AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 2

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Why are there no fundraisers or her friends trying to raise money to find her or help her MOM hire a PI maybe.... heck id do it for free if i was a PI im so PO"d about this case LOL
Sw says DH was taking pain meds and heart meds!
why pain meds i wonder?
I'm throwing this out on pure speculation...Maybe he had a bad back or shoulder, etc. I'd guess he had an injury he was using to medical disability. I'd say his work experience was manual labor which is hard on the body. I've seen way too many people like him.

He looks like a heart attack waiting to happen...overweight, smoker, drinker, partied, unhealthy eating, etc.
It was reported that BW packed a bag and told her mom that she was going to a friend’s house for the night(?) and BW told a friend that she was going to visit DH at the river (or something along those lines).

My question: Did BW’s friend relay to anyone if BW told the friend WHY BW was headed to see DH and, if so, what was that reason?

Why didn't BW just tell her mom she was going to DH's? Why the lie about it?
Or does anyone have a radio reference account to listen to archives to see if any clues are there to the address emergency responders were sent to?

They took him to a Pensacola Hospital. Does that help?
It was reported that BW packed a bag and told her mom that she was going to a friend’s house for the night(?) and BW told a friend that she was going to visit DH at the river (or something along those lines).

My question: Did BW’s friend relay to anyone if BW told the friend WHY BW was headed to see DH and, if so, what was that reason?


BW saw DH regularly. They participated in some activities together (please don't ask me to elaborate). She might have lied to her mom because she didn't want her to know that she was going to be participating in those activities.
I am going to ask my sources one more time. I really don't know why there would be confusion over this. If I've reported incorrectly, I am so sorry.

Does anyone know if we can get the police report online anywhere?

LOL i dont think its you!
I think it depended on who the reporters asked the questions of as to what story they received
BW saw DH regularly. They participated in some activities together (please don't ask me to elaborate). She might have lied to her mom because she didn't want her to know that she was going to be participating in those activities.

LOL Zeaux your killing us:banghead::banghead:

Just teasing ya !!!
Why didn't BW just tell her mom she was going to DH's? Why the lie about it?

Yes - that too! I'm going on the assumption that she told her mom a fib because her mom wouldn't approve of her visiting with DH.

But, since BW may have confided in the friend that BW told her mom a fib, and may have asked the friend to cover for BW, BW may have also confided in the friend the reason for BW's intended visit with DH. ???

ETA: Thanks Zeaux - I see that you answered while I was typing.
They took him to a Pensacola Hospital. Does that help?

That may be due to the extent of his injuries. I wouldn't pinpoint a location based on this because it may be where insurance dictates to go for emergency trauma care. Or it may be the only place with facilities "when seconds count". (Just read that on the Pensacola Baptist Hospital ER Trauma unit page of their website.)
I am going to ask my sources one more time. I really don't know why there would be confusion over this. If I've reported incorrectly, I am so sorry.

Does anyone know if we can get the police report online anywhere?

I would think they could simply ask the investigators where it happened. It shouldn't be a secret.
I would think they could simply ask the investigators where it happened. It shouldn't be a secret.

I wouldn't think so either. That's why I'm really baffled about the confusion. I'm not even sure I have figured out why it even matters where it happened.
I would think they could simply ask the investigators where it happened. It shouldn't be a secret.

Well my thinking is...
the guy is going to kill himself he is in his car
why do it at home and run the risk of his kids seeing him or finding him?
His last location is important if it leads to BW's location.
BW saw DH regularly. They participated in some activities together (please don't ask me to elaborate). She might have lied to her mom because she didn't want her to know that she was going to be participating in those activities.
Oh my gosh...I need Eileen's paper bag to breath into...:eek:

Yikes...I've got to quit thinking. The local cop told me why some men give women meth.

I don't know whether to breath into that bag...or barf into it!:frown:
He had to be at Styx River....that would make sense for him to be taken to Pensacola. If he had been in Fairhope I think they would have taken him to USA in Mobile.
That may be due to the extent of his injuries. I wouldn't pinpoint a location based on this because it may be where insurance dictates to go for emergency trauma care. Or it may be the only place with facilities "when seconds count". (Just read that on the Pensacola Baptist Hospital ER Trauma unit page of their website.)

I bet they chose it because it had a trauma unit and would be better able to handle a gun shot injury.
I wouldn't think so either. That's why I'm really baffled about the confusion. I'm not even sure I have figured out why it even matters where it happened.
I think we got hung up on where it happened (and other specifics) when speculating whether it was really a suicide or not.

Plus we were trying to figure out if "someone" was being truthful about it since we had read differently.
I wouldn't think so either. That's why I'm really baffled about the confusion. I'm not even sure I have figured out why it even matters where it happened.

LOL Zeaux. You'll soon learn that at Webslueths it matters if Brittney butters her toast or prefers jam. Then we'll discuss whether she likes peach preserves or apple butter. We hash it all out. The more details we have, the more we have to build on.

I feel very sad for her Mother and dad!
I think they deserve some answers!
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