ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz

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I have no doubt that ABC hoped to get something out of it, but that didn't seem to work out too well for them. I wonder why ABC has never reported what happened or was said during that meal.
ahhh, but we don't know that yet. The Ant's may have promised (or signed a contract) to do something after the trial. Just because we haven't seen something aired yet, doesn't mean something isn't in the works. Heck, for all we know...they could be trying to get an interview with KC, like they got with many other suspected murderers (Diane Sawyer got Scott Peterson didn't she?)
The A's were not allowed to go to there home while the search was being conducted. That's why they stayed at the hotel.

If I were not allowed to go to my home, I would stay with family or friends who cared about my grandbaby.

What the As did, as well as the rest of the people involved, was depraved in my opinion.
If they wanted people to sympathize with them on any level...they should have declined the offer and stayed with family instead. Most people would prefer staying with family or friends upon learning of a death supposedly so close to them.

Everything they do is so over the top and outside of the norm. IMO, they were still using Caylee even after learning she was in a field dumped like garbage.
We're back where was started. We don't know that the A's ate at all. You were able to eat after your mother passed. That doesn't make you a bad or uncaring person. People deal with grief in different ways. Some eat. Some puke.

Some exploit murdered 2 year old babies.
The A's were not allowed to go to there home while the search was being conducted. That's why they stayed at the hotel.
Lee had a home, Cindy's Mom had a home. The family should have all been together comforting each other. Was Cindy even worried about how her mother or siblings were handling the news? This is sick.
I believe the A's knew Caylee was deceased long before the LKL interview and their stay at the Ritz. In CA's defense, she had already lost a great deal of weight, so I believe she was grieving -- unlike her daughter who gets wider with each passing day.

JB should have ordered the fish or a light Ceasar salad for... um... health reasons alone.
I'm sorry but I'm just not getting it.

Salad and fast food = real grief but steak = living it up. :waitasec: It's only food. When my son was deathly ill I didn't eat at all. That doesn't mean I'm any more caring or feeling than anyone else.

Thank you chilly, you seem to be a very open minded person like myself, and not read much into petty things. The A's couldn't go home, their grandbabys remains were found right down the street, I myself wouldn't want to go home.
I feel for cindy and george... but i would also be at the jailhouse everyday wanting to talk to my kid... and JB would be seeing my face everyday also..
I have no doubt that ABC hoped to get something out of it, but that didn't seem to work out too well for them. I wonder why ABC has never reported what happened or was said during that meal.

Like NBC with the octo mom, television networks like to pretend they don't "pay" for their "new's" interviews.
If they wanted people to sympathize with them on any level...they should have declined the offer and stayed with family instead. Most people would prefer staying with family or friends upon learning of a death supposedly so close to them.

Everything they do is so over the top and outside of the norm. IMO, they were still using Caylee even after learning she was in a field dumped like garbage.


This family seems like a bunch of takers......they take what is handed to them with no questions asked. The poor father of Haleigh Cumming is sleeping in a TENT....while FDLE tries to find his LEGITIMATELY missing Ritz Carlton for him.
Thank you chilly, you seem to be a very open minded person like myself, and not read much into petty things. The A's couldn't go home, their grandbabys remains were found right down the street, I myself wouldn't want to go home.
I feel for cindy and george... but i would also be at the jailhouse everyday wanting to talk to my kid... and JB would be seeing my face everyday also..

I am a very open minded person. Because someone does not agree with someone else does not mean they are close minded.

There are many things I have agreed with Chilly on. Support for the A's just happens to not be one of them.
Yes. If their house hadn't been classified as a "CRIME SCENE" by LE, they could have gone home!! I wonder how many people are put up at the Ritz while their house is being called into question as a possible murder scene of an innocent 2 year old child? :furious:

ABC offered.

I gotta agree with Chilly Willy that they didn't care where they stayed.
The A's accepted it? What were they supposed to do when they got off the plane after learning that Caylee's body had been found, they couldn't go home, and someone had booked them into the Ritz? Argue? "No, our beloved granddaughter's remains have just been found, please let us go to a Motel 6."

Do you know that the A's dined lavishly or that they even ate what they ordered? The dinner was described as being very somber, that doesn't sound to me like they were enjoying themselves and whopping it up.

The real question here is what were they all doing with an ABC producer after learning that Caylee's body had been found?
IMO, it's not where they stayed, but the fact that a major media outlet paid for them to stay there.
At least they didn't stay in the room and order over-priced room service.

I don't think anyone knows what they would really do if they found their selves in the A's shoes. And steak... we are not talking caviar and bottles of vintage wine with a 3 to 4 figure price tag... just steak.

Places like the Ritz have restaurants connected to them that are not of the fast food variety... the A's would have had to leave the establishment to eat at, say McDonalds/Popeyes/BurgerKing. And if hey had done so, people would have have been all up in their business and screaming about how "omg, their granddaughter was just found dead and they are out eating Big Macs!". This family is in a no-win situation...
ahhh, but we don't know that yet. The Ant's may have promised (or signed a contract) to do something after the trial. Just because we haven't seen something aired yet, doesn't mean something isn't in the works. Heck, for all we know...they could be trying to get an interview with KC, like they got with many other suspected murderers (Diane Sawyer got Scott Peterson didn't she?)

I am sure ABC IS trying to get some kind of exclusive. Drew Peterson and his "fiancee" were on NBC.
WOW......for an exclusive?????
behind the defense money????
Me either. I wouldn't need or want an attorney - my allies would be LE. And I would let any media outlet offering hotel and dinner know just how depraved I thought they were for daring to try to bring implicit or explicit media deals at such a time, and daring to insult me at such a time by implying that I was likewise depraved.

I would be at my home and, when I wasn't vomiting my guts up in emotional agony, I'd be assisting LE in executing their search warrant, assisting in finding everything and anything they needed to find out what happened to my grandbaby.

But that's just me.

I like that word "depraved". Very fitting description. So beyond the bounds of decency. Thanks!
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