aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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Welcome great post. If you are not a writer you really need to look at writing as a career.

In the blogosphere, I am a long time lurker and first time poster so please be kind!

I have enjoyed the multiple threads and conversations and decided to come out of lurking to introduce myself and offer food for thought.

I think we all believe that Jodi is deviant and extraordinary in her absolute ability to manipulate and twist facts and fiction into a story that encompasses nothing but her narcissistic personality with hopeful gain to see her as she sees herself as as an abused woman.

After reading blogs, transcripts, and viewing countless videos and interviews, I am appalled and embarrassed by her claims of abuse and ongoing pathetic attempts to gain attention.

Being an abuse victim, Jodi sends me to orbit and beyond with her thinly-veiled coverups and claims of abuse and I cannot muster one ounce of sympathy for what she caused, much less what she claims.

I came out of hiding upon finding Websleuths and realized I am not alone and that Jodi is the exception and not the rule. I've lived through domestic abuse, sexual abuse and never ever recoiled to harm anyone. We as 'the abused' are forced to be silent but I wrote about it in my journal, gave it to a friend for safe keeping, and I left hints (big hints) to friends and family in the event that something terrible would happen to me.

I was scared beyond belief not only my life, but that of my child too. I faked a life of 'normal' but lived in fear for years.

This woman, Jodi, is nothing but a pathological liar and one who knows nothing about true physical and sexual abuse. NOTHING.

She wouldn't know the truth if the directions were written in print and colored in crayola pictures and plastered on the inside of her own journals. Her schemes, lying, manipulation and faux tears are lost on me as well as other abuse victims.

I am appalled at Alyce and Samuels with their hired and paid for testimony as they do not represent true victims.

I am leveled to a place of previous fear and pure hatred for what she has done to abuse victims who have little or no voice and for those who truly do deserve truth and justice.

I thank you, all of you for being the voices of truth and reason.

My hope and passion is for justice. True justice to the end.

Thanks. Just needed to get this off my chest and say thank you to all who see the bigger picture and see Travis and family in a true light despite the hideous and horrendous malicious psychopathic actions of one who cannot find truth if it slapped her on the a$$ with a wooden spoon.
Not that it really matters about what she will wear in court during these last two phases..and I can't find the link to the comments and I will keep looking for it.

However, Yesterday afternoon, While JVM was standing outside, waiting for the Cruelty Phase to begin, she was talking to the Sheriff's Deputy, Sargent Spokesperson, was saying.. JA was brought to the courthouse, in a different vehicle then everyone else ( the Psych Ward/Jail that she was transfer to the night before. She didn't have to sit there all day.
She was kept in a special room, and that, she would be dressing in street clothes, that was being brought to her. This deputy also said, something to the effect, of the "prejudicial" thing. She would be in street clothes until her sentence.
Then I saw the postings that Beth Karas said she would be in jailhouse garb.
Personally I don't think what happened Yesterday had anything to do with her manner of dress.
When I worked in an ER, and we would get psych patients in, and we sent them to other mental hospitals, they would be on a 72 hour observation. I have a feeling, that this is what happened yesterday. Since they put her on a Suicide Protocol, they would have to wait until her evaluation is completed.
I can just hear her rage, before they brought her up, then when they got her, in that room that she has to sit in.
She may have not wanted her DT anymore.
Even tho, we don't know for sure, Just some thoughts to ponder.
She has no one to talk pencils or twetter...just herself and I can guarantee she is in a rage.
Mee too! And I am not kidding... she should have gone for insanity. That may have been more believable.

