All Things Britney Spears Part 1

Britney Like You've Never Seen Her

She really is soooooooooo thick!

and he's no better.

this may have been filmed a couple or so years back.

bad language used.

edited to add: this shows her to be a full-blooded redneck.

and the amount of times she says, "Huh?" - you can count them if you like. :loser:
Bumping to say i believe Federslime was paid to leak this video.

it honestly is a spellbinding watch and i seriously find it hard to believe she can even dress herself! :eek:
She's high on something. That was actually sad.
she is trying to act like Jessica Simpson. But I believe Jessica is smarter. She needs to kick his *advertiser censored* to the curb.:sick:
Here ya go should say "Britney all cracked out" or something like that....should be first item on page. She's got something going on....not sure what! :crazy: :rolleyes: :slap:
I just have to shake my head. After watching that video, I don't think that Britney should be allowed to breed, let alone raise children. Britney and Kevin combined don't have the brains of a gnat. I'd be soooooo ashamed to be her mother.
Mabel said:
I just have to shake my head. After watching that video, I don't think that Britney should be allowed to breed, let alone raise children. Britney and Kevin combined don't have the brains of a gnat. I'd be soooooo ashamed to be her mother.

i thought the video shows her as quite sweet - but as for the fellow who said: We love to see you pregnant like that. oh yucky man
Floh, are we talking about the same video? The one where she's sitting at the kitchen table while Kevin films her?
Mabel said:
Floh, are we talking about the same video? The one where she's sitting at the kitchen table while Kevin films her?

No! LOL - that video is insanity personified and i believe you right she hardly shows any decent skills of future parenting (i think it was filmed before she was pregnant with SP).

the video i'm speaking of now where i think she's looking sweet was shot recently (yesterday, i believe) and below is the link.

i thought you had seen that after my post before last.

yes, yes, yes, the video link i posted where she's trashed in a hotel room with Federslime shows her to be a waste of space.

this is the video i have latterly spoken of though:

scroll down and click to start it up.

and i repeat i think the pap who said "We love to see you looking pregnant like that" is a nitwit!
Baby Gifts, anyone?

:laugh: Ha ha - someone registered Britney and 'K Fed' for baby gifts:

it's a hoax, IMO, because no way would she ask for another baby car seat (after the fiasco) and i don't believe Ms Spears and Federslime call him K Fed. :hand:

and i don't believe they would confirm to the world they are expecting a girl in this particular way.

whoever has the registery is fairly dumb, IMO, for going ahead with this on their web page. :slap: :blushing: :slap:

however, i'm sometimes wrong and maybe she really has registered?

so what are you going to get for the new baby amongst this lot? :croc:
Floh said:
so what are you going to get for the new baby amongst this lot? :croc:
Pity I looked and looked and looked and didnt see shame, self-respect or taste listed as any of the intended gifts. All of which both of them desperatly need.
Up to only moments ago, I didn't know anything about K-fed save for his being Britney's talentless loser hubby (perhaps the reincarnation of vanilla ice for the new millenium). Of course, with all the turmoil in the world ranging from the Israeli conflict, to the crisis in Iran over nuclear arms and enrichment programs, I felt it absolutely necessary to look up this federline instead. So, a couple of clicks on youtube and up came k-fed's Popozao video. The much-maligned and ridiculed man suddenly took the form of the misunderstood artiste; a true modern-day Bach...

Britney on the other hand remains k-fed's talentless wife, but a loser she is not, for she bagged herself the most prodigious talent the world has yet seen.
Can't believe this:

"Federline Will Appear on 'CSI' This Fall
Saturday August 26 1:56 PM ET

First dancing, then rapping. What will Kevin Federline do next? Looks like the 28-year-old husband of singer Britney Spears will be shuffling over to the small screen, where he will appear in an episode of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" on CBS this fall, People magazine reported.

Although he and Spears ventured into TV with their reality show "Chaotic," which aired on UPN last year, Federline said this will be his first venture into acting.

"It's the first time I've actually had a speaking role," he told the magazine."

Federline started filming this week in Los Angeles. He will play a menacing, arrogant teen who harasses investigators Nick Stokes (George Eads) and Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan) on a job."


A 28-year old menacing, arrogant teen......Only one question"Why?" :sick:
ljwf22 said:
Can't believe this:

"Federline Will Appear on 'CSI' This Fall
Saturday August 26 1:56 PM ET

First dancing, then rapping. What will Kevin Federline do next? Looks like the 28-year-old husband of singer Britney Spears will be shuffling over to the small screen, where he will appear in an episode of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" on CBS this fall, People magazine reported.

Although he and Spears ventured into TV with their reality show "Chaotic," which aired on UPN last year, Federline said this will be his first venture into acting.

"It's the first time I've actually had a speaking role," he told the magazine."

Federline started filming this week in Los Angeles. He will play a menacing, arrogant teen who harasses investigators Nick Stokes (George Eads) and Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan) on a job."


A 28-year old menacing, arrogant teen......Only one question"Why?" :sick:
I would have preferred it if he had a recurring role as Sara Sidle's love interest or something a little more challenging. The arrogant teen has been played to death on csi..
I smell an Emmy.:rolleyes:

I hope your sense of smell has been only temporarily disrupted! :eek:

meanwhile, we have this from the great Federslime to be going on with:

Federslime is happy with her explanation

KEVIN FEDERSLIME has given his wife BRITNEY SPEARS permission to drive home with baby SEAN PRESTON on her lap - if she feels the need to race away from the paparazzi. explanation for lap baby mistake_1007086

so that's that. he says she's allowed to break the law and risk her baby's life.

okaaay :loser:

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