If Wright's house was "raided" without LE having a signed search warrant in hand, will any evidence found and collected in the raid will be deemed inadmissible in court, or will LE claim they had probable cause to enter and search the premises even without a warrant?

I mean if Wright was released from custody later that day and a search warrant was not even signed that day, that, to me, sounds like a Judge or the D.A. didn't find probable cause for LE to search the premises relating to any criminal activity - let alone a possible murder.

Also... what charge was Wright arrested and held on while the raid was going on and a search warrant was being sought?

Maybe I should save those questions for Sheriff Scott's next Q&A.
The article is poorly written. They had a search warrant. The warrant they were waiting for was a 2nd degree murder warrant.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
From the Sept 9th Sheriff Scott interview with Tricia:

Tricia asked:
On July 12, there was a raid on CWW's trailer in Missouri. Okay, now your people from your office - were they there for that raid or did the Missouri officials raid it? And then call you and say “hey, you better get down here?” Was it, were you connected in the raid or did you come in a little bit after, after they went in?
SMS: No, we were absolutely connected. We had people there, from the Lee County Sheriff's office down here in Fort Myers, Florida, that were in Missouri for, in essence, every aspect of this investigation, to include the search warrant that you mentioned. And so our people were there. Of course, along with Missouri authorities, as well as authorities from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI, in a case like this is most helpful, of course, especially given the interstate nature of things. So we were there. Yes, mam.

Ooh, good new thoughts creepingskills!

I'm curious as to the date and circumstances he told his gf what happened and pointed out the location of the coveralls. It's been reported, he threw it in the trash. Our garbage service comes weekly, so by trash, did that mean they have a permanent trash pile and he threw it out there? Why would the "trash" remain there for weeks until arrest? Did she know from the time he returned home from FL or did he hang onto evidence and throw it away at a later date? Was JR freaked out when he told his gf? Was he boastful or matter of fact?" I would like to imagine he did it because he was extremely distressed because if he was anything else, it makes me wonder why he thought she would be okay with it and not run to LE? How long did they have the van? Did he drive it back into town or did they buy it AFTER she knew where the money came from?

I'm with you, did CWW have any idea about what JR posted on his fb? I can't imagine that would go over well. If I were JR, I'd be scared and cooperating. I'd be scared even if not in the same prison, but it looks like he was moved to Illinois last week. I wonder if it's more for his protection than anything else.

I wonder if any of CWW's past girlfriends will come forward with information?

The whereabouts of the "evidence" confuses me too. I have read and re-read everything about the evidence 2 or 3 times, and it was actually stated 2 different ways by different family members. I can't see him throwing it away, as it would surely be gone by now? :dunno:
I have also thought the evidence was put in a black garbage bag that JR conveniently had in his car...was that the item they bought at Walmart?
I would think they would have had to put it in something, to risk having blood stains in the vehicle.

When we visited the home, Rodgers' girlfriend’s family explained how they learned about the horrific murder. They say he confessed to the killings earlier this week, and even pointed her to where he hid the evidence.

"Evidently quite a bit of evidence. "He brought it all here and threw it away[b/]and told Taylor where it was. "I think they found the bloody jumpsuit he wore," said Cathy Gaston, a family member.

His girlfriend then told investigators when they moved in for an arrest.
What would you do if your SO told you about the murder he had just done? I don't think she said anything until asked by LE? I am confused.
What would you do if your SO told you about the murder he had just done? I don't think she said anything until asked by LE? I am confused.
What would I do. .. Hmmm... I suppose it would depend on how afraid of my SO I was....

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What would I do. .. Hmmm... I suppose it would depend on how afraid of my SO I was....

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

JR probably didn't confess to gf until after CWW' trailer was raided.

After CWW' trailer was raided, getting ahold of JR for a serious 911, heads-up, what we gonna do now, pow wow, would've been necessary (I'm guessing). I'm assuming CWW' phone/cell/computer/car was being traced/tracked. JR was probably freaking out, as he thought they'd gotten away with it, and with limited communication from CWW... I bet JR' was freakin, and his imagination going wild. Paranoia set in, and the thoughts of CWW killing him seemed likely. I bet he confessed to GF out of fear for his own life... and he pointed her to the evidence, that would implicate not just himself, but CWW too.
MS knows why they went there. Whether he had anything to do with it or not. He knows why his best friend did this. If they didn't steal anything from the house, then he knows.
MS knows why they went there. Whether he had anything to do with it or not. He knows why his best friend did this. If they didn't steal anything from the house, then he knows.
Didn't SMS state very early...

1) We think we know exactly why she was murdered (before any arrests)
2) They tried to cover their tracks
3) There was a LOT of evidence
* number 2 and 3 seem to contradict each other

So to me it sounds like there was some sort of message (knowing why immediately by large amount of evidence) they tried to leave anonymously(covering tracks). As in MS would know the message but couldn't link it? What kind of message would it be for him to understand, yet not associate with CWW? Because CWW went to the funeral as a friend.
I agree that MS knows why. I'm torn as to whether he needs to be extremely careful and not say a word as to not let on to CWW that he is helping LE and he is sincerely innocent and a victim or if he knows why because he is the master mind behind it all. A family member of mine was at the funeral and I was told that MS was shaking his head a lot. The family took turns speaking at the funeral and when his oldest daughter spoke, I was told that he smiled big as if he was proud on how she was speaking.

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