Wouldn't help: Arizona has "Guilty but Insane/Incompetent", she'd be tried, convicted, in an institution til she was competent and then off to DR. And she wouldn't qualify as "Insane" anyway....
Jared Loughner is a case in point. Arizona didn't pick up the charges after he plead out on the Federal charges (multiple Life in Prison), after talking to the victims and victims' families, they felt justice had been served. Had he been tried in Arizona, he would have received the death penalty. He was the young man who was the shooter in Tucson where Gabby Gifford's was shot. He was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
i disagree. These people were not in a courtroom, and do have a first amendment right to free expression. Given recent verdicts that have caused people to lose faith in our jury and justice system, these patriotic americans were elated that justice was served this time around. There was no taunting, out of line slogans, etc. Like might have taken place "in more barbaric times". These people let the system work as it should, and were relieved and joyous to see that their faith could be restored. Nothing wrong with that, the way i see it.

thank you!!!
What people don't get is at this stage the sentence is pretty formulaic.

Martinez will successfully argue how the cruelty definition fits this crime (and it does). Then they will deliberate and agree.

This is the box they are in now.

For the jury to come OUT of the DP box, they have to find something stronger in mitigation that outweighs it. And they won't. Because there is nothing. If JA was a mother, if she'd done anything, even one thing productive with her miserable life, maybe.

Even her mother arguing for her is tainted as Jodi has already admitted being cruel (and testimony about abusing) her own mother.

SHe will be sentenced to death.

I agree with this and would like to add some reasons why:

Juan started off his direct with JA about how mean and belittling she was to her siblings. None of them stepped forward to defend her in any sort of way. If I were a juror, I would wonder why JA has no friends or family coming to her rescue during the trial. (Did she have any that I missed?). She has no friends and there is a reason for that. She didn't even have a good relationship with her OWN Mother. What goodness does she have to offer society? Nothing there either. What redeeming qualities does she have that should spare her life? I can't think of anything.....JMO
Dateline should start on the west coast in about 25 minutes NBC. Its called Obsession jodi Arias story.
Which is why victim impact statements aren't evidence. They're expressions of the emotions of loved ones and inherently not indicative of whether a crime satisfies dp standards. The State is not supposed to be emotionally invested in the outcome of a trial and does not represent the interests of the victim's family. And that's as it should be, imo.

I never addressed victim impact statements, so I'm not sure why you quoted my post.

And, the victim impact statement is not addressed to the state, but rather to the judge.
I understand how you feel. She's a ruined human being. It's tragic all the way around.

She did try to move on from Travis but he refused to be blackmailed by her. She tried it with the sex tape.

"You tell what I did and I'll put this sex tape up on my new Youtube account--here let me show it to you on your computer. You'll be my first video up!"

He didn't go for it. He told her instead to stay away from him. She already had Ryan Burns lined up and he knew it because she had tried to make him jealous with faking communications from rivals, and that didn't work.

Now he was afraid of her and was using the information he had about the crime she committed as leverage to make her stop violating his privacy. The crime had something to do with PrePaid legal because he threatened to tell Chris Hughes, who was her upline. Travis said "you scammed me."

It appears that this was the last straw for him and he thought he had successfully backed Jodi Arias into a corner. She told him that she would no longer attend any PPL functions. (testimony) This was a test. He was supposed to say, "Oh don't be silly, this is just personal stuff between us. It's over and we can stay friends even though you scammed me. You keep my secrets and I'll keep yours."

This seemed imminently fair to Jodi. But Travis doesn't think like Jodi Arias. He wanted a clean, transparent life, not one hemmed with blackmail. He didn't want to continue to see her at PPL functions sucking whatever dick was handy and priming his friends for a scam on them. Travis doesn't want better for himself than for others, so he refused her blackmail offer just like the Alexander family refused her plea offer.

And with the same consequence--rage.

Once Travis did not argue that she could continue with PPL and her secret was safe, that sealed his death, IMO. I know a lot of people think she loved Travis, was full of jealousy, wanted to be the only one, blah,blah, but I have lived with a sociopath and I am telling you that love is not what they are able to feel. It is possession. It is ownership. She saw herself as someone that Travis "chose" since he approached her the night they met. She was the chosen one and intended to stay in the rare gold ring circle.

