2015.12.29 Breaking News!!! New Discovery Docs now released

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Yes. Same person. Angie's mother.

I believe she goes primarily by Karen, but she has been referenced as Kathy before too.

Goes strictly by Kathy ..... Karen came from one of the News Media

Never lose sight of Teresa. She had a right to her privacy and it breaks my heart that she is losing that during this quest for justice.

As you said, she is the victim here. In more ways than the obvious. :(

So true beach. My past does not include anything even remotely such as this, but I have done and said a lot of things that I am not proud of in my life. We all have.
Things we look back on now and can't even imagine what the hell we where thinking at the time, and would NEVER want it posted for the whole world to see.
It's very sad that her past can't stay where it belongs, in the past!
All because of the evil monster she unknowingly married. This makes me HATE MS even more than I already do, if that's possible.

I'd like to personally invite MS to his new home address:
2115 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Fort Myers, FL 33901

Goes strictly by Kathy ..... Karen came from one of the News Media
Thanks Mike! So its Kathy Moran. Previously known as kathy Wideman. Makes sense now.

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I need help, please. After going thru over 230 pages of documents, all I am seeing is life insurance info and pages of something ??, maybe an investment account.

How do I leave the page I am on and return to same page without going to page 1 again? Am on iPad if it makes a difference. I just went to another tab to get here, and the document tab went back to page 1!

Also, any idea what page this insurance info stops and how to fast forward to the "juicy" info? TIA.
I can only answer the last question - Go to part 2 and jump to the second half for transcripts of all the interviews.
I need help, please. After going thru over 230 pages of documents, all I am seeing is life insurance info and pages of something ??, maybe an investment account.

How do I leave the page I am on and return to same page without going to page 1 again? Am on iPad if it makes a difference. I just went to another tab to get here, and the document tab went back to page 1!

Also, any idea what page this insurance info stops and how to fast forward to the "juicy" info? TIA.

I need help, please. After going thru over 230 pages of documents, all I am seeing is life insurance info and pages of something ??, maybe an investment account.

How do I leave the page I am on and return to same page without going to page 1 again? Am on iPad if it makes a difference. I just went to another tab to get here, and the document tab went back to page 1!

Also, any idea what page this insurance info stops and how to fast forward to the "juicy" info? TIA.

With documents this large I always download onto my computer so it saves it in a paginated (not just Bates numbers !) PDF file on my computer. It is easier to see the pages of where I left off and to go back and forth once it is downloaded on my computer.

These people were swingers who wanted the cover of a normal lifestyle and have all been well versed at how they went about it. They also didn't always tell their spouses who they really were. Quite a shock, when realization sets in.

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not at all defending the actions of the people involved in this case. I'm only concerned to see an alternative lifestyle like swinging referred to negatively with a broad stroke. I understand it might be shocking for some people or they might even find it personally disgusting. To each his own, but there are very nice, respectable and respectful people who swing. It's not something most people are going to bring up in casual conversation though, lol! Probably for the very fact people may judge them harshly.
Seems I have a lot of catch up to do! That's what I get for holidaying and vacationing (FL ironically)!

Yikes and wowza and et al from what I've seen so far...
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not at all defending the actions of the people involved in this case. I'm only concerned to see an alternative lifestyle like swinging referred to negatively with a broad stroke. I understand it might be shocking for some people or they might even find it personally disgusting. To each his own, but there are very nice, respectable and respectful people who swing. It's not something most people are going to bring up in casual conversation though, lol! Probably for the very fact people may judge them harshly.
I agree with you. Years ago I planned my first trip (pre-Internet) to a resort for adults only. The travel agent said it was perfect for two 21 year old college roommates. We were booked at Hedonism in Jamaica. Wow, it was an eye opener after dark. The wonderful, educated, and very nice people we met were mostly swingers. I didn't even know what a swinger was until that trip. Although, I haven't been back, I met some incredible people who were just into an alternative lifestyle, included were pilots, attorneys, nurses, a DEA agent.
More from http://www.naplesnews.com/news/crim...Teresa-Sievers-case-363748851.html?d=mobile#:

-Taylor Shomaker, the girlfriend of Jimmy Rodgers, told detectives that Rodgers first met Mark Sievers at the Wrights’ wedding in May. She said her boyfriend didn’t like Sievers because they had an argument over a parking spot before the ceremony.

“Mark’s a d---,” Shomaker remarked. “Excuse my language.”

Interesting, but the argument pre-ceremony must have been short-lived because the pictures found from the ceremony/reception with MS and JR don't portray any animosity. Although I suppose pictures are often deceiving.
Facebook messages reveal tension between Jimmy Rodgers and his pregnant girlfriend. He would often sleep with other women @Fox4Now

I swear, in what crazy universe are these three guys able to attract multiple women? Is it a town of completely desperate women that number 20 to 1 (F to M)
Amazing how CWW found the ID of another person that looked similar to him!
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not at all defending the actions of the people involved in this case. I'm only concerned to see an alternative lifestyle like swinging referred to negatively with a broad stroke. I understand it might be shocking for some people or they might even find it personally disgusting. To each his own, but there are very nice, respectable and respectful people who swing. It's not something most people are going to bring up in casual conversation though, lol! Probably for the very fact people may judge them harshly.

How about I just say, as it pertains to this crowd, it is not respectable when it is done behind a spouse's back without his knowledge or consent, while that person was in and out of hospitals fighting for his life? What a better way to find out who your friends and spouse really were? Now he is wondering if there were secret life insurance policies on him he never knew about.
Not all swingers are horrible people and "pervs" who take advantage of other people. I don't like how the swinger lifestyle is being vilified here. Plenty of spouses, not involved in a swinging lifestyle, have their wife/husband killed. There are many people in sexually open marriages who love and respect each other and have long, stable, healthy relationships.

I understand what you're saying, and absolutely members have the right to post in support of wife swapping just as all of us here have the right to post our opinions even when our viewpoints don't agree with each other.

When consenting adults' lifestyle choices negatively impact their UNconsenting children that's a problem. Children never have a say in how their parents behave, but experience and live with the results of those choices. I will always criticize (vilify) behavior that negatively impacts children. I haven't seen vilification here of the wifeswapping lifestyle, I do see opinions, which we all have. From what we've read, TS willingly participated (I'm curious to know if any corroborating information on this has come from anyone other than MS) in that sexual sport and NOBODY is vilifying HER.

I could be wrong, but I believe the negative opinions you see are merely collateral damage of our disgust with the specific people involved and the resulting base and brutal murder of a wholly irreplaceable and valuable human being and mother.

There is a distinction.

From what i read..mark and teresa were swinging..my guess is the defense will try to pin this crime on a disgruntled swinging partner...
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