Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#11

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If it were premeditated, they would have left their cell phones on and at Raf's place. The problem with Rudy is that there is zero communication between him and the pair, except as pure, unalloyed conjecture.

Knox had met Guede several times prior to the murder: in the pubs, at a party, and in the plaza. Each time, there was no communication between the pair prior to having interactions together, such as going together to a party. We should not forget that Knox made fast friends with fellow illegal drug abusers like Sollecito and Guede.
And with that interaction acknowledged, the TOD problem gets more acute for the prosecution. Several independent lines of evidence put the TOD as no later than about 10 PM, and we know from Ms. Popovic that Amanda was behaving normally as of roughly 8:30. There is not enough time for the pair to get wasted, somehow bump into Rudy, and commit this crime in a narrow window of time. MOO.

Sollecito's apartment is five minutes from the cottage, and Knox knew where Guede hung out. How is one and a half hours not enough time to get together, get stoned and pull one of Knox's pranks?
Sollecito's apartment is five minutes from the cottage, and Knox knew where Guede hung out. How is one and a half hours not enough time to get together, get stoned and pull one of Knox's pranks?
As I have stated before, it is possible for young people such as Sollecito and Knox to communicate with Rudy on the street where both had apartments (one minute's walking distance), at the basketball courts, and in public places. One of these places was the rental unit downstairs at the cottage.

Emails and texts would be avoided if there were any drug activity between the three.

Just putting this out there as a bit of psychological, just speculative grist for the mill, so to speak: I was impressed with Burleigh's speaking about Knox having had to become her father's "son". Knox herself says she had mainly male friends in high school and college. Guede is handsome and not without charm. She might even have identified with him as a "buddy''. Add to all this Burleigh's pages on Amanda's usage of pranks as a coping mechanism after her parents' divorce, and there is a strong psychological template for the proposed scenario. I say this with no malice toward Knox, and much compassion.
I disagree on the ease of the climb to that window, hence the use of an expert climber to show it. Keeping in mind they never showed the demonstration all the way through for a reason. All they proved was how easy the climb was with the use of the bars installed.

I doubt rocks are uncommon for breaking windows.

Bars were there when Guede climbed it using them.

So you think the rock is just a coincidence. Quite a coincidence. Window broken with rock, climb using bars as ladder. The same burglar involved.
I don't agree with the human interaction at 9:10 and 9:26, I believe that's disputable and thus they could have been anywhere else at that time.

Too bad it wasn't disputed in court by the prosecution.
As I have stated before, it is possible for young people such as Sollecito and Knox to communicate with Rudy on the street where both had apartments (one minute's walking distance), at the basketball courts, and in public places. One of these places was the rental unit downstairs at the cottage.

Emails and texts would be avoided if there were any drug activity between the three.

I think this keeping Guede a secret that you postulate without evidence here kind of conflicts with the idea that they would get him involved in fun or pranks of any kind. JMO.
I think this keeping Guede a secret that you postulate without evidence here kind of conflicts with the idea that they would get him involved in fun or pranks of any kind. JMO.
By what logic do you conclude that? I would think that would make him particularly prone to being brought into this type of thing.
I think what you say here is simply not true.
No, it's true.

She had seen him at LeChic, smoked pot with him downstairs , and had likely seen him at the basketball courts.
By what logic do you conclude that? I would think that would make him particularly prone to being brought into this type of thing.

"Hello, this was a joke, a prank, and this guy here you probably not remember seeing before is our dealer."

No, it's true.

She had seen him at LeChic, smoked pot with him downstairs , and had likely seen him at the basketball courts.

That's once in one pub (not pubs) were she worked, so it was not something intentional, once downstairs when Meredith's boyfriend et al brought him, and once you made up for good measure.
"Hello, this was a joke, a prank, and this guy here you probably not remember seeing before is our dealer."

Meredith had smoked with Rudy and Amanda <modsnip>
Bars were there when Guede climbed it using them.

So you think the rock is just a coincidence. Quite a coincidence. Window broken with rock, climb using bars as ladder. The same burglar involved.

I'm of course referring to the newly installed bars the expert used to hoist himself onto the window ledge so easily.

Do you suppose most burglars use their hands to break windows? IMO rocks are ofton used to break windows, so not much of a coincidence in that.
I'm of course referring to the newly installed bars the expert used to hoist himself onto the window ledge so easily.
No he didn't. He hoists himself up without them very well. He used however the lower bars for foothold, as Guede did.

Do you suppose most burglars use their hands to break windows? IMO rocks are ofton used to break windows, so not much of a coincidence in that.

I'd say the whole situation is mighty coincidence if you want to believe the stagers replicated 100% Guede's modus operandi ( the climbing on grates, breaking with rock, using toilet) and than suddenly Guede's forensic traces are all over the crime scene.

It seems almost like he really did it :)
Sollecito's apartment is five minutes from the cottage, and Knox knew where Guede hung out. How is one and a half hours not enough time to get together, get stoned and pull one of Knox's pranks?

You got the time wrong. That's half an hour taking the times agreed in court by the prosecution (9:26pm interaction on Raffaele's computer, 10pm suspicious activity on Meredith's phone, 10:13pm Meredith's phone is away, connecting to a distant cell tower).

And it works only if Meredith somehow got home and didn't try to call her mother again (the first call before 9pm failed), didn't change clothes, didn't empty the washing machine, didn't do anything at all.

A prank like the one Amanda described would require Meredith to be away. She came home at 9, while Amanda and Raffaele were at his place.
No he didn't. He hoists himself up without them very well. He used however the lower bars for foothold, as Guede did.

I'd say the whole situation is mighty coincidence if you want to believe the stagers replicated 100% Guede's modus operandi ( the climbing on grates, breaking with rock, using toilet) and than suddenly Guede's forensic traces are all over the crime scene.

It seems almost like he really did it :)

We've both seen the video and will have to agree to disagree. The climb is never shown all the way through without the expert using the new bars. They cut away from him and when he's shown again he's sitting on the ledge. Now had he successfully made the climb without pulling on the new bars they would have no reason to not show it and we wouldn't be having this discussion. Instead they leave it to their viewers imagination.

Yes I want to believe it because his MO as you say was readily available for him, he previously used a balcony to break in not scale a wall.
No he didn't. He hoists himself up without them very well. He used however the lower bars for foothold, as Guede did.

I'd say the whole situation is mighty coincidence if you want to believe the stagers replicated 100% Guede's modus operandi ( the climbing on grates, breaking with rock, using toilet) and than suddenly Guede's forensic traces are all over the crime scene.

It seems almost like he really did it :)
1. No one disputes Guede used the toilet. He was there at the crime scene and he did use the toilet.

2. We don't know for a fact that he scaled a tall wall, using the window grating as steps - it is conjecture. Postal Police, Napaleoni, Micheli, Massei, all ruled that the burglary was staged.

3. Did you know that home security systems professionals will tell you, one of the most common ways for burglars to enter a home is by throwing a rock - often from the victim's own patio or garden - through a window? It is not specific to Guede!

Robert James Neese broke into hundreds of homes using rocks to smash windows; they nick-named him "the Rock Burglar".

In this video, it takes a young boy seconds to break into a restaurant by throwing a rock through the window.

Nerdy Looking Teen Smashes Window With Rock Then Breaks Into Restaurant CAUGHT ON TAPE - YouTube
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