If Travis would not agree, she would kill him. It's his own damn fault after all, he didn't have to be so stubborn. She had to protect herself, all right, protect her ability to move among these naive Mormon men without fear of Travis or anyone telling her next mark that she is a predatory con-woman.

That's why he had to die. It's self preservation, self-defense you might say.

Now that Travis has gone, his family has stepped into the position of exposing her crimes. Court so far has been delicate and she has been able to look away and pretend she hasn't stared for hours at those crime scene photos. But that all ended yesterday.

Why should she walk into a courtroom and actually have to listen to people describing her as a monster and showing photos of "the incident about which she has no memory." The reason she has no memory is because she didn't want to tell what she did and now, now, the Great Day has arrived when that horrible Travis Alexander family is going to force her to be maligned and humiliated on national TV.

That cannot be allowed and she pulled the only stunt she could to get out of it. It's Plan B, the "snapped" defense. She snapped instead of going into the courtroom and because of it she will get a do-over on her psych evaluation. Low and behold! That LaViolette and Samuels were completely wrong! She will confess that she has always had mood swings, has always heard voices and has five of the seven criteria for schizophrenia.

She didn't want to tell anyone that God has called her to serve him as his mouthpiece on earth. He told her to write that letter and call the woman Travis was dating to repentence for her whoredoms. God dictated that letter, by the way, through an angel that appears in her cell every night.

This is a lot easier than you think. My youngest son needed detox but he couldn't get it because he had already been once. So he just went in with a desire to harm himself and said "I have a plan." He even had the thoughtfulness to call me ahead of time to tell me what he was doing because he didn't want me to worry. Boom. Three day hold and the detox treatment he needed.

(That was in March of this year. He is in rehab now and is doing really, really well. ) My point is that ALL psych evaluations are made based on client report and behavior/body language observations. Like a shark, Jodi Arias the sociopath can spot a person's vulnerability miles away and follow it. She can make an ally out of an evaluator-- AND THEY ARE PROFESSIONALS with years of experience. Put her in lockdown and give her a couple of burly guys to keep a watch on her.

She'll be out of her panties in 48 hours and one of the guards will be interviewed on HLN saying, "It was love at first sight...we just clicked..."
She has no one to talk pencils or twetter...just herself and I can guarantee she is in a rage.

Ok now I wonder if she can still twitter thru her friend Donovan? I know she's not supposed to but it seems that even Donovan does not exercise common sense and she too thrives on drama and enjoys tweeting all them snarks. I knows she's a convict now so how can that be stopped, unless once she's moved elsewhere she won't have acess to Donovan.

I agree I think she's been in a total rage! Like the rage she unleashed on travis.
Ok now I wonder if she can still twitter thru her friend Donovan? I know she's not supposed to but it seems that even Donovan does not exercise common sense and she too thrives on drama and enjoys tweeting all them snarks. I knows she's a convict now so how can that be stopped, unless once she's moved elsewhere she won't have acess to Donovan.

Hate to say it but ran in to another twitter acct last night that looked like she was at it again .
She has no one to talk pencils or twetter...just herself and I can guarantee she is in a rage.

And, she is her own worse enemy! Sweet revenge on her own self!
I dined WITH Beth! lol

I admire Beth Karas and her integrity/smarts/devotion to the LAW.

I was the one who brought Jean LeGrand's youtube's HERE.


I have a huge problem with Jean that stems from years and years ago and the heartache she caused to some innocent kids during the Kobe Bryant case in Colorado.
She has no one to talk pencils or twetter...just herself and I can guarantee she is in a rage.


I've seen this type of statement over and over. She's seething, she's melting down, hope to see the stun belt used, she'll lose it and on and on and on. She's yet to lose her composure one tiny little bit considering the circumstances. Why do people keep insisting that she's going to or has exhibited any kind of obvious strong emotion, much less an extreme emotion like rage.
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