50K Bond just posted

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Please, someone, anyone, what is this about an 'interview'???????
I logged off for a couple of hours and then come back to this!:(
What the heck???
I can't believe this!:banghead:

Well she won't have the luxury of bodyguards this time!
I guess the staff at a tabloid can handle the dangerous kidnappers better than LE can. Wow. I'm totally convinced, how about you?

I may be mistaken, but doesn't Florida have a law that prevents the criminal from profiting in any way from a crime? All proceeds from books, interviews, etc are supposed to go to the victims, or failing that to go to cover costs of incarceration?

Now granted she has not been convicted yet. But I am surprised that the court would allow anything that even comes close to payment for an interview to be used for a bail bond? Since those earnings may be deemed to be illegal apon conviction.
Please, someone, anyone, what is this about an 'interview'???????

Apparantly, some tabloid magazine will payf or the bond as collateral for an interview. That's what I understand is what is happening.
Maybe it's someone affiliated with that new defense attorney. Heck if he is that popular he may have fronted the 50k himself. He just bought himself some great publicity if that's the case.

Yeah, even though he's well-known in FL the rest of the country only heard about him today. He's getting his name on the map.

I do believe in the laws of Karma, though. So all of these vultures will face the music there's no doubt about it.
Here are Casey's BOND POSTERS :sick:


I've emailed them to voice my disgust


For the first time ever, I let my anger get to me and shot them both off a very nice email telling them what IDIOTS i think they are. Asking them what Caylee's rights are? How they sleep at night? If they are sleeping with Casey too? If Cindey got to them too? and Why they can't donate 25,000 to the search for Caylee instead of bonding out this .

I AM FUMING. I feel so helpless.
Do you see this reporter waiting to report??? Checking his hair and winking? LOL We're watching you.
LE is going to end up having to protect her. Just wait. Protesters will quadruple in number and Cindy will claim thousands of death threats. LE will have to escort her vileness to and from JosE office....I bet she feels just like a rock star!

Hopefully, some other moonbat out there won't see this as a celebrity opportunity. Kill your baby, become a star!! spit
She hit the lottery twice now...
what rights were violated /
She stole from family and friends...
welcome home Casey.:liar:
Nothing keeps the family from profiting. I don't think anyone can keep Casey from profiting before she is convicted either.
Whoever is talking with LP, ask if he thinks there are additional charges looming, exluding the BIG one. Too bad the grandmother (of Casey) won't file charges for the theft of funds from the grandfather's nursing home account. Wonder if any other body or agency could file those charges. Anyone know? Maybe LP does?
I just can't take this anymore! Everytime something that shocks us settles, something else is dropped! This woman does NOT deserve to be free! She does not deserve to have the comforts of home. To IGNORE her family and hang on the computer!!!! WHAT ABOUT CAYLEE'S RIGHTS? WHAT ABOUT CAYLEE'S COMFORT? WHAT ABOUT CAYLEE???? I don't think I have ever been so angry! This child HAS NO VOICE from her OWN family!!!!! The world loves this child more than them! Casey needs to burn! Whether Caylee is dead or not (which I believe she is ) the fact that she has let this charade go on this long is BS! She should be locked up for life for that fact alone!!!!!! I am not a hateful person. I am actual a compassionate person, but everything in me HATES THIS EVIL redacted jmo